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Biotechnology --- Patents --- Cases --- European patent office.
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Patent laws and legislation --- European Patent Office. --- European Patent Convention
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Experienced practitioners will find that the detailed case law citation adds depth to their knowledge. The practical advice and the illustrations from case law provide patent lawyers and patent attorneys with invaluable guidance on specific procedural and substantive questions, as well as on how to act properly in opposition and appeal proceedings. Proceedings Before the European Patent Office: A Practical Guide to Success in Opposition and Appeal is an indispensable tool in the armoury of all patent practitioners.
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As of 1st of June 2023, after years of negotiations, setbacks and postponements, the Unitary Patent Package (UPP) enters into force: the European patent with unitary effect (EPUE) becomes a reality and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) starts its activities. Regrettably, the patent regime put in place is not a genuine EU system. Adopted through an enhanced cooperation procedure, it firstly does not include all EU Member States. Secondly, the conditions and the procedure for granting EPUE is in the hands of the European Patent Office, an international organization to which EU is not a party. Lastly, the substantive provisions and the litigation proceedings are defined by an international treaty (the UPC Agreement) to which EU is not a member, and by national laws for the remaining aspects. Such system carves patent law out of the EU legal and judicial orders and reduces the roles of the EU Parliament and Court of Justice. Challenges are numerous in terms of complexity, harmonization objectives, legality, business advantages and wider societal, economic and legal concerns, to name a few. With twenty-eight contributions from academics and practitioners, this book starts with putting the new system into historical, comparative and institutional contexts (Part I) before highlighting some issues under EU law and the perspective of EU integration (Part II). The institutional, jurisdictional and procedural questions raised by the UPC are then addressed (Part III), as well as the innovation and markets issues (Part IV). The last contributions discuss possible improvements and alternatives to the Unitary Patent Package (Part V).
Patent laws and legislation. --- European patent. --- European Patent Office. --- patent law --- competition law. --- approximation of laws. --- Unified Patent Court.
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As of 1st of June 2023, after years of negotiations, setbacks and postponements, the Unitary Patent Package (UPP) enters into force: the European patent with unitary effect (EPUE) becomes a reality and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) starts its activities. Regrettably, the patent regime put in place is not a genuine EU system. Adopted through an enhanced cooperation procedure, it firstly does not include all EU Member States. Secondly, the conditions and the procedure for granting EPUE is in the hands of the European Patent Office, an international organization to which EU is not a party. Lastly, the substantive provisions and the litigation proceedings are defined by an international treaty (the UPC Agreement) to which EU is not a member, and by national laws for the remaining aspects. Such system carves patent law out of the EU legal and judicial orders and reduces the roles of the EU Parliament and Court of Justice. Challenges are numerous in terms of complexity, harmonization objectives, legality, business advantages and wider societal, economic and legal concerns, to name a few. With twenty-eight contributions from academics and practitioners, this book starts with putting the new system into historical, comparative and institutional contexts (Part I) before highlighting some issues under EU law and the perspective of EU integration (Part II). The institutional, jurisdictional and procedural questions raised by the UPC are then addressed (Part III), as well as the innovation and markets issues (Part IV). The last contributions discuss possible improvements and alternatives to the Unitary Patent Package (Part V).
Patent laws and legislation. --- European patent. --- European Patent Office. --- patent law --- competition law. --- approximation of laws. --- Unified Patent Court.
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L’ouvrage a été réalisé à l’initiative de l’Office européen des brevets pour marquer le 40e anniversaire de la signature de la Convention sur le brevet européen (5 octobre 1973). L’auteur, Pascal Griset, est professeur d’histoire contemporaine à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et spécialiste de l’histoire des techniques, en particulier des technologies de l’information et de la communication. Les vues et opinions exprimées appartiennent à l’auteur. À partir d’une méthode historienne reposant sur un travail de recherche documentaire, l’auteur relève un double défi : écrire un livre accessible pour un public initié mais non spécialiste, qui satisfait en même temps un lectorat d’experts. Ce texte demeurera une référence, utilisable par les futurs historiens de l’Europe. Il part à la découverte d’une institution peu connue du public malgré sa réussite exemplaire. Le rôle de l’OEB dépasse largement la simple gestion des brevets. La dimension humaine est toujours présente. Il s’agit bien, dans un contexte d’enjeux politiques, au fil d’idéaux, d’aspirations et de contraintes, de réaliser un espace européen unifié d’innovation
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Exclusions from Patentability reviews the history of the adoption of exclusions from patentability under the European Patent Convention since its first conception in 1949 through to its most recent revision. The analysis shows how other intellectual property treaties, such as UPOV, the Strasbourg Patent Convention, PCT, the EU Biotech Directive and TRIPS have affected the framing of the exclusions. Particular attention is given to those exclusions considered the most contentious (computer programs, discoveries, medical treatments, life forms and agriculture) and those decisions which have been most influential in shaping the approaches by which the exclusions have been interpreted. The 'morality' exclusion and the interpretation of the exclusions are discussed critically, and suggestions for coherent interpretation are made.
Patent laws and legislation --- European Patent Office --- European Patent Convention --- patent (octrooi, patentrecht, octrooirecht, biopatent) --- recht (wetgeving, rechtspraak, rechtsbeginselen, juridische aspecten, aansprakelijkheid) --- ethiek (ethische aspecten) --- Europa --- brevet (brevetabilité, brevetabilité biologique, droit de brevet, droit des brevets, brevetabilité du vivant) --- droit (aspects juridiques, législation, jurisprudence, principes de droit, responsabilité) --- ethique (aspects ethiques) --- Europe --- European Patent Office. --- Europäisches Patentamt --- C.B.E. --- CBE --- Convention on the Grant of European Patents --- Convention sur la délivrance de brevets européens --- Convention sur le brevet européen --- E.P.C. --- EPC --- E.P.Ü. --- EPÜ --- Euroopan patenttisopimus --- Európai Szabadalmi Egyezmény --- Europäisches Patentübereinkommen --- Europeisk patentoverenskomst --- Evropeĭskai︠a︡ patentnai︠a︡ konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o vydache evropeĭskikh patentov --- Overenskomst angående meddelelse av europeiske patenter --- Übereinkommen über die Erteilung Europäischer Patente --- European patent office. --- Patent laws and legislation. --- Patentrecht. --- Patenterteilung. --- Europäisches Patentamt. --- European Patent Convention (1973 October 5). --- Europe.
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The architecture of the brothers Piet and Wim Eckert is also oriented towards an approach untypical of Switzerland. They have succeeded in developing an increasingly autonomous position with, among others, the housing estate Broëlberg in Kilchberg (2003), the Heinrich Böll Stiftung in Berlin (2007), and a large number of designs for competitions.
Maisons préfabriquées --- Immeubles d'habitation --- Quartiers (urbanisme) --- Constructions en béton --- Tours (constructions) --- Auditoriums --- Constructions scolaires (écoles primaires) --- Habitations individuelles --- Littoraux --- Éducation spéciale --- Constructions pour expositions --- Conception et construction. --- Aménagement --- Eckert, Piet, --- Eckert, Wim, --- Eckert Eckert Architekten --- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung --- European Patent Office --- Constructions
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Exclusions from Patentability reviews the history of the adoption of exclusions from patentability under the European Patent Convention since its first conception in 1949 through to its most recent revision. The analysis shows how other intellectual property treaties, such as UPOV, the Strasbourg Patent Convention, PCT, the EU Biotech Directive and TRIPS have affected the framing of the exclusions. Particular attention is given to those exclusions considered the most contentious (computer programmes, discoveries, medical treatments, life forms and agriculture) and those decisions which have been most influential in shaping the approaches by which the exclusions have been interpreted. The 'morality' exclusion and the interpretation of the exclusions are discussed critically and suggestions for coherent interpretation are made.
Patent laws and legislation --- European Patent Office. --- Europäisches Patentamt --- European Patent Convention --- C.B.E. --- CBE --- Convention on the Grant of European Patents --- Convention sur la délivrance de brevets européens --- Convention sur le brevet européen --- E.P.C. --- EPC --- E.P.Ü. --- EPÜ --- Euroopan patenttisopimus --- Európai Szabadalmi Egyezmény --- Europäisches Patentübereinkommen --- Europeisk patentoverenskomst --- Evropeĭskai︠a︡ patentnai︠a︡ konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o vydache evropeĭskikh patentov --- Overenskomst angående meddelelse av europeiske patenter --- Übereinkommen über die Erteilung Europäischer Patente --- Patent laws and legislation - Europe --- Law --- General and Others
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