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Year: 1979 Publisher: Paris : PUF,

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(Ab)Bilder : Zur Ideengeschichte und Ikonologie der Darstellungen menschlicher Embryonen in den Arbeiten Erich Blechschmidts (1904 - 1992)
Year: 2023 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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(Ab)Bilder : Zur Ideengeschichte und Ikonologie der Darstellungen menschlicher Embryonen in den Arbeiten Erich Blechschmidts (1904 - 1992)
Year: 2023 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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(Ab)Bilder : Zur Ideengeschichte und Ikonologie der Darstellungen menschlicher Embryonen in den Arbeiten Erich Blechschmidts (1904 - 1992)
Year: 2023 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Embryology at a glance
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780470654538 0470654538 Year: 2012 Publisher: Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell,

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This brand new title provides a highly illustrated introduction to key embryological concepts, with concise, memorable descriptions of major embryological developments.Embryology at a Glance introduces the basic principles of human development, from mitosis and meiosis, and walks you through the primary formation of each body system, with coverage of the continued development of the respiratory and vascular systems during the foetal and neonatal periods.Fully geared towards the medical school curriculum, the coverage of major steps in human development allows a better understanding of adult anatomy, development-associated conditions, congenital abnormalities and their treatments.

Study of embryo development in Phaseolus in order to obtain interspecific hybrids.
Year: 2001

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The causes of early embryo abortion in the reciprocal crosses between Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Phaseolus polyanthus Greenm. were studied. Sections, 2 mm thick, of 2 to 6 days old hybrid seeds were made to examine the stage of embryo development and the state of seed tissues. These observations permitted to determine the main causes related to abortion and the developmental stage at which interspecific embryos should be rescued. The early embryo abortion is related to a deficient endosperm development, an endothelium proliferation, a hypertrophy of the vascular elements and the compatibility between parental genotypes. Our results suggest that the appropriate time for embryo rescue when using P. polyanthus as female parent is at the early globular stage. To do this, the development of an in vitro culture adapted to very immature embryos was investigated. After refinement of the results of heart-shaped embryo culture, a pod culture technique was developed on 2 day-old P. vulgaris pods considering in vivo changes of osmolality within young pods. The application of high and variable osmolality conditions similar to these observed in vivo during pod culture and before extracting the embryos, gave the best results in terms of pod, ovule and embryo development. High germination rates can be obtained, plantlet survival is higher than in any other technique used before and, for the first time, plantlet regeneration has been obtained from 2 day-old P. vulgaris embryos.

Etude du développement embryonnaire in vivo et in vitro dans le genre Phaseolus L.
Year: 1997 Publisher: Gembloux : Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux. Unité de Phytotechnie des Régions Intertropicales,

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In the interspecific hybridizations Phaseolus polyanthus (or Phaseolus coccineus cv.) x Phaseolus vulgaris, embryo abortion appears in 60 per cent of studied cases at globular stage, 4 to 8 days after pollination according to the crosses. From a bibliographic review, a histological study of the Phaseolus ovule development brings to the fore the major part of integuments and nucellus in the nutrition of the embryo and the albumen. The monitoring of Phaseolus ovular structure modifications allows the identification of nutriments transfer modes from zygote up to cotyledon stage. Comparison between the P. polyanthus female parent and P. polyanthus x P. vulgaris hybrid ovule development, enables structures responsible for disturbances in the feeding of the hybrid embryo to be defined. These are located essentially in the nucellus and the endothelium. The embryo rescue relies on the existence of a suitable in vitro culture technique. This technique has been developed for the early heart-s haped embryos of P. vulgaris, and is efficient for P. coccineus, P. polyanthus and for the intraspecific or interspecific hybrids which are easiest to obtain. Improving this technique is being examined to enable the regeneration of plants from globular embryos. An in vitro medium with a composition which varies over a period of time and which meets the globular embryo osmotic and nutritive needs, has been developed. The continual variation of the embryo nutrition during its in vitro development is achieved by a system, where two gelified media come into contact. In this setup, a diffusion of the components occurs from the richer to the poorer medium, until the concentrations reach a steady state. A study of the nutritional needs of the globular and heart shaped-embryos of P. vulgaris, was carried out to determine the role of plant growth regulators in embryo growth and morphological evolution. The contribution of magnesium, iron and calcium in the normal differentiation of globular emb ryos has been emphasized. The reduced nitrogen and carbon hydrate sources have been examined. Glutamin and asparagin appeared to be the preferential way for nitrogen assimilation. According to their concentrations, sucrose, maltose and glucose exert a different impact on globular embryos growth and development. For each studied embryonic stage globular and early heart-shaped, an improved medium has been suggested. The application of a brief dark period at the start of the culture followed by a light period, besides using a design that ensures the variation of the medium composition and which integrates the previously formulated inferences, enables 60 per cent of cultivated globular embryos to reach the cotyledon stage and 13 per cent to germinate. Interactions between on the one hand, the light conditions and on the other, the osmotic pressure and the hormonal composition are highlighted. Thanks to preliminary studies concerning the pre-acclimatization medium composition, the use of ho rmonal components will not be needed in the future.

Authors: --- ---
Year: 1968 Publisher: Paris : Flammarion,

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De l'oeuf à l'autruchon : L'incubation des oeufs d'autruche.
ISBN: 2870160615 Year: 1999 Publisher: Gembloux : Les Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux,

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Distribution et rôle des facteurs Onecut dans les interneurones médullaires ventraux durant le développement embryonnaire
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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The development of the central nervous system is a complex and lengthy process. It involves the action of many morphogens and transcription factors that contribute to neuronal differentiation. In the ventral spinal cord, a gradient of Sanie Hedgehog signalling contrais the generation of different cardinal classes of ventral intemeurons (VO, Vl , V2 and V3) as well as of motor neurons. These cardinal classes divide into ventral intemeuron populations, themselves divided into subpopulations, each characterised by different combinations of transcription factors. The Onecut factors (HNF-6, OC- 2 and OC-3) constitute a family of transcription factors expressed in the developing spinal cord. It is already established that Onecut factors act in the differentiation of spinal motoneurons, but their distribution in the ventral spinal intemeurons and their role in the development of these cells have not been characterised yet. The main goal of this master thesis is to analyse the potential role of the Onecut factors in the differentiation of the ventral intemeuron subpopulation s of the spinal cord. To do this, we firstly deterrnined which subpopulations of ventral intemeurons contain Onecut factors. For this, the distribution of Onecut factors in the ventral spinal cord of wildtype embryos was deterrnined by the technique of imrnunofluorescent labelling. Then, the phenotype of these subpopulations was characterised by fluorescent immunostaining of mutant embryos for Onecut factors and of chicken embryos electroporated with a plasrnid expressing the gene encoding HNF- 6.The results showed that Onecut factors were present in all classes of ventral intemeurons. However , their presence is lirnited to some subpopulations. In some of these subpopulation s, especially in V2 and V3 intemeurons, we observed significant changes in the number of cells in mutant embryos for Onecut factors. In particular, a significant decrease was noted in the number of V2a intemeurons characterised by cMaf and in V2c. Furthermore, the number of V2a intemeurons characterised by Pou3Fl decreased slightly, while a slight early increase in V2b and in V30 followed by a decrease at alater stage was observed. However, gain of function for Hnf6 failed to support the observations madein loss of function experiments.In conclusion, Onecut factors seem to be required for the differentiation of some subpopulations of V2 and V3 intemeurons . They could play a role in the diversification of V2a interneurons, in the generation of mature V2c or in the generation of a subpopulation of V30. Le développement du système nerveux central est un processus long et complexe. Il implique l'action de nombreux morphogènes et facteurs de transcription qui contribuent entre autre à la différenciation des neurones. Dans la moelle épinière ventrale, un gradient de Sonic Hedgehog contrôle la mise en place de différentes classes d'intemeurones ventraux (VO, V l, V2 et V3) ainsi que des motoneurones. Ces classes d'intemeurones ventraux se divisent en populations, elles-mêmes divisées en sous­ populations. Ces dernières sont caractérisées par des combinaisons différentes de facteurs de transcription. Les facteurs Onecut (HNF-6, OC-2 et OC-3) sont une famille de facteurs de transcription exprimés notamment dans la moelle épinière en développement. Il est déjà établi que les facteurs Onecut agissent dans la différenciation des motoneurone s médullaires mais leur distribution au sein des intemeurones médullaires ventraux et leur rôle dans le développement de ces cellules n 'ont pas encore été caractérisés.L'objectif principal de ce travail est de déterminer le rôle potentiel des facteurs Onecut dans la différenciation des sous-populations d'intemeurones ventraux. Tout d'abord, nous avons déterminé quelles sous-populations d'intemeurones ventraux contiennent des facteurs Onecut. Pour cela, les facteurs Onecut ont été localisés dans la moelle d'embryons sauvages par la technique de l'immunomarquage fluorescent. Ensuite, le phénotype de ces populations a été caractérisé par immunomarquages fluorescents sur des embryons mutants pour les facteurs Onecut et sur des embryons de poulet électroporés avec un plasmide exprimant le gène codant pour HNF-6.Les résultats ont montré que les facteurs Onecut sont présent s dans toutes les classes d'intemeurones ventraux. Cependant, leur présence se limitait à quelques sous-populations. Dans certaines de ces sous-populations , notamment dans les interneurones V2 et V3, nous avons observé des variations significatives du nombre de cellules chez les embryons mutants pour les facteurs Onecut. En particulier, une diminution importante du nombre d'intemeurones V2a caractérisés par cMaf et des V2c a été notée. Le nombre d'intemeurones V2a identifiés par Pou3Fl diminuait légèrement. Aux stades précoces, une légère augmentation des V2b et des V30 a été remarquée observée suivie d'une diminution dans à un stade plus tardif. Cependant , les analyses en gain de fonction n'ont pas permis d'appuyer les observations réalisées en perte de fonction.En conclusion, les facteurs Onecut semblent nécessaires pour la différenciation de certaines sous­ populations des intemeurones V2 et V3. Ils pourraient donc j ouer un rôle dans la diversification des intemeurones V2a, dans la génération de V2c matures ou encore dans la génération d'une sous­ population de V3o.

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