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St. Louis post-dispatch index.
Year: 1987 Publisher: Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International,

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Au seuil de l'Antarctique : croisière du "Bougainville" aux îles des manchots et des éléphants de mer
Year: 1941 Publisher: Paris : Éditions du Muséum,

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Création d'une procédure de détection et de prise en charge précoce des urgences vitales intra-hospitalières : l'expérience pilote d'une unité de soins du CHR Haute Senne de Soignies
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de santé publique,

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Contenu : Les infirmier(e)s des unités de soins ont souvent des difficultés à reconnaître facilement et traiter de manière optimale un patient qui se dégrade. Dans cette situation, elles ne savent pas toujours qui appeler et il leur est parfois difficile de mobiliser un médecin, surtout en période de garde, pour venir examiner ces patients critiques. Pourtant, tout retard dans la reconnaissance et dans la prise en charge de ces urgences peut être la cause d'événements indésirables graves (arrêts cardiaques, admissions non­ programmées aux soins intensifs et décès inopinés).L'European Resuscitation Council conseille aux hôpitaux de proposer une procédure de détection et de prise en charge rapide des patients qui se détériorent, comme par exemple, des Rapid Respons System. Ces derniers sont composés de 2 branches que sont la détection rapide, grâce par exemple à des scores d'alerte précoce, et des soins optimaux en fonction de l'état clinique du patient. Le but de ce travail est d'implémenter ce type de procédure au sein du CHR Haute Senne de Soignies. Le National Early Warning Score a été utilisé comme outil de détection précoce, qui était à ce jour inexistant au sein de l'institution, et la réponse médicale a été structurée en fonction du score et des ressources disponibles au niveau local. Méthodes : La procédure a été créée et testée auprès d'une cohorte de 246 patients admis au sein d'une unité pilote entre le 6 mars 2017 et le 5 juin 2017.Leur séjour a été étudié afin d'évaluer si l'usage du NEWS était aisé pour les soignants, influençait l'appel médicalisé aigu, pouvait prédire la survenue d'un événement indésirable grave dès l'admission du patient, mais également si ceux admis de manière non programmée aux soins intensifs avaient un score élevé. Enfin, au terme de cette expérience pilote, des propositions de recommandations seront émises pour une éventuelle diffusion plus large dans l'institution. Résultats : Certains utilisateurs ont retiré des avantages de cette procédure, comme une impression de meilleure surveillance du patient, une aide à la décision pour appeler une aide médicale et une meilleure visibilité des paramètres. Cependant, plusieurs facteurs ont été identifiés comme ayant une influence péjorative sur le fonctionnement optimal du score, engendrant un sentiment de charge de travail accrue. Dans ce cadre, la procédure n'a pas correctement été suivie, tant dans la fréquence de suivi des paramètres, que dans l'appel à l'aide médicale aigüe. De plus, dans le cadre de cette expérience pilote, le NEWS ne s'est pas avéré aussi discriminant qu'espéré. Cependant, moyennant probablement certaines adaptations et un meilleur encadrement des utilisateurs, ce score pourrait être un bon outil d'aide à la décision en complément du sens clinique des soignants.

Bedarf und Verteilung elektrischer Tagesspeicher im zukünftigen deutschen Energiesystem
ISBN: 1000044722 3731503069 Year: 2015 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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The power system model PERSEUS-NET-ESS is used to assess the need for daily electricity storage systems in Germany until 2040 under consideration of alternative technologies such as gas turbines or load shift potentials. This investment and dispatch model includes a DC approach of the German transmission grid and, thus, calculates not only the installed storage capacities, but also their optimal allocation.

Development of a Unit Commitment and Optimal Dispatch model used to evaluate the effect of variable Renewable Energy Sources on the power system
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Abstract. The growing problem of climate change has risen global concerns about the way of using natural resources and has brought several initiatives such as the EU 2030 targets towards the cleaner energy production and the emissions reduction. The high penetration of Renewable energy Sources (RES) is considered as a remedy to this issue. However the higher integration of RES to the system is a rather challenging task for it's different components. Therefore there is a growing need for the introduction of higher flexibility to the system as a countermeasure for the unpredictable and unstable RES generation. &#13;&#13;In this report the flexibility potential coming from a portfolio of smart Domestic Hot Water Tanks (DHWT) is investigated. Their ability to provide Active Demand Response (ADR) in order to contribute to the more cost efficient electric system's operation is studied. These systems could allow to modify their electrical load pattern without affecting the final, thermal energy service they deliver, thanks to the thermal inertia of the system. The creation of a general model able to simulate the operation of DHWT is developed. This model is intended to be used in a unit commitment and power dispatch model in order to evaluate the contribution of Demand Side Management (DSM) into the higher RES integration. To accomplish this task first two detailed modeling approaches were followed. The first was was a Rule-Based Control (RBC) strategy able to simulate several thousands individual DHWT. This model was computationally efficient and allowed the simulation of 20000 tanks for 5 days with a sub-hourly operating time scale. The second analytical approach was a linear program (LP) that performed the same computation but for a decreased amount of tanks due to the high computational burden. In both models the ability of a centrally controlled (by an aggregator) portfolio to provide capacity and activation reserves are explored. The two approaches are compared in order to identify benefits and limitations. These models were the main guide towards the modeling of a Virtual Storage Plant (VSP) model. This model is able to follow and simulate the behavior of an increased number of DHWT without much detail. The assumptions made in the VSP model formulation are further explained. The ability of this model to perform in standard conditions and to participate in Demand Response operation are validated through the detailed models. This process lead to the creation of a VSP model that is able to simulate the behavior of a fleet of DHWT. The flexibility that can be offered along with the rate of RES penetration can be investigated by the integration of this model to Dispa-SET, a unit commitment and power dispatch model able to simulate the electric system.&#13;&#13;Finally a part of this thesis is related to the improvement of the Dispa-SET simulations and the overall computed system's cost. This was performed by collecting yearly generation data available at Entso-e's website from thousands of generation units in Europe. Afterwards several methods were developed in order to acquire important real-time values for the simulation parameters. These methods are tailor made and are explained in detail. To our knowledge this is the first attempt to collect and process real time generation data for European units.

Mémoire, y compris stage professionnalisant[BR]- Séminaires méthodologiques intégratifs[BR]- Mémoire : Mesure de l'efficience du nouvel algorithme de régulation médicale pour les accidents vasculaires cérébraux au CU de Liège
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Introduction:&#13;Lors d’un AVC, « TIME IS BRAIN », 1,9 millions de neurones meurent durant chaque minute sans traitement (Saver, 2006). Le pronostic dépend largement de la rapidité de reperfusion après le début des symptômes (Zinkstok et al., 2016). Depuis des années, des mesures sont prises afin que les victimes d’AVC puissent bénéficier de la thrombolyse dans l'intervalle critique des 4 heures et demie. Or, les progrès dans la prise en charge en préhospitalier sont stagnants alors qu'ils influencent largement la durée totale du « onset-to-needle time » (Evenson et al., 2009). Un nouvel algorithme décisionnel (AMPDS) dans le cadre d’AIT/AVC a été mis en place en décembre 2016, au sein de la centrale d’urgence 112 de Liège. Les nouveaux critères de régulation niveau 1/2 (SMUR) sont réservés dans les cas où la victime présente une altération de la conscience et/ou une instabilité hémodynamique. L’envoi d’un «PIT -» est réservé pour les récidives d’AVC, les délais d’apparition des symptômes datant de plus de 4h30 et les victimes présentant des signes associés tels que des vertiges, des nausées ou des vomissements. L’envoi du SMUR peut en effet être délétère pour la victime au regard des délais d’intervention plus longs. De plus, il n’y a pas d’apport bénéfique supplémentaire pour le patient (absence d’acte médical posé). L’objectif de cette étude est de mesurer l’efficience du nouvel algorithme décisionnel d’envoi des moyens de l’Aide Médicale Urgente en cas d’AVC/AIT au sein de la centrale d’urgence 112 de la province de Liège.&#13;Matériel et méthode:&#13;L’étude est rétrospective, une comparaison pré/post implantation du nouvel algorithme a été réalisée. L’étude compare les données de la période allant du 1er mars au 31 mai 2016 avec celles de la même période en 2017. Sont intégrés dans l’étude, tous les appels au 112 classés dans « stroke » (suspicion d’AVC/AIT) par les préposés du CU 112 durant les deux périodes pré-mentionnées. Divers tests ont été menés à partir des données de l’écoute des bandes d’appels et des différentes variables de temps. Résultats&#13;L’étude reprend 746 appels ; 312 suivent l’ancien protocole CBD et 434 appels suivent le nouveau protocole AMPDS. La proportion de SMUR est passée de 26,6% à 11,5% avec le nouvel algorithme. Le nombre de PIT est passé de 20,5% à 18,9%. Le nombre d’ambulances est passé de 52,9% à 69,6%. Le temps d’intervention des secours sur place est significativement supérieur lors d’interventions SMUR (médiane : 1176 secondes) et PIT (médiane : 1138,5 secondes) comparé aux interventions d’ambulances (médiane : 724 secondes). Avec le nouvel algorithme, la proportion d’interventions des secours ne dépassant pas 15 minutes sur place est passée de 49% à 57,9%. Le terme « AVC » a été mentionné par l’appelant dans 64,6% des appels. La notion de chute a été mentionnée dans 13,8% des appels. Il manquait des informations dans le suivi du protocole dans 89,0% des appels CBD et dans 93,3% des appels AMPDS. Le moyen AMU adéquat a été envoyé dans 44,8% des appels CBD et 49,7% des appels AMPDS. Il manquait des informations permettant de choisir entre les différents moyens AMU dans 39,4% des appels CBD et 34,9% des appels AMPDS. Un mauvais envoi a été fait dans 15,8% des appels CBD et 15,5% des appels AMPDS.&#13;Conclusion:&#13;Le nouvel algorithme décisionnel dans le cadre d’AIT et d’AVC s’est révélé efficient comparé au protocole du Manuel Belge de Régulation Médicale.

Applications of Computational Intelligence to Power Systems
ISBN: 3039217615 3039217607 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Electric power systems around the world are changing in terms of structure, operation, management and ownership due to technical, financial, and ideological reasons. Power systems keep on expanding in terms of geographical areas, asset additions, and the penetration of new technologies in generation, transmission, and distribution. The conventional methods for solving the power system design, planning, operation, and control problems have been extensively used for different applications, but these methods suffer from several difficulties, thus providing suboptimal solutions. Computationally intelligent methods can offer better solutions for several conditions and are being widely applied in electrical engineering applications. This Special Issue represents a thorough treatment of computational intelligence from an electrical power system engineer’s perspective. Thorough, well-organised, and up-to-date, it examines in detail some of the important aspects of this very exciting and rapidly emerging technology, including machine learning, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithms, and deep learning systems. Written in a concise and flowing manner by experts in the area of electrical power systems who have experience in the application of computational intelligence for solving many complex and difficult power system problems, this Special Issue is ideal for professional engineers and postgraduate students entering this exciting field.

Ross Sterling, Texan : a memoir by the founder of Humble Oil and Refining Company
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0292795521 Year: 2007 Publisher: Austin : University of Texas Press,

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Born on a farm near Anahuac, Texas, in 1875 and possessed of only a fourth-grade education, Ross Sterling was one of the most successful Texans of his generation. Driven by a relentless work ethic, he become a wealthy oilman, banker, newspaper publisher, and, from 1931 to 1933, one-term governor of Texas. Sterling was the principal founder of the Humble Oil and Refining Company, which eventually became the largest division of the ExxonMobil Corporation, as well as the owner of the Houston Post. Eager to "preserve a narrative record of his life and deeds," Ross Sterling hired Ed Kilman, an old friend and editorial page editor of the Houston Post, to write his biography. Though the book was nearly finished before Sterling's death in 1949, it never found a publisher due to Kilman's florid writing style and overly hagiographic portrayal of Sterling. In this volume, by contrast, editor Don Carleton uses the original oral history dictated by Ross Sterling to Ed Kilman to present the former governor's life story in his own words. Sterling vividly describes his formative years, early business ventures, and active role in developing the Texas oil industry. He also recalls his political career, from his appointment to the Texas Highway Commission to his term as governor, ending with his controversial defeat for reelection by "Ma" Ferguson. Sterling's reminiscences constitute an important primary source not only on the life of a Texan who deserves to be more widely remembered, but also on the history of Houston and the growth of the American oil industry.

Distributed Power Generation Scheduling, Modelling and Expansion Planning
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Distributed generation is becoming more important in electrical power systems due to the decentralization of energy production. Within this new paradigm, new approaches for the operation and planning of distributed power generation are yet to be explored. This book deals with distributed energy resources, such as renewable-based distributed generators and energy storage units, among others, considering their operation, scheduling, and planning. Moreover, other interesting aspects such as demand response, electric vehicles, aggregators, and microgrid are also analyzed. All these aspects constitute a new paradigm that is explored in this Special Issue.


Technology: general issues --- Benders’ decomposition --- distributed generation planning (DGP) --- two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) --- renewable energy sources (RES) --- micro-grid --- energy management system --- IEC 61850 --- 5G --- LoRa --- multi-agent system --- isolated AC/DC hybrid microgrid --- two-layer consensus method --- dynamic economic dispatch --- distributed hierarchical strategy --- MILP optimization --- allocation --- renewable energy sources --- system modeling --- energy storages --- energy curtailment --- mathematical programming --- small scale distributed generation --- distribution networks --- active power management --- battery degradation --- electric vehicles --- electric vehicles aggregator --- electricity markets --- stochastic programming --- combined economic emission dispatch --- environment-based demand response --- emission constraints --- penalty factor --- weighting update artificial bee colony --- distribution network planning --- energy storage system --- multi-objective optimization --- optimal location --- risk assessment --- flexibility --- distributed energy resources --- distribution system operators --- local services --- system services --- arbitrage --- frequency control --- Benders’ decomposition --- distributed generation planning (DGP) --- two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) --- renewable energy sources (RES) --- micro-grid --- energy management system --- IEC 61850 --- 5G --- LoRa --- multi-agent system --- isolated AC/DC hybrid microgrid --- two-layer consensus method --- dynamic economic dispatch --- distributed hierarchical strategy --- MILP optimization --- allocation --- renewable energy sources --- system modeling --- energy storages --- energy curtailment --- mathematical programming --- small scale distributed generation --- distribution networks --- active power management --- battery degradation --- electric vehicles --- electric vehicles aggregator --- electricity markets --- stochastic programming --- combined economic emission dispatch --- environment-based demand response --- emission constraints --- penalty factor --- weighting update artificial bee colony --- distribution network planning --- energy storage system --- multi-objective optimization --- optimal location --- risk assessment --- flexibility --- distributed energy resources --- distribution system operators --- local services --- system services --- arbitrage --- frequency control

Distributed Power Generation Scheduling, Modelling and Expansion Planning
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Distributed generation is becoming more important in electrical power systems due to the decentralization of energy production. Within this new paradigm, new approaches for the operation and planning of distributed power generation are yet to be explored. This book deals with distributed energy resources, such as renewable-based distributed generators and energy storage units, among others, considering their operation, scheduling, and planning. Moreover, other interesting aspects such as demand response, electric vehicles, aggregators, and microgrid are also analyzed. All these aspects constitute a new paradigm that is explored in this Special Issue.

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