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Ces dernières années, la pollution de l’air par les particules fines est devenue un sujet majeur et pour de bonnes raisons. Les particules fines sont responsables de nombreux dommages pour la santé humaine : asthme, maladies respiratoires, problèmes cardio-vasculaires… Elles sont d’autant plus dangereuses que la population exposée est fragile. Or, les enfants sont une population fragile et ils sont potentiellement victimes des particules fines produites par le trafic lorsqu’ils se rendent à l’école. Nous avons choisi une école pour sujet de ce travail : l’Institut Notre Dame d’Arlon. Nous avons trouvé que c’était une école particulièrement intéressante à étudier par sa configuration, entourée par trois rues souvent embouteillées à l’heure du début des cours. Pour mesurer les particules fines, nous avons utilisé des micro-capteurs de particules PM2.5 Honeywell. Ces capteurs étaient placés par trois dans des boîtiers étanches et fonctionnant sur batterie, selon un système mis en place par le SAM de l’Université de Liège. Nous les avons installés aux trois accès de l’école, afin de mesurer les particules aux endroits stratégiques souvent empruntés par les enfants. Nous avons également confronté les mesures de ces capteurs aux mesures de la station de l’ISSeP à Liège. La zone d’étude a été mesurée afin de déterminer si elle était entourée par des rues canyons. De plus, des compteurs de véhicules ont été placés par l’ISSeP dans les rues bordant l’école afin que nous puissions estimer les émissions de particules fines liées au trafic routier. L’analyse des données récoltées a été réalisée en grande partie avec le logiciel RStudio et le langage R. En parallèle, nous avons modélisé la zone d’étude à l’aide du micro-modèle ENVI-met afin de voir si les résultats qu’il produit correspondent aux mesures. Les mesures réalisées avec les capteurs n’ont pas permis d’identifier clairement une pollution de type trafic, car il y avait une forte présence d’un fond de particules secondaires d’origine agricole. Cela nous a permis d’envisager des pistes à suivre pour la mesure des PM2.5.
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Les îlots de chaleur urbains (ICU) augmentent la température dans les villes et sont de plus en plus dangereux pour l’homme et la planète. Cependant, peu de concepteurs incluent ce phénomène en conception et utilisent les outils numériques existants. Cette recherche a pour but de mettre en évidence les freins et les leviers à la prise en compte des ICU en France. L’objectif est d’identifier les problèmes d’utilisabilité des logiciels par des architectes, et les pistes d’amélioration. Deux méthodes sont employées : des entretiens qualitatifs ciblées sur des acteurs du milieu (architecte, urbaniste, développeur) et des essais d’utilisabilité comparant deux logiciels répandus dans le domaine : ENVI-met et Solène Microclimat. Il est constaté qu’en l’état, ces logiciels ne sont pas utilisables facilement par les architectes. La phase d’import des modèles 3D est particulièrement critique et leurs interfaces gagneraient à être plus autodescriptives. Cependant, ces améliorations subiront toujours la limite de la volonté des concepteurs. Cela est notamment confirmé par les discussions, qui identifient la mise en place de réglementations environnementales comme un levier important. Ainsi les avancées technologiques doivent impérativement s’accompagner d’un changement des mentalités.
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There is pressing evidence of phenomena, linked to meteorology and climate, which are modifying their temporal occurrence and which have a very evident impact on the safety and health of populations residing in cities. The urban problem at the beginning of the second set of twenty years of the new century requires a complete rethinking of the way of aggregation of man who, today, represents a large part of the world population due to increasingly accelerated urbanization processes over time. The human being has become a citizen, and within the city limits, he tries to develop his life expectancy by seizing opportunities from this. This search for well-being, understood as a complete state of man, at once physiological and psychological and social, can be thwarted by an urban structure that is not functionally capable of providing answers. The climate problem exacerbates this problem by strongly stressing the contradictions of living. Science, technology, and politics are today able to give answers if applied wisely in a joint effort, in a unit of language. This book proposes several solutions that can be implemented today, ranging from a full understanding of phenomena to adaptation policies for solving problems. The most pressing invitation is addressed precisely to politics to make cities more resilient and safe.
Research & information: general --- ACCCRN --- Climate change adaptation --- institutionalising adaptation --- hybrid institutionalism --- mainstreaming resilience --- urban resilience and adaptation --- urban green system --- ecosystem services --- climate change benefits --- resilient city --- urban resilient development --- green urban planning --- pollution flow patterns --- wind circulation patterns --- emission inventory --- criteria pollutants --- Mexico City --- urban heat island --- urbanization --- urban surface energy balance --- fluidodynamic modeling --- Envi-Met --- human biometeorology --- thermal comfort --- interdisciplinarity --- climate change adaptation --- thermal sensitive design --- web-based platform --- early warning system --- vulnerability simulations --- flood risk maps --- rainfall estimates --- microwave links --- CML --- crowdsourcing --- sensible targets --- urban greening --- UrbClim model --- water bodies --- systems change --- innovation --- nature-based solutions --- cities --- urban climate --- open data --- data sources --- urban climate monitoring
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This volume examines the applicability of nature-based solutions in ecological restoration practice and in contemporary landscape architecture by bringing together ecology and architecture in the built environment. Green infrastructure is used to address urban challenges such as climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and stormwater management. In addition, thermal comfort nature-based solutions reintroduce critical connections between natural and urban systems. In light of ongoing developments in sustainable urban development, the goal is a paradigm shift towards a landscape that restores and rehabilitates urban ecosystems. The ten contributions to this book examine a wide range of successful cases of designing healthier, greener and more resilient landscapes in different geographical contexts, from the United States of America and Brazil, through various European regions, to Singapore and China. While some chapters attempt to conceptualize the interconnections between cities and nature, others clearly have an empirical focus. Therefore, this volume provides a rich body of work and acts as a starting point for further studies on restoration of ecosystems and integrative policies such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
building-integrated photovoltaics --- vertical farming --- shading devices --- design optimisation --- low-carbon architecture --- multi-criteria decision assessment --- old field succession --- tree establishment --- microclimate --- plant-soil interactions --- soil nutrients --- Lapalala Wilderness --- life cycle costs --- stormwater management --- storm water management model --- natural hazard insurance --- climate change adaptation --- disaster risk reduction --- nature-based solutions --- nature assurance scheme --- insurance value of ecosystems --- flood risk reduction --- thermal comfort enhancement --- microclimatic simulations --- Mike Urban --- ENVI-met --- ecological security --- driving force --- yangtze river urban agglomeration --- sustainable tourism --- smart tourism --- mobile applications --- nature recreation --- green infrastructure --- stakeholder participation --- collaborative governance --- urban sustainability --- citizen perceptions --- coastal restoration --- oyster --- marsh --- seagrass --- restoration success --- coastal habitat --- exotic species --- urban biodiversity --- urban ecosystems --- carbon neutral cities
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There is pressing evidence of phenomena, linked to meteorology and climate, which are modifying their temporal occurrence and which have a very evident impact on the safety and health of populations residing in cities. The urban problem at the beginning of the second set of twenty years of the new century requires a complete rethinking of the way of aggregation of man who, today, represents a large part of the world population due to increasingly accelerated urbanization processes over time. The human being has become a citizen, and within the city limits, he tries to develop his life expectancy by seizing opportunities from this. This search for well-being, understood as a complete state of man, at once physiological and psychological and social, can be thwarted by an urban structure that is not functionally capable of providing answers. The climate problem exacerbates this problem by strongly stressing the contradictions of living. Science, technology, and politics are today able to give answers if applied wisely in a joint effort, in a unit of language. This book proposes several solutions that can be implemented today, ranging from a full understanding of phenomena to adaptation policies for solving problems. The most pressing invitation is addressed precisely to politics to make cities more resilient and safe.
ACCCRN --- Climate change adaptation --- institutionalising adaptation --- hybrid institutionalism --- mainstreaming resilience --- urban resilience and adaptation --- urban green system --- ecosystem services --- climate change benefits --- resilient city --- urban resilient development --- green urban planning --- pollution flow patterns --- wind circulation patterns --- emission inventory --- criteria pollutants --- Mexico City --- urban heat island --- urbanization --- urban surface energy balance --- fluidodynamic modeling --- Envi-Met --- human biometeorology --- thermal comfort --- interdisciplinarity --- climate change adaptation --- thermal sensitive design --- web-based platform --- early warning system --- vulnerability simulations --- flood risk maps --- rainfall estimates --- microwave links --- CML --- crowdsourcing --- sensible targets --- urban greening --- UrbClim model --- water bodies --- systems change --- innovation --- nature-based solutions --- cities --- urban climate --- open data --- data sources --- urban climate monitoring
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There is pressing evidence of phenomena, linked to meteorology and climate, which are modifying their temporal occurrence and which have a very evident impact on the safety and health of populations residing in cities. The urban problem at the beginning of the second set of twenty years of the new century requires a complete rethinking of the way of aggregation of man who, today, represents a large part of the world population due to increasingly accelerated urbanization processes over time. The human being has become a citizen, and within the city limits, he tries to develop his life expectancy by seizing opportunities from this. This search for well-being, understood as a complete state of man, at once physiological and psychological and social, can be thwarted by an urban structure that is not functionally capable of providing answers. The climate problem exacerbates this problem by strongly stressing the contradictions of living. Science, technology, and politics are today able to give answers if applied wisely in a joint effort, in a unit of language. This book proposes several solutions that can be implemented today, ranging from a full understanding of phenomena to adaptation policies for solving problems. The most pressing invitation is addressed precisely to politics to make cities more resilient and safe.
Research & information: general --- ACCCRN --- Climate change adaptation --- institutionalising adaptation --- hybrid institutionalism --- mainstreaming resilience --- urban resilience and adaptation --- urban green system --- ecosystem services --- climate change benefits --- resilient city --- urban resilient development --- green urban planning --- pollution flow patterns --- wind circulation patterns --- emission inventory --- criteria pollutants --- Mexico City --- urban heat island --- urbanization --- urban surface energy balance --- fluidodynamic modeling --- Envi-Met --- human biometeorology --- thermal comfort --- interdisciplinarity --- climate change adaptation --- thermal sensitive design --- web-based platform --- early warning system --- vulnerability simulations --- flood risk maps --- rainfall estimates --- microwave links --- CML --- crowdsourcing --- sensible targets --- urban greening --- UrbClim model --- water bodies --- systems change --- innovation --- nature-based solutions --- cities --- urban climate --- open data --- data sources --- urban climate monitoring
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This volume examines the applicability of nature-based solutions in ecological restoration practice and in contemporary landscape architecture by bringing together ecology and architecture in the built environment. Green infrastructure is used to address urban challenges such as climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and stormwater management. In addition, thermal comfort nature-based solutions reintroduce critical connections between natural and urban systems. In light of ongoing developments in sustainable urban development, the goal is a paradigm shift towards a landscape that restores and rehabilitates urban ecosystems. The ten contributions to this book examine a wide range of successful cases of designing healthier, greener and more resilient landscapes in different geographical contexts, from the United States of America and Brazil, through various European regions, to Singapore and China. While some chapters attempt to conceptualize the interconnections between cities and nature, others clearly have an empirical focus. Therefore, this volume provides a rich body of work and acts as a starting point for further studies on restoration of ecosystems and integrative policies such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Research & information: general --- Geography --- building-integrated photovoltaics --- vertical farming --- shading devices --- design optimisation --- low-carbon architecture --- multi-criteria decision assessment --- old field succession --- tree establishment --- microclimate --- plant-soil interactions --- soil nutrients --- Lapalala Wilderness --- life cycle costs --- stormwater management --- storm water management model --- natural hazard insurance --- climate change adaptation --- disaster risk reduction --- nature-based solutions --- nature assurance scheme --- insurance value of ecosystems --- flood risk reduction --- thermal comfort enhancement --- microclimatic simulations --- Mike Urban --- ENVI-met --- ecological security --- driving force --- yangtze river urban agglomeration --- sustainable tourism --- smart tourism --- mobile applications --- nature recreation --- green infrastructure --- stakeholder participation --- collaborative governance --- urban sustainability --- citizen perceptions --- coastal restoration --- oyster --- marsh --- seagrass --- restoration success --- coastal habitat --- exotic species --- urban biodiversity --- urban ecosystems --- carbon neutral cities
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This volume examines the applicability of nature-based solutions in ecological restoration practice and in contemporary landscape architecture by bringing together ecology and architecture in the built environment. Green infrastructure is used to address urban challenges such as climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and stormwater management. In addition, thermal comfort nature-based solutions reintroduce critical connections between natural and urban systems. In light of ongoing developments in sustainable urban development, the goal is a paradigm shift towards a landscape that restores and rehabilitates urban ecosystems. The ten contributions to this book examine a wide range of successful cases of designing healthier, greener and more resilient landscapes in different geographical contexts, from the United States of America and Brazil, through various European regions, to Singapore and China. While some chapters attempt to conceptualize the interconnections between cities and nature, others clearly have an empirical focus. Therefore, this volume provides a rich body of work and acts as a starting point for further studies on restoration of ecosystems and integrative policies such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Research & information: general --- Geography --- building-integrated photovoltaics --- vertical farming --- shading devices --- design optimisation --- low-carbon architecture --- multi-criteria decision assessment --- old field succession --- tree establishment --- microclimate --- plant-soil interactions --- soil nutrients --- Lapalala Wilderness --- life cycle costs --- stormwater management --- storm water management model --- natural hazard insurance --- climate change adaptation --- disaster risk reduction --- nature-based solutions --- nature assurance scheme --- insurance value of ecosystems --- flood risk reduction --- thermal comfort enhancement --- microclimatic simulations --- Mike Urban --- ENVI-met --- ecological security --- driving force --- yangtze river urban agglomeration --- sustainable tourism --- smart tourism --- mobile applications --- nature recreation --- green infrastructure --- stakeholder participation --- collaborative governance --- urban sustainability --- citizen perceptions --- coastal restoration --- oyster --- marsh --- seagrass --- restoration success --- coastal habitat --- exotic species --- urban biodiversity --- urban ecosystems --- carbon neutral cities
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The combination of global warming and urban sprawl is the origin of the most hazardous climate change effect detected at urban level: Urban Heat Island, representing the urban overheating respect to the countryside surrounding the city. This book includes 18 papers representing the state of the art of detection, assessment mitigation and adaption to urban overheating. Advanced methods, strategies and technologies are here analyzed including relevant issues as: the role of urban materials and fabrics on urban climate and their potential mitigation, the impact of greenery and vegetation to reduce urban temperatures and improve the thermal comfort, the role the urban geometry in the air temperature rise, the use of satellite and ground data to assess and quantify the urban overheating and develop mitigation solutions, calculation methods and application to predict and assess mitigation scenarios. The outcomes of the book are thus relevant for a wide multidisciplinary audience, including: environmental scientists and engineers, architect and urban planners, policy makers and students.
emissivity --- mobile temperature observations --- urban heat island --- urban vegetation --- urban overheating --- spectral analysis --- Beirut --- urban heat island index --- land surface temperature --- ENVI-met --- air quality --- albedo --- climatic perception --- overheating --- urbanization --- road surface --- “cold spots” --- Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) --- urban remote sensing --- local climate zone --- cooling technologies --- Weather Research and Forecasting model --- cool surfaces --- outdoor thermal comfort --- energy savings --- air temperature --- measurement --- urbanized WRF --- mitigation measures --- Euramet --- heat health --- surface cool island effect --- urban-climate archipelago --- sky view factor --- urban climate archipelago --- open science --- cool roofs --- urban energy balance --- road lighting --- urban climatology --- material characterization --- urban climate --- thermal comfort --- air and surface temperature measurements --- cool pavements --- multi-objective optimization --- empirical line method --- calculation --- urban cooling --- multifractal analysis --- urban heat mitigation --- genetic algorithm --- heat stress --- “hot spots” --- subtropical climate --- EMPIR 16NRM02 --- building energy performance --- multiple linear regression --- built-up area --- thermal emittance --- urban morphology --- cost-optimal analysis --- building retrofit --- sustainability --- mitigation strategies --- luminance coefficient --- office buildings --- GIS --- structure functions analysis --- solar reflectance --- park cool island --- solar reflectance index --- urban open space --- building scale --- meteorological modeling --- shading --- surface albedo --- summer heat stress --- cool materials --- land cover fraction --- micro-climate simulations --- energy simulation --- urban microclimate --- urban development --- Physiologically Equivalent Temperature --- cool facades --- green area --- ageing --- MODIS downscaling --- spectral reflectance --- fine-resolution meteorological modeling --- urban areas --- morphological indicator --- lifecycle analysis --- non-constructible parcels --- WRF-Chem
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The combination of global warming and urban sprawl is the origin of the most hazardous climate change effect detected at urban level: Urban Heat Island, representing the urban overheating respect to the countryside surrounding the city. This book includes 18 papers representing the state of the art of detection, assessment mitigation and adaption to urban overheating. Advanced methods, strategies and technologies are here analyzed including relevant issues as: the role of urban materials and fabrics on urban climate and their potential mitigation, the impact of greenery and vegetation to reduce urban temperatures and improve the thermal comfort, the role the urban geometry in the air temperature rise, the use of satellite and ground data to assess and quantify the urban overheating and develop mitigation solutions, calculation methods and application to predict and assess mitigation scenarios. The outcomes of the book are thus relevant for a wide multidisciplinary audience, including: environmental scientists and engineers, architect and urban planners, policy makers and students.
emissivity --- mobile temperature observations --- urban heat island --- urban vegetation --- urban overheating --- spectral analysis --- Beirut --- urban heat island index --- land surface temperature --- ENVI-met --- air quality --- albedo --- climatic perception --- overheating --- urbanization --- road surface --- “cold spots” --- Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) --- urban remote sensing --- local climate zone --- cooling technologies --- Weather Research and Forecasting model --- cool surfaces --- outdoor thermal comfort --- energy savings --- air temperature --- measurement --- urbanized WRF --- mitigation measures --- Euramet --- heat health --- surface cool island effect --- urban-climate archipelago --- sky view factor --- urban climate archipelago --- open science --- cool roofs --- urban energy balance --- road lighting --- urban climatology --- material characterization --- urban climate --- thermal comfort --- air and surface temperature measurements --- cool pavements --- multi-objective optimization --- empirical line method --- calculation --- urban cooling --- multifractal analysis --- urban heat mitigation --- genetic algorithm --- heat stress --- “hot spots” --- subtropical climate --- EMPIR 16NRM02 --- building energy performance --- multiple linear regression --- built-up area --- thermal emittance --- urban morphology --- cost-optimal analysis --- building retrofit --- sustainability --- mitigation strategies --- luminance coefficient --- office buildings --- GIS --- structure functions analysis --- solar reflectance --- park cool island --- solar reflectance index --- urban open space --- building scale --- meteorological modeling --- shading --- surface albedo --- summer heat stress --- cool materials --- land cover fraction --- micro-climate simulations --- energy simulation --- urban microclimate --- urban development --- Physiologically Equivalent Temperature --- cool facades --- green area --- ageing --- MODIS downscaling --- spectral reflectance --- fine-resolution meteorological modeling --- urban areas --- morphological indicator --- lifecycle analysis --- non-constructible parcels --- WRF-Chem
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