Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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De la sainteté et des devoirs de l'épiscopat, selon les saints peres et les canons de l'église
Year: 1769
Publisher: Liége: chez Bassompierre,

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Episcopato e società tra Leone XIII e Pio X : direttive romane ed esperienze locali in Emilia-Romagna e Veneto

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La Collégialité épiscopale, : histoire et théologie

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Episcopal government instituted by Christ, and confirmed by cleere evidence of Scripture, and invincible reason

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Aerio-mastix, or, A vindication of the apostolicall and generally received government of the Church of Christ by bishops, against the schismaticall Aërians of our time. : Wherein is evidently demonstrated that bishops are jure divino. I As they are superintendents of the inferiour clergy. 2 As without whom there can be no lawfull ordination. 3 As through whom lawfull succession is deduced by Scriptures. Fathers. Councells. With answers to the principall objections against episcopacy. Digested into an exact method. By Iohn Theyer Gent.
Theyer, John
Year: 1643
Publisher: Oxford, : Printed for William Webb,

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His Majesties finall answer concerning episcopacie : delivered in to the commissioners of Parliament the first of Novemb. 1648.

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A Speech when Master Hide was in the chayre upon the bill concerning episcopacie
Year: 1641
Publisher: [London? : s.n.]

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The recantation and hvmble svbmission of two ancient prelates of the kingdome of Scotland : subscribed by their own hands and sent to the generall assemblie : as also the act of the said assemblie condemning episcopacy and other abuses which are contrary to the Word of God and the laws of this church and kingdome.

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A compendious discourse, proving episcopacy to be of apostolicall, and consequently of divine institution : by a cleare and weighty testimony of St. Irenæus a glorious martyr, and renowned Bishop of Lyons in France, upon the yeere of our Lord, 184. The said testimony being so declared, pressed, and vindicated from all exceptions, that thereby an intelligent, and conscionable reader may receive abundant satisfaction in this behalfe. By Peloni Almoni, cosmopolites.
Almoni, Peloni
Year: 1641
Publisher: London : Printed by E.G. for Richard Whitaker at the Kings Armes in Pauls Church-yard,

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Episcopacie asserted : as it now stands established in our church and Common-wealth. With the titles of honours. The dignity of authority. The endowments of revenues. By these following arguments; taken 1 from the Word of God. 2 from the light of nature. 3 from the rights of his Majesty. 4 from the lawes of the kingdome. 5 from the lawes of civility and common humanity.
Cooke, Thomas
Year: 1641
Publisher: London : Printed by Tho. Favvcet, for Nath. Bvtter,

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