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Die Energieaussenhandelspolitik der Europäischen Union
Year: 2017 Publisher: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

Die Energieaussenhandelspolitik der Europäischen Union
Year: 2017 Publisher: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

Die Energieaussenhandelspolitik der Europäischen Union
Year: 2017 Publisher: Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group

Unionsrechtliche Probleme der Überlassungspflicht für sortenrein erfasste Haushaltsabfälle zur Verwertung - Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EU-Regelungen für Daseinsvorsorgeleistungen
Year: 2018 Publisher: [s.l.] : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Waste is a commodity, and in particular the separately collected, single-variety waste from private households such as waste paper is a highly coveted commodity that public bodies responsible for waste management, i.e. the municipalities, and private sector waste management companies compete for. The German recycling law (KrWG), which came into force in 2012, allows for this waste according to §§ 17, 18 KrWG an exception to the general obligation to hand over the waste to the public bodies responsible for waste management. However, the exception is so narrow that the competent authorities, which are often the responsible bodies for waste management at the same time, can easily ban the collection of private companies. This restricts the European free movement of goods and infringes EU competition law. The present work highlights these restrictions and infringements and examines whether they can be justified, in particular, by the exemptions for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). Insofar as this does not succeed, an amendment of the relevant regulations of §§ 17 and 18 KrWG is proposed.

Unionsrechtliche Probleme der Überlassungspflicht für sortenrein erfasste Haushaltsabfälle zur Verwertung - Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EU-Regelungen für Daseinsvorsorgeleistungen
Year: 2018 Publisher: [s.l.] : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Waste is a commodity, and in particular the separately collected, single-variety waste from private households such as waste paper is a highly coveted commodity that public bodies responsible for waste management, i.e. the municipalities, and private sector waste management companies compete for. The German recycling law (KrWG), which came into force in 2012, allows for this waste according to §§ 17, 18 KrWG an exception to the general obligation to hand over the waste to the public bodies responsible for waste management. However, the exception is so narrow that the competent authorities, which are often the responsible bodies for waste management at the same time, can easily ban the collection of private companies. This restricts the European free movement of goods and infringes EU competition law. The present work highlights these restrictions and infringements and examines whether they can be justified, in particular, by the exemptions for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). Insofar as this does not succeed, an amendment of the relevant regulations of §§ 17 and 18 KrWG is proposed.

Unionsrechtliche Probleme der Überlassungspflicht für sortenrein erfasste Haushaltsabfälle zur Verwertung - Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EU-Regelungen für Daseinsvorsorgeleistungen
Year: 2018 Publisher: [s.l.] : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Waste is a commodity, and in particular the separately collected, single-variety waste from private households such as waste paper is a highly coveted commodity that public bodies responsible for waste management, i.e. the municipalities, and private sector waste management companies compete for. The German recycling law (KrWG), which came into force in 2012, allows for this waste according to §§ 17, 18 KrWG an exception to the general obligation to hand over the waste to the public bodies responsible for waste management. However, the exception is so narrow that the competent authorities, which are often the responsible bodies for waste management at the same time, can easily ban the collection of private companies. This restricts the European free movement of goods and infringes EU competition law. The present work highlights these restrictions and infringements and examines whether they can be justified, in particular, by the exemptions for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). Insofar as this does not succeed, an amendment of the relevant regulations of §§ 17 and 18 KrWG is proposed.

Reforming the EU treaties : proposals for amendments to the TEU, TFEU and the Charter by Young Scholars of European law
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783756012978 3756012972 9781509962310 Year: 2023 Publisher: Baden-Baden : Oxford : Nomos ; Hart Publishing,

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Geschichte des Übersetzungsdienstes der Europäischen Kommission
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789279088483 9279088483 Year: 2009 Publisher: Luxembourg : Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union,

Europäische Strafrecht post-Lissabon
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783863950217 Year: 2011 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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This volume deals with the future of European criminal law under the Lisbon Treaty. The contributions assess the risks and prospects of the progressing European integration with a special focus on the enlarged competences of the EU in the field of criminal law. Das Inkrafttreten des Vertrags von Lissabon hat auch für das europäische Strafrecht erhebliche Änderungen mit sich gebracht: Der Grundsatz der gegenseitigen Anerkennung wurde zum zentralen Strukturprinzip erhoben und die Kompetenzen der EU zur Strafrechtsharmonisierung erheblich erweitert. Zudem soll nach Überwiegender Ansicht die EU nunmehr auch erstmals zur Schaffung echten supranationalen Strafrechts ermächtigt sein. Den Gegenpol zu dieser zunehmenden Supranationalisierung des Strafrechts bildet - zumindest aus deutscher Sicht - die Rechtsprechung das BVerfG, das in seinem Lissabon-Urteil versucht, diesem deutlich erweiterten Handlungsspielraum der EU Grenzen zu ziehen. Der vorliegende Band will Wege aufzeigen, wie dieses Spannungsfeld zwischen Europäisierung und Bewahrung einzelstaatlicher Souveränität in dem besonders sensiblen Bereich des Strafrechts gelöst oder zumindest entschärft werden kann. Ziel muss es sein, die mit der Erweiterung der strafrechtlichen Kompetenzen der EU verbundenen Risiken zu bewältigen und die sich eröffnenden Chancen zu nutzen. Die Beiträge sind überwiegend aus dem IV. Kolloquium des Instituts für Kriminalwissenschaften der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2. Juli 2010) hervorgegangen, wurden z.T. aber auch exklusiv für diesen Band erstellt.

European judicial systems as a challenge for democracy
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1780685238 1780683162 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge : Intersentia,

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The role of the European judiciary in the process of European integration cannot be overestimated. The achievements of European integration after the second world war are usually analyzed from the perspective of political decisions that were made, initially, by the Founding Fathers and, subsequently, by the political leaders of the European countries. However, in the public debate we very often forget how much we owe to the two supreme jurisdictions of Europe, that is the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. The continuing extension of the competences of the European Union, especially in the field of economic and monetary policy, calls for a new assessment of the nature of the decision-making process at the European level.From the foreword by Prof. Maciej Szpunar, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union'The European judiciary - i.e. the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and national courts interpreting and applying European law sensu largo - have shaped [the process of European integration] actively, alongside the Founding Fathers, European nations, European states and their citizens. The involvement of the judiciary raises its own wide range of questions concerning the very nature of democracy. Much ink has already been spilled over issues such as democratic legitimacy, subsidiarity and accountability, the rule of law or judicial activism.[...] seventeen scholars from across Europe [...] share their views on the European judiciary as a challenge for democracy. The various contributions to the present volume are split into two parts. The first provides ten chapters on the judicial systems of the European Union (EU), discussing, inter alia, recognition of democratic principles in the case law of the CJEU, contribution thereof to the democratisation of the Union and reception of EU law in the Member States. The second part discusses the judicial means to protect human rights in Europe, consisting of three chapters devoted to the promise of advisory opinions of the ECtHR as well as to democratic standards for voting and for fair trial.From the preface by the Editors'[...] the editors, authors and the publisher of this volume decided to take a closer look at the relation between democracy and activities of something that might be called "European judicial systems". And what is intriguing - these systems are perceived here as a challenge for democracy.[...] This book does not exhaust all problems and issues for European judicial systems confronted with the very notion of democracy; there are simply too many of them. But it comes with a fresh look on - perhaps - the most pertinent ones, like the issue of the legal creativity of judges in both Luxembourg and Strasbourg. It was worth waiting for this volume.'Prof. Dr. Paul De Hert, Free University Brussels and Tilburg University

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