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Social Policy Aspects of Bulgaria's EU Accession
Year: 1999 Publisher: Sofia : Center for the Study of Democracy,

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The social policy of the European Union aims to reduce the most substantial differences in the national schemes and programs, to facilitate the free movement of workers, to create prerequisites for employment growth and improvement of the working conditions, to raise the level of qualification and to promote the retraining and the reintegration of people who lost their job because of structural economic changes or for other reasons with social implications. Ensuring of the national social security systems' conformity with the criteria for membership in the European Union is of substantial importance for the entire process of democratisation and integration in Europe. At the same time these systems determine the internal potential of the applicant countries for accession. That is where the actuality of the questions, put in this study stems from: What is the scope of the field of action of the economic and social criteria for integration in the social sphere? To what extent does the Bulgarian system for social protection correspond to the European models and values? What are the perspectives for development of the social reform in the light of the strategy for accession to the European Union? These questions do not have a simple answer, but nevertheless the analysis of the social problems of the integration is the main challenge at the current stage of the social reform.

Avrupa Bi̇rli̇ği̇ ve Asean Çerçevesi̇nde Ekonomi̇k Entegrasyonlarin Türki̇ye’ni̇n Teknoloji̇ Transferi̇ne Etki̇si̇
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Year: 2022 Publisher: Gaziantep [Turkey] : Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.

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It is seen that the Republic of Turkey has not been able to carry its economic development to the level of developed countries after the bitter experiences it has had at home and abroad since its establishment. It is of great importance to realize technological transformation in order to stand against the deadlocks imposed by globalization on countries. According to the 2022 TUIK figures, high technology exports in Turkey are still at a very low level at 2.6%. Turkey needs to show development in every aspect specific to its geography, while doing this, realizing technology transfer through economic integrations will provide benefits in terms of time and cost and will save time in the formation of a qualified workforce. For this reason, our study is aimed to determine the policies that Turkey will implement in terms of time and cost by analyzing the effects of the EU and ASEAN as economic integrations on the technology transfer to be realized by Turkey. Thus, we think that it will contribute to our literature together with the sincere studies prepared for Turkey to take place in the league of developed countries.

Parlamentarizam u Bosni i Hercegovini
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Year: 2012 Publisher: Sarajevo [Bosnia and Herzegovina] : Sarajevo Open Centre

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Parlament je jezgro reprezentativne demokratije. U optimalnom slučaju on zastupa volju naroda. Uloga stranaka je da povezuju individualne interese birača i zastupaju ih u interesu zajedničkog dobra. Međutim, ne samo u Bosni i Hercegovini, diljem svijeta gubi se povjerenje u demokratiju. Kod mnogih građana javlja se utisak da parlament donosi odluke, usvaja zakone i potiče trendove koji ne odgovaraju zajedničkom dobru. Kada zastupnici ne postupaju u skladu s voljom građana, kredibilitet politike pada, izlaznost birača se smanjuje, a legitimnost parlamenta postaje upitna. Uslijed krize reprezentativne demokratije, u brojnim zemljama – pa tako naprimjer i u Njemačkoj – sve su glasniji pozivi za neposrednim demokratskim procesima. Populistički zahtijevajući da se moć da u ruke građana, kroz plebiscite, odluke naroda i referendum, očekuje se da se odluke donose što je moguće dalje od parlamenta.

Greater Europe : Putin's vision of the European (dis)integration
Year: 2013 Publisher: Warszawa, Poland : Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia,

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On several occasions since 2001 Vladimir Putin has raised the concept of 'Greater Europe', a partly-integrated common space comprising mainly Russia and the European Union. This concept has never been recast into a detailed political programme. While it has been championed as'a Europe without dividing lines', the concept would in practice permanently split Europe into two geopolitical blocs - the Western bloc of the European Union, with Germany in the dominant role, and the Eastern bloc, consisting of the emerging Eurasian Union, with Russia in a hegemonic position. In recent years Russia has undertaken a number of initiatives aimed at implementing some elements of the concept. However, most of these have failed to become reality. In this context, we should expect Russia's policy to focus on implementing its priority project of Eurasian integration, based on the structures of the Customs Union/the Eurasian Union. The Greater Europe project, on the other hand, will be postponed until the time when, as Moscow believes, a weakened EU will be ready to accept Russian proposals.

Consequences of Non-Financial Reporting Directive in Poland
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ISBN: 8382111866 Year: 2023 Publisher: Poznań [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu

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This monograph is an attempt to contribute to the new but currently dynamically developing direction of basic research in the discipline of “economics and finance” concerning non-financial reporting. The novelty of this publication lies in the following: (1) it disentangles the quantity of non-financial disclosure into five thematic aspects (environment, employees, human rights, anti-corruption and community involvement) and six content items (business model, non-financial KPIs, policies — including due diligence processes implemented and outcomes of these policies, principal risks and managing these risks) and develops individual nonfinancial indices in the cross-section of these dimensions, taking into account the requirements of the Directive 2014/95/EU; (2) it focuses on the rarely examined specific subsets of non-financial reporting, for example, anti-corruption, human rights, community involvement and risk-related disclosure; (3) it disaggregates the quality of non-financial disclosure into materiality and reliability and develops self-constructed indices applying the non-financial reporting regime introduced by the Directive and EU Guidelines; (4) it is the first study to test the effectiveness of the Directive, comprehensively taking into account the quantity and quality of disclosures over such a long period of time — three years before and three years after the implementation of the Directive; (5) it explores the relevant determinants of non-financial disclosure, including company characteristics (size, profitability, leverage, industry), corporate governance measures (state ownership, foreign ownership, CSR committee), primary stakeholders (investors, creditors, consumers and employees), secondary stakeholders (environment, regulators, standard setters, e.g., GRI and NFIS), experience in sustainability, stand-alone sustainability reports, external assurance, international presence, public expectations, participation in the UN Global Compact as well as inclusion in the Respect Index.

Niemożliwe uczynić możliwym. Perspektywy ruchu bezwizowego pomiędzy UE a wschodnimi partnerami
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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Aby zniesienie wiz w relacjach pomiędzy UE a krajami Europy Wschodniej stało się realne, należy tę kwestię „odczarować”. Przy obecnym poziomie mobilności i kontaktów międzyludzkich, biznesowych, politycznych, taki krok będzie naturalną konsekwencją trwających od lat procesów liberalizacyjnych.Ponadto abolicja wizowa nie powinna znacząco wpłynąć na zwiększenie presji migracyjnej z krajów Europy Wschodniej, a może przyczynić się do zmniejszenia kosztów obsługi rozbudowanej sieci konsularnej krajów Schengen. Zniesienie wiz przez UE może mieć ograniczony i czasowy charakter oraz pozwolić na faktyczne wprowadzenie w życie zasady warunkowości w relacjach z sąsiadami. W sensie politycznym nadanie przez UE kwestii ruchu bezwizowego kluczowego charakteru zasadniczo zmieniłoby podejście sąsiadów do Partnerstwa Wschodniego oraz stanowiłoby pomost z Partnerstwem dla Modernizacji skierowanym do Rosji.

The turn to the East. The flawed diversification of Russian foreign policy
Authors: ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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The ‘turn to the East’ proclaimed by Russia in 2010 has failed to bring about a fundamental breakthrough in her relations with Asian countries, nor has it produced impulses for the economic modernization of Russia’s Far Eastern territories. Although the energisation of Russian policy towards Asia which has taken place under this slogan has diversified Russian foreign policy somewhat, this diversification has two weak points: Firstly, it has occurred only in the political sphere. The share of Asian countries in Russia’s foreign economic relations has not risen significantly in comparison with the share of European and North American countries. Secondly, the ‘turn to the East’ has turned out primarily to be a turn towards China. In all spheres – diplomatic, economic, energy and military – it is Beijing that has become the most important Asian partner for Moscow. The result is that the policy that aimed to limit the excessive – in the Kremlin’s view – dependence of Russia on the West is likely to turn Russia into a ‘junior partner’ of the People’s Republic of China.

Paradoxes of stabilisation. Bosnia and Herzegovina from the perspective of Central Europe
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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On 15 February 2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina applied for membership of the European Union. This was the result of the new policy strategy which the EU introduced in 2014, aimed at unblocking BiH’s integration process and encouraging local elites to accelerate the reform process. Despite a formal application to the EU, the main internal problems of BiH remain the same - local politicians focus more on the power struggle and enhancing ethnic division than on reform and this is hampering the economic development of one of the poorest countries in Europe. For these reasons this report is devoted to analysing the internal challenges to the stability, coherence and unity of the country. Special attention was also placed on examining the interest and strategies of the various international actors since they can hinder or support the reform process. // The Western Balkans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, is playing a prominent role in the framework of V4 cooperation. The stability of this region and its integration with the EU is of vital interest to the V4 countries. It was for this reason that the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), alongside partner institutions from the V4 countries – the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA), the Institute of International Relations (IIR) from the Czech Republic, and GEO Research from Hungary – and supported by the International Visegrad Fund, decided to develop a joint research project focused on BiH.

Role of Political Parties in Bulgaria's Accession to the EU
Year: 1999 Publisher: Sofia : Center for the Study of Democracy,

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The process of Bulgaria's EU integration is a multifaceted political, institutional, economic, socio-structural, and psychological process. It is essentially a complex social transformation aimed at establishing particular public structures, standards, consensual attitudes, and strategies, compatible with EU and acceptable to its member countries. This process involves diverse actors who cannot be reduced solely to the efforts of state institutions and above all, of the legislature and the executive. One of the most powerful, though frequently overlooked, channels bringing Bulgaria closer to EU, are political parties. The inclusion of political parties in the domestic political process cannot be reduced exclusively or primarily to the time in which they exercise executive power. In opposition or even outside parliament, political parties can still occasionally exert considerable influence over the conditions in which foreign policy is conceived and implemented. Parties can sometimes be an exceptionally important source for Bulgaria's international image which strongly influences the positions of the country's international partners, and in particular, the EU member states, in terms of Bulgaria's accession to EU. Political parties, along with everything else, have several essential functions immediately related to Bulgaria's integration in EU: • they are very frequently the channels for the introduction of European po-litical standards in Bulgarian politics; • they represent the Bulgarian political palette of strategies and ideas; • they create an additional lobby network among the EU political class in favor of Bulgaria's accession; • they are in position to structure political life in Bulgaria in line with EU standards. That is why the study of the role of political parties in the process of Bulgaria's EU integration is an essential element of the conception of a general idea, and theoretical model, of the process. In theoretical terms, parties are part of the political system and a connecting link between the political, and civil, society. Their role in foreign policy is typically related to positions of power. But the in-ternationalization of party life in the past decade has provided parties with new opportunities for participation in the foreign political process. In Bulgarian political life parties are an important, if not the chief, instrument for assimilation of foreign political experience. Their activity as international actors, their international contacts, the international forums organized by them, are an irreplaceable channel through which public opinion in Bulgaria gets informed about foreign political standards, about the rules and norms of political life in EU countries, for instance. Naturally, the influence of parties on the foreign policy and international image of a given country is a function of its political system and above all, of the role, status, and functions of political parties within it. Since 1989 Bulgaria has developed a "European" type of party system, in which political organizations are institutional structures striving to represent politically significant social interests. Under this model, parties are involved in the domestic political process as representatives of a certain part of public opinion. In the U.S., along with that function, parties are involved in foreign policy mainly through the influence they have in various foundations which sponsor projects and research institutions. In a sense, the American party-system model is based more on the "expert" participation of political parties in the foreign policy making. In Bulgaria there are few elements of expert participation of parties in the foreign political process, though certain "think tanks", related in some form or other to political parties, do exert some influence, largely through developing and presenting before foreign partners alternatives to government policies.

A quarter-century of independent Ukraine : dimensions of transformation
Year: 2017 Publisher: Warsaw : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia,

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24 sierpnia 1991 roku Rada Najwyższa Ukraińskiej SRR proklamowała niepodległość, a 1 grudnia naród ratyfikował ją w referendum. Pokojowy sposób powstania, posiadanie niekwestionowanego terytorium oraz uformowanej administracji cywilnej było ogromnym atutem nowego państwa. Jednak "ciemną stroną" tych atutów były fundamentalne słabości: republiki sowieckie były częściami ZSRR, nie miały więc centralnych ogniw struktur państwa (w tym sztabu generalnego, banku emisyjnego oraz większości resortów).Po niemal ćwierćwieczu pokojowego budownictwa przerwanego w 2014 roku wybuchem wojny Ukraina jest wprawdzie państwem słabym, ale ugruntowanym wewnętrznie i międzynarodowo, zdolnym do oparcia się agresji zbrojnej i aktywnie poszukującym swego miejsca w świecie. Największym sukcesem kraju było wychowanie nowego pokolenia "urodzonych obywateli Ukrainy", największą porażką - dramatyczne załamanie demograficzne o skutkach, których nie da się już odwrócić, a także, charakterystyczna również dla innych państw postsowieckich, pauperyzacja niższych warstw społeczeństwa.Opracowanie to nie jest historią niepodległej Ukrainy, lecz próbą przedstawienia podstawowych mechanizmów transformacji republiki sowieckiej w niepodległe, demokratyczne państwo o gospodarce rynkowej, skupia się więc przede wszystkim na problematyce wewnętrznej.

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