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Skolni vzdelavani ve Velke Britanii
ISBN: 8024643715 Year: 2013 Publisher: Praze : Univerzita Karlova,

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Les enquêtes PISA dans les systèmes scolaires valaisan et genevois : Accueil, impact et conséquences
Authors: ---
ISBN: 294065512X 294019582X Year: 2021 Publisher: Genève : Éditions Interroger l’éducation,

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L’utilisation des enquêtes PISA comme outil de régulation des poli­tiques éducatives suscite débats et controverses sur la scène scolaire internationale. Tous les trois ans, PISA évalue les compétences des élèves au terme de leur scolarité obligatoire puis compare les résultats des pays participants dans le but de tirer des conclusions sur leurs sys­tèmes éducatifs et d’identifier d’éventuels facteurs de succès. L’enjeu est de déterminer dans quelle mesure les élèves disposent des connais­sances et des outils nécessaires à leur insertion dans la société moderne et au développement de celle-ci. Suivant le même principe, la Suisse s’est soumise à une enquête PISA supplémentaire à l’échelle nationale afin de disposer de données plus approfondies sur chacun de ses cantons. Nous nous intéresserons à la Suisse romande, où la revendication de l’objectif de promotion de mo­dèles efficaces et équitables peine à faire l’unanimité. Qu’en est-il des cantons du Valais et de Genève en particulier, où les résultats des élèves apparaissent très contrastés ? Cet ouvrage propose une analyse des quatre premières enquêtes PISA dans ces deux cantons afin de déterminer d’où proviennent ces diffé­rences de performance, d’identifier les raisons qui expliquent le scepti­cisme existant au sujet de PISA et d’établir d’éventuelles relations entre les résultats PISA et certaines mesures appliquées au plan des politiques éducatives régionales et cantonales.

Regards croisés sur la réforme du secondaire I à Neuchâtel : Points de vue pédagogiques, points de vue politiques
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2940655170 2940195978 Year: 2021 Publisher: Genève : Éditions Interroger l’éducation,

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Depuis 2015, le canton de Neuchâtel répartit ses élèves du secondaire I en classes hétérogènes avec des niveaux dans certaines disciplines. Comment le corps enseignant a-t-il vécu l’annonce de cette réforme ? Comment perçoit‑il aujourd’hui ses effets ? Les pratiques pédagogiques se sont‑elles adaptées ? Ce livre présente les résultats d’une étude exploratoire à la démarche originale : basée sur des entretiens semi-directifs, elle nous amène au plus près de l’expérience des enseignant·es. En creux, elle révèle la nature des relations entre le corps enseignant et le corps politique, donne à réfléchir aux attentes divergentes des différents acteurs et actrices impliquées dans cette réforme, et aux nécessaires adaptations pédagogiques qu’il reste à trouver.

Managing for Learning : Measuring and Strengthening Education Management in Latin America and the Caribbean
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1464814643 1464814635 Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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How can countries make sustainable gains in student learning at scale? This is a pressing question for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)--and the developing world more broadly--as countries seek to build human capital to drive sustainable growth. Significant progress in access has expanded coverage such that nearly all children in the region attend primary school, but many do not gain basic skills and drop out before completing secondary school, in part due to low-quality service delivery. The preponderance of evidence shows that it is learning--and not schooling in and of itself--that contributes to individual earnings, economic growth, and reduced inequality. For LAC in particular, low levels of human capital are a critical factor in explaining the region's relatively weak growth performance over the last half century. The easily measurable inputs are well-known, and the end goal is relatively clear, but raising student achievement at scale remains a challenge. Why? Part of the answer lies in management--the managers, structures, and practices that guide how inputs into the education system are translated into outputs, and ultimately outcomes. While management is often mentioned as an important factor in education policy discussions, relatively little quantitative research has been done to define and measure it. And even less has been done to unpack how and how much management matters for education quality. This study presents new conceptual and empirical contributions that can be synthesized in four key messages: 1. Student learning is unlikely to improve at scale without better management. 2. Management quality can be measured and should be measured as a catalyst for improvement. 3. Management affects how well every level of an education system functions, from individual schools to central technical units, and how well they work together. 4. Several pathways to strengthening management are open to LAC countries now, with the potential for significant results. The study elaborates on each of these messages, synthesizing recent data and research and presenting the results of several new research initiatives from across the region.

Education Policies in the 21st Century : Comparative Perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9811916047 9811916039 Year: 2022 Publisher: Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan US,

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This open access book explores the agenda of education policies in the 21st century. In the first part of the book, education is handled from a historical and political framework, and the effects of the change of states and policies on education are examined. In the second part, the effects of changes in the economy on education policies and economies’ demands from educational institutions are examined. In the last section, current policies in the international education sector, which is growing day by day as a result of increasing globalization and internationalization, are examined and future trends are tried to be revealed. In articles written by academics from different universities all over the world, the topics are presented in a comparative perspective.

Assessment Testing Can be Used to Inform Policy Decisions : The Case of Jordan
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Over the past two decades, the Jordanian education system has made significant advances. Net enrollment in basic education increased from 89 percent in 2000 to 97 percent in 2006. Transition rates to secondary education increased from 63 to 79 percent in the same period. At the same time, Jordan made significant gains on international surveys of student achievement, with a particularly impressive gain of almost 30 points on the science portion of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Changes in test scores over time are presented and analyzed using decomposition analysis. The trends are related to policy changes over time. It is argued that benchmarking education systems and constant feedback between researchers and policymakers contributed to this achievement.

Framework for the Reform of Education Systems and Planning for Quality
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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In 2000, the goal that, by 2015, all children will have access to, and complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality, was set. Despite the progress in terms of student enrollment and completion, the quality of learning produced in developing countries remains poor. Existing models of education production are inadequate for informing education reform for the purpose of improving school quality, as measured by student learning. Thus, a broader and more integrated approach of policy making is put forward. Building on theory and empirical evidence on what works, the paper puts forward a framework for improving the quality of education. The framework includes six factors: (1) assessment; (2) autonomy; (3) accountability; (4) attention to teachers; (5) attention to early childhood development; and (6) attention to culture. Going forward, there is a need to develop a system of international quality benchmarks drawing on a larger body of evidence. Most importantly, more empirical evidence from impact evaluations is needed.

Assessment Testing Can be Used to Inform Policy Decisions : The Case of Jordan
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Over the past two decades, the Jordanian education system has made significant advances. Net enrollment in basic education increased from 89 percent in 2000 to 97 percent in 2006. Transition rates to secondary education increased from 63 to 79 percent in the same period. At the same time, Jordan made significant gains on international surveys of student achievement, with a particularly impressive gain of almost 30 points on the science portion of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Changes in test scores over time are presented and analyzed using decomposition analysis. The trends are related to policy changes over time. It is argued that benchmarking education systems and constant feedback between researchers and policymakers contributed to this achievement.

Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 : Apprendre pour realiser la promesse de l'education.
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Chaque annee, le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde de la Banque mondiale met en vedette un sujet d'importance capitale pour le developpement mondial. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 - APPRENDRE pour realiser la promesse de l'education - est le premier consacre integralement a l'education. Et le moment s'y prete particulierement : l'education a toujours ete essentielle au bien-etre de l'etre humain, mais elle l'est plus encore en cette periode de rapides mutations economiques et sociales. Le meilleur moyen de preparer les enfants et les jeunes a l'avenir est de placer l'apprentissage au centre de toutes les interventions de promotion de l'education. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 aborde quatre themes majeurs :La promesse de l'education. L'education est un levier important pour eradiquer la pauvrete et promouvoir une prosperite partagee. Mais pour qu'elle puisse realiser ce potentiel, il faut ameliorer les politiques - a l'interieur comme en dehors du systeme educatif.La necessite de mettre l'apprentissage en lumiere. En depit des progres accomplis en matiere d'acces a l'education, les recentes evaluations des acquis scolaires revelent que de nombreux jeunes a travers le monde, particulierement ceux qui sont issus des couches pauvres ou marginalisees de la population, quittent l'ecole sans avoir acquis ne seraient-ce que les competences necessaires a la vie. En meme temps, des evaluationsscolaires comparables sur le plan international montrent que les competences disponibles dans de nombreux pays a revenu intermediaire sont nettement inferieures a ce que ces pays ambitionnent. Et trop souvent, ces lacunes sont cachees - par consequent, pour faire face a la crise de l'apprentissage, il est crucial de commencer par la mettre en lumiere en ameliorant l'evaluation des acquis des eleves.Comment mettre l'ecole au service de l'ensemble des apprenants ? Les travaux de recherche sur le cerveau, l'innovation pedagogique et la gestion des etablissements scolaires, entre autres, ont identifie des interventions qui favorisent l'apprentissage en faisant en sorte que les apprenants soient mieux prepares, que les enseignants soient a la fois competents et motives, et que d'autres moyens soient mis en oeuvre pour soutenir larelation entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant.Comment faire en sorte que le systeme favorise l'apprentissage ? Pour realiser les objectifs d'apprentissage a travers le systeme educatif dans son ensemble, il ne suffit pas de transposer a plus grande echelle les interventions efficaces. Les pays doivent aussi surmonter des obstacles techniques et politiques en ayant recours a des outils de mesure et indicateurs suffisamment parlants pour mobiliser les acteurs concernes etsuivre les progres, en formant des coalitions au service de l'apprentissage et en adoptant une approche de reforme evolutive.

Teacher effectiveness : capacity building in a complex era
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789814605564 Year: 2015 Publisher: Andover Cengage Learning

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The complex learning era of the 21st century, with the affordances of technology creating vast opportunities of new learning environments, calls into question, what makes an effective teacher for today and tomorrow. Concerns with student outcomes based primarily on a limited set of measures and attribution of student achievements to the quality of teachers, often obscure the essential perspective of long-haul vision of education. An inventive approach to evolve practices to prepare and develop teachers with design skills and a creative mindset is important in order to understand the whole child , and enable him/her to cope with the ever-changing learning context. The teacher factor is a key catalytic force for improving education by redefining teacher effectiveness. &#13; The perspectives presented in Teacher Effectiveness: Capacity Building in a Complex Learning Era aim at bridging the gaps for much needed resources on teacher education and teacher professional development. The importance of evidence-based approaches, planning for quality impact and contextualisation of relevant outcomes are illustrated. &#13;KEY FEATURES &#13;The rich experiences and perspectives from contributing authors, including experts, deans, directors and presidents of major institutions and associations, provide innovative insights and ideas Learning points from top-performing education systems around the world such as Finland, South Korea and Singapore are presented Conceptualisation with evidence-based perspectives and planning for quality outcomes Contextualisation of teacher effectiveness with emphasis on capacity building Multidisciplinary coverage of theory-practice linkage, multifaceted approach to teacher effectiveness Future orientation taking into account the rapidly changing learning environments&#13;&#13;

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