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Predicting School Dropout with Administrative Data : New Evidence from Guatemala and Honduras
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Across Latin America, school dropout is a growing concern, because of its negative social and economic consequences. Although a wide range of interventions hold potential to reduce dropout rates, policy makers in many countries must first address the basic question of how to target limited resources effectively for such interventions. Identifying who is most likely to drop out and, therefore, who should be prioritized for targeting, is a prediction problem that has been addressed in a rich set of research in countries with strong education system data. This paper makes use of newly established administrative data systems in Guatemala and Honduras, to estimate some of the first dropout prediction models for lower-middle-income countries. These models can correctly identify 80 percent of sixth grade students who will drop out in the transition to lower secondary school, performing as well as models used in the United States and providing more accurate results than other commonly used targeting approaches.


Dropout --- Early Warning --- Prediction

Le décrochage scolaire : Un processus de constructions et de déconstructions
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9791034607075 Year: 2021 Publisher: Nîmes (34bis, rue Clérisseau 30000) : Champ social,

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Le projet de recherche présenté dans cet ouvrage est de type psychanalytique, il vise à approcher le décrochage comme un symptôme.Les causes du décrochage scolaire sont multiples et ont été analysées par différentes disciplines comme la sociologie, la psychologie sociale, les sciences cognitives ou la pédagogie spéciale. Le projet de recherche présenté dans cet ouvrage est de type psychanalytique. Il vise à approcher le décrochage comme un symptôme, donc comme un compromis entre conscience et inconscience, aliénation et séparation, désir d'apprendre et craintes ou inhibitions. Il s'agit de montrer que ce symptôme est finalement la résultante d'un rapport subjectif au(x) savoir(s), à la vérité singulière, lié à la problématique de la transmission de l'ordre symbolique. Les différents concepts : rapport au savoir, répétition du ratage, pulsion de mort, jouissance et acting out, ont constitué des outils pour analyser à travers des récits d'épisodes de vie de jeunes décrocheurs et d'enseignants le symptôme et l'acte du décrochage ainsi que les transformations qui s'installent ou non auprès de ces jeunes sujets en difficultés. Grâce à l'analyse de ces récits, cet ouvrage permet de présenter les conditions qui ont permis le «?raccrochage?» aux études. L'accompagnement des adultes est essentiel pour soutenir ces jeunes gens à devenir sujet. Il s'agit de « faire cadre?», en privilégiant l'écoute et la circulation de la parole.

Les décrocheurs scolaires : les comprendre, les aider
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2890459039 9782890459038 Year: 1991 Publisher: LaSalle (Québec): Hurtubise,

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Frafall i utdanning for 16-20 aringer i Norden
Year: 2010 Volume: 2010:517 Publisher: Copenhagen, Denmark : Nordisk Ministerrad,

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Les jeunes non scolarises d'Afrique subsaharienne : Politiques pour le changement
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Pour les 89 millions de jeunes non scolarises et descolarises (NSD), soit pres de la moitie de tous les jeunes d'Afrique subsaharienne, les perspectives economiques et sociales sont consternantes. Dans les dix prochaines annees ou cette cohorte composera l'essentiel de la population active, 40 autres millions de jeunes auront probablement quitte l'ecole pour se retrouver confrontes a un avenir incertain, sans travail et sans competences pratiques Ce rapport decortique les facteurs qui incitent les jeunes a poursuivre leur scolarite et a privilegier les etudes ou le travail. Il met en evidence six facteurs majeurs que les decideurs doivent examiner : a) la plupart des jeunes abandonnent avant le secondaire ; b) la precocite du mariage est un enorme obstacle a l'education des jeunes filles ; c) le fait de vivre en zone rurale accroit systematiquement les probabilites de ne pas etre scolarise ; d) le niveau d'education des parents et e) le nombre d'adultes qui travaillent au sein du menage sont des facteurs importants; et f) en termes d'offre, la difficulte d'acces a l'ecole et la mediocrite de l'enseignement sont des contraintes majeures.

Dropout Prevention

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Meeting a crucial need, this book presents effective prevention and intervention methods that can help all students stay--and succeed--in school. The authors emphasize that dropout is a process, not an event. They provide tools for identifying dropout risk (including academic, behavior, and attendance problems) and strategies for problem solving and data-based decision making at the elementary and secondary levels. Illustrative case examples and reproducible checklists and tools enhance this user-friendly resource. The print book has a large-size format with lay-flat binding to facilita

Youth at risk : a prevention resource for counselors, teachers, and parents
ISBN: 1556202199 9781556202193 Year: 2000 Publisher: Alexandria (VA): American Association for Counseling and Development,

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Group mentoring for resilience : increasing positive development and reducing involvement in the juvenile justice system : final technical report
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs,

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High school dropout, graduation, and completion rates : better data, better measures, better decisions
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 0309211026 1283044609 9786613044600 0309163080 Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press,

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High school graduation and dropout rates have long been used as indicators of educational system productivity and effectiveness and of social and economic well being. While determining these rates may seem like a straightforward task, their calculation is in fact quite complicated. How does one count a student who leaves a regular high school but later completes a GED? How does one count a student who spends most of his/her high school years at one school and then transfers to another? If the student graduates, which school should receive credit? If the student drops out, which school should take responsibility? This book addresses these issues and to examine (1) the strengths, limitations, accuracy, and utility of the available dropout and completion measures; (2) the state of the art with respect to longitudinal data systems; and (3) ways that dropout and completion rates can be used to improve policy and practice.--Publisher's description.

Full-Time Teachers, Students, and Curriculum : The Single-Shift Model in Rio de Janeiro
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper examines the full-time school program in Rio de Janeiro's municipal schools. The program, called as the "Single-Shift" schools (Turno Unico), extends the time students spend in municipal schools and seeks to improve the quality of education provision by creating a diverse curriculum for the use of the extra time in school. Unlike the model prevalent in most Brazilian public schools, in which the school day is divided in two shifts of four to five hours each, Single-Shift schools provide education in a format in which students attend a seven-hour daily shift. A subset of Single-Shift schools was certified when they included aspects such as having all teaching staff fully dedicated to a single school. Difference-in-differences estimates, including school and time fixed effects, as well as restrictive school-by-time controls, indicate sizable and robust positive results for the certified Single-Shift program in middle schools. The results indicate that just extending the school day does not grant positive impacts on student performance if it is not also coupled with a more comprehensive and careful consideration on how the additional school hours are used and organized, which requires a well-structured and integrated curriculum, teachers fully dedicated to one school, and focused teacher training.

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