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Un panorama du droit judiciaire européen et international : droit international privé, droit du procès équitable, règles en vigueur au sein de l'Europe, etc.
International private law --- Law of civil procedure --- Ebooks --- E-books --- Rechten van de mens : Recht op eerlijk proces --- Juridische aspecten : Gerechtelijk wetboek --- Droits de l'homme : Droit à un procès équitable --- Aspects juridiques : Code judiciaire --- Conflits de juridictions --- Procédure (droit européen)
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Human rights --- International law --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Law of armed conflicts. Humanitarian law --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Criminal procedure (International law) --- Due process of law --- Eerlijk proces (Recht) --- Garanties procédurales --- Procedural due process --- Procès équitable (Droit) --- Procédure pénale (Droit international) --- Strafprocesrecht (Internationaal recht) --- Substantive due process --- Access to justice (Due process of law) --- Civil rights --- Justice, Administration of --- International criminal procedure --- International criminal law --- Procédure pénale (droit international) --- Procès équitable --- Droit international pénal --- Justice pénale --- Administration
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Economic law --- Belgium --- Criminal law -- Pleading and practice --- Criminal procedure --- Criminal procedure -- Law and legislation --- Droit pénal -- Procédure --- Droit à un procès équitable --- Eerlijk proces --- Fair trial --- Garanties procédurales --- Juridiction criminelle --- Juridiction pénale --- Procesrecht [Straf] --- Procès équitable --- Procédure criminelle --- Procédure pénale --- Régularité du procès --- Strafprocesrecht --- Tribunaux--Impartialité --- Équité procédurale --- International and municipal law --- Droit international et droit interne --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- 351.82*6 --- 347.70 --- T26 - D.E.M.-Concurrence et Aides d'état - M.E.R.-Mededinging en Staatssteune --- Mededingingsrecht. Kartelrecht --- Handelsrecht: algemene werken en handboeken. --- BPB0804 --- 343.0 --- V13 - Droit pénal - Strafrecht --- 343.2 <493> --- Strafrecht: algemene werken en handboeken. --- Algemeen strafrecht--België --- 343.2 <493> Algemeen strafrecht--België --- 351.82*6 Mededingingsrecht. Kartelrecht --- Procédure pénale --- Procès équitable --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Europe --- Antitrust law --- Restraint of trade --- Clemency --- Strafrecht: algemene werken en handboeken --- Handelsrecht: algemene werken en handboeken --- Environnement --- Concurrence --- Droit --- Amendes administratives
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In the aftermath of Vatican II, questions concerning due process were not among the main issues debated in canon law. Other topics dominated, including participation, the status of lay people, collegiality. Marriage was a covenant, not a contract. The Church was a community, not an institution. A plea for a more prominent role of canon law was perceived as a lack of true pastoral spirit. Theologians often argued that the Church had to offer more than just law, while it used to be less. Today, the situation changed, though not completely, and at times with a lot of reluctance. This book offers various contributions on due process: the functioning of the Apostolic Signatura and other tribunals within the Roman Catholic Church; an historical overview of due process, covering the evolution over many centuries; the Anglican ideas, norms and traditions; the Reformed perspective. A final address by professor Rik Torfs contributes to the scientific development of church law, and offers practical suggestions to the ecclesial world.
Comparative canon law --- Decision making [Judicial ] --- Droit comparé canonique --- Due process of law --- Eerlijk proces (Recht) --- Garanties procédurales --- Judicial behavior --- Judicial process --- Procedural due process --- Processus judiciaire --- Procès équitable (Droit) --- Procédure judiciaire --- Rechtsgang --- Rechtsvergelijking (canoniek) --- Substantive due process --- Vergelijking canoniek recht --- Due process of law. --- Comparative canon law. --- Judicial process (Canon law) --- Anglican Communion. --- Academic collection --- BPB1510 --- Droit canonique --- Droit à la justice --- Homme politique |x Politicus |y EUROVOC (0436) --- Canoniek recht --- Toegang tot de rechter --- Anglican Communion --- δικαίωμα παροχής εννόμου προστασίας --- toegang tot de rechter --- right to justice --- právo na spravedlnost --- oikeus oikeussuojaan --- tiesības uz taisnīgu tiesu --- tillgång till rättslig prövning --- direito à justiça --- pravo na pravnu zaštitu --- právo na spravodlivosť --- ret til retfærdig rettergang --- drept la justiție --- право на правну заштиту --- õigus õiguskaitsele --- prawo do sprawiedliwości --- e drejtë për drejtësi --- diritto alla giustizia --- pravica do sodnega varstva --- право на правна заштита --- teisė kreiptis į teismą --- igazságszolgáltatáshoz való jog --- dritt għall-ġustizzja --- Anspruch auf rechtliches Gehör --- derecho a la justicia --- право на справедливост --- právo být souzen --- ndalim arbitrar --- protección judicial --- právo být řádně souzen --- pravo na suđenje --- tutela giuridica --- protection of those charged with crimes --- oikeusturva --- direito a julgamento --- asmens neliečiamybė --- syytettyjen oikeussuoja --- arbitrary detention --- derecho a juicio --- legal protection --- juridisk beskyttelse --- habeas corpus/súdne predvolanie --- strafferetlig beskyttelse --- right to trial --- Habeas Corpus --- protecție penală --- õigus kohtumõistmisele --- noziedzīgos nodarījumos apsūdzētas personas aizsardzība --- juridiskt skydd --- teisinė apsauga --- godtyckligt frihetsberövande --- ένταλμα σύλληψης --- пристап до правдата --- ποινική προστασία --- detenção arbitrária --- habeas corpus --- õiguskaitse --- арбитрарен притвор --- ret til at blive dømt --- willkürliche Inhaftierung --- protection juridique --- proteção penal --- detenzione arbitraria --- заштита на лица обвинети за кривични дела --- pravna zaštita --- patvaļīga aizturēšana --- ochrana ľudí obvinených zo zločinov --- e drejtë për proces gjyqësor --- právní ochrana --- право на правично судење --- detención arbitraria --- omavoliline kinnipidamine --- nulla poena sine lege --- kuriteos süüdistatavate kaitse --- neoprávnené zadržanie --- Habeas corpus --- tutela penale --- rechtsbescherming --- speciālā starptautiski tiesiskā aizsardzība --- право на судење --- onrechtmatige gevangenhouding --- neoprávněné zadržení --- strafrechtelijke bescherming --- įtariamųjų apsauga --- rätt till rättslig prövning --- právo na riadny súdny proces --- omavaltainen vangitseminen --- pravo optuženika --- изведување затвореник пред суд --- tiesības uz lietas izlemšanu tiesā --- recht op berechting --- diritto di essere giudicato --- oikeus oikeudenkäyntiin --- detenție arbitrară --- незаконско приведување --- droit à être jugé --- произволно лишување од слобода --- dreptul de a fi judecat --- mbrojtje e personave në ndjekje penale --- protection pénale --- δικαίωμα του δικάζεσθαι --- právna ochrana --- tisztességes tárgyaláshoz való jog --- bíróhoz való jog --- процесни гаранции --- détention arbitraire --- právo na spravedlivý proces --- έννομη προστασία --- proteção jurídica --- tiesiska aizsardzība --- garantía procesal --- mbrojte ligjore --- nullum crimen sine lege --- nesankcionuotas sulaikymas --- правна заштита --- protecție juridică --- αυθαίρετη κράτηση --- derecho a la tutela judicial --- oikeussuoja --- vilkårlig frihedsberøvelse --- straffrättsligt skydd --- kanooniline õigus --- kanonų teisė --- kanonsko pravo --- kanonisk ret --- kanoninen oikeus --- dritt kanoniku --- direito canónico --- kanonisk rätt --- kánonjog --- canoniek recht --- diritto canonico --- drept canonic --- канонско право --- prawo kanoniczne --- kanonisches Recht --- canon law --- Derecho Canónico --- κανονικό δίκαιο --- канонично право --- kanoniskās tiesības --- kanonické právo --- e drejta kanunore --- kerkrecht (RK) --- római katolikus egyházjog --- römisch-katholisches Kirchenrecht --- egyházjog --- канонски закон на римокатоличката црква --- канонски закон --- dlí canónta --- rochtain ar an gceartas --- Judicial process (Canon law) - Anglican Communion. --- Droit à la justice
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