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The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets brings a fresh perspective to today’s major questions surrounding financial policy. Influenced by his term as Governor of the Federal Reserve, Frederic Mishkin offers students a unique viewpoint and informed insight into the monetary policy process, the regulation and supervision of the financial system, and the internationalization of financial markets. Continuing to set the standard for money and banking courses, the Eleventh Edition provides a unifying, analytic framework for learning that fits a wide variety of syllabi. Core economic principles organize students' thinking, while current real-world examples keep them engaged and motivated.
Finance --- Money --- Banks and banking --- 336.7 --- Private financiën --- LESS --- MA 2017-2018 --- OO Bankwezen (*) --- OO Bank- en verzekeringswezen (*) --- MA 2018-2019 --- Textbooks. --- MA 2019-2020 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2020-2021 --- MA FM 2020-2021 --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024
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Audit --- Human medicine --- 316 --- 303.425 --- Social sciences --- -Social surveys --- 300.723 --- Community surveys --- Surveys, Social --- Surveys --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Sociologie --(algemeen) --- Survey --sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Research --- Communicatieve vaardigheden: enquête --- Communicatieve vaardigheden: enquête. --- 303.425 Survey --sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek --- 316 Sociologie --(algemeen) --- MA 2017-2018 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- Enquêtes sociales --- Social surveys --- Sociale enquêtes --- Social science research --- MA 2018-2019 --- MA 2019-2020 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- MA 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF (*) --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024
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Multivariate analysis --- Multivariate analysis. --- Multivariate statistische analyse --- Multivariate statistische analyse. --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie --- MA 2017-2018 --- 519.2 --- Multivariate distributions --- Multivariate statistical analysis --- Statistical analysis, Multivariate --- Analysis of variance --- Mathematical statistics --- Matrices --- Wiskundige statistiek --- MA 2018-2019 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- MA 2019-2020 --- MA 2020-2021 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF --- MA 2021-2022 --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- MA 2022-2023 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- 519.237 --- #SBIB:303H520 --- 519.237 Multivariate statistical methods --- Multivariate statistical methods --- Methoden sociale wetenschappen: techniek van de analyse, algemeen --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024
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303.425 --- Survey --sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek --- 303.425 Survey --sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek --- MA 2017-2018 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- Sampling (Statistics) --- Social sciences --- Social surveys --- Community surveys --- Surveys, Social --- Surveys --- Random sampling --- Statistics of sampling --- Statistics --- Mathematical statistics --- Statistical methods --- Research --- MA 2018-2019 --- MA 2019-2020 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- MA 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF (*) --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024
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Aan de basis van marktonderzoek staan beheersing van onderzoekstechnieken en deze technieken toepassen op concrete marketingproblemen. Zowel marktonderzoekers als marketingmanagers dienen kennis te hebben van beide zaken. Marktonderzoek voorziet in deze behoeften. Dit boek behandelt de methodologie van het onderzoek, en besteedt daarnaast ruim aandacht aan specifieke marketingproblemen, zoals onderzoek naar nieuwe producten, communicatie en klanttevredenheid. Marktonderzoek bestaat uit vier delen. Het eerste deel besteedt aandacht aan een aantal belangrijke definities en aan enkele elementaire methodologische principes. Het tweede deel gaat dieper in op technieken van gegevensverzameling. In het derde deel komen technieken van gegevensverwerking aan bod. Het vierde deel is meer toepassingsgericht en behandelt onderzoeksprocedures voor een aantal vaak voorkomende marketingproblemen.
658:005.52 --- marketing --- marktanalyse --- 658.8.4 --- 658.83 --- MA 2017-2018 --- marktonderzoek --- Marketing research --- Marktonderzoek --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF / HRM / IZW (*) --- Marketing --- Marktonderzoek. --- Market research --- MA 2018-2019 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- MA 2019-2020 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- MA 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF (*) --- methodologie van het onderzoek --- uitvoeren en leiden van onderzoek --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024
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The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Third Edition, represents the state of art for the theory and practice of qualitative inquiry. Built on the foundations of the landmark First and Second Editions (1994, 2000), the Third Edition moves qualitative research boldly into the 21st century. The editors and authors ask how the practices of qualitative inquiry can be used to address issues of social justice in this new century.
Social sciences --- Sociale wetenschappen --- Research. --- research --- methodologie. --- Qualitative methods in social research --- !LEER- EN HANDBOEKEN -- 159.920.3 --- QUALITATIVE RESEARCH -- 159.920.3 --- !LEER- EN HANDBOEKEN -- 159.982 --- QUALITATIVE RESEARCH -- 159.982 --- QUALITATIVE RESEARCH -- 371.1 --- maatschappijwetenschap, methoden --- MA 2017-2018 --- 001.8 --- 001 --- 001.891 --- 303 --- 001.891 Wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Research. Onderzoekmethoden --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Research. Onderzoekmethoden --- 303 Methoden bij sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Methoden bij sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Social science research --- Research --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- Onderzoeksmethodologie --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Qualitative research --- Sciences sociales --- Recherche qualitative --- Methodology --- Méthodologie --- Recherche --- MA 2018-2019 --- MA 2019-2020 --- Methodologie --- Kwaliteit --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- MA 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF (*) --- Kwaliteit (proceskenmerk) --- Natuurwetenschappen --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- Onderzoek (wetenschap) --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024 --- SCIENCES SOCIALES --- Sociologie --- Paradigme --- Méthodologie de la recherche --- RECHERCHE --- Methodologie.
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Mathematical statistics --- Multivariate analysis --- 519.237 --- #SBIB:303H522 --- 519.2 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 303.0 --- Multivariate distributions --- Multivariate statistical analysis --- Statistical analysis, Multivariate --- Analysis of variance --- Matrices --- Multivariate statistical methods --- Methoden sociale wetenschappen: handboeken statistische analyse --- Wiskundige statistiek --- Statistische technieken in econometrie. Wiskundige statistiek (algemene werken en handboeken). --- Multivariate analysis. --- 519.237 Multivariate statistical methods --- MA 2016-2017 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie --- MA 2017-2018 --- Statistische technieken in econometrie. Wiskundige statistiek (algemene werken en handboeken) --- MA 2018-2019 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- MA 2019-2020 --- MA 2020-2021 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF --- MA 2021-2022 --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- MA 2022-2023 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024
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Recognized as one of the most cited methodology books in the social sciences, the Sixth Edition of Robert K. Yin′s bestselling text provides a complete portal to the world of case study research. With the integration of 11 applications in this edition, the book gives readers access to exemplary case studies drawn from a wide variety of academic and applied fields. Ultimately, Case Study Research and Applications will guide students in the successful design and use of the case study research method.
Case method. --- Social sciences --- Research --- Methodology. --- #SBIB:303H10 --- #SBIB:303H34 --- MA 2017-2018 --- Methoden en technieken: algemene handboeken en reeksen --- Kwalitatieve methoden: grondige gevallenstudie, casework, social work --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- 301.08 --- Sociologische onderzoeksmethoden --- Methods in social research (general) --- Méthode des cas --- Sciences sociales --- Recherche --- Méthodologie --- 770.7 --- interactief design --- interaction design --- onderzoeksmethoden --- sociologie --- interaction design, participatory design, social design --- Case method --- Methodology --- MA 2018-2019 --- Science policy --- Méthode des cas. --- Méthodologie. --- MA 2019-2020 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- MA 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF (*) --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- Social sciences - Research - Methodology --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024 --- Méthode des cas. --- Méthodologie.
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The teaching of qualitative analysis in the social sciences is rarely undertaken in a structured way. This handbook is designed to remedy that and to present students and researchers with a systematic method for interpreting qualitative data', whether derived from interviews, field notes, or documentary materials. The special emphasis of the book is on how to develop theory through qualitative analysis. The reader is provided with the tools for doing qualitative analysis, such as codes, memos, memo sequences, theoretical sampling and comparative analysis, and diagrams, all of which are abundantly illustrated by actual examples drawn from the author's own varied qualitative research and research consultations, as well as from his research seminars. Many of the procedural discussions are concluded with rules of thumb that can usefully guide the researchers' analytic operations. The difficulties that beginners encounter when doing qualitative analysis and the kinds of persistent questions they raise are also discussed, as is the problem of how to integrate analyses. In addition, there is a chapter on the teaching of qualitative analysis and the giving of useful advice during research consultations, and there is a discussion of the preparation of material for publication. The book has been written not only for sociologists but for all researchers in the social sciences and in such fields as education, public health, nursing, and administration who employ qualitative methods in their work.
Qualitative methods in social research --- -303.022 --- MA 2017-2018 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- Social sciences --- 301.081 --- 303.022 --- 303.022 Kwalitatieve methoden bij social research --(sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek) --- Kwalitatieve methoden bij social research --(sociaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek) --- Methodology --- Statistical methods --- Kwalitatieve sociologische onderzoeksmethoden --- Methodology. --- Statistical methods. --- MA 2018-2019 --- MA 2019-2020 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- MA 2020-2021 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF (*) --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- Social Sciences --- Sociology --- Social sciences - Methodology --- Social sciences - Statistical methods --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024 --- SCIENCES SOCIALES --- METHODE QUALITATIVE --- METHODOLOGIE --- METHODE STATISTIQUE
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Quantitative methods (economics) --- Econometrics --- 330.115 --- MA 2020-2021 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2020-2021 --- OF 3 2020-2021 --- SP 2020-2021 --- VP MA in de HW 2020-2021 --- 330.115 Econometrie --- Econometrie --- Economics, Mathematical --- Statistics --- Kwantitatieve methoden (economie) --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie AF --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie HRM (*) --- OO Onderzoeksmethoden 3 (*) --- OO Onderzoeksmethoden (S) (*) --- MA 2021-2021 --- MA - Educatieve MA in de economie - Domeinluik 2021-2022 --- OF 3 2021-2022 --- SP 2021-2022 --- VP MA in de HW 2021-2022 --- MA 2021-2022 --- MA Educatieve MA in de economie 2021-2022 --- OO Onderzoeksmethodologie (*) --- OF 3 2022-2023 --- SP 2022-2023 --- VP MA in de HW 2022-2023 --- MA 2022-2023 --- Educatieve MA in de economie 2022-2023 --- MA Educatieve MA 2023-2024 --- OF 3 2023-2024 --- VP MA 2023-2024 --- MA Educatieve MA 2022-2023 --- SP 2023-2024 --- MA 2023-2024
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