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11 août 1999 : dans l'ombre de la lune : le guide complet de l'éclipse solaire totale du 11 août 1999
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9073061148 Year: 1998 Publisher: Bruges : Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde,

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Eclipse '04 : Proceedings of the 2004 OOPSLA workshop on eclipse technology eXchange
Year: 2004 Publisher: New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery,

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This foreword sketches the history of the Eclipse project. Itthen presents the context of the present workshop, the eclipseTechnology Exchange (eTX), which was held on October 24, 2004 atOOPSLA 2004, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Eclipse Project The Eclipse Project began in April 1999 at IBM's OTI laboratory.It was initially conceived as a successor product for the VisualAgefamily of software development tools. VisualAge was a commerciallysuccessful IDE, but it was also a closed environment built onproprietary APIs. It did not integrate well with other vendors'tools, and only the IBM/OTI team could enhance or extend theproduct. Moreover, it was becoming apparent from customerexperience that more was required than a simple re-write ofVisualAge. In fact, there was growing demand for a tool integrationplatform --- a programming environment that would provide kernelIDE functionality, but also allow developers, third party vendorsand users to seamlessly add their own extensions, personalizations,and enhancements. The Eclipse team set out to identify the essential kernelconcepts underlying the VisualAge product line (or any other IDEfor that matter). In effect, they wanted to strip out all of thefunctionality within an IDE that was specific to a particularprogramming language, development task, or programming model. Thehope was that there would be substantial residual function leftbehind, that could then be restructured to form a content-neutral,and programming language-neutral, foundation on which IDEs andsimilar products could be built from components. It was a boldventure, since there was no guarantee that anything practicallyuseful would result. What they discovered was Eclipse: a tool integration platformtogether with a set of components (plugins, in the Eclipsevernacular) that could be seamlessly assembled into a wide varietyof software development products. The Java Development Toolkit(JDT) --- the Eclipse Java IDE --- became their proof-point. It wasbuilt in parallel by a separate team, which operated independentlyfrom the Eclipse Platform project. The JDT team had no specialprivileges; they had to use the same APIs as any third partyproduct and were allowed no "back door" access to Platform kernelfunctionality. The intent was that, despite these constraints, thefinished JDT should be indistinguishable from a purpose-built,vertically integrated IDE product like VisualAge. This goal wasrealized, the Eclipse Project was a success, and the EclipseCommunity was born. In the years since the Eclipse code base was released into opensource by IBM, its growth has been nothing short of spectacular.Tens of thousands download the Eclipse SDK every week from overfifty mirror sites around the globe. Thousands of Eclipse pluginsare now available from open source and commercial suppliers.Software vendors are now shipping several hundred commercialproducts based on Eclipse. Approximately 60 companies are membersof the Eclipse Foundation, which hosts Eclipse open sourcedevelopment. The first Eclipse Developer Conference (EclipseCON2004) was held in February 2004 in Anaheim, California. Over 220companies and organizations from nearly 25 countries wererepresented. ECLIPSE AND COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH It has been particularly interesting to see the uptake ofEclipse within the research community. In retrospect one couldperhaps have anticipated this. Computing is, after all, anempirical discipline --- ideas must be implemented to be validated.For software researchers in particular, the computer becomes ourlaboratory. We necessarily build on the work of those who have gonebefore, and of course as time progresses our technology pyramidskeep getting higher. Complexity is our bane: the low-hanging fruitwere picked long ago, and most interesting problems are just notsimple. Consequently, experimentation usually requires complexinfrastructure, plumbing, as we often call it. Most researchersspend far too much time building (and rebuilding, and fixing) thisplumbing, and far too little time actually developing new ideas.Given the nature of research, there are seldom any applicablestandards for such infrastructure (these only come much later whenthe research has matured into products). Consequently researchersup to now have had to live and work in their own vertical towers,sharing their ideas but only infrequently sharing code. The onlycommon programming platform among researchers was "emacs", andwhile this continues to be very flexible, it lags far behindindustrial-scale IDEs in terms of functionality. But Eclipse changes this context. It provides a means to createand share that necessary common infrastructure, particularly forinvestigators in such areas as programming languages, tools, andenvironments. Researchers can focus more of their time on theirreal mission of innovation, and much less on the tedious plumbingtasks. Moreover, Eclipse-based implementations are built fromcommercial-quality components, resulting in robust demonstrationsystems that make it much easier for researchers to publicize andpromote their work. What specifically does Eclipse offer researchers that makes itso attractive? First, it is an extensible platform for integratingcomponents, which comes replete with a large number of commercialquality components out of the box. It runs on nearly all operatingsystems and GUI combinations, and is one of the few Javaimplementations that actually realizes that language's "write oncerun everywhere" potential (rather than the typical "write once testeverywhere" experience). Perhaps most importantly, it is availablein open source with a generous non-viral license. Finally, it hastremendous visibility due to broad based industry support, whichincludes the backing of such powerhouse firms as IBM, HP, SAP,Intel, and many more. ECLIPSE AND COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION There are numerous challenges in education these days such asdistance, limited resources and the recognized need to makelearning a personalized and active experience. Many educators areconsequently looking at how technology can address these challengesand enhance learning in the classroom and beyond. For computerscience education, Eclipse has already been widely adopted as anIDE to support programming. The advantages for some are that it isfree, platform independent and industrially relevant. But beyondthese obvious advantages, other researchers have recognized thatEclipse provides an excellent infrastructure for developinglearning tools. These tools can leverage the wealth of technologyalready present in the Eclipse community, as well as benefit fromintegration with other learning tools developed by otherresearchers and educators. The result of these multiple efforts isthe emergence of Eclipse as an effective and powerful platform tosupport research in educational technologies and an improvedlearning experience in many settings. THE ECLIPSE TECHNOLOGY EXCHANGE That idea that Eclipse would provide exactly the rich, open androbust platform that IT researchers needed was not initially anobvious one, and so it needed to be promoted within the academiccommunity. IBM and set out to popularize these ideas byhosting a series of workshops and birds-of-a-feather events atvarious software research conferences. This ad hoc programgradually evolved into the eclipse Technology Exchange (eTX)workshops, the most recent of which was held at OOPSLA 2004 inVancouver. These events provide a forum for researchers who areusing Eclipse to network and share their experiences and theircode. The foundation for a successful eTX is a set of high quality,refereed presentations, which serve to illustrate the breadth andvitality of the Eclipse research and teaching communities. Thepapers in this volume are exemplary in this regard. Severaldescribe plugins that build on the Eclipse Platform to offer newprogramming tools, such as for aspect browsing; debuggingdistributed applications; profiling and monitoring programbehaviour; visualization of complex data; and feature modeling, atechnique used in product-line development to model similaritiesand differences of products. About half of the papers describe theuse of Eclipse for teaching object-oriented programming andsoftware engineering, in both classroom and distance settings. Onesuch paper addresses distributed collaborative programming. Othersdescribe Eclipse courseware plugins for code-based tutorials;visualization of computer organization concepts; and trackingstudent programming projects. Each paper illustrates the advantages that Eclipse offersresearchers and teachers. They describe rich full-featuredimplementations, which can be used and modified by otherresearchers/teachers in their respective areas, at minimal cost interms of incremental programming effort. This works because theyall leverage the rich infrastructure and base of componentsprovided by Eclipse. And of course by developing their own newcomponents, each of these projects extends that base and enablesothers to build on their work --- a virtuous cycle that is creatingan eco-system around Eclipse and enriching the entire software research and teaching communities.

Proceedings of the 2005 OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology Exchange

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Bijdrage tot de berekening van de photometrische baan van eclipsvariabelen
Authors: ---
Year: 1944 Publisher: Antwerpen Utrecht Standaard-Boekh W. De Haan

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Eclipse --- Eclipsvariabelen --- 521.8

Les Folies à éclipse : essai sur le rôle du subconscient dans la folie
Year: 1910 Publisher: Paris Bloud & Cie

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ACadeMics Tooling with Eclipse (ACME 2013) : a Joint ECMFA/ECSA/ECOOP workshop : July 2, 2013, Montpellier, France
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 1450320368 Year: 2013 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] ACM

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1999ko abuztuaren 11 ko eguzki-eklipse osoa
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 8493193011 9788493193010 Year: 2001 Volume: 13 Publisher: Vitoria-Gasteiz : Aranzadi sociedad de ciencias (zientzi elkartea),

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Marina Grzinic: Perspectives of the body in (digital) photography
Year: 2001

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ISBN: 0596006411 9780596006419 Year: 2004 Publisher: Beijing O'Reilly

Embedded Linux development using Eclipse
ISBN: 128192881X 9786611928810 0080942792 0750686545 9780080942797 9781281928818 9780750686549 Year: 2009 Publisher: Burlington, MA : Newnes/Elsevier,

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The Eclipse environment solves the problem of having to maintain your own Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which is time consuming and costly. Embedded tools can also be easily integrated into Eclipse. The C/C++CDT is ideal for the embedded community with more than 70% of embedded developers using this language to write embedded code. Eclipse simplifies embedded system development and then eases its integration into larger platforms and frameworks. In this book, Doug Abbott examines Eclipse, an IDE, which can be vital in saving money and time in the design and development of

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