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In this book, for the first time, a hitherto unknown general solution of the reliably known stress conditions is presented. This general solution forms a reliable and new starting point to get further in stress calculations than before. In this way, approximately realistic solutions can be found despite a recurring problem: the information deficits that are unavoidable due to the difficulty of exploring glaciers. This issue is demonstrated by the example of stagnating glaciers. For horizontally isotropic homogeneous tabular iceberg models, even mathematically exact unambiguous solutions of all relevant conditions are presented. All calculations use only elementary arithmetic operations, differentiations and integrations. The mathematical fundamentals are presented in detail and explained in many application examples. The integral operators specific to calculations of stresses facilitate the mathematical considerations. The stand-alone text allows the reader to understand what is involved even without considering the formulas. The author Peter Halfar is a theoretical physicist. He also developed a model of the movement of large ice caps (1983), which is still in use today. This book is a translation of an original German edition. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.
Functional analysis --- Differential equations --- Mathematics --- Physics --- Geology. Earth sciences --- General ecology and biosociology --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- differentiaalvergelijkingen --- mathematische modellen --- wiskunde --- geografie --- geologie --- milieutechnologie --- fysica --- aarde (astronomie) --- Glaciers. --- Ice mechanics. --- Glaceres --- Esforç i tensió
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Il testo fornisce i fondamenti della meccanica dei continui tridimensionali, in particolare dell’elasticità lineare e del problema di de Saint-Venant. I temi affrontati includono l’analisi della deformazione, l’analisi della tensione, le equazioni dei lavori virtuali, le equazioni costitutive, il problema elastico, i criteri di resistenza e il problema di de Saint-Venant in tutti i suoi casi particolari. Sono anche esposti alcuni argomenti che difficilmente trovano spazio in un corso di Scienza delle Costruzioni. Il testo è strutturato in maniera tale che il lettore possa seguire un percorso in cui le sezioni dedicate ad argomenti complementari possano essere omesse senza pregiudicare la comprensione. Il materiale è presentato, per quanto possibile, in maniera rigorosa e deduttiva: alla brevità delle spiegazioni viene preferito lo studio dei particolari. L’esposizione è accompagnata da numerose figure ed esempi e da un cospicuo numero di esercizi svolti che aiutano nella comprensione della teoria.
Mechanics, Applied. --- Continuum mechanics. --- Buildings—Design and construction. --- Mathematical physics. --- Engineering Mechanics. --- Continuum Mechanics. --- Building Construction and Design. --- Mathematical Physics. --- Physical mathematics --- Physics --- Mechanics of continua --- Elasticity --- Mechanics, Analytic --- Field theory (Physics) --- Applied mechanics --- Engineering, Mechanical --- Engineering mathematics --- Mathematics --- Elasticitat --- Esforç i tensió --- Enginyeria d'estructures --- Estàtica --- Física matemàtica --- Impacte --- Mecànica --- Mecànica analítica --- Propietats de la matèria --- Aeroelasticitat --- Equacions de Von Kármán --- Fotoelasticitat --- Histèresi --- Mecànica dels medis continus --- Ones elàstiques --- Termoelasticitat --- Plasticitat --- Viscoelasticitat --- Reologia --- Resistència de materials --- Enginyeria estructural --- Enginyeria civil --- Materials de construcció --- Fonaments --- Mecànica dels sòls --- Teoria de les estructures --- Construccions metàl·liques --- Fatiga de materials --- Flexió (Mecànica) --- Torsió
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Elasticitat --- Models matemàtics --- Física de l'estat sòlid --- Física --- Dinàmica reticular --- Electrònica de l'estat sòlid --- Estructura cristal·lina (Sòlids) --- Micromecànica --- Vidres de spin --- Sòlids --- Models (Matemàtica) --- Models experimentals --- Models teòrics --- Mètodes de simulació --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Mètode de Montecarlo --- Modelització multiescala --- Models economètrics --- Models lineals (Estadística) --- Models multinivell (Estadística) --- Models no lineals (Estadística) --- Programació (Ordinadors) --- Simulació per ordinador --- Teoria de màquines --- Models biològics --- Estàtica --- Física matemàtica --- Impacte --- Mecànica --- Mecànica analítica --- Propietats de la matèria --- Aeroelasticitat --- Equacions de Von Karman --- Fotoelasticitat --- Histèresi --- Mecànica dels medis continus --- Ones elàstiques --- Termoelasticitat --- Plasticitat --- Viscoelasticitat --- Esforç i tensió --- Reologia --- Resistència de materials --- Equacions de Von Kármán --- Elasticity. --- Diffusion --- Solid state physics. --- Mathematical models. --- Physics --- Solids --- Mathematical physics --- Matter --- Statics --- Rheology --- Strains and stresses --- Strength of materials --- Elastic properties --- Young's modulus --- Properties
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