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The Transmission of the Book of the Dead in New Kingdom Tombs at Saqqara
ISBN: 9781350350618 1350350613 Year: 2024 Publisher: London : London : Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing (UK),

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Texts and images from the Book of the Dead were widely used to decorate the walls of tombs during Egypt's New Kingdom (c. 1550-1077 BCE). Prior research has tended to focus on either individual tombs, or on the contents of papyrus copies of the Book of the Dead. This book focusses on the adaptation of parts of this funerary corpus in individual tombs from the New Kingdom necropolis at Saqqara, with the aim of showing how each tomb's decoration was tailored to the ends of their builders. In doing so, it builds up a picture of the ways in which these developments changed over time, and captures the dynamic and shifting ways in which ancient Egyptians interacted with their funerary texts. This contrasts with the popular image of Egyptian religion as centrally administered and directed, and essentially unchanging over millennia. In fact, choices and forms of texts and images used in tombs changed even within a single generation. Some forms remained popular over long periods, being constantly reused and re-adapted, while others achieved specific and local popularity, or else were abandoned after only a short period of time. This book argues powerfully for the human dimension in ancient Egyptian religion, revealing the ways in which individuals and groups continually reshaped their tradition even as they worked within it. Produced as part of the research project The Walking Dead at Saqqara: The Making of a Cultural Geography, this book is kindly funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO): 276-30-016.

An Archaeology of Art and Writing
ISBN: 3946198368 3946198392 9783946198369 Year: 2018 Publisher: Cologne Modern Academic Publishing

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"An Archaeology of Art and Writing offers an in-depth treatment of the image as material culture. Centring on early Egyptian bone, ivory, and wooden labels—one of the earliest inscribed and decorated object groups from burials in the lower Nile Valley—the research is anchored in the image as the site of material action. A key aim of this book is to outline a contextual and reflexive approach to early art and writing as a complement to the traditional focus on iconographic and linguistic meanings. Archaeological and anthropological approaches are integrated with social theories of practice and agency to develop a more holistic perspective that situates early Egyptian imagery in relation to its manufacture, use and final deposition in the funerary context. The dialectical relationships between past embodied practitioners and materials, production techniques, and compositional principles are examined for the insight they provide into changes and continuities in early Egyptian graphical expression across time and space. The electronic version of this book is accompanied by an online database of the inscribed labels, enabling the reader to explore via hyperlinks the fascinating body of evidence that underpins this innovative study.Kathryn Piquette lectures on the archaeology of ancient Egypt and the Near East at the University of Reading. She also lectures in digital humanities at University College London, where she serves as a senior research consultant in advanced digital imaging techniques for cultural heritage. Recent publications include the co-edited Writing as Material Practice: Substance, surface and medium."

Vom byzantinischen zum arabischen Ägypten : Neue dokumentarische Papyri aus dem 5. bis 8. Jh. (P.Heid. XI)
Year: 2021 Publisher: Heidelberg Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP)

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This volume contains the edition of 42 Egyptian documentary papyri from the 5th–8th century AD including translations as well as historical and philological commentary. The texts were written in Greek or Coptic, but the volume also comprises bilingual Greek-Coptic documents and an Arabic-Greek protocol. These multifaceted papyri, such as administrative, legal and tax documents, allow precious glimpses into the society of the late antique Nile Valley and produce important new evidence for the underexplored transition period from Byzantine to Islamic rule in Egypt. Der vorliegende Band umfasst die Edition von 42 bislang unveröffentlichten ägyptischen Papyrusdokumenten aus dem 5. bis 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr. mit Übersetzung und einem historisch-linguistischen Kommentar. Die Texte sind zumeist auf Griechisch oder Koptisch verfasst, doch finden sich auch griechisch-koptische Dokumente sowie ein arabisch-griechisches Protokoll. Die facettenreichen Texte, die aus dem Alltagsmilieu, dem administrativen, rechtlichen und steuerrechtlichen Bereich stammen, ermöglichen wertvolle Einblicke in das gesellschaftliche Leben im spätantiken Niltal und generieren neue Informationen zur noch wenig erforschten Übergangszeit von der byzantinischen zur arabischen Herrschaft in Ägypten.

Vom byzantinischen zum arabischen Ägypten : Neue dokumentarische Papyri aus dem 5. bis 8. Jh. (P.Heid. XI)
Year: 2021 Publisher: Heidelberg Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP)

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This volume contains the edition of 42 Egyptian documentary papyri from the 5th–8th century AD including translations as well as historical and philological commentary. The texts were written in Greek or Coptic, but the volume also comprises bilingual Greek-Coptic documents and an Arabic-Greek protocol. These multifaceted papyri, such as administrative, legal and tax documents, allow precious glimpses into the society of the late antique Nile Valley and produce important new evidence for the underexplored transition period from Byzantine to Islamic rule in Egypt. Der vorliegende Band umfasst die Edition von 42 bislang unveröffentlichten ägyptischen Papyrusdokumenten aus dem 5. bis 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr. mit Übersetzung und einem historisch-linguistischen Kommentar. Die Texte sind zumeist auf Griechisch oder Koptisch verfasst, doch finden sich auch griechisch-koptische Dokumente sowie ein arabisch-griechisches Protokoll. Die facettenreichen Texte, die aus dem Alltagsmilieu, dem administrativen, rechtlichen und steuerrechtlichen Bereich stammen, ermöglichen wertvolle Einblicke in das gesellschaftliche Leben im spätantiken Niltal und generieren neue Informationen zur noch wenig erforschten Übergangszeit von der byzantinischen zur arabischen Herrschaft in Ägypten.

Needles from the Nile : Obelisks and the Past as Property
ISBN: 9781800856301 Year: 2022 Publisher: Liverpool : Liverpool University Press,

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Scattered Finds
ISBN: 1787351408 1787351416 9781787351417 9781787351424 1787351424 9781787351400 Year: 2019 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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Scattered Finds explores the politics, personalities and social histories that linked fieldwork in Egypt with the varied organizations around the world that received finds. Case studies range from Victorian municipal museums and women's suffrage campaigns in the UK, to the development of some of the USA's largest institutions, and from university museums in Japan to new institutions in post-independence Ghana. By juxtaposing a diversity of sites for the reception of Egyptian cultural heritage over the period of a century, Alice Stevenson presents new ideas about the development of archaeology, museums and the construction of Egyptian heritage. She also addresses the legacy of these practices, raises questions about the nature of the authority over such heritage today, and argues for a stronger ethical commitment to its stewardship.

Cultes et textes sacrés dans l’Égypte tardive : Diffusion, circulation et adaptation
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ISBN: 9791042101121 9782724708585 2724709896 272470858X Year: 2023 Publisher: Le Caire : Institut français d’archéologie orientale ,

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Les temples égyptiens et leurs clergés, loin de fonctionner comme des entités isolées, faisaient l’objet de nombreux points de contact entre les dieux, comme entre les hommes. Toutefois, bien que ces échanges soient avérés et témoignent d’une certaine universalisation de la religion égyptienne au niveau du pays, chaque clergé local avait à cœur de transformer ces emprunts pour les adapter aux particularités de son panthéon et de ses sanctuaires. De fait, il est souvent difficile de retracer avec certitude l’origine exacte de telle ou telle influence, de postuler l’existence d’un texte source (Urtext) ou encore de définir quelle est la part de « norme » et la part d’adaptation dans chaque tradition. Far from being isolated units, ancient Egyptian temples were places of numerous points of contact among deities and among men. While these links are well known and tend to show a measure of universality in Egyptian religion throughout the country, each local clergy was intent on modifying this common background to adapt it to the specificity of its own pantheon and sanctuaries. Indeed, it is often difficult to determine with any certainty the precise origin of this or that influence, to postulate the existence of an original source (Urtext), or even to distinguish in each tradition which part proceeds from the “norm” and which is the product of an adaptation.

Tell el-Dabca XXIV: The Late Middle Kingdom Settlement of Area A/II A Holistic Study of Non-élite Inhabitants at Tell el-Dabca, Vol. 1
Year: 2020

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This book comprises the final excavation report of the western part of the late Middle Kingdom settlement in Area A (ca 1830 to 1700 BC) excavated from 1966 to 1969. Included are a comprehensive description of the archaeology, the architecture and all relevant finds.Book: Das Buch beinhaltet den abschließenden Ausgrabungsbericht des westlichen Teils der Siedlung des späten Mittleren Reiches (ca 1830-1700 v. Chr.) auf dem Siedlungshügel A, der in den Jahren 1966 bis 1969 erforscht wurde. Die Arbeit umfaßt eine ausführlichen Beschreibung des Befundes, der Architektur und aller dazugehörenden Funde.Buch:

Tell el-Dabca XXIV: The Late Middle Kingdom Settlement of Area A/II A Holistic Study of Non-élite Inhabitants at Tell el-Dabca, Vol. 1
Year: 2020

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This book comprises the final excavation report of the western part of the late Middle Kingdom settlement in Area A (ca 1830 to 1700 BC) excavated from 1966 to 1969. Included are a comprehensive description of the archaeology, the architecture and all relevant finds.Book: Das Buch beinhaltet den abschließenden Ausgrabungsbericht des westlichen Teils der Siedlung des späten Mittleren Reiches (ca 1830-1700 v. Chr.) auf dem Siedlungshügel A, der in den Jahren 1966 bis 1969 erforscht wurde. Die Arbeit umfaßt eine ausführlichen Beschreibung des Befundes, der Architektur und aller dazugehörenden Funde.Buch:

Der Nachlass Paul de Lagarde : Orientalistische Netzwerke und antisemitische Verflechtungen
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110615460 311061247X 3110612801 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Ausgehend von Nachlassmaterialien und Publikationen des Göttinger Orientalisten Paul de Lagarde (1827-1891) unternehmen die Beitragenden dieses Bandes eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Bestandsaufnahme zu Leben und Werk, aber auch zu politisch-weltanschaulichen Aspekten und insbesondere zu Lagardes Antisemitismus. Neben der Erörterung der Fachgeschichte deutscher (Alt-)Orientalistik und der durch Lagarde geprägten Septuaginta-Forschung erfolgt dabei auch eine zeitgeschichtliche Verortung vor den Hintergründen völkischer Ideologie und akademischer Netzwerke. Methodische Fragestellungen zu Erschließung und Edition des Nachlasses sowie den gesellschaftspolitischen Implikationen runden den Band ab. Based on the legacy and published works of the Göttingen orientalist Paul de Lagarde (1827-1891), the contributors to this volume undertake a historical inventory of his life and scientific work, including its political aspects, especially Lagarde's anti-Semitism. Besides describing the history of German Ancient Near Eastern Studies, the book also furnishes a broader context against the backdrop of then-prevalent "völkisch" ideology.

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