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Deindustrialization weighs heavily on regions which owe their prosperity and sometimes their entire upturn to the presence of industry. It has only been in the last decades, that some regions started playing the industrial tourism card, engaging in an approach that values and reinterprets their industrial heritage and hence helps to renew their image. The European Capital of Culture program has proven to be an excellent tool for such a renewal. Ever since the inauguration of the program in 1985, the guidelines have become more rigorous and nowadays applicant cities have to perform a true balancing act between often conflicting expectancies. This master thesis seeks to study the self-presentation of two former European Capitals of Culture, rich in their industrial past, Essen(Ruhr)(2010) and Mons (2015). At the core of this study are the following questions: How did they present themselves during the year in which they held the title? What notions of Europe figure in the discourse of their program? And more importantly: what place and form do they give to their industrial heritage? La désindustrialisation pèse sur les régions où la présence industrielle avait auparavant amené la prospérité. Ce n’est qu’en ces dernières décennies qu’on voit des régions investir dans le tourisme industriel. Adoptant une approche de valorisation et réinterprétation du patrimoine industriel cette formule contribue souvent au renouveau de leur image. Le programme des Capitales Européennes de la Culture, instauré en 1985, s’est avéré être un outil par excellence pour un tel renouveau. Depuis le lancement du programme les consignes ont été renforcées et les candidats doivent faire preuve d’un véritable funambulisme entre divers aspects parfois contradictoires. Ce mémoire cherche à étudier l’auto-présentation de deux villes détentrices du titre qui ont toutes les deux été marquées d’une riche histoire industrielle, Essen(Ruhr)(2010) et Mons (2015). Au cœur de l’étude sont des questions telles que : Comment se présentaient-elles lors de l’année de programmation? Quelles images de l’Europe se dégagent à travers leur discours du programme ? Et surtout : quelle place et forme donnent-elles à leur patrimoine industriel ? Die Deindustrialisierung lastet schwer auf Regionen, welche ihren Aufschwung und Reichtum der Industriepräsenz verdanken. Erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten haben einige begonnen in Industrietourismus zu investieren, ein Ansatz der das Erbe der Industriekultur schätzt, neu interpretiert und somit zu einem Imagewandel beiträgt. Das Programm der Europäischen Kulturhauptstädte hat sich als erstklassiges Instrument für derartigen Wandel bewiesen. Seit seiner Einführung 1985 sind seine Richtlinien stark konkretisiert worden, wodurch heutige Bewerberstädte einen wahrhaften Balanceakt zwischen teils widersprüchlichen Anforderungen meistern müssen. Diese Masterarbeit untersucht die Selbstdarstellung zweier ehemaliger Titelträger mit reicher industrieller Vergangenheit, Essen(Ruhr)(2010) und Mons (2015). Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen stehen folgende Fragen: Wie stellten sich die Städte in ihrem Titeljahr dar? Welche Ideen von Europa unterliegen dem Programmdiskurs? Und vor allem: Welche Rolle und Form geben sie ihrem industriellen Kulturerbe?
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Wie kann Kulturpolitik so gestaltet werden, dass - im Sinne einer Cultural Governance - nicht nur Politik und nachgeordnet Verwaltung in Entscheidungsprozesse einbezogen sind, sondern auch die Betroffenen: Künstler_innen, Kulturschaffende, Bürger_innen? Welche Allianzen und Konflikte entstehen in Verhandlungssituationen? Und wie argumentieren Vertreter_innen von Politik, Verwaltung und Zivilgesellschaft? Anke Simone Schad entwickelt anhand der Beispiele Linz und Graz einen Rahmen für Governance-Analysen und bietet darüber hinaus Antworten auf die Fragen, woran Cultural Governance oft scheitert und wie gutes Regieren idealerweise aussehen könnte.
Central government policies --- Austria. --- Cultural Governance. --- Culture. --- Democracy. --- European Capital of Culture. --- Graz. --- Linz. --- Local Affairs. --- Political Science. --- Politics. --- Kulturpolitik; Linz; Graz; Europäische Kulturhauptstadt; Demokratie; Cultural Governance; Österreich; Kultur; Politik; Kommunalpolitik; Politikwissenschaft; Cultural Policy; European Capital of Culture; Democracy; Austria; Culture; Politics; Local Affairs; Political Science --- Austria --- Cultural policy.
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Kulturtourismus wird im ländlichen Raum meist als Triebfeder sozioökonomischer Aufwertung betrachtet. Welche Potenziale setzt aber Kulturtourismus in einer touristisch gesättigten Alpindestination abseits von Folkloreangeboten frei? Welche Rolle spielen hierbei die Beziehungen zwischen Kultur- und Tourismusanbietern sowie die Kultur- und Tourismuspolitik? Für die Region Tirol reflektiert der Band ergänzenden Kulturtourismus als Impulsgeber für kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit. Neben Diskursanalysen und empirischer Erforschung erläutert ein exklusiver Beitrag von Ulrich Fuchs (u.a. Mitglied des EU-Panels zur Auswahl, Begleitung und Evaluierung künftiger Kulturhauptstädte Europas) gesellschaftspolitische Potenziale und Visionen kultureller Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel der Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt. »m Grunde stehen sich zwei Denkweisen diametral entgegen: Die Kulturschaffenden agieren auf Basis eines Bildungsauftrags. Entscheidungsträger orientieren sich auf die Bedienung von Gästeinteressen. Dieses Spannungsverhältnis detailreich und fundiert nachzuzeichnen, gelingt der Studie exzellent.« Siegfried Kristöfl,, 10.07.2019 »Die Publikation bietet Kulturakteuren in der Praxis wertvolle Argumente und Werkzeuge, das eigene Anliegen im Handlungsfeld Tourismus auf validen Grundlagen vertreten zu können und weiterzugestalten.« Katja Drews, Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen, 158/3 (2017) O-Ton: » Kultur ist kein Teil vom Image« - Verena Teissl im Interview bei der Tiroler Tageszeitung am 28.08.2017. Besprochen in:, 02.08.2017
Kulturtourismus; Kulturpolitik; Kulturelle Nachhaltigkeit; Europäische Kulturhauptstadt; Tirol; Massentourismus; Tourismuspolitik; Kulturmanagement; Tourismus; Kulturwirtschaft; Cultural Tourism; Cultural Policy; Cultural Sustainability; European Capital of Culture; Tyrol; Cultural Management; Tourism; Cultural Industry --- Cultural Industry. --- Cultural Management. --- Cultural Policy. --- Cultural Sustainability. --- European Capital of Culture. --- Tourism. --- Tyrol.
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This Special Issue on ‘Sustainability and Visitor Management in Tourist Historic Cities’ explores new trends and methods that contribute to sustainable practices for tourism planning and management in historic cities. Thanks to the differentiated approaches adopted by the authors, the Special Issue reflects on the environmental, physical, cultural, and social effects that tourism activity provokes in tourist historic cities. Considering the present debate on tourism in historic cities, there is a special focus on resident perceptions and the social problems and conflicts associated with various tourist activities that have emerged in recent years. New methodologies and sources to measure tourism impacts are also addressed in this book, especially the use of big data technology, another relevant topic. Papers include one literature review and six case studies in the historic cities of Seville and Toledo (Spain), Venice and Matera (Italy), and Porto (Portugal) and Popayán (Colombia). This Special Issue provides practical tools and policy recommendations to measure tourism impacts and promote sustainable management in tourist historic cities.
tourism development --- residents’ opinions --- residents’ perceptions --- tourism impacts --- historic city --- cultural tourism --- Toledo --- “big events” --- experiential tourism --- Matera “European Capital of Culture 2019” --- vulnerability --- right to the city --- tourism rents --- Seville --- tourist movement --- GPS --- NFC --- tourist card --- questionarie --- tourism destination --- big data --- tourism sustainability --- official statistics --- indicators --- urban tourism --- culture-led regeneration --- cultural capital --- sustainability --- Porto city centre --- overtourism --- Venice --- social impacts --- residents’ perception
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This Special Issue on ‘Sustainability and Visitor Management in Tourist Historic Cities’ explores new trends and methods that contribute to sustainable practices for tourism planning and management in historic cities. Thanks to the differentiated approaches adopted by the authors, the Special Issue reflects on the environmental, physical, cultural, and social effects that tourism activity provokes in tourist historic cities. Considering the present debate on tourism in historic cities, there is a special focus on resident perceptions and the social problems and conflicts associated with various tourist activities that have emerged in recent years. New methodologies and sources to measure tourism impacts are also addressed in this book, especially the use of big data technology, another relevant topic. Papers include one literature review and six case studies in the historic cities of Seville and Toledo (Spain), Venice and Matera (Italy), and Porto (Portugal) and Popayán (Colombia). This Special Issue provides practical tools and policy recommendations to measure tourism impacts and promote sustainable management in tourist historic cities.
Research & information: general --- tourism development --- residents’ opinions --- residents’ perceptions --- tourism impacts --- historic city --- cultural tourism --- Toledo --- “big events” --- experiential tourism --- Matera “European Capital of Culture 2019” --- vulnerability --- right to the city --- tourism rents --- Seville --- tourist movement --- GPS --- NFC --- tourist card --- questionarie --- tourism destination --- big data --- tourism sustainability --- official statistics --- indicators --- urban tourism --- culture-led regeneration --- cultural capital --- sustainability --- Porto city centre --- overtourism --- Venice --- social impacts --- residents’ perception --- tourism development --- residents’ opinions --- residents’ perceptions --- tourism impacts --- historic city --- cultural tourism --- Toledo --- “big events” --- experiential tourism --- Matera “European Capital of Culture 2019” --- vulnerability --- right to the city --- tourism rents --- Seville --- tourist movement --- GPS --- NFC --- tourist card --- questionarie --- tourism destination --- big data --- tourism sustainability --- official statistics --- indicators --- urban tourism --- culture-led regeneration --- cultural capital --- sustainability --- Porto city centre --- overtourism --- Venice --- social impacts --- residents’ perception
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This Special Issue on ‘Sustainability and Visitor Management in Tourist Historic Cities’ explores new trends and methods that contribute to sustainable practices for tourism planning and management in historic cities. Thanks to the differentiated approaches adopted by the authors, the Special Issue reflects on the environmental, physical, cultural, and social effects that tourism activity provokes in tourist historic cities. Considering the present debate on tourism in historic cities, there is a special focus on resident perceptions and the social problems and conflicts associated with various tourist activities that have emerged in recent years. New methodologies and sources to measure tourism impacts are also addressed in this book, especially the use of big data technology, another relevant topic. Papers include one literature review and six case studies in the historic cities of Seville and Toledo (Spain), Venice and Matera (Italy), and Porto (Portugal) and Popayán (Colombia). This Special Issue provides practical tools and policy recommendations to measure tourism impacts and promote sustainable management in tourist historic cities.
Research & information: general --- tourism development --- residents’ opinions --- residents’ perceptions --- tourism impacts --- historic city --- cultural tourism --- Toledo --- “big events” --- experiential tourism --- Matera “European Capital of Culture 2019” --- vulnerability --- right to the city --- tourism rents --- Seville --- tourist movement --- GPS --- NFC --- tourist card --- questionarie --- tourism destination --- big data --- tourism sustainability --- official statistics --- indicators --- urban tourism --- culture-led regeneration --- cultural capital --- sustainability --- Porto city centre --- overtourism --- Venice --- social impacts --- residents’ perception
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From the 1970s onwards, many towns and cities have experienced deindustrialization processes, while seeing a gradual growth of tertiarization and diversification of services, including cultural ones. With the different, both positive and negative, effects introduced by new cultural interpretations of cities (e.g., culture in public spaces, cultural and creative industries, culture as marketing tools, cultural commodification, etc.), the concept of culture has become increasingly associated with urban image and identity. In finding solutions within regeneration processes, policies often rely on tools from the cultural and creative fields. Additionally, built material and immaterial heritage can have significant roles: e.g., by converting heritage sites and buildings through cultural projects or new functions, or capitalizing on specific traditions and place memory for local identity and place attachment. This SI focuses on cultural approaches in connection with urban development and gather contributions from various research fields. It addresses researchers and academics from social sciences who are interested in topics such as: cultural activities and their role in urban development; cities (re)constructing their identity; culture as a relevant component of current spatial planning policies; urban strategies, attracting creative people; urban image, heritage and culture; culture, local memory and local identities; heritage and industrial culture; subcultures within cities and processes of urban change.
Research & information: general --- Geography --- spatial identity --- political-administrative decisions --- industrialization --- memory of places --- Romania --- semiotic landscape --- local identity --- identity politics --- reimaging --- geography --- cultural affinity --- foreign influences --- hospitality --- society openness --- urban studies --- Novi Sad --- urban image --- culture of living --- tradition --- heritage --- COVID-19 pandemic --- European Capital of Culture --- visual representation --- communist regime --- ideology --- artistic stylization --- collective memory --- post-communist representations --- narrative --- Jewish cultural heritage --- tourist potential --- cultural tourism --- tourism product --- niche tourism --- heritage values --- Bucharest --- Soviet heritage --- heritagescape --- industrial tourism --- Northeast Estonia --- graffiti --- street art --- culture and heritage --- cultural identity --- Bucharest (Romania) --- critical political economy --- creative economy --- arts --- culture --- social justice --- ethnography --- community enterprise --- cross-sectoral partnerships --- self-governance --- austerity --- n/a
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The connections between culture and sustainability have been in the public agenda since the 20th century. However, whilst global sustainability programmes at international institutional levels are yet to recognise the role of culture in their sustainability policies, the bid (albeit failed) in the early 2000s to formally add “culture” to the trilogy of sustainability pillars (economic, social, and environmental) mobilised a new discourse for the reframing of cultural policy narrative, which in turn urged a reassessment of methods of cultural management reflecting the same concerns among the sector’s grassroots. The idea of sustainability and culture working together and their envisioned role in future-proofing society and human development captured the imagination of cultural commentators, policy makers and practitioners alike, keen to fulfil these principles “out there”—in cultural organizations and events mega and small, in cities and regions, local and global. The papers in this Special Issue reflect this appeal. This publication covers a wide selection of issues related to sustainable cultural management, which means that it can be recommended to a varied audience. First of all, it can be recommended to managers experienced in cultural management, where success is measured more by the degree of mission accomplishment and the social benefits achieved rather than by profit. Another group comprises the employees of cultural organizations who want to improve their knowledge of sustainable cultural management. This Special Issue can also be recommended to artists, researchers, students, state and local government employees, founders and patrons of art, and all those who want to understand the importance of sustainable cultural management.
cultural communities of practice --- n/a --- management by project --- marketing concept --- attitudes --- film industry --- museums --- sustainable urban sculpture development --- foresight study --- European Capital of Culture --- patronage --- cross-border market for cultural services --- cultural offer --- Urban sculpture planning system --- Liverpool --- cultural and creative industries --- culture 1.0–3.0 --- contemporary art market --- cultural offer diversity --- heritage --- Delphi method --- sustainability --- grid-group cultural theory --- sustainable development --- creative-cultural industries --- ABC model --- social media content exploration --- integration --- town divided by a border --- EU cohesion policies --- social project culture --- public art --- qualitative research methods --- 3C Sustainable System --- cultural institutions --- cultural policy --- cognitive sociology --- old industrial areas --- culture-led regeneration --- China --- cultural participation --- cultural sustainability --- behavioral and emotional participation --- event --- social media --- public participation --- Shigatse city --- sustainable management of culture --- Katowice --- management of culture --- effectiveness --- post-transformation areas --- Cieszyn-?eský T?šín --- pro-environmental behavior --- cultural distance theory --- Romania --- art galleries --- Ostrava --- consumer-based brand equity --- sustainable management --- culture consumer --- factor analysis --- environment --- cultural services --- management --- culture --- philharmony --- crowdfunding --- sustainable consumption --- evolution path --- CBBE --- attractivity --- abstract and concrete information
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