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This book focuses on the access to water in the building and its surroundings, to infer the mutual interaction and the complex interconnection of green/blue infrastructures. This book is a tool for understanding the multifunctional functionality of urban waste water to recognize their efficient and strategically useful potential in the form of aesthetic and functional architectural elements—vertical gardens, waterproof roof systems, rain gardens, retention rainwater recirculation tanks, biomarkers for wastewater treatment, and other progressive technologies and technical solutions. The originality of the proposed book and the innovation of the proposed objectives lies in the complexity and interdisciplinary of the problem solved, with clear continuity and utilization in professional building, environmental, and psychosocial practice. Understanding the quality of life as a category influenced by several objective and subjective conditions, this manuscript draws up recommendations on how to build “green buildings”—progressively supplied with water, connecting infrastructures—from existing buildings (administrative or training).
Water. --- Hydrology. --- Environmental engineering. --- Biotechnology. --- Bioremediation. --- Sustainability. --- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology.
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This book covers the fundamental principles of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) and their synthesis methodologies, offering readers a solid understanding of these unique materials. It delves into the design and selection of template molecules for imprinting, as well as polymerization techniques and strategies for optimizing MIP performance. With a focus on real-world applications, the book showcases the wide range of environmental health problems that MIPs can address. It discusses the detection and quantification of pollutants in air, water, and soil using MIP-based sensors and biosensors. Additionally, it explores the use of MIPs in environmental remediation, such as the adsorption and removal of contaminants, as well as the development of MIP-based materials for water and soil treatment. The book also highlights the analytical applications of MIPs in environmental health, including separation and purification techniques, sample preparation, and preconcentration methods. It examines how MIPs can be integrated into analytical instrumentation and detection systems to enhance environmental analysis. By bringing together interdisciplinary knowledge from the fields of environmental science, chemistry, polymer science, analytical chemistry, and environmental engineering, this book provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the potential of MIPs as artificial antibodies for environmental health. With its emphasis on real-world applications and case studies, it offers practical insights that researchers, academics, and professionals can apply in environmental monitoring, remediation, and analysis projects.
Polymers. --- Environmental engineering. --- Biotechnology. --- Bioremediation. --- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology.
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Energie- und klimaeffiziente Produktion In diesem Fachbuch werden die theoretischen Grundlagen, Leitlinien und Praxisbeispiele zur Klima- und Energieeffizienz anschaulich und verständlich dargestellt. Das Buch dient somit als Hilfestellung und zuverlässiger Ratgeber zur Verdopplung der Energieproduktivität bis zum Jahr 2020. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Beispielen aus verschiedenen Produktions-Branchen. Die Leitlinien ermöglichen eine gezielte Vorgehensweise in der Praxis. Der Inhalt Energie effizient managen – Grundlagen und Rahmenbedingungen – Datenbeschaffung – Datenweiterverarbeitung und -nutzung – Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen für Querschnitts- und Produktionstechnologien – Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Die Zielgruppen Entscheider und Ingenieure in produzierenden Unternehmen, die sich mit Fragen zur Energie- und Klimaeffizienz befassen Studenten der Produktions- und Umwelttechnik an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen Interessierte Laien Der Herausgeber Dr.- Ing. Jens Hesselbach ist Professor an der Universität Kassel und lehrt dort am Institut für Umweltgerechte Produkte und Prozesse.
Environmental engineering. --- Biotechnology. --- Environment. --- Energy systems. --- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Environment, general. --- Energy Systems. --- Ecology.
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Saskia Wilmsen charakterisiert die Epidermiszellformen von 37 Blütenpflanzen, um einerseits den Einfluss epidermaler Mikrostrukturen in optisch wirksamen Bereichen von Petalen hinsichtlich ihrer Attraktivität auf Hummeln zu untersuchen und andererseits deren Unterschiede in Bezug auf spektrale Reflexion und Glanzeffekte zu analysieren. Die Autorin weist nach, dass blütennaive Individuen von Bombus terrestris eine spontane Präferenz für Blütenattrappen mit konischen Zellstrukturen zeigen und stellt die Bedeutung von spektral reinen und konstanten Farbsignalen bei unterschiedlichen Anflugwinkeln der Versuchstiere heraus. Der Inhalt Analyse und Kategorisierung epidermaler Mikrostrukturen von Blütenpetalen Optik: spektrale Reflexion des Lichtes an Grenzschichten Farbensehen von Bienen und Hummeln Wahlversuche mit Bombus terrestris an biomimetischen Blütenreplikaten Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende aus der Biologie mit den Schwerpunkten Botanik, Zoologie, Sinnesphysiologie, Ökologie Praktikerinnen und Praktiker aus der Biologie mit den Schwerpunkten Botanik, Ökologie, Naturschutz, Entomologie Die Autorin Saskia Wilmsen arbeitet am Institut für Sinnesökologie der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf und erforscht Blütenattribute in ihrer Wirkung als multimodale Stimuli auf Bombus terrestris. .
Ecology . --- Plant science. --- Botany. --- Environmental engineering. --- Biotechnology. --- Ecology. --- Plant Sciences. --- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology.
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The book focuses on efficiency analysis in enterprises and describes a broader supply-chain context to support improved sustainability. The research and its outcomes presented here provide theoretical and empirical studies on efficiency analysis in the supply chain, including operational, economic, environmental and social aspects. This book sheds new light on the efficiency-assessment framework for practitioners and includes essential tips on how to improve the sustainability of supply-chains operations. .
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Oliver Schmitz erforscht in seiner Masterarbeit ein kinetisch basiertes Modell zur Darstellung der CO2-Abscheidung aus Kraftwerksabgasen (Kohle-/Gaskraftwerk) mithilfe von Monoethanolamin (MEA) und 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP). Mittels verifizierter Modelle lassen sich in Parameter-studien und anschließender Parameteroptimierung die Vorteile des AMP gegenüber dem stark kommerziell genutzten MEA am Beispiel realer Anwendungsszenarien verdeutlichen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass AMP gegenüber MEA insbesondere energetische Vorteile besitzt und das Modell als ein geeignetes Werkzeug zur Bewertung praxisbezogener Anwendungsfälle dient. Der Inhalt Modellierungskonzepte reaktiver Trennverfahren „rate-based“-Modellierung der CO2-Abscheidung mittels Aspen Custom Modeler® Alkanolamine als chemische Absorptionsmittel für CO2 Modellaufbau- und Modellparameter Parameterstudien und Parameteroptimierung Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Verfahrenstechnik, des Chemieingenieurwesens und der Umwelttechnik Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilungen in der Chemischen Industrie und im Umweltschutz Der Autor Oliver Schmitz forschte im Zuge seines Masterstudiums an der Universität Paderborn am Lehrstuhl für Fluidverfahrenstechnik. Heute ist der Autor als Verfahrensingenieur in einer Raffinerie eines international tätigen Energieunternehmens der Mineralölbranche beschäftigt. Hierbei zählen die verfahrenstechnische Unterstützung in Projekten sowie die Simulation verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse zu seinen Hauptaufgaben.
Environmental engineering. --- Biotechnology. --- Bioremediation. --- Environment. --- Chemistry --- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Environmental Sciences. --- Computational Chemistry. --- Data processing.
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The book uniquely covers all aspects of anaerobic biodegradation of the environmentally important hydrocarbons. The contributions by international experts cover the molecular characterization of unique biocatalysts for oxygen-independent C-H-bond functionalization, the identification of unifying concepts, and the presentation of state-of-the-art methodologies. The current knowledge of the global importance of anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation is highlighted.
Microbiology. --- Environmental engineering. --- Biotechnology. --- Biochemistry. --- Microbial ecology. --- Applied Microbiology. --- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Biochemistry, general. --- Microbial Ecology.
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The book focuses on efficiency analysis in enterprises and describes a broader supply-chain context to support improved sustainability. The research and its outcomes presented here provide theoretical and empirical studies on efficiency analysis in the supply chain, including operational, economic, environmental and social aspects. This book sheds new light on the efficiency-assessment framework for practitioners and includes essential tips on how to improve the sustainability of supply-chains operations. .
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Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is toxic in nature. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the safe limit of mercury ion in drinking water is 10 nM to avoid the serious health problems to humans. Mercury is a pollutant of global concern. Both anthropogenic activities and natural processes cause its release into different spheres of the environment resulting in severe adverse impacts. Increased anthropogenic discharge of mercury leads to disturbance in its natural biogeochemical cycle which results in to unenviable diseases and hazardous health effects. This book will provide state-of-the-art information to the graduate students training in toxicology, risk assessors, researchers and medical providers at large. Many monographs, book chapters, contemporary reviews, and peer reviewed articles about mercury health impact are also available worldwide. However, there is no complete understanding available on toxicological studies of mercury, which covers the broader spectrum of findings that range from sources of exposure to mercury toxicity as well as its remediation strategies. It is aimed to bring the readers updated information about the sources of mercury contamination, and its impact on human health and on prospective mitigation strategies through multi-disciplinary approaches. The book contains three sections. First section describes the different sources and distribution of mercury in the environment. Second section explains the health risks linked to mercury poisoning. Third section addresses sustainable mercury toxicity mitigation strategies through multi-disciplinary approaches. The key topic of this book will cover following: •Source and distribution of mercury in the environment •Effects and responses of mercury toxicity in plants • Health risk linked to mercury poisoning • Sustainable mercury toxicity mitigation strategies This book is a valuable resource to students, academics, researchers, and environmental professionals doing field work on mercury contamination throughout the world.
Environmental engineering. --- Biotechnology. --- Bioremediation. --- Environmental health. --- Environmental chemistry. --- Pollution. --- Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Environmental Health. --- Environmental Chemistry.
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This book presents the latest scientific advancements and innovative R&D solutions for the treatment of liquid radioactive waste in the context of practical threats in Ukraine. It includes research and engineering insights from the International Conference “Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment: Ukrainian Context” (LWRT 2022), which was held in Kyiv, Ukraine on June 30, 2022. This publication covers a wide range of topics related to the treatment and management of radioactive waste, with a particular emphasis on safety considerations. The included articles also explore various aspects of environmental engineering and innovative R&D solutions, as well as the sustainability challenges associated with radioactive waste in the context of postwar reconstruction efforts. The contributions featured in this publication were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process. The carefully curated collection of articles showcases a diverse range of exciting ideas, poised to inspire novel research directions and stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations.
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