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Loisir et société. : Society and leisure.
ISSN: 17050154 07053436 Year: 1978 Publisher: [Montréal] Presses de l'Université du Québec.

Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism : Research Planning and Management
ISSN: 22130799 Year: 2013 Publisher: [Oxford] : Elsevier Ltd.,

Addressing wicked problems through science education
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030742660 3030742652 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

Researching virtual play experiences : visual methods in education research
ISBN: 3030786943 3030786935 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan,

Crime, Deviance and Popular Culture : International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030049124 3030049116 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book explores the links between crime, deviance and popular culture in our highly-mediatised era, offering an insight into the cultural processes through which particular practices acquire a criminal or deviant status, and come to be seen as social problems. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the edited collection brings together international scholars across various areas of specialisation to provide an up-to-date analysis of some important and topical issues in 21st-century popular culture. The chapters look at different aspects of popular culture, including fictional detective narratives and the true crime genre, popular media constructions of sexual deviance and Islamophobia, sports, graffiti and outlaw biker subcultures. The authors examine a wide range of relevant case studies through a number of crime and deviance-related theories. Crime, Deviance and Popular Culture will be of importance to scholars and students across several disciplines, including criminology, sociology of deviance, social anthropology, media studies, cultural studies, television studies and linguistics. .


Mass media and crime. --- Popular Culture. --- Crime—Sociological aspects. --- Crime and the Media. --- Sociology of Culture. --- Media Sociology. --- Popular Culture . --- Crime and Society. --- Culture, Popular --- Mass culture --- Pop culture --- Popular arts --- Communication --- Intellectual life --- Mass society --- Recreation --- Culture --- Crime and mass media --- Crime --- Culture. --- Mass media. --- Communication. --- Communication, Primitive --- Mass communication --- Sociology --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Cultural sociology --- Sociology of culture --- Civilization --- Popular culture --- Social aspects --- Violència en els mitjans de comunicació de massa --- Cultura popular --- Criminologia --- Antropologia social --- Segle XXI --- Antropologia cultural i social --- Antropologia --- Antropologia econòmica --- Antropologia empresarial --- Antropologia feminista --- Persones --- Antropologia cultural --- Etnografia --- Relativisme cultural --- Crim --- Ciències socials --- Antropologia criminal --- Delinqüència juvenil --- Educació i delinqüència --- Presons --- Presos --- Rehabilitació de delinqüents --- Degeneració --- Delinqüència --- Delinqüents --- Cultura del poble --- Cultura pop --- Cultura --- Comunicació --- Esbarjo --- Societat de massa --- Vida intel·lectual --- Art popular --- Medicina popular --- Música folklòrica --- Música pop --- Literatura popular --- Tradició oral --- Violència --- Violència en la televisió --- 2000-2099 --- S. XXI --- Segle vint-i-u --- Popular culture.

Play and Learning in Adulthood : Reimagining Pedagogy and the Politics of Education
ISBN: 9783031139758 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book provides a theoretical and philosophical examination of games, play and playfulness and their relationships to learning and wellbeing in adulthood. It draws on an interdisciplinary literature base (including game-based learning, game studies, education, psychology, and game design) to present a critical manifesto for playful learning in post-compulsory education and lifelong learning. While there is an established body of work in games and learning in adulthood, and a wide literature on the value of play in childhood, the wider potential of play in adulthood and playfulness is under-explored and still emergent. This book offers a comprehensive overview of play in adulthood, exploring the benefits and drawbacks, examining why play in adulthood is different from play in childhood, the role of play in culture, and making an argument for why it is important in our society that we embrace the principles of playfulness. Nicola Whitton is Director of the Durham Centre for Academic Development and Professor of Education at Durham University, UK. Her research focuses on play in adulthood, in particular games and learning in the context of Higher Education, and the potential of play in teaching, research, and academic practice.

Journal of Physical Education and Sport
ISSN: 22478051 2247806X

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Physical education and training --- Sports sciences --- Education physique --- Sciences du sport --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Physical education and training. --- Sports sciences. --- sport science --- physical education --- biomechanics --- kinesiology --- coaching --- adapted physical activity --- Sciences, Sports --- Sport sciences --- Science --- Athletic training --- Education, Physical --- P.E. (Physical education) --- PE (Physical education) --- Phy ed --- Phys ed --- Physical culture --- Physical training --- Sports --- Training, Physical --- Education --- Athletics --- Exercise --- Gymnastics --- Training --- Educació física --- Esports --- Educació física. --- Esports. --- Revistes. --- Recreation & Sports --- Recreation. Games. Sports. Corp. expression --- Activitats físiques educatives --- Cultura física --- Entrenament físic --- Higiene --- Condició física --- Educació física per a dones --- Jocs --- Tai-txi-txuan --- Atletisme --- Didàctica de l'educació física --- Exercici --- Gimnàstica --- Postura humana --- Esport --- Jocs esportius --- Esbarjo --- Animació esportiva --- Clubs esportius --- Competicions esportives --- Corrupció en els esports --- Curses --- Entrenament (Esport) --- Equips esportius --- Esports aquàtics --- Esports d'aventura --- Esports d'equip --- Esports d'hivern --- Esports de combat --- Esports de raqueta --- Esports extrems --- Esports individuals --- Estratègia esportiva --- Instal·lacions esportives --- Jocs de pilota --- Jocs olímpics --- Tir --- Violència en els esports --- Arbitratge (Esport) --- Dret de l'esport --- Esportistes --- Fisiologia de l'exercici --- Història de l'esport --- Olimpisme --- Passatemps --- Periodisme esportiu --- Psicologia de l'esport --- Reglaments esportius --- Sociologia de l'esport --- Turisme esportiu --- Discriminació sexual en els esports --- Discriminació en els esports --- Esports per a infants

She speaks her anger : myths & conversations of Gimi women : a psychological ethnography in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
ISBN: 3030493520 3030493512 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan,

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Ethnology --- Gimi (Papua New Guinean people) --- Social conditions. --- Papua New Guinea --- Social life and customs. --- Gimi (Papua New Guinea people) --- Loko (Papua New Guinean people) --- Papuans --- Ètnies d'Oceania --- Dones aborígens --- Patriarcat --- Ritus i cerimònies --- Relacions home-dona --- Usos i costums --- Etnografia --- Papua Nova Guinea --- Dones i homes --- Homes i dones --- Relacions de gènere --- Relacions dona-home --- Relacions homes-dones --- Estudis de gènere --- Relacions humanes --- Diferències entre sexes (Psicologia) --- Gènere --- Relacions amoroses --- Celebracions religioses --- Cerimònies --- Baptisme --- Cerimònies de graduació --- Confirmació --- Exorcisme --- Fetitxisme --- Inauguracions --- Processons --- Processons religioses --- Ritus d'iniciació --- Ritus de purificació --- Sagraments --- Canonització --- Misteris religiosos --- Antropologia --- Antropologia cultural --- Antropologia social --- Costums socials --- Tradicions --- Vida de societat --- Vida social i costums --- Civilització --- Patrimoni cultural --- Brindis --- Castes --- Comunitats --- Conducta sexual --- Cort i cortesans --- Desenvolupament social --- Dies festius --- Donacions --- Esbarjo --- Estils de vida --- Etiqueta a la taula --- Excuses --- Festes --- Festivals --- Fires --- Folklore --- Hàbits alimentaris --- Indumentària --- Juraments --- Ordalia --- Precedència de rang --- Roba de vestir --- Petons --- Regals --- Ritus i cerimònies fúnebres --- Salons literaris --- Tatuatges --- Torneigs medievals --- Vacances --- Vida a l'aire lliure --- Vida bohèmia --- Vida nocturna --- Vida rural --- Etiqueta --- Androcràcia --- Família patriarcal --- Societat patriarcal --- Pares --- Estructura social --- Família --- Homes --- Parentiu patrilineal --- Dones indígenes --- Dones nadiues --- Aborígens --- Dones --- Etnologia (Oceania) --- Etnologia d'Oceania --- Grups ètnics --- Arunta (Poble australià) --- Warlpiri (Poble australià) --- Papua-Neuguinea --- Papua Niugini --- Papua Nuova Guinea --- Melanèsia --- Nova Guinea (Illa) --- Illes Salomó --- Trobriand (Papua Nova Guinea : Arxipèl·lag) --- Pobles indígenes

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