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Ultrasonics in ophthalmology. --- Echography, Ophthalmic --- Ophthalmic echography --- Ophthalmology --- Ecografia oftalmològica --- Ecografia en oftalmologia --- Ecografia ocular --- Ultrasons en oftalmologia --- Ecografia --- Oftalmologia
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This book covers all the essential aspects of breast imaging necessary for the preparation of MMed, MD, FRCR and FRANZCR exams. The main focus is on mammogram and breast ultrasound along with basics of breast MRI and breast interventions. With the increasing popularity of these qualifying exams among radiology residents in Asia, Great Britain as well as Australia and dearth of relevant resources on the topic, this book will serve as a valuable resource for the candidates. The book is also aligned with preparations required for the FRCPC (Canada) and the American Board of Radiology. The book is divided into two sections - first section includes chapters on basics of breast imaging along with a chapter on emerging technologies while the second section includes 50 exam-relevant cases covering imaging findings utilizing appropriate BI-RADS lexicon, possible differentials, next recommended investigation and appropriate management in accordance with American College of Radiology lexicon, BI-RADS system and MRI correlation, whenever available. Readers also get familiar with the indications for breast MRI. The book is written by experts in breast imaging with relevant teaching experience. Written by an experts with strong teaching experience, this book is not only suitable for exams but is also useful for practicing breast and non-breast radiologists as well as breast care clinicians, keen to learn fundamentals of breast imaging.
Breast --- Imaging. --- Breasts --- Radiology. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Mama --- Mamografia --- Ecografia --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Diagnòstic per imatge --- Diagnòstic per imatgeria --- Imatgeria per al diagnòstic --- Imatges diagnòstiques --- Imatges per al diagnòstic --- Diagnòstic --- Imatges mèdiques --- Diagnòstic radiològic --- Endoscòpia --- Gammagrafia --- Imatges per ressonància magnètica --- Termografia mèdica --- Tomografia per emissió de positrons --- Substàncies de contrast --- Diagnòstic per ultrasons --- Ecodiagnòstic --- Ecotomografia --- Ecotomografia computeritzada --- Radiografia ultrasònica --- Sonografia --- Sonografia en diagnosi --- Tomografia ultrasònica --- Ultrasonografia --- Ultrasonons en diagnosi --- Ultrasons en medicina --- Ecocardiografia --- Ecoencefalografia --- Ecoendoscòpia --- Ecografia abdominal --- Ecografia Doppler --- Ecografia ginecològica --- Ecografia obstètrica --- Ecografia oftalmològica --- Ecografia pediàtrica --- Ecografia fetal --- Mamograma --- Mastografia --- Radiografia de la mama --- Radiografia mèdica --- Mames --- Mamella --- Mamelles --- Pit --- Pits --- Sines --- Glàndules mamàries --- Alletament --- Llet materna
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Echocardiography. --- Echo cardiography --- Heart --- Ultrasonic cardiography --- Ultrasound cardiography --- Cardiography --- Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging --- Ultrasonic imaging --- Imaging --- Ecocardiografia --- Hemodinàmica --- Ecografia en cardiologia --- Ecografia --- Circulació sanguínia --- Volèmia --- Batecs cardíacs
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Fetus --- Cleft palate --- Ultrasonic imaging --- Palate, Cleft --- Palate --- Foetus --- Unborn child --- Embryology --- Reproduction --- Abnormalities --- Fissura palatina --- Ecografia fetal --- Fenedura palatina --- Fissura del paladar --- Paladar fes --- Palatòsquisi --- Malformacions de la boca --- Fissura labial --- Ecografia del fetus --- Ecografia prenatal --- Ultrasonografia fetal --- Diagnòstic prenatal --- Ecografia
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Skin --- Dermatology. --- Disinfection. --- Medicine --- Disinfection and disinfectants --- Diseases --- Malalties de la pell --- Ecografia
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Contrast-enhanced ultrasound. --- Contrast ultrasonography --- Contrast ultrasound --- Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging --- Ecografia --- Substàncies de contrast
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This book provides an extensive discussion of echocardiography-guided percutaneous interventional techniques for clinical practitioners, including cardiologists, interventional physicians, surgeons and specialist training candidates. It allows readers to gain a thorough understanding of interpreting echocardiography-guided procedures, which not only protect patients from pain and other complications associated with conventional surgery, but also obviate the use of fluoroscopy or contrast agents and so avoid radiation damage and the risks of allergy or renal function impairment. Further, these procedures could help to save patients in areas lacking medical resources. The book first demonstrates the substitution of transesophageal for transthoracic echocardiography to avoid intubation under general anesthesia, and then presents key technical and practical aspects of echo-guided percutaneous interventions for structural heart diseases, such as ASD, VSD, PDA, PS, MS, AS and CoA. Lastly, it explores the lessons learned in echocardiography, anesthesia and postprocedural management of echo-guided percutaneous interventions.
Cardiology. --- Radiology. --- Ultrasound. --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Heart --- Internal medicine --- Diseases --- Ecocardiografia --- Cirurgia cardíaca --- Anestèsia en cardiologia. --- Anestèsia --- Cardiologia --- Cirurgia del cor --- Cirurgia cardiovascular --- Cateterisme cardíac --- Derivació cardiopulmonar --- Trasplantament cardíac --- Anestèsia en cardiologia --- Ecografia en cardiologia --- Ecografia
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The field of musculoskeletal ultrasound has rapidly advanced in the past several years. The scanning protocols in particular have become more sophisticated and more standardized. Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, this volume is the definitive resource on musculoskeletal ultrasound for the beginning practitioner. A new, first of its kind chapter has been added on ultrasound in Sports Medicine Emergencies. This expands the book topic from using POCUS as an office tool to its use on the athletic field to assist with emergencies. This new and detailed chapter includes the acute evaluation of an eye injury, lung, Morrison's pouch, IV access, fluid status, soft tissue and DVT protocols. Conforming to an identical chapter format, all previous chapters have been expanded and updated. Images have been reformatted to larger, clearer versions in addition to probe placement images going from black and white to full color. This book is divided into five different sections. It begins with chapters on the upper extremity such as the hand and wrist. The next section focuses on the lower extremity such as the foot and knee. The third section is nerve based and describes brachial plexus and major peripheral nerves. The fourth section covers Sports Medicine POCUS Emergencies. The last section details specific procedures such as I&D of abscess and hydrodissection. Each chapter follows a standard structure. They open with an approach to the patient, which contains the main pathology and clinical exam. The surface anatomy and ultrasound-based anatomy are then addressed. A discussion on patient positioning and probe settings follows. Pearls, pitfalls and red flags offer tips and pointers on scanning techniques as well as pathology not to be missed. Finally, each chapter is closed out with a summary report. Basics of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, 2e is a must-have reference for residents, fellowship directors, fellows and primary care physicians as well as athletic trainers, physician assistants, physical therapists and ultrasound technicians. It is also an excellent resource for participants of the AMSSM MSK ultrasound courses. .
Primary care (Medicine). --- Rehabilitation medicine. --- Sports medicine. --- Radiology. --- Orthopedics. --- Primary Care Medicine. --- Rehabilitation Medicine. --- Sports Medicine. --- Ultrasound. --- Orthopaedics --- Orthopedia --- Surgery --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Athletic medicine --- Athletics --- Medicine and sports --- Physical education and training --- Sports --- Medicine --- Sports sciences --- Medicine, Rehabilitation --- Rehabilitation medicine --- Rehabilitation --- Medicine, Physical --- Primary medical care --- Medical care --- Medical aspects --- Musculoskeletal system --- Diseases --- Ultrasonic imaging. --- Diagnosis. --- Locomotor system --- Musculo-skeletal system --- Skeletomuscular system --- Malalties de l'aparell locomotor --- Ecografia --- Diagnosis --- Diagnòstic per ultrasons --- Ecodiagnòstic --- Ecotomografia --- Ecotomografia computeritzada --- Radiografia ultrasònica --- Sonografia --- Sonografia en diagnosi --- Tomografia ultrasònica --- Ultrasonografia --- Ultrasonons en diagnosi --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Ultrasons en medicina --- Ecocardiografia --- Ecoencefalografia --- Ecoendoscòpia --- Ecografia abdominal --- Ecografia Doppler --- Ecografia ginecològica --- Ecografia obstètrica --- Ecografia oftalmològica --- Ecografia pediàtrica --- Ecografia fetal --- Malalties del sistema músculo-esquelètic --- Malalties músculo-esquelètiques --- Malalties --- Malalties de les articulacions --- Malalties dels ossos --- Malalties del peu --- Malalties musculars --- Reumatisme
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Pediatric diagnostic imaging. --- Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging --- Data processing. --- Diagnosis, Ultrasonic --- Diagnostic sonography --- Diagnostic ultrasonics --- Diagnostic ultrasonography --- Diagnostic ultrasound --- Medical diagnostic ultrasonic imaging --- Medical ultrasonography --- Ultrasonic diagnosis --- Ultrasonic diagnostic imaging --- Ultrasonic imaging --- Ultrasonic waves --- Diagnostic imaging --- Ultrasonics in medicine --- Children --- Diagnostic use --- Diseases --- Diagnosis --- Pediatria --- Ecografia --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Diagnòstic per imatge --- Diagnòstic per imatgeria --- Imatgeria per al diagnòstic --- Imatges diagnòstiques --- Imatges per al diagnòstic --- Diagnòstic --- Imatges mèdiques --- Diagnòstic radiològic --- Endoscòpia --- Gammagrafia --- Imatges per ressonància magnètica --- Termografia mèdica --- Tomografia per emissió de positrons --- Substàncies de contrast --- Diagnòstic per ultrasons --- Ecodiagnòstic --- Ecotomografia --- Ecotomografia computeritzada --- Radiografia ultrasònica --- Sonografia --- Sonografia en diagnosi --- Tomografia ultrasònica --- Ultrasonografia --- Ultrasonons en diagnosi --- Ultrasons en medicina --- Ecocardiografia --- Ecoencefalografia --- Ecoendoscòpia --- Ecografia abdominal --- Ecografia Doppler --- Ecografia ginecològica --- Ecografia obstètrica --- Ecografia oftalmològica --- Ecografia pediàtrica --- Ecografia fetal --- Medicina --- Cirurgia infantil --- Dietoteràpia per a infants --- Ginecologia pediàtrica --- Hematologia pediàtrica --- Hepatologia pediàtrica --- Infants malalts --- Infermeria pediàtrica --- Neonatologia --- Odontologia infantil --- Otorrinolaringologia pediàtrica --- Pediatria veterinària --- Perinatologia --- Pneumologia pediàtrica --- Puericultura --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Urologia pediàtrica --- Farmacologia pediàtrica --- Malalties dels infants
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Critical care medicine. --- Ecocardiografia --- Medicina intensiva en cardiologia --- Intensive care --- Intensive medicine --- Medicine --- Emergency medicine --- Intensive care units --- Cures intensives cardiològiques --- Medicina intensiva cardiològica --- Medicina intensiva cardiovascular --- Cardiologia --- Medicina intensiva --- Urgències cardiovasculars --- Ecografia en cardiologia --- Ecografia
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