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Christian church history --- History of the Netherlands --- anno 1600-1699 --- Dordrechter Synode
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Beyond Dordt and ‘De Auxiliis’ explores post-Reformation inter-confessional theological exchange on soteriological topics including predestination, grace, and free choice. These doctrines remained controversial within confessional traditions after the Reformation, as Dominicans and Jesuits and later Calvinists and Arminians argued about these critical issues in the Augustinian theological heritage. Some of those involved in condemning Arminianism at the Synod of Dordt (1618-1619) were inspired by Dominican followers of Thomas Aquinas in Spain who had recently opposed the vigorous defense of free choice by Jesuit Molinists in the Congregatio de auxiliis (1598-1607). This volume, appearing on the 400th anniversary of the closing of the Synod of Dordt, brings together a group of scholars working in fields that only rarely speak to one another to address these theological debates that cross geographical and confessional boundaries.
234 --- 284.91 --- 284.91 Arminianisme. Remonstranten. Synode van Dordrecht--(1618-1619) --- Arminianisme. Remonstranten. Synode van Dordrecht--(1618-1619) --- 234 Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof --- 234 Soteriologie. La grace. La foi --- Soteriologie. Heilsleer. Genade. Geloof --- Soteriologie. La grace. La foi --- Christian dogmatics --- Christian church history --- anno 1500-1799 --- Salvation --- Christianity --- History of doctrines. --- History of doctrines --- Dominikaner --- Jesuiten --- Katholische Kirche --- Congregatio de Auxiliis --- Congregazione de Auxiliis divinae gratiae --- Gremium --- Gnadenstreit --- Rom --- 1597-1606 --- Societas Jesu --- Societas Iesu --- Gesellschaft Jesu --- Compañia de Jesús --- SJ --- Spoločnost' Ježišova --- Companhia Jesus --- Kapisanan ni Hesus --- Kie̜ża Jezuici --- Cumann Iosa --- SI --- IHS --- CDG --- Compagnía di Jesù --- Gesuiti --- Compagnie de Jésus --- Družba Isusova --- Jezuici --- Jesuits or mga Heswita --- Society of Jesus --- Companhia de Jesus --- Jezsuiták --- Jézus Társaság --- Jezuieten --- Generalskurie --- Jésuites --- Jesuits --- Isusovački Red --- Compagnia di Gesù --- Towarzystwo Jezusowe --- Orden --- Ignacio --- 1540 --- -Ordo Fratrum Praedicatorum --- OP --- Dominikanerorden --- Predigerorden --- Predigerbrüder --- Orden der Predigerbrüder --- Sagrada Orden de Predicadores --- Dominican Fathers --- Dominican Order --- Fratres Praedicatores --- Ordo Praedicatorum --- Blackfriars --- Ordre de St. Dominique --- Ordre de Saint Dominique --- Frati Predicatori --- Frati Domenicane --- Orden de Predicadores --- Ordre des Frères Prêcheurs --- Padri Domenicani --- Fratres Ordinis Praedicatorum --- Heiliger Orden der Predigerbrüder --- Sacer Ordo Fratrum Praedicatorum --- Hl. Orden der Predigerbrüder --- Dominicos --- Orden Dominicana --- Frailes Dominicos --- Frères Prêcheurs --- Jakobiner --- Bettelorden --- Dominikanerinnen --- Dominikus --- 1216 --- -Synod of Dort --- Synod of Dort. --- Dordrechter Synode --- Nationale Synode --- Synode --- Synode van Dordrecht --- Synode National des Églises Réformées --- Synode des Églises Réformées --- Synodus Dordracena --- Synodus Dordrechtana --- Synodus Nationalis --- Concilium Dordracenus --- Synodus Dordracensis --- Synode von Dordrecht --- Sijnode Nationaal --- Sinode Nationaal --- Synode Nationael --- Reformierte Kirche Dordrecht --- Synod of Dordt --- Synodus Nationalis Dordrechtana --- Reformierte Kirche --- Dordrecht --- 1618-1619 --- Dordrechtse Synode --- Dordtse Synode --- Dort, Synod of --- National Synod of the Reformed Churches of the United Netherlands --- Nationale Synode te Dordrecht --- Synod at Dort --- Synod of Dordrecht --- Synodus Nationalis Reformatarum Ecclesiarum Belgicarum --- Synod of Dort --- 1500-1699
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