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Theatrical science --- anno 1900-1999 --- Europe --- Theater --- European drama --- History --- Congresses --- History and criticism --- Congresses. --- Theater - Europe - History - 19th century - Congresses --- European drama - 19th century - History and criticism - Congresses
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Etudes sur Vitet, Hugo, Quinet, Gautier, Flaubert, Banville, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Polti, Roussel, Kandinsky, Kraus, Tzara, Beckett, Adamov, Sarraute, Arrabal, Cixous, Müller, Novarina, ...
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The author of the book analyses selected 19th-century operas based on Shakespeare's plays from the perspective of their relations to the literature, aesthetics and philosophy of the Romantic period. The texts discussed here include Verdi's Macbeth, Otello and Falstaff, Rossini's Otello, Halévy's The Tempest, Gounod's Romeo and Juliet and Thomas's Hamlet. The study aims to indicate diverse traces of the Romantic interpretation of Shakespeare's works in the history of the 19th-century opera. Individual chapters present the librettos of the selected operas, analysed in the context of Shakespeare's plays and their 19th-century reception, reconstructed on the basis of 19th-century historic-literary texts (of, among others, A. W. Schlegel, L. Tieck and V. Hugo), critical studies and press articles. The analyses conducted in the book succeed in presenting the evolution of the phenomenon of Romantic Shakespeareanism in the 19th-century opera theatre.
Opera --- European drama --- History and criticism --- Shakespeare, William, --- Influence --- History and criticism. --- Influence. --- Opera - 19th century --- Opera - Poland - 19th century --- European drama - 19th century - History and criticism --- Shakespeare, William, - 1564-1616 - Influence --- Shakespeare, William, - 1564-1616
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Theatrical science --- Drama --- anno 1900-1999 --- European drama --- Theater --- History and criticism --- 82-2 --- Toneel. Drama --- Theater. --- History and criticism. --- 82-2 Toneel. Drama --- Dramatics --- Histrionics --- Professional theater --- Stage --- Theatre --- Performing arts --- Acting --- Actors --- European drama - 19th century - History and criticism --- European drama - 20th century - History and criticism
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L'auteur essaie de faire le point sur les différentes manières dont, au fil du temps, a été considéré et pensé le tragique. Elle essaie ensuite sur base d'analyse de pièces particulières comme "Henry IV" de L. Pirandello, d'établir une filiation entre cet auteur ainsi que R. del Valle-Inclan, et les dramaturges de l'après-guerre : Beckett, Ionesco, ... Elle tend à prouver qu'il n'y a pas, dans l'écriture du drame, une nette cassure due à la deuxième guerre mondiale, mais bien plutôt une continuité, comme si certains dramaturges d'avant-guerre avait senti et compris le malaise des esprits et de la civilisation qui allait déboucher sur la guerre 40-45 et les atrocités que l'on sait.
Theatrical science --- Valle-Inclán, del, Ramón María --- Pirandello, Luigi --- Italiaanse letterkunde --- Littérature italienne --- Théâtre --- Toneel --- European drama --- Tragedy --- History and criticism. --- European drama - 19th century - History and criticism. --- European drama - 20th century - History and criticism. --- Tragedy - History and criticism. --- Bio-Bibliographie --- Ramon del VALLE-INCLAN --- Tragique --- Lazzarini-Dossin, Muriel
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Romanticism --- Drama --- Romantisme --- Théâtre (Genre littéraire) --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- European drama --- Performing arts --- History and criticism. --- History --- Théâtre (Genre littéraire) --- European drama - 19th century - History and criticism. --- Romanticism - Europe. --- Performing arts - Europe - History - 19th century. --- Dramaturgie --- Romantisme dans la litterature --- Litterature espagnole --- Litterature francaise --- 19e siecle
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On a pris l'habitude d'identifier la tragédie grecque à son contenu mythologique, la tragédie élisabéthaine à ses intrigues historiques, et le tragique de Racine et de Corneille à la poétique classique. Mais à quoi reconnaître le tragique qui imprègne le théâtre européen des XIXe et XXe siècles? Actes du colloque organisé à l'Université catholique de Louvain en février 2001, enrichis de nouvelles contributions, ce volume tente d'ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives sur ces questions. Pour la première fois, des spécialistes prennent le parti de se concentrer sur des écrivains modernes, salués à des degrés divers comme des rénovateurs de la tragédie : von Kleist, Büchner, Ibsen, Strindberg, Maeterlinck, Tchékhov, Hauptmann, Ghelderode, Garca Lorca…
Comparative literature --- Drama --- anno 1800-1999 --- European drama --- History and criticism. --- History and criticism --- European drama - 19th century - History and criticism. --- European drama - 20th century - History and criticism --- Theatre (genre litteraire) --- Ibsen (henrik), 1828-1906 --- Tchekhov (anton pavlovitch) --- Maeterlinck (maurice), ecrivain belge, 1862-1949 --- Ghelderode (ademar martens, dit michel de), auteur dramatique belge, 1898-1962 --- Garcia lorca (federico), 1899-1936 --- 19e siecle --- Histoire et critique --- 20e siecle --- Critique et interpretation --- Vingtième siècle --- Dix-neuvième siècle --- Théâtre --- Théâtre moderne --- Europe --- Tragique
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