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Dynamic analysis of ocean structures
Authors: ---
ISBN: 030630483X 1468418505 1468418483 Year: 1970 Publisher: New York, NY : Plenum Press,

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Das Koordinationsmängel-Diagnosekonzept : Ein Instrument zu Realisierung einer evidenzbasierten Wettbewerbspolitik
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110714086 3110714027 Year: 2020 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Die Begriffe „evidenzorientierte Theorie" und „evidenzbasierte Politik" werden unterschiedlich interpretiert (Jan/ Grabow, 2008; Weiland, 2013). Als gemeinsamen Kern aller Definitionen kann man aber die Forderung ansehen, dass die wissenschaftliche Basis eines Theorie- bzw. Politikzweigs von Hypothesen befreit werden soll, die nach sachgemäß durchgeführten Tests von Experten als falsifiziert angesehen werden. Dies soll auch und gerade der Fall sein, wenn die Hypothesen eine Ideologie widerspiegeln, die lediglich auf einem internen Konsens politischer Gruppen beruht, oder wenn sie der Grundüberzeugung wissenschaftlichen Schulen entsprechen, die sich trotz neuer empirischer Erkenntnisse nicht mehr weiterentwickeln und deshalb selbst dann als erstarrt betrachtet werden müssen, wenn ihre Entstehung früher einmal mit einem Erkenntnisfortschritt verbunden war. In diesem Sinn soll der Begriff auch in diesem Buch gebraucht werden: Es soll ein Instrument beschrieben werden, mit dessen Hilfe man die Dynamik realer Marktprozesse in der Wirtschaftsgeschichte statistisch nachvollziehen kann und das es gestattet, Hypothesen wie etwa die ökonometrisch zu testen, dass eine bestimmte Art von Wettbewerbspolitik aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht positiv oder negativ auf diese Prozesse gewirkt hat, wie also z. B. eine Preisbindung der zweiten Hand die Prozesse beeinflusst hat, was bestimmte Formen genossenschaftlicher Kooperation zur Folge gehabt haben oder ob ein bestimmtes Kartell- oder Fusionsverbot kurzfristig zwar zu niedrigeren Preisen geführt hat, langfristig aber mit verringerten Innovationsraten erkauft werden musste.

Analysis of Journal Bearing and Validation of Experimental Test Rig
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Hydrodynamic bearings are presenting a large and deep research domain with an overall lack of investigation in the case of vertically mounted ones which complicates their applicability. These bearings are characterised by a complex behaviour as a self-excited instability known as oil whip which is a major concern of Sulzer Ensival Moret Belgium, a well-known pump manufacturer. This topic introduced the design of a tribological test rig for the experimental analysis of hydrodynamic bearings. The work objectives are the experimental analysis of hydrodynamic bearings based on their respective dynamic behaviour and the related validation of the test rig in terms of its validity for the dynamic analysis. To achieve both objectives, the work is divided in a theoretical and experimental part. The theoretical part treats the general bearing theory including so-called experimental identification techniques. The second part treats the experimental dynamic analysis of different bearings based on their respective whirl motion and the extraction of the stiffness coefficients from conducted measurements. At the other side, this part treats the validation of the test rig.

Mooring of Ships to Piers and Wharves
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1680154605 0784478422 Year: 2014 Publisher: Reston, Virginia : American Society of Civil Engineers,

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Prepared by the Mooring Analysis Task Committee of the Ports and Harbors Committee of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE. This Manual of Practice provides guidelines for the determination of safe mooring design practices for vessels at fixed piers and wharves in ports and harbors. Today's larger, complex ships, with greater wind exposure and deeper drafts, pose particular mooring challenges to designers, captains, and pilots. Costly mooring incidents have emphasized the need for better understanding of mooring design principles, and no single building code or standard specifically addresses the design of berthing and mooring facilities. This manual provides the necessary background to assure that designed structures are sound, adequate, and provide a safe berth for the types of vessels to be accommodated. Topics include: Mooring practice and design requirements; Mooring system components, including mooring lines, fittings and hardware, equipment, fender systems, docking aid and monitoring systems, mechanical and automated mooring systems, and shipboard equipment; Forces on moored vessels, including wind, current, passing vessels, waves, seiche and long wave effects, tide and draft changes, and ice; Mooring analysis methods, including static and dynamic analysis, as well as software and physical models; and Operational considerations, including allowable vessel movement, incidents and breakaways, and maintenance. MOP 129 primarily focuses on mooring large, ocean-going vessels at relatively protected locations, although the basic principles are applicable to small craft and more exposed locations. Designers of port and harbor facilities, as well as owners and managers, will welcome this compact reference to mooring analysis and safe, efficient, fixed-mooring practice.

Spar platforms : technology and analysis methods
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0784476772 Year: 2012 Publisher: Reston, Va. : American Society of Civil Engineers,

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Sponsored by the Ocean and Offshore Engineering Committee of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE. Spar Platforms: Technology and Analysis Methods examines the design, analysis, and use of spar platforms for offshore oil production. Since the first spar platform, the Oryx Neptune, was installed in the Gulf of Mexico in 1996, spars have evolved into a proven, reliable technology for oil drilling and production in deep and remote areas. Three spar concepts are in use today: the classic spar, the truss spar, and the cell spar. Although the technology and analysis methods are considered mature, technical challenges remain, including understanding and suppressing vortex-induced motion and improving survivability in category 4 and 5 hurricanes. This volume surveys the history of spar development and presents detailed design modeling aspects of spar hull, mooring, and anchoring systems. Two methodologies—the diffraction method and the Morrison formula—that can be used to analyze spar motions are demonstrated and assessed. Design considerations for vortex-induced motion of spars are weighed, along with possible remedies. In addition, testing methods for spar models in wave basins are considered, and full-scale field data is compared with the results of several numerical analysis tools. Ocean and coastal engineers, those involved in the design and construction of offshore structures, and petroleum engineers will find the book a useful supplement to existing specifications for spar platforms.

Recent advances in materials characterization and modeling of pavement systems
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers,

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Proceedings of the Pavement Mechanics Symposium at the 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, held in New York, New York, June 4, 2002. This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 15 technical papers covering recent advances in the characterization and modeling of materials used in pavement systems. Topics include: subgrade soil and aggregate base/subbase materials characterization, asphalt concrete mixes and their constitutive modeling, pavement systems modeling, and use of artificial neural networks in pavement modeling. The analysis methods include both finite and discrete element modeling techniques, artificial neural networks, microstructural analysis, stiffness matrix approach for dynamic pavement analysis, and curve fitting and statistical parameter estimation techniques. Different methods of laboratory and field testing are included, namely: triaxial, asphalt tension, asphalt x-ray tomography imaging, asphalt binder, nondestructive pavement, accelerated pavement, and field bender element method. Engineers working within geotechnical and transportation facilities, who have a special interest in pavement mechanics, will find this publication of particular interest.

Master thesis and internship[BR]- Master's thesis : Nonlinear vibrations in a piccolo tube: Study of the correspondence between experimental and numerical results[BR]- Integration Internship
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Nonlinear behaviours are inherent to today’s aerospace industry due in part to the many contemporary constraints. This master thesis focuses on the study of such a nonlinearity by investigating the behaviour of a piccolo tube subjected to different types of external excitations. For this purpose, experimental tests are conducted on the corresponding physical structure on the one hand. On the other hand, similar results are attempted to be obtained using NI2D, a numerical simulation software adapted to the study of nonlinearities. This study is also in the continuation of results obtained in previous analyses. To this purpose, the structure is studied when subjected to sine sweep and randoms excitations. Methods are also implemented to extract and compare the stress levels to which the tube is subjected. The obtained results confirm the previous sine sweep findings. The methods used also allow a good correspondence between the two types of results for random excitations. Limitations must, however, be taken into account, in this case, when nonlinearity is reached due to a numerical over-representation of harmonics triggering. Finally, similar stress levels can be achieved for numerical tests and simulations outside resonance peaks. However, due to discrepancies, other numerical methods should be considered to obtain the stresses in the frequency band of the resonance peak, such as directly computing this data on a whole time signal. This could moreover allow the correspondence of the two types of stress results for random excitation.

A Newton's Method for Benchmarking Time Series According to a Growth Rates Preservation Principle
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1463901909 1463900333 1283566672 9786613879127 1463900384 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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This work presents a new technique for temporally benchmarking a time series according to the growth rates preservation principle (GRP) by Causey and Trager (1981). A procedure is developed which (i) transforms the original constrained problem into an unconstrained one, and (ii) applies a Newton's method exploiting the analytic Hessian of the GRP objective function. We show that the proposed technique is easy to implement, computationally robust and efficient, all features which make it a plausible competitor of other benchmarking procedures (Denton, 1971; Dagum and Cholette, 2006) also in a data-production process involving a considerable amount of series.

Optimal Fiscal Adjustment under Uncertainty
ISBN: 147554765X 1475561385 Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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The paper offers a non-probabilistic framework for representation of uncertainty in the context of a simple linear-quadratic model of fiscal adjustment. Instead of treating model disturbances as random variables with known probability distributions, it is only assumed that they belong to some pre-specified compact set. Such an approach is appropriate when the decision maker does not have enough information to form probabilistic beliefs or when considerations for robustness are important. Solution of the model in the minimax sense when disturbance sets are ellipsoids is obtained and the application of the method is illustrated using the example of Portugal.

New Estimates for Direction of Trade Statistics
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1484339142 148433910X Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund,

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In March 2017, the IMF published an upgrade of its Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) dataset. This paper documents the new methodology that has been developed to estimate missing observations of bilateral trade statistics on a monthly basis. The new estimation procedure is founded on a benchmarking method that produces monthly estimates based on official trade statistics by partner country reported at different times and frequencies. In this paper we describe the new estimation methodology. Additional data sources have also been incorporated. We also assess the impact of the new estimates on trade measurement in DOTS at global, regional, and country-specific levels. Finally, we suggest some developments of DOTS to strenghten its relevance for IMF bilateral and multilateral surveillance.

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