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La Convention Sur l'eau.
ISBN: 9210018656 9789210018654 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bloomfield : United Nations Research Institute for Social Development,

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L'année 2022 marque le trentième anniversaire de la Convention sur la protection et l'utilisation des cours d'eau transfrontières et des lacs internationaux (Convention sur l'eau), adoptée à Helsinki en 1992.Au cours des trois dernières décennies, la Convention sur l'eau a permis le renforcement de la coopération internationale et la mise en oeuvre des mesures nationales de gestion durable et de protection des eaux transfrontières. Elle constitue également une plateforme intergouvernementale propice au développement et à l'avancement quotidiens de la coopération transfrontière.La présente publication relate quelques exemples de retombées positives de la Convention sur l'eau dans la pratique. Elle permet au lecteur de mieux appréhender les répercussions sociales, économiques et environnementales de cet instrument, ainsi que ses contributions à la paix et à la stabilité dans divers contextes régionaux. Elle illustre en cela les avantages de la coopération en matière de gestion des eaux transfrontières fondée sur la Convention sur l'eau.Cette publication s'adresse aux pouvoirs publics, aux organismes de bassin et autres organisation internationales, aux partenaires pour le développement, aux organisations non gouvernementales et aux milieux universitaires. Elle vise à mieux faire comprendre les avantages de la Convention sur l'eau, à faciliter les processus d'adhésion et à contribuer à l'application effective de la Convention et à l'amélioration de la coopération en matière d'eaux transfrontières partout dans le monde.

Progrès en matière de coopération concernant les eaux transfrontières au titre de la Convention sur l'eau : rapport sur l'application de la Convention sur la protection et l'utilisation des cours d'eau transfrontières et des lacs internationaux
ISBN: 9789210472494 9210472497 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York: Nations Unies,

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La Convention sur la protection et l'utilisation des cours d'eau transfrontières et des lacs internationaux (Convention sur l'eau), dont le secrétariat est assuré par la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE), impose aux Parties de prévenir, maîtriser et réduire les impacts transfrontières, d'utiliser les eaux transfrontières de manière raisonnable et équitable, et de veiller à leur gestion durable. Les Parties partageant des eaux transfrontières doivent coopérer en concluant des accords spécifiques et en créant des organes communs. En tant qu'accord-cadre, la Convention sur l'eau ne remplace pas les accords bilatéraux ou multilatéraux couvrant des bassins ou des aquifères spécifiques ; elle encourage leur création et leur mise en oeuvre, ainsi que leur expansion. En 2003, la Convention sur l'eau a fait l'objet d'un amendement pour que des pays extérieurs à la région de la CEE puissent y adhérer. Cet amendement est entré en vigueur le 6 février 2013, faisant de la Convention sur l'eau un cadre juridique de coopération relative aux eaux transfrontières à l'échelle mondiale. Depuis le 1er mars 2016, tous les Etats Membres de l'Organisation des Nations Unies peuvent adhérer à la Convention.La décision prise par les Parties en 2015 d'introduire un mécanisme d'établissement de rapports permettant de suivre et d'évaluer l'application de la Convention a constitué une autre étape importante dans l'évolution de la Convention. Un exercice pilote d'établissement de rapports, dont les résultats sont exposés dans le présent rapport de synthèse, s'est déroulé en 2017 et 2018. Ce rapport de synthèse suit fidèlement la structure du modèle pour l'établissement de rapports dont disposaient les Parties. L'introduction présente le contexte dans lequel s'inscrit le processus d'établissement de rapports et ses résultats, après quoi les réponses aux principales parties du modèle de rapport sont passées en revue, à savoir : gestion des eaux transfrontières au niveau national ; accords et arrangements applicables aux eaux transfrontières au niveau transnational ; organes communs chargés des eaux transfrontières ; et activités liées à la mise en oeuvre de la coopération dans le domaine des eaux transfrontières. On trouvera en outre un résumé des réponses aux questions portant sur les difficultés rencontrées et les résultats obtenus de manière générale dans l'application de la Convention sur l'eau et la coopération en matière d'eaux transfrontières.

Les sources du droit à l’eau en droit international
ISBN: 9791091089074 Year: 2013 Publisher: Paris: Johanet,

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Ce livre aborde les diverses problématiques qui touchent à la reconnaissance du droit de l'Homme à l'eau potable. Mais s'agit-il d'un droit à la fois contraignant, universel et autonome ? Pour répondre à cette question, l'auteur passe en revue l'ensemble des sources du droit international, en portant une attention particulière aux divers documents qui ont été publiés au cours de la dernière décennie, depuis l'observation générale n° 15 du Comité des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, jusqu'à la Déclaration de Rio+20. Cette analyse détaillée permet de définir la forme, la nature et la portée du droit à l'eau tel qu'actuellement reconnu en droit international. Ces réflexions sur le statut juridique du droit à l'eau en droit international permettent ainsi de faire le point sur les avancées progressives enregistrées par celui-ci en termes de reconnaissance et d'application, tout en relevant les lacunes qui persistent.

The law of non-navigational uses of international watercourses
ISBN: 0792318226 9780792318224 Year: 1993 Publisher: Dordrecht Nijhoff

Realising the Right to Water and Sanitation in Nigeria : a Human Rights-Based-Ecosystem Approach
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781780689012 9781780689029 1780689012 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge Mortsel Chicago Intersentia

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Recognition of the right to water and sanitation is an important and global issue. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights explains the obligations of States in realising this right in its General Comment No. 15. This book investigates how this right can be realised from the context of Nigeria and other States in similar circumstances. Recognising that water is needed by both human beings and other living things, the author approaches the right to water from both a human rights and an environmental perspective. He analyses Nigeria’s laws, policies and practices and assesses their compatibility with the relevant international legal obligations. Through empirical data, the factors contributing to water and sanitation problems and the extent of Nigerians’ awareness of the existence of the right are examined. Legal interpretation, human rights-based and ecosystem approaches demonstrate how the right can be realised in Nigeria.

Towards a sustainable human right to water
ISBN: 9781780686127 1780686129 9781780686165 1780686161 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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Towards a Sustainable Human Right to Water is a timely examination of a critical and time-sensitive subject in the field of human rights law. Aside from being a basic necessity for human survival, the United Nations identifies water as being a keystone of sustainable development and at the very heart of healthy ecosystems and socio-economic development. Thus, the book poses the critical question how the concept of sustainable development can contribute to the sustainable realisation of the human right to water for vulnerable people. It takes a three step approach in providing an answer to this fundamental question of our time. Firstly, the case is made for a broadening of the scope of vulnerability to include environmental factors and it is argued that the notion of vulnerability, as it is currently understood within the human rights discourse, is too limited. It should not only be assessed by looking at the social and economic circumstances of people or at specific groups, but also by looking at the environment that one lives in. This is certainly important for the realisation of the human right to water, which impacts the unserved or underserved to greater effect as they are directly dependent on their environment. Widening the scope of vulnerability would allow for more specific targeted measures when environmental problems are considered in connection with social vulnerability. Secondly, principles of sustainable development can be used to shape and further develop the human right to water. This would allow for the right to be realised in a sustainable manner and states could comply with both international human rights legislation and international environmental legislation. While these two fields of law have developed separately, their perspectives can nevertheless be reconciled if their different interests are balanced. Finally, an assessment framework is developed to analyze how states can implement the human right to water in a sustainable way. Bringing together the different disciplines of law, economics and public administration, it provides for basic water system knowledge which is required for a comprehensive exploration of the main challenges, and for offering recommendations specific to a national or regional context. This framework has been applied to the situation in Suriname, demonstrating the need for multi-level interventions.

Proportionality in international humanitarian law : consequences, precautions, and procedures
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780197556733 0197556736 9780197556740 9780197556757 9780197556726 0197556752 0197556744 0197556728 Year: 2021 Volume: 6 Publisher: New York: Oxford university press,

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"There are few concepts in international law that captivate the mind and cause bitter debates as much as the application of the principle of proportionality in contemporary armed conflict. As conflicts are increasingly fought in urban settings, the concept of proportionality plays a crucial role in the protection of civilians from the horrors of war. This book is a study of proportionality as it is currently understood in the laws of armed conflict-also known as international humanitarian law (IHL). The principle of proportionality is one of the cornerstones of IHL, together with the other basic principles of distinction between civilians and combatants, the prohibition on the infliction of unnecessary suffering, the notion of military necessity, and the principle of humanity. Although proportionality is notoriously opaque and can seem a topic for theoreticians, the real-world impact of this principle and its interpretation is very concrete. States, and their armed forces, treat it as a serious limitation on their military activity. There are many reasons for the prominence of the principle of proportionality, especially, as Thomas Franck explained, its hold on the "imagination of the epistemic community in which it is used as the prism for viewing, arguing, and ultimately resolving disputes." It is, perhaps, useful to present the principle of proportionality in the context of two other cardinal principles of IHL: the principles of necessity and of distinction. According to these, only combatants and military objectives may be targeted during armed conflicts. The attacking party must ascertain whether a given target is military or civilian, and refrain from attacking the latter. The principle of proportionality adds a further constraint to the principle of distinction. Even if the target is a military objective, attacking it is prohibited if it is expected to cause incidental harm to civilians "which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated." For example, while civilian buildings cannot be attacked during a military operation, a building which is housing a group of soldiers can be attacked, because this makes it a military objective. However, the principle of proportionality place limits on how and when this building may be attacked. It is prohibited to attack the building if it is known that a large number of civilians either in the building or in its vicinity would be harmed, even if unintentionally, to an extent that this harm ("collateral damage") would be excessive relative to the military advantage gained by the attack. Thus, distinction and proportionality impose two cumulative conditions which must both be fulfilled in order for an attack to be lawful. Both principles limit the freedom of operation and the discretion of the belligerent parties, and thereby play an important role in protecting civilians from the vicissitudes of armed conflict"

The human right to water
ISBN: 9781780682976 9781780685557 Year: 2015 Publisher: Cambridge Intersentia

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" This book summarises the history of the human right to water and examines its main content and the obligations that derive from this right. The main purpose of the recognition of the human right to water is to guarantee to everyone access to sufficient, safe and affordable drinking water to satisfy personal and domestic uses. This book discusses whether the human right to water is recognised as a derivative right or as an independent right at three levels - at universal, regional and domestic - where human rights are recognised and enforced. At the domestic level a case study approach has been used with focus on Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Colombia. Freshwater resources are not static; they are constantly flowing and crossing international boundaries. This situation and the relative scarcity of water resources have a direct impact on a state's capacity to realise the human right to water. The human right to water is examined in a transboundary water context, where the use and management of an international watercourse in one riparian state can directly or indirectly affect the human right to water in another riparian state. 0For this reason, this book analyses whether the core principles of international water law can be used to contribute to the realisation of the extraterritorial application of the right to water."--Back cover.


Droit de l'eau --- Recht op water --- Right to Water --- Water (Right to) --- Water [Recht op ] --- Comparative law --- Water --- Water-supply --- Human rights --- Right to water --- Droit comparé --- Eau --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Droit à l'eau --- Law and legislation --- Purification --- Droit --- Approvisionnement --- Epuration --- Droit à l'eau (droit international) --- Droits de l'homme (droit international) --- Gestion de l'eau --- Distribution de l'eau --- Consommation d'eau --- Utilisation de l'eau --- BPB1507 --- Waterbeheer --- Watervoorziening --- Waterverbruik --- Gebruik van het water --- Right to water. --- Droit comparé --- Droit à l'eau --- коришћење воде --- użycie wody --- utilização da água --- upotreba vode --- χρήση του νερού --- veekasutus --- ūdens izmantošana --- utilizzazione dell'acqua --- Wassernutzung --- vattenanvändning --- use of water --- veden käyttö --- utilizarea apei --- raba voda --- използване на водата --- vandens naudojimas --- anvendelse af vand --- vízkészlet-hasznosítás --- utilización del agua --- využití vody --- użu tal-ilma --- користење вода --- gebruik van het water --- përdorim i ujit --- využitie vody --- искористување на водата --- korištenje vode --- uporaba vode --- konsum tal-ilma --- water consumption --- poraba vode --- consumo idrico --- потрошувачка на вода --- spotreba vody --- vattenförbrukning --- κατανάλωση νερού --- potrošnja vode --- konsum uji --- ūdens patēriņš --- потрошња воде --- zużycie wody --- consumo de agua --- vandforbrug --- consum de apă --- spotřeba vody --- waterverbruik --- vandens (su)vartojimas --- vízfogyasztás --- veetarbimine --- consumo de água --- Wasserverbrauch --- vedenkulutus --- потребление на вода --- квалитет на водите --- oskrba z vodo --- provvista tal-ilma --- dodávka vody --- снабдевање водом --- Wasserversorgung --- water supply --- vandens tiekimas --- furnizim me ujë --- zaopatrzenie w wodę --- водоснабдяване --- suministro de agua --- водоснабдување --- alimentare cu apă --- ūdensapgāde --- watervoorziening --- opskrba vodom --- rozvod vody --- vattenförsörjning --- abastecimento de água --- ύδρευση --- vanddistribution --- veevarustus --- vesihuolto --- vízellátás --- distribuzione idrica --- approvisionnement en eau --- veevärk --- снабдување со вода --- παροχέτευση νερού --- zásobování vodou --- distribuirea apei --- vedenjakelu --- water distribution --- aprovisionamento de água --- distribúcia vody --- waterleiding --- abastecimiento de agua --- adduction d'eau --- ūdens padeve --- vízművek --- condução de água --- vandforsyning --- wateraanvoer --- распределба на вода --- shpërndarja e ujit --- vattenförråd --- distribucija vode --- παροχή νερού --- vattentillförsel --- vattendistribution --- Wasserzuleitung --- дистрибуција на вода --- alimentation en eau --- alimentazione idrica --- vandtilførsel --- vandens paskirstymas --- систем за дистрибуција на вода --- framdragande av vattenledning --- připojení vody --- Wasserleitung --- υδροδότηση --- approvvigionamento idrico --- vízszolgáltatás --- vandentvarka --- водопривреда --- vízgazdálkodás --- διαχείριση των υδάτων --- spracovanie vody --- vodní hospodářství --- veemajandus --- menaxhim uji --- upravljanje voda --- vattenförvaltning --- bainistiú uisce --- водостопанство --- gestione delle acque --- vandforvaltning --- vesitalous --- managementul apei --- gestão das águas --- gospodarka wodna --- waterbeheer --- water management --- икономическо управление на водата --- gestión del agua --- vodno gospodarstvo --- immaniġġjar tal-ilma --- Wasserbewirtschaftung --- ūdens resursu apsaimniekošana --- gestione delle risorse idriche --- nakládání s vodou --- hospodaření s vodou --- управување водни ресурси --- ġestjoni tal-ilma --- vandens ūkio tvarkyba --- vodoprivreda --- ūdens resursu pārvaldība --- upravljanje vodama --- gospodarenje vodama --- waterschap --- úsáid uisce --- ídiú uisce --- soláthar uisce

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