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Women's Entrepreneurship : How to Measure the Gap between New Female and Male Entrepreneurs?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper analyzes data on female and male entrepreneurship that were collected by the World Bank Group's Entrepreneurship Database. Recognizing the importance of a differentiated approach to entrepreneurship in terms of legal entities, the data on female and male business owners are collected at the level of limited liability companies and sole proprietorships. Forty-four of the 143 economies that participated in the Entrepreneurship project provided some sex-disaggregated data for 2016. The paper finds that the gender gap in business ownership remains high in many economies around the world. In the majority of the analyzed economies, less than one-third of new limited liability company owners are women. Although sole proprietorships are more frequently used by female entrepreneurs, only three economies have similar or equal number of women business owners relative to men. The gap in female entrepreneurship is especially apparent in low-income economies, where women are much less likely than men to start a new business. The paper also provides new insights into the relationship between female entrepreneurship and various institutional factors, including women's financial inclusion, the gender gap in education, and legal rights disparities. The analysis suggests a need to expand the collection of sex-disaggregated data, to trace the economies' progress in narrowing the existing gender gap in entrepreneurship.

How Household Characteristics Shape Program Access and Asset Accumulation : A Mixed Method Analysis of the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme in Rwanda
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper assesses how household context and characteristics shape the welfare trajectory and more specifically the accumulation of productive assets among beneficiaries of the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme in Rwanda, the government's flagship social assistance program. The analysis is based on a unique data set combining panel household survey data with in-depth qualitative interviews of a subsample of male and female beneficiaries from the survey data collected between 2009 and 2015. By combining quantitative and qualitative information, the paper draws a more nuanced picture of how household characteristics-structural and temporal-contextualize opportunities for poor men and women and their households and shape how well they can leverage access to the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme to accumulate productive assets. The mixed method analysis reveals that household composition, gender power dynamics, disability, care responsibilities, marital arrangements, intrahousehold communication, and access to other social programs and institutions play a crucial role in access to the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme and related asset accumulation. The findings suggest that households would benefit from a broader definition of the eligibility criteria and the availability of flexible and complementary programming, to reap the benefits of the income transfer received from the program.

Gender and Enterprise Development in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Review of Constraints and Effective Interventions
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Female participation in entrepreneurial activities is higher in Sub-Saharan Africa than in any other region. However, women-owned businesses significantly underperform those owned by men. This paper identifies the main constraints that women face in developing their businesses in Africa and discusses how these constraints influence strategic choices in areas such as level of investment and sector of operations. The paper synthesizes the emerging lessons about what works and what does not work to address the underlying constraints to the performance of women-owned firms. Moreover, it identifies knowledge gaps and priority research questions. The paper aims to support the development of a gender-informed policy and research agenda on enterprise development that can guide practitioners, development partners, and researchers who seek to advance women's economic empowerment in Africa.

Geschlechterforschung in und zwischen den Disziplinen : Gender in Soziologie, Ökonomie und Bildung
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3847414844 3847423592 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Welche Diskurse der Geschlechterforschung lassen sich identifizieren, wie verorten sie sich und an welche Denktraditionen knüpfen sie an? Angesichts der Vielfalt und Komplexität des wissenschaftlichen Gegenstandes Geschlecht verwundert es nicht, dass sich unterschiedliche disziplinäre Zugänge und Perspektiven entwickelt und herausgebildet haben. Der Band nimmt hier insbesondere die Disziplinen Soziologie, Ökonomie und Bildung in den Blick. The anthology takes the diversity and complexity of the scientific subject of gender as an opportunity to discuss the various disciplinary approaches and perspectives of sociology, economics and education.

A Multi-Country Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty in Contexts of Forced Displacement
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Despite the many simultaneous deprivations faced by forcibly displaced communities, such as food insecurity, inadequate housing, or lack of access to education, there is little research on the level and composition of multidimensional poverty among them, and how it might differ from that of host communities. Relying on household survey data from selected areas of Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan, this paper proposes a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) that captures the overlapping deprivations experienced by poor individuals in contexts of displacement. Using the MPI, the paper presents multi-country descriptive analysis to explore the relationships between multidimensional poverty, displacement status, and gender of the household head. The results reveal significant differences across displaced and host communities in all countries except Nigeria. In Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan, female-headed households have higher MPIs, while in Somalia, those living in male-headed households are more likely to be identified as multidimensionally poor. Lastly, the paper examines mismatches and overlaps in the identification of the poor by the MPI and the USD 1.90/day poverty line, confirming the need for complementary measures when assessing deprivations among people in contexts of displacement.

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