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In the 1830s, New York, Philadelphia, and Boston each had a stock exchange. These were the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Philadelphia Stock Exchange, and Boston Stock Exchange. As there was no reliable means of communicating between these cities in real time, each exchange served its local market. The 1840s brought an innovation in communications technology: the telegraph, which, in time, brought these exchanges into competition with each other. Three previously independent stock markets became, in effect, a single market. If a security was listed on more than one exchange, potential buyers and sellers could choose the exchange on which to execute a trade in this security. This book closely analyzes this competition. The NYSE emerged as the winner of this competition. It became the place to trade securities that evoked regional and eventually national interest, while the Boston and Philadelphia exchanges remained regional exchanges. This book explores when and why this happened. This analysis is applied to the competition between (i) stock exchanges today; (ii) car rental aggregator services such as Uber and Ola; (iii) restaurant to home, food delivery services, such a Zomato and Swiggy; and (iv) doorstep delivery services, such as Blinkit and Zepto. Sonali Garg is an independent researcher based in New Delhi, India. She has worked as a regulator at the Competition Commission of India and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from The Ohio State University. Views expressed in the book are the author’s.
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“The Dutch Paper Industry from 1580 to the Present is not your typical history book. Adopting a historical materialist perspective, Ehrich’s work exposes the complicity between capitalism and networks and significantly enriches contemporary economic history scholarship by providing essential insights for those intrigued by critical analyses of the paper industry and the broader history of capitalist development.” —Professor Steffen Boehm, Professor in Organisation and Sustainability at the University of Exeter Business School, UK This open access book is the first to provide an analysis of the Dutch paper industry over a period encompassing six centuries. Responding to a trend of renewed scholarly interest in paper industries and production, the book seeks to illuminate the factors behind this relatively small national industry’s centuries-long survival. Previous historical research has shown that sets of colonial, trade, merchant and family networks, tightly interwoven through a dense web of capital, were crucial for paper production and trade in early modern Europe. This book situates the Dutch paper industry within these overlapping contexts and their shifting dynamics over time, and historicizes the challenges and obstacles it had to overcome through four phases of capitalism: the rise of Dutch capitalism (1580–1815), Dutch monarchic liberalism (1815–1914), Fordism (1914–1980), and post-Fordism (1980 until now). Each chapter covers not only technological advancements in the industry, but its development alongside further determining dimensions, such as state-industry relations (industry policies), labour-capital relations (unions) and competition and cooperation, overall painting a picture of how the industry adapted to and endured changes in national and global networks surrounding the industry. This book will be of broad interest to scholars of economic and business history, as well as industrial history, political economy, and management studies. Martha Emilie Ehrich is a postdoctoral researcher at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in Germany, researching gender equity policies in the film industry. Having completed a PhD at Radboud University in the Netherlands, Ehrich’s primary research interests span network research, economic history and political economy.
Economic history. --- Economic development. --- Technology. --- History. --- Economic History. --- Economic Development, Innovation and Growth. --- History of Technology.
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Was können chinesische Wirtschaftswissenschaftler aus dem japanischen Wirtschaftsboom und der anschließenden Stagnation lernen? Dieses Projekt zielt darauf ab, den Wachstumsmechanismus und die Determinanten der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in China im Vergleich zu den japanischen Erfahrungen institutionell und empirisch zu untersuchen. Dies ist die erste Herausforderung bei der Durchführung einer vergleichenden Studie über Chinas und Japans Wirtschaftswachstum und Entwicklung. Unser Ziel ist es, den Übergang des Wirtschaftssystems und seinen Einfluss auf die chinesische und japanische Wirtschaft aus makro- und mikroökonomischer Sicht zu untersuchen. Dieses Buch wird für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Wissenschaftler der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft und Wissenschaftler, die sich mit der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Chinas oder Japans befassen, von Interesse sein. Dr. Xinxin Ma ist Professorin an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Hosei-Universität. Sie war Herausgeberin des Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics, Asian Studies und des Journal of Chinese Economics. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Einkommensungleichheit und soziale Sicherheit in China. Ihre wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten wurden in Fachzeitschriften wie der China Economic Review, dem Journal of Asian Economics und Economic Systems veröffentlicht. Ihre jüngsten Bücher sind Female Employment and Gender Gap in China (Springer, 2021) und Employment, Retirement and Lifestyle in Aging East Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Dr. Cheng Tang ist Professor an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Chuo Universität. Er war Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Asian Studies. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind das chinesische Finanzsystem und die Haushaltsfinanzen. Seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten wurden in JINGJI YANJIU, Ajia Keizai und Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies veröffentlicht. Sein jüngstes Buch ist Uncovering the Mechanisms of "High Savings Rate" and "Excessive Debt": An Understanding of Chinese Economy from the Angle of Household and Corporate Financial Behavior (Yuhikaku Press, 2021). Dieses Buch stellt die Übersetzung einer englischsprachigen Originalausgabe dar. Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt (maschinelle Übersetzung mit Eine anschließende manuelle Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem nach inhaltlichen Gesichtspunkten, so dass das Buch stilistisch von einer herkömmlichen Übersetzung abweichen kann.
Asia—Economic conditions. --- Social policy. --- Economic development. --- Asian Economics. --- Social Policy. --- Economic Development, Innovation and Growth.
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China’s borderland economy has grown significantly recently, thanks largely to a favorable institutional environment created by national strategies such as the development of the western part of China, revitalization of old industrial bases in the northeast, and the anti-poverty campaign. This work draws on theories of international economics and spatial economics to study the regional economic integration of China's border areas, with the aim of shedding light on how to improve policies and practices. It discusses topics such as the transformation of border trade, industrial upgrading and urbanization in borderlands , especially in the context of cross-border economic integration. Furthermore, the book also explores ways in which changes in the border might contribute to the formation of peripheral economic growth centers, and related environmental, institutional and policy issues. It will interest scholars of Asian economic trends and the rise of China, particularly in Southeast Asia. Shuanglu Liang is a Ph.D. in economics and a researcher at the School of Economics at Yunnan University. Liang’s research interests include spatial economics, frontier economics, national economics and innovation economics.
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“Industrial Innovations: New Technologies in Cities' Digital Infrastructures” is a comprehensive proceedings book that delves into the latest research and practices shaping the industrial landscape in urban settings. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the integration of digital advancements has become increasingly crucial for optimizing industrial processes and enhancing efficiency. Through a series of insightful contributions, this book explores various aspects of digital advancements in industrial processes. Readers will gain valuable insights into topics such as machine learning for export pattern identification, AI-driven predictive maintenance methods, and the integration of digital technologies in distribution supply chains. These discussions shed light on how digital innovations are revolutionizing traditional industrial practices, leading to more streamlined operations and improved outcomes. Additionally, the book examines the role of digital twins in improving business processes by providing virtual simulations and optimizations. This concept enables businesses to enhance their operational efficiency and make informed decisions based on real-time data analysis. Moreover, the impact of digital visual management systems on workplace safety is explored, highlighting the importance of leveraging technology to mitigate risks and ensure a safer working environment. Furthermore, systematic mapping studies shed light on the intersection of green and digital supply chain innovation. By exploring how digital technologies can be leveraged to create more sustainable industrial practices, these studies offer potential avenues for reducing environmental impact and promoting long-term sustainability in industrial operations. With its diverse range of topics and contributions, “Industrial Innovations: New Technologies in Cities' Digital Infrastructures” serves as a valuable resource for researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers interested in the intersection of technology and industrial innovation in urban environments. It offers insights into the latest advancements and best practices in leveraging digital technologies to optimize industrial processes and drive sustainable development in cities worldwide.
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This work uses international economics and space economics theory to study the regional economic integration of China's border areas with the increasing integration of China's border areas, and to realize the theory and countermeasures of economic development across border areas. As China's economy pivots towards neighboring developing countries in Southeast Asia, new economic rhythms come into being; this book seeks to explore the practicalities thereof, in a text that will interest economic researchers, researchers of China's economy, and scholars of international relations. Liang Shuanglu is a researcher at the School of Economics at Yunnan University.
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This book presents the latest research perspectives on how the Industry 4.0 paradigm is challenging the process of technological and structural change and how the diversification of the economy affects structural transformation. It also explores the impact of fast-growing technologies on the transformation of socioeconomic and environmental systems, and asks whether structural and technological change can generate sustainable economic growth and employment. Further, the book presents the basic innovations (new technologies, materials, energy, etc) and industrial policies that can lead to such a structural change.
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Timo Weyrauch untersucht, welche Kriterien eine frugale Innnovation definieren und wie frugale Innovationen entwickelt werden können. Im ersten Teil der Untersuchung werden auf Basis eines Literaturreviews sowie einer qualitativen Befragung drei Kriterien entwickelt, um frugale von nicht-frugalen Innovationen abzugrenzen. Im zweiten Teil wird durch Anwendung der Aktionsforschung untersucht, wie der Innovations- und Produktentwicklungsprozess auszurichten ist. Der Autor zeigt, mit welchen Vorgehensweisen und Methoden frugale Innovationen gezielt entwickelt werden können. Der Inhalt Kriterien zur Definition frugaler Innovation Ausgestaltung des Innovationsprozesses Verfahrensweise zur Identifikation der Kundenbedürfnisse Verfahrensweise zur Konzepterarbeitung Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Ingenieurswissenschaften, des Technologie- und Innovationsmanagements, des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens sowie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Praktikerinnen und Praktiker aus den Bereichen Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, Produktmanagement, Produktentwicklung sowie Forschung und Entwicklung Der Autor Timo Weyrauch ist Manager in einer Strategieberatung und wurde an der Technischen Universität Hamburg am Institut für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt promoviert.
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This book presents the latest research perspectives on how the Industry 4.0 paradigm is challenging the process of technological and structural change and how the diversification of the economy affects structural transformation. It also explores the impact of fast-growing technologies on the transformation of socioeconomic and environmental systems, and asks whether structural and technological change can generate sustainable economic growth and employment. Further, the book presents the basic innovations (new technologies, materials, energy, etc) and industrial policies that can lead to such a structural change.
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This book challenges the notion that technology promotes financial inclusion. Drawing insights from the retail banking industry in Hong Kong, it explores the potential drawbacks of technology adoption. The book combines existing articles, regulatory case studies, and interviews with customers and practitioners to propose four factors that measure digital financial inclusion, defined as the impact of technology on financial inclusion, from the customer's viewpoint. It offers practical guidance by identifying business incentives for banks and providing law and policy recommendations for regulators. This book serves as a valuable resource for scholars, regulators, and practitioners in law and social sciences, shedding light on the complex relationship between technology and financial inclusion while bridging the gap between supply-driven approaches and customer demands.
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