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La Pachamama en bases de données : Géographie politique de l’information environnementale contemporaine
ISBN: 2371541567 2371541559 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Éditions de l’IHEAL,

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Qu’on le déplore ou non, notre rapport au monde biophysique est désormais fermement médiatisé par la mesure et les données numériques. Véritable Janus, cette information dite « environnementale » nous contraint autant qu’elle nous libère et fait l’objet de controverses brûlantes. Vecteur de démocratisation là où elle permet aux populations de connaître les risques qui les concernent et de participer aux décisions environnementales, elle s’avère dangereuse lorsqu’elle renforce des situations de domination sociale, ou appauvrissante quand elle réduit notre compréhension du monde vivant à quelques variables chiffrées. Incapable de représenter la complexité de ce vivant et du rapport que tissent avec lui les humains, elle connecte autant qu’elle marginalise les êtres et les choses. Les enquêtes sud-américaines de cet ouvrage explorent ce que le numérique change aux façons contemporaines d’appréhender les problèmes environnementaux, à travers des récits qui racontent plusieurs tentatives de « mise en bases de données » de la nature au XXIe siècle. De la Pachamama andine au symbole global amazonien, des luttes populaires pour le droit à l’information aux velléités de régulation à distance de l’agrobusiness, des controverses sur la standardisation de nos rapports au vivant aux quêtes de souveraineté informationnelle, c’est à un bilan politique nuancé et complexe que le lecteur est convié.

Luttes pour l’eau dans les Amériques : Mésusages, arrangements et changements sociaux

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L’eau constitue une ressource à la fois vitale pour les populations et stratégique pour les économies des Amériques. Dans un contexte de changement climatique et d’accroissement des pressions d’usage, accéder à l’eau n’est plus garanti, ce qui avive les conflits et conduit les États à modifier leurs politiques hydriques. Si les villes américaines constituent des scènes pertinentes pour inventer des modes de gestion plus attentifs à l’environnement, les rapports de forces entre groupes sociaux et les inerties institutionnelles semblent cependant entraver la consolidation de tout processus de changement. Les contributions interdisciplinaires et internationales réunies dans cet ouvrage présentent les enjeux de la conservation et du juste partage des eaux dans les sociétés américaines contemporaines. Elles entendent contribuer à l’analyse des conditions d’émergence de nouveaux paradigmes en matière de politiques hydriques.

La tentation écofasciste : écologie et extrême droite
ISBN: 9782897198718 2897198710 Year: 2023 Publisher: Montréal : écosociété,

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Le lien entre l’extrême droite et la défense de l’envi­ron­nement n’a rien d’évident. Pourtant, il existe bel et bien une pensée écofasciste au sein de la grande famille des idéologies nationalistes et identitaires. Démographie, tensions entre localisme et universalisme, immigration... Les théories écofascistes sèment un certain trouble dans l’écologie politique. Et même si aucun gouvernement ne s’en est revendiqué, la mouvance, encore embryonnaire, pourrait bien s’intensifier dans les années à venir. « Il me semble raisonnable de penser que plus la crise écologique s’aggravera, plus les options démocratiques et émancipatrices dont nous disposons pour y faire face s’amenui­seront, et plus au contraire des solutions extrêmes, aujourd’hui encore impensables, risqueront de s’imposer », écrit Pierre Madelin dans ce livre au carrefour de l’histoire des idées, de la cartographie intellectuelle et de la prospective politique. Une lecture indispensable pour mieux combattre cette alliance entre le « brun » et le « vert »


écologie politique --- BPB9999 --- écologie --- fascisme --- Faschismus --- Faxxiżmu --- faszyzm --- fasizmus --- Fascism --- фашизам --- fašizem --- φασισμός --- fašizmas --- fašizmus --- fašismus --- fašisms --- fašism --- faisisteachas --- fašizam --- fasismi --- фашизъм --- fascism --- fascismo --- fashizëm --- neofašizam --- ultraderechismo --- neofashizëm --- hitlerismus --- hnědé košile --- nyfascisme --- neofašizmas --- neofasizmus --- neo-Fascism --- неофашизам --- uusfasismi --- neofascisme --- neofascism --- szélsőjobboldal --- neofašisms --- neofašizmus --- νεοφασισμός --- nyfascism --- neofašism --- néofascisme --- neofašismus --- neofascismo --- Neofaschismus --- nazifascismo --- ekologji --- екологија --- ekologie --- ekológia --- ekoloġija --- ökológia --- éiceolaíocht --- økologi --- ecología --- ekologija --- ökoloogia --- Ökologie --- екология --- ekoloģija --- ecology --- ekologi --- οικολογία --- ecologia --- ekologia --- ecologie --- környezettudomány --- наука за животната средина --- znanost o okolišu --- teorie životního prostředí --- ciencia del medio ambiente --- επιστήμες του περιβάλλοντος --- ympäristötiede --- ηθολογία --- milieuwetenschap --- scienze dell'ambiente --- věda o životním prostředí --- vides zinātne --- environmentální vědy --- ciência do ambiente --- environmental science --- environmentálna veda --- Umweltwissenschaft --- ekologické vědy --- știința mediului înconjurător --- aplinkotyra --- miljøvidenskab --- nauka o životním prostředí --- keskkonnateadus --- shkenca mjedisore --- poliitiline ökoloogia --- Politische Ökologie --- politisk ekologi --- ekologia polityczna --- politička ekologija --- ekologji politike --- πολιτική οικολογία --- политическа екология --- politinė ekologija --- éiceolaíocht pholaitiúil --- политичка екологија --- ecologie politică --- politická ekológia --- politisk økologi --- political ecology --- politična ekologija --- politieke ecologie --- ecologia politica --- ekoloġija politika --- poliittinen ekologia --- politikai ökológia --- politická ekologie --- ecologia política --- politiskā ekoloģija --- ecología política --- BPB2304 --- Extrême droite --- Ecologie politique --- Néomalthusianisme --- Politique identitaire --- Conservatisme --- Fascisme --- Right and left (Political science) --- Political ecology --- Neo-Malthusianism --- Identity politics --- Conservatism --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Extrême droite. --- Écologie politique. --- Fascisme. --- Écoterrorisme. --- Political ecology. --- Neo-Malthusianism. --- Identity politics. --- Conservatism. --- Fascism. --- Ecoterrorism.

Retour sur Terre : 35 propositions
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782130826538 2130826539 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

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La 4e de couverture indique :"Il est bien tard pour passer à l'action. Mais supposons qu'il nous reste dix années pour enfin affronter le monde tel qu'il est devenu, à savoir de moins en moins favorable à nos existences, et à celles des autres êtres vivants. Dix ans pour un virage politique très serré. Dix ans pour nous débarrasser de nos lubies productivistes et consuméristes. Dix ans pour apprendre à régénérer une nature en voie de destruction accélérée. Dix ans pour resserrer nos inégalités, tout en redonnant sens à nos existences. Dix ans, enfin, pour commencer à bâtir une civilisation nouvelle. Si c'était possible, voici ce que nous aurions à proposer." Sept chercheurs proposent de refonder notre société autour d'une série de mesures économiques et institutionnelles fondées sur des travaux au long cours et une vision étayée de l'avenir. Ils posent dans cet ouvrage les bases d'un programme politique ambitieux pour une nouvelle ère."


politique --- réforme --- réforme institutionnelle --- réforme politique --- réforme économique --- écologie politique --- reformë politike --- riforma politica --- politična reforma --- poliittinen uudistus --- politische Reform --- politiskā reforma --- poliitiline reform --- reforma política --- reforma polityczna --- политичка реформа --- riforma politika --- politička reforma --- reformă politică --- politisk reform --- political reform --- πολιτική μεταρρύθμιση --- politinė reforma --- politická reforma --- политическа реформа --- politieke hervorming --- politikai reform --- přestavba --- реформа на политичкиот систем --- poliitiline ökoloogia --- Politische Ökologie --- politisk ekologi --- ekologia polityczna --- politička ekologija --- ekologji politike --- πολιτική οικολογία --- политическа екология --- politinė ekologija --- éiceolaíocht pholaitiúil --- политичка екологија --- ecologie politică --- politická ekológia --- politisk økologi --- political ecology --- politična ekologija --- politieke ecologie --- ecologia politica --- ekoloġija politika --- poliittinen ekologia --- politikai ökológia --- politická ekologie --- ecologia política --- politiskā ekoloģija --- ecología política --- reforma económica --- reformă economică --- gazdasági reform --- ekonomska reforma --- økonomisk reform --- Wirtschaftsreform --- ekonomisk reform --- talousuudistus --- ūkio reforma --- economic reform --- hospodářská reforma --- икономическа реформа --- привредна реформа --- reforma gospodarcza --- hospodárska reforma --- економска реформа --- οικονομική μεταρρύθμιση --- reformë ekonomike --- economische hervorming --- majandusreform --- gospodarska reforma --- riforma economica --- riforma ekonomika --- ekonomikas reformas --- cambiamento di regime economico --- ndryshim i sistemit ekonomik --- change of economic system --- Änderung des Wirtschaftssystems --- ændring af økonomisk system --- a gazdasági rendszer megváltozása --- ekonomikos reforma --- ändring i ekonomisk ordning --- реформа на економскиот систем --- αλλαγή οικονομικού καθεστώτος --- majandussüsteemi muutus --- ekonomiskās sistēmas maiņa --- cambio de régimen económico --- zmena hospodárskeho systému --- ekonomická reforma --- changement de régime économique --- změna ekonomického systému --- реформа на економијата --- verandering van economisch stelsel --- siirtyminen toiseen talousjärjestelmään --- schimbarea sistemului economic --- ekonomikos sistemos pasikeitimas --- reforma národního hospodářství --- економски промени --- reforma základních institucí --- riforma istituzionale --- institucinė reforma --- institutsionaalne reform --- institucionālā reforma --- institutionel reform --- θεσμική μεταρρύθμιση --- intézményi reform --- riforma istituzzjonali --- inštitucionálna reforma --- institutionelle Reform --- reforma institucional --- reformă instituțională --- institucionalna reforma --- institutionell reform --- institutionaalinen uudistus --- institutional reform --- институционална реформа --- reforma instytucjonalna --- reformë institucionale --- институционна реформа --- institutionele hervorming --- institucionální přestavba --- институционални промени --- institucionální reforma --- politiek --- hervorming --- Environmentalism --- Political ecology --- Nature --- Ecology --- Human ecology --- Effect of human beings on --- athchóiriú polaitíochta --- athchóiriú eacnamaíoch --- athchóiriú institiúideach --- Nature - Effect of human beings on --- écologie politique --- réforme institutionnelle --- réforme politique --- réforme économique

Le bien commun. : Enjeu politique du développement durable.
ISBN: 9782343235820 2343235821 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris L'Harmattan

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Face aux maux qui nous affectent, il importe d'intégrer les composantes de notre milieu de vie : l'eau, l'air, le climat, le vent... sont les agents primaires du Bien Commun, un « être collectif » aujourd'hui menacé. Mais, toujours insuffisant et face à des intérêts contraires, le Bien Commun mobilise des rivalités opposées. Au-delà de l'aspect consensuel, sa promotion implique d'en reconnaître le caractère conflictuel.


développement durable --- politique de l'environnement --- écologie --- écologie politique --- poliitiline ökoloogia --- Politische Ökologie --- politisk ekologi --- ekologia polityczna --- politička ekologija --- ekologji politike --- πολιτική οικολογία --- политическа екология --- politinė ekologija --- éiceolaíocht pholaitiúil --- политичка екологија --- ecologie politică --- politická ekológia --- politisk økologi --- political ecology --- politična ekologija --- politieke ecologie --- ecologia politica --- ekoloġija politika --- poliittinen ekologia --- politikai ökológia --- politická ekologie --- ecologia política --- politiskā ekoloģija --- ecología política --- ekologji --- екологија --- ekologie --- ekológia --- ekoloġija --- ökológia --- økologi --- ecología --- ekologija --- ökoloogia --- Ökologie --- екология --- ekoloģija --- ecology --- ekologi --- οικολογία --- ecologia --- ekologia --- ecologie --- környezettudomány --- наука за животната средина --- znanost o okolišu --- teorie životního prostředí --- ciencia del medio ambiente --- επιστήμες του περιβάλλοντος --- ympäristötiede --- ηθολογία --- milieuwetenschap --- scienze dell'ambiente --- věda o životním prostředí --- vides zinātne --- environmentální vědy --- ciência do ambiente --- environmental science --- environmentálna veda --- Umweltwissenschaft --- ekologické vědy --- știința mediului înconjurător --- aplinkotyra --- miljøvidenskab --- nauka o životním prostředí --- keskkonnateadus --- shkenca mjedisore --- aplinkos politika --- vides politika --- milieubeleid --- Umweltpolitik --- keskkonnapoliitika --- política do ambiente --- екологична политика --- okoljska politika --- polityka ochrony środowiska --- politika ambjentali --- политика заштите животне средине --- politica mediului înconjurător --- politika životného prostredia --- környezetvédelmi politika --- miljöpolitik --- environmental policy --- politika okoliša --- politica ambientale --- política de medio ambiente --- politikë mjedisore --- miljøpolitik --- περιβαλλοντική πολιτική --- политика за животна средина --- ympäristöpolitiikka --- environmentální politika --- miljøstyring --- starostlivosť o životné prostredie --- gestion de l'environnement --- política medioambiental --- gestione dell'ambiente --- política ambiental --- ochrana a tvorba životního prostředí --- upravljanje okolišem --- politica dell'ambiente --- menaxhim mjedisor --- ympäristöjohtaminen --- vides apsaimniekošana --- környezetpolitika --- miljöförvaltning --- Umweltpflege --- διαχείριση του περιβάλλοντος --- gospodarenje okolišem --- managementul mediului --- környezetgazdálkodás --- a környezet gondozása --- politika ochrany životního prostředí --- keskkonnajuhtimine --- politika na ochranu životního prostředí --- péče o životní prostředí --- gestión del medio ambiente --- politica in materia di ambiente --- environmental management --- aplinkos valdymas --- Umweltschutzpolitik --- gestão do ambiente --- milieubeheer --- darnus vystymasis --- fenntartható fejlődés --- održivi razvoj --- дълготрайно развитие --- varig udvikling --- одржлив развој --- żvilupp sostenibbli --- trvalo udržateľný rozvoj --- säästev areng --- hållbar utveckling --- zhvillim i qëndrueshëm --- одрживи развој --- sustainable development --- kestävä kehitys --- desenvolvimento sustentável --- trvale udržitelný rozvoj --- αειφόρος ανάπτυξη --- dauerhafte Entwicklung --- dezvoltare durabilă --- sviluppo sostenibile --- ekorozwój --- ilgtspējīga attīstība --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- desarrollo sostenible --- trajnostni razvoj --- bioekonomie --- bioekonómia --- développement soutenable --- bioenergetyka --- ekorazvoj --- développement viable --- trvalý rozvoj --- tvarioji plėtra --- bæredygtig udvikling --- ekološko utemeljeni razvoj --- økologisk udvikling --- οικοανάπτυξη --- udržateľný rozvoj --- bioøkonomi --- bioeconomía --- sviluppo praticabile --- desenvolvimento sustentado --- desenvolvimento durável --- bioéconomie --- ecodesenvolvimento --- ecodesarrollo --- bioekonomija --- bio-economie --- eco-ontwikkeling --- ökológiai fejlődés --- βιοοικονομία --- биоекономија --- rozvoj udržitelný --- nachhaltige Entwicklung --- eco-development --- umweltgerechte Entwicklung --- βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη --- jätkusuutlik areng --- ekologicky uvědomělý rozvoj --- sviluppo durevole --- ökologische Entwicklung --- ecosviluppo --- bio-ekonomiska attīstība --- ekologinė plėtra --- bio-economy --- bioeconomia --- bioökonoomia --- ekozhvillim --- bioekonomia --- écodéveloppement --- bioekonomi --- bioekonomika --- uthållig utveckling --- Biowirtschaft --- еколошки развој --- zrównoważony rozwój --- biogazdaság --- bioeconomy --- σταθερή και διαρκής ανάπτυξη --- desenvolvimento viável --- zukunftsfähige Entwicklung --- desarrollo duradero --- éiceolaíocht --- beartas comhshaoil --- forbairt inbhuanaithe --- écologie politique --- développement durable --- écologie

Mémo sur la nouvelle classe écologique : objet : comment faire émerger une classe écologique consciente et fière d'elle-même
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ISBN: 9782359252187 2359252186 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris: La Découverte,

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À quelles conditions l'écologie, au lieu d'être un ensemble de mouvements parmi d'autres, pourrait-elle organiser la politique autour d'elle ? Peut-elle aspirer à définir l'horizon politique comme l'ont fait, à d'autres périodes, le libéralisme, puis les socialismes, le néolibéralisme et enfin, plus récemment, les partis illibéraux ou néofascistes dont l'ascendant ne cesse de croître ? Peut-elle apprendre de l'histoire sociale comment émergent les nouveaux mouvements politiques et comment ils gagnent la lutte pour les idées, bien avant de pouvoir traduire leurs avancées dans des partis et des élections ?


cultuurfilosofie --- eenentwintigste eeuw --- 130.2 --- ecologie --- politiek --- sociologie --- filosofie --- Écologie --- Mouvements alternatifs (politique) --- Écologisme --- Aspect social. --- Human ecology --- Political ecology --- Political aspects. --- Écologie humaine --- Écologie politique --- Aspect politique --- International relations. Foreign policy --- Political parties --- ecology --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Ecology - Moral and ethical aspects --- Environmentalism --- politieke ecologie --- ecologische beweging --- BPB2303 --- movimento ecologista --- ekologinis judėjimas --- környezetvédelmi mozgalom --- mișcare ecologică --- екологично движение --- movimiento ecologista --- ekološko gibanje --- miljörörelse --- еколошки покрет --- ekologické hnutie --- moviment ekoloġiku --- miljøbevægelse --- еколошко движење --- mouvement écologiste --- ecology movement --- ruch ekologiczny --- οικολογικό κίνημα --- ekološki pokret --- ekologické hnutí --- ympäristöliike --- keskkonnaliikumine --- ökologische Bewegung --- gluaiseacht éiceolaíochta --- ekoloģijas kustība --- lëvizje ekologjike --- Друштво на екологисти на Македонија --- hnutí ochránců přírody --- movimento ambientalista --- hnutí zelených --- hnutí Duha --- ökológiai mozgalom --- movimento dei verdi --- движење на зелените --- hnutí Greenpeace --- ДЕМ --- økologisk bevægelse --- hnutí za ochranu životního prostředí --- ochránce přírody --- poliitiline ökoloogia --- Politische Ökologie --- politisk ekologi --- ekologia polityczna --- politička ekologija --- ekologji politike --- écologie politique --- πολιτική οικολογία --- политическа екология --- politinė ekologija --- éiceolaíocht pholaitiúil --- политичка екологија --- ecologie politică --- politická ekológia --- politisk økologi --- political ecology --- politična ekologija --- ecologia politica --- ekoloġija politika --- poliittinen ekologia --- politikai ökológia --- politická ekologie --- ecologia política --- politiskā ekoloģija --- ecología política --- filosofija --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- fealsúnacht --- philosophie --- filozófia --- философия --- Philosophie --- filosofi --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- socheolaíocht --- sociology --- sociologia --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- politica --- politika --- Politik --- politică --- politikë --- política --- polityka --- politique --- πολιτική --- polaitíocht --- poliitika --- politics --- политика --- politik --- politiikka --- politisches Leben --- πολιτική ζωή --- politisk liv --- vida política --- политички живот --- politikai élet --- политически живот --- politisk verksamhet --- politiek leven --- poliittinen elämä --- jetë politike --- viață politică --- politiskā dzīve --- życie polityczne --- politički život --- politinis gyvenimas --- politiskt liv --- vie politique --- ħajja politika --- politično življenje --- politický život --- political life --- vita politica --- ekologji --- екологија --- ekologie --- ekológia --- ekoloġija --- ökológia --- éiceolaíocht --- økologi --- ecología --- ekologija --- ökoloogia --- Ökologie --- écologie --- екология --- ekoloģija --- ekologi --- οικολογία --- ecologia --- ekologia --- környezettudomány --- наука за животната средина --- znanost o okolišu --- teorie životního prostředí --- ciencia del medio ambiente --- επιστήμες του περιβάλλοντος --- ympäristötiede --- ηθολογία --- milieuwetenschap --- scienze dell'ambiente --- věda o životním prostředí --- vides zinātne --- environmentální vědy --- ciência do ambiente --- environmental science --- environmentálna veda --- Umweltwissenschaft --- ekologické vědy --- știința mediului înconjurător --- aplinkotyra --- miljøvidenskab --- nauka o životním prostředí --- keskkonnateadus --- shkenca mjedisore --- Community organization

On the emergence of an ecological class - a memo : subject: how to promote the emergence of an ecological class that's self-aware and proud: to: members of ecological parties and their present and future electors
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781509555055 9781509555062 1509555064 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge Polity

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Under what conditions could ecology, instead of being one cluster of movements among others, organise politics around an agenda and a set of beliefs ? Can ecology aspire to define the political horizon in the way that liberalism, socialism, conservatism and other political ideologies have done at various times and places ? What can ecology learn from history about how new political movements emerge, and how they win the struggle for ideas long before they translate their ideas into parties and elections ? In this short text, consisting of seventy-six talking points, Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz argue that if the ecological movement is to gain ideological consistency and autonomy it must offer a political narrative that recognises, embraces and effectively represents its project in terms of social conflict. Political ecology must accept that it brings along division. It must provide a convincing cartography of the conflicts it generates and, based on this, it must try to define a common horizon of collective action. In order to represent and describe these conflicts, Latour and Schultz propose to reuse the old notions of ‘class’ and ‘class struggle’, albeit infused with a new meaning in line with the ecological concerns of our New Climate Regime. Advancing the idea of a new ecological class, assembled by its collective interests in fighting the logic of production and safeguarding our planet’s conditions of habitability, they ask: how can a proud and self-aware ecological class emerge and take effective action to shape our collective future ?


Ecology --- Environmentalism --- Human ecology --- Environmental sociology --- BPB9999 --- Environmental sciences --- Sociology --- Environment, Human --- Human beings --- Human environment --- Ecological engineering --- Human geography --- Nature --- Environmental movement --- Social movements --- Anti-environmentalism --- Greenwashing --- Sustainable living --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Population biology --- Political aspects --- Social aspects --- Effect of environment on --- Effect of human beings on --- BPB2303 --- ecologie --- politiek --- politieke ecologie --- filosofie --- sociologie --- ecologische beweging --- filosofija --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- fealsúnacht --- philosophie --- filozófia --- философия --- Philosophie --- filosofi --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- movimento ecologista --- ekologinis judėjimas --- környezetvédelmi mozgalom --- mișcare ecologică --- екологично движение --- movimiento ecologista --- ekološko gibanje --- miljörörelse --- еколошки покрет --- ekologické hnutie --- moviment ekoloġiku --- miljøbevægelse --- еколошко движење --- mouvement écologiste --- ecology movement --- ruch ekologiczny --- οικολογικό κίνημα --- ekološki pokret --- ekologické hnutí --- ympäristöliike --- keskkonnaliikumine --- ökologische Bewegung --- gluaiseacht éiceolaíochta --- ekoloģijas kustība --- lëvizje ekologjike --- Друштво на екологисти на Македонија --- hnutí ochránců přírody --- movimento ambientalista --- hnutí zelených --- hnutí Duha --- ökológiai mozgalom --- movimento dei verdi --- движење на зелените --- hnutí Greenpeace --- ДЕМ --- økologisk bevægelse --- hnutí za ochranu životního prostředí --- ochránce přírody --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- socheolaíocht --- sociology --- sociologia --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- poliitiline ökoloogia --- Politische Ökologie --- politisk ekologi --- ekologia polityczna --- politička ekologija --- ekologji politike --- écologie politique --- πολιτική οικολογία --- политическа екология --- politinė ekologija --- éiceolaíocht pholaitiúil --- политичка екологија --- ecologie politică --- politická ekológia --- politisk økologi --- political ecology --- politična ekologija --- ecologia politica --- ekoloġija politika --- poliittinen ekologia --- politikai ökológia --- politická ekologie --- ecologia política --- politiskā ekoloģija --- ecología política --- politica --- politika --- Politik --- politică --- politikë --- política --- polityka --- politique --- πολιτική --- polaitíocht --- poliitika --- politics --- политика --- politik --- politiikka --- politisches Leben --- πολιτική ζωή --- politisk liv --- vida política --- политички живот --- politikai élet --- политически живот --- politisk verksamhet --- politiek leven --- poliittinen elämä --- jetë politike --- viață politică --- politiskā dzīve --- życie polityczne --- politički život --- politinis gyvenimas --- politiskt liv --- vie politique --- ħajja politika --- politično življenje --- politický život --- political life --- vita politica --- ekologji --- екологија --- ekologie --- ekológia --- ekoloġija --- ökológia --- éiceolaíocht --- økologi --- ecología --- ekologija --- ökoloogia --- Ökologie --- écologie --- екология --- ekoloģija --- ecology --- ekologi --- οικολογία --- ecologia --- ekologia --- környezettudomány --- наука за животната средина --- znanost o okolišu --- teorie životního prostředí --- ciencia del medio ambiente --- επιστήμες του περιβάλλοντος --- ympäristötiede --- ηθολογία --- milieuwetenschap --- scienze dell'ambiente --- věda o životním prostředí --- vides zinātne --- environmentální vědy --- ciência do ambiente --- environmental science --- environmentálna veda --- Umweltwissenschaft --- ekologické vědy --- știința mediului înconjurător --- aplinkotyra --- miljøvidenskab --- nauka o životním prostředí --- keskkonnateadus --- shkenca mjedisore --- Human ecology. --- Environmental sociology. --- Political aspects. --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy

Green Heroes : From Buddha to Leonardo DiCaprio
ISBN: 3030318060 3030318052 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book provides an introduction into the diversity of the environmental movement through great characters in the green sector. The book describes inspiring personal achievements, and at the same time it provides readers with information regarding the history, the main directions and the ethical principles of the environmental movement. Some of the most important characters of the movement from all around the world, are included in the book. As well as the title characters, Buddha and Leonardo DiCaprio, other famous environmentalists like Albert Schweitzer, David Attenborough and Jane Goodall are discussed. Some of the less well-known but equally important environmentalists such as Chico Mendes, Bruno Manser, Henry Spira, Tom Regan or Rossano Ercolini are highlighted in the various chapters. The selection of characters represents all major branches within the green sector, ranging from medieval saints to Hollywood celebrities, from university professors to field activists, from politicians to philosophers, from ecofeminists to radicals.

Queer ecopedagogies : explorations in nature, sexuality, and education
ISBN: 3030653684 3030653676 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This volume builds on the momentum surrounding queer work within environmental education, while also encouraging new connections between environmental education research and the growing bodies of literature dedicated to queer deconstructions of categories such as nature, environment, and animal. The book is composed of submissions that engage with existing literature from queer ecology, queer theory, and various explorations of sexuality and gender within the context of human-animal-nature relationships. The book deepens and diversifies environmental education by providing new theoretical and methodological insights for scholarship and practice across a variety of educational contexts. Queer ecopedagogies provide important critical points of view for educators who seek broader goals centred around social and ecological justice by encouraging counter-hegemonic views of bodies, nature, and community. The scope of this book is multi- or interdisciplinary in order to cast a wide net around what kinds of spaces, relationships, and practices are considered educational, pedagogical, or curricular. The volume includes chapters that are conceptual, theoretical, and empirical.

On the nature of ecological paradox
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030645266 3030645258 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This work is a large, powerfully illustrated interdisciplinary natural sciences volume, the first of its kind to examine the critically important nature of ecological paradox, through an abundance of lenses: the biological sciences, taxonomy, archaeology, geopolitical history, comparative ethics, literature, philosophy, the history of science, human geography, population ecology, epistemology, anthropology, demographics, and futurism. The ecological paradox suggests that the human biological–and from an insular perspective, successful–struggle to exist has come at the price of isolating H. sapiens from life-sustaining ecosystem services, and far too much of the biodiversity with which we find ourselves at crisis-level odds. It is a paradox dating back thousands of years, implicating millennia of human machinations that have been utterly ruinous to biological baselines. Those metrics are examined from numerous multidisciplinary approaches in this thoroughly original work, which aids readers, particularly natural history students, who aspire to grasp the far-reaching dimensions of the Anthropocene, as it affects every facet of human experience, past, present and future, and the rest of planetary sentience. With a Preface by Dr. Gerald Wayne Clough, former Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and President Emeritus of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Foreword by Robert Gillespie, President of the non-profit, Population Communication.

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