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Afterlife of the Theatre of the absurd : the avant-garde, spectatorship, and psychoanalysis
ISSN: 13763199 ISBN: 9782807601918 280760191X Year: 2018 Volume: 37 Publisher: Bruxelles: Lang,

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"In 1961, Martin Esslin named a body of plays that lacked plot, character depth, and details of time and space the 'Theatre of the Absurd'. Esslin explained that this type of theatre, minimalist in the extreme, constituted a response to the existential crisis of Europe, which was in the midst of recovering from World War II. But the fact that this body of theatre lacked details of time and space means that we may break the ties that anchor the Theatre of the Absurd irremediably to the historical context of post-World War II Europe. How can the Theatre of the Absurd speak meaningfully to us in the twenty-first century? This book explores this question by combining the avant-garde that Martin Esslin named in 1961 in his signature work The Theatre of the Absurd with gender studies, queer theory, and psychoanalysis, and avant-garde studies. The Theatre of the Absurd is capable of subverting post-millennial institutions and ideologies, including the Prison Industrial Complex and the West's domination of the Islamic world in a post-9/11 era"--

Du comique dans le théâtre contemporain
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782843100994 2843100992 Year: 2007 Volume: 69 Publisher: Grenoble: Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3,

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Impossibles théâtres : XIXe-XXe siècles
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2876613301 9782876613300 Year: 2005 Volume: *1 Publisher: Chambery: Comp'act,

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Etudes sur Vitet, Hugo, Quinet, Gautier, Flaubert, Banville, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Polti, Roussel, Kandinsky, Kraus, Tzara, Beckett, Adamov, Sarraute, Arrabal, Cixous, Müller, Novarina, ...

The making of modern drama : a study of Buchner, Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov, Pirandello, Brecht, Beckett, Handke
ISBN: 0300079028 9780300079029 Year: 2000 Publisher: New Haven: Yale university press,

Theaterinstitution und Kulturtransfer
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 09350012 ISBN: 3823352229 3823352210 9783823352211 9783823352228 Year: 1998 Volume: 21-22 Publisher: Tübingen: Narr,

The modern stage and other worlds
ISBN: 0416393209 0416393101 9780416393200 Year: 1985 Volume: 887 Publisher: New York (N.Y.): Methuen,

L'impasse du tragique : Pirandello, Valle-Inclán et le "nouveau théâtre"
ISBN: 2802801511 9782802801511 Year: 2002 Volume: 92 Publisher: Bruxelles: FUSL,

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L'auteur essaie de faire le point sur les différentes manières dont, au fil du temps, a été considéré et pensé le tragique. Elle essaie ensuite sur base d'analyse de pièces particulières comme "Henry IV" de L. Pirandello, d'établir une filiation entre cet auteur ainsi que R. del Valle-Inclan, et les dramaturges de l'après-guerre : Beckett, Ionesco, ... Elle tend à prouver qu'il n'y a pas, dans l'écriture du drame, une nette cassure due à la deuxième guerre mondiale, mais bien plutôt une continuité, comme si certains dramaturges d'avant-guerre avait senti et compris le malaise des esprits et de la civilisation qui allait déboucher sur la guerre 40-45 et les atrocités que l'on sait.

Empty figure on an empty stage : the theatre of Samuel Beckett and his generation
ISBN: 0253338476 9780253338471 Year: 2001 Volume: 13 Publisher: Bloomington: Indiana university press,

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This study considers the ways playwrights draw meaning from emptiness. With reference to actual performances of dramatic works, Les Essif examines drama associated with nonrealistic movement known as theatre of the absurd, focusing on the ways dramatists create an impression of emptiness not only on the stage but also in the body and mind of the central character. Essif makes a case for the meta-dramatic fusion of stage and character. Empty Figure on an Empty Stage begins with a discussion of philosophical, socio-cultural, and theatrical implications of emptiness. Bringing together pioneers in theatre phenomenology Bert O. States and Stanton B. Garner, Jr., with theatrical thinkers Antonin Artaud and Gordon Craig, and socio-aesthetic thinkers Mikhail Bakhtin and Theodor Adorno, Essif formulates a fresh approach to drama and performance and presents an overview of the evolution of "empty" characters and "empty" space in Western drama. After examining Samuel Beckett's drama and performance, Essif studies works of other dramatists of this generation, primarily from France (Ionesco, Vian, Dubillard, Obaldia), but also from other Western national cultures (Bernhard, Pinter, Stoppard, Handke, Shepard). He supports his thesis with photographs of works of art as well as scenes from theatrical performances of the plays in question.

Théâtre, tragique et modernité en Europe (XIXe & XXe siècles)
ISBN: 9052012717 9789052012711 Year: 2004 Volume: 6 Publisher: Bruxelles: Peter Lang,

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On a pris l'habitude d'identifier la tragédie grecque à son contenu mythologique, la tragédie élisabéthaine à ses intrigues historiques, et le tragique de Racine et de Corneille à la poétique classique. Mais à quoi reconnaître le tragique qui imprègne le théâtre européen des XIXe et XXe siècles? Actes du colloque organisé à l'Université catholique de Louvain en février 2001, enrichis de nouvelles contributions, ce volume tente d'ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives sur ces questions. Pour la première fois, des spécialistes prennent le parti de se concentrer sur des écrivains modernes, salués à des degrés divers comme des rénovateurs de la tragédie : von Kleist, Büchner, Ibsen, Strindberg, Maeterlinck, Tchékhov, Hauptmann, Ghelderode, Garca Lorca…

L'acteur en effigie : figures de l'homme artificiel dans le théâtre des avant-gardes historiques : Allemagne, France, Italie
ISBN: 2825102997 9782825102992 Year: 1992 Publisher: Lausanne: L'âge d'homme,

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