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Discrimination against overweight persons. --- Obesity --- Social aspects.
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« La grossophobie est une discrimination à la fois systémique et privée, elle vous colle à la semelle pour ne plus vous lâcher. Elle s’organise dans les rouages de nos systèmes éducatifs, dans nos décisions de santé publique, dans l’égalité de l’accès aux soins, elle nourrit les appétits capitalistes des géants industriels à hauteur de milliards d’euros chaque année. Elle se cache dans les placards cadenassés des cuisines familiales des adolescents désignés comme gourmands, elle se mêle aux violences sexistes et sexuelles, elle se tisse dans les mailles des vêtements introuvables passé une certaine taille. »Dans cet ouvrage, l’écrivaine et militante féministe Daria Marx s’attaque au sujet de la grossophobie qu’elle a contribué à faire émerger. En dix questions, elle revient sur les origines de la discrimination des gros·ses, sur l’illusion de la révolution body-positive et sur les grandes figures de la lutte contre la grossophobie. Plusieurs chapitres abordent la question médicale, qui est centrale, notamment l’accès aux soins et le business juteux de l’amaigrissement.
Discrimination against overweight persons --- Body image --- Obesity --- Overweight persons
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"Les grosses n’ont simplement pas le luxe de passer pour des hystériques; dans l’imaginaire collectif, nous sommes déjà paresseuses, apathiques et stupides, en plus de manger comme des porcs. Au lieu de crier, j’écris. Mes voisines apprécient sans doute la délicatesse. Je canalise mon aversion dans chaque touche enfoncée, dans chaque lettre et chaque virgule qui défilent devant moi. Je me prends pour une autrice en écrivant sur ce que je connais le mieux: la haine. Malgré les beaux discours sur la diversité corporelle et l’acceptation de soi, rien ne semble entamer la grossophobie ambiante. Dans Cet exécrable corps, Eli San explore son dégoût instinctif envers son propre corps. D’un ton acerbe, vulnérable et parfois indulgent, ce livre parle de capitalisme, de haine de soi et d’injonction à la minceur, mais surtout, de la difficulté d’être emprisonnée dans un corps que tout nous pousse à haïr."
Grossophobie --- Discrimination --- Discrimination against overweight persons. --- Fat-acceptance movement. --- Self-hate (Psychology)
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Author Interview on The Brian Lehrer Show. America is a weight-obsessed nation. Over the last decade, there's been an explosion of concern in the U.S. about people getting fatter. Plaintiffs are now filing lawsuits arguing that discrimination against fat people should be illegal. Fat Rights asks the first provocative questions that need to be raised about adding weight to lists of currently protected traits like race, gender, and disability. Is body fat an indicator of a character flaw or of incompetence on the job? Does it pose risks or costs to employers they should be allowed to evade? Or i
Law --- Discrimination against overweight persons --- Overweight persons --- Discrimination --- Law and legislation --- Civil rights --- Social aspects
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"Depuis des années, les associations et les militiantes ont révélé l'ampleur des discriminations et des stigmatisations que vivent les personnes très corpulentes. Magré ces mobilisations, les réseaux sociaux demeurent saturés d'"humour" grossophobe et la tyrannie de la minceur continue de sévir, générant de graves problèmes de santé et de nombreuses souffrances. les études chiffrées sur la grossophobie montrent également qu'au-delà d'un certain poids les discriminations se systématisent. Elles ont lieu au travail, chez le médecin, dans l'intimité, sur les applications de rencontre ou au sein de la famille. Au fil de son enquête, Solenne Carof dévoile les enjeux de pouvoir qui traversent la question de la corpulence. Elle signe une étude décisive pour s'armer contre une violence qui devrait être condamnée, tant socialement que juridiquement."
Discrimination against overweight persons --- Grossophobie --- image du corps --- discrimination sociale --- norme sociale --- Discrimination against overweight persons. --- Surpoids --- Discrimination. --- Image du corps. --- Représentations sociales --- Body image. --- Aspect social. --- Body image --- Obesity --- Overweight persons --- Représentations sociales
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Body stories capture a nuanced, interconnected, interactive and complex telling of our understanding, perception and experience of and through our bodies. Plenty has been published on body image but image suggests a static fixed body unmitigated through our social interactions and varying times and spaces. This book is not a "how-to" guide for fat confidence. It's not a compendium of fat suffering. It's simply a collection of narratives about what it's like to survive in a weight-hating world. It resists the ways that marginalized bodies are being written and researched and put into other people's ideas about our existence.The stories in this book are celebratory and are painful. They look at intersections of race and queerness; they destabilize womanhood by presenting a range of possible female embodiments. They explore issues of disability and madness. The full range of possibilities that are collected here give a picture of what it means to live in a society with strong and powerful messages about size, about normalcy, about what a moral and healthy life and body look like.This book is a snapshot of its place and time, but these stories remind us that we're here to stay. The body stories will change but we will keep owning our own narratives. While story, especially written by women, is often seen as outside the academic canon, these stories, these creative offerings, are theory, are research, and are activism. They are nothing less than the blueprint for liberation. Writing about fat and about bodies outside of medicalized narratives, without ignoring the impact of race, sexuality, class, ability, gender, fashion, appearance and beyond, is radical and rigorous.It is impossible to think about the future without wishing for liberation. Liberation can come in many forms. It can mean an awareness, the ability to confront. The stories in this book display the ways that liberation isn't a finish line or a thing we can complete--rather it is a million small actions and understandings in aid of a renewed and hopeful world.
Body image in women. --- Body image. --- Overweight women. --- Overweight persons. --- Overweight women --- Overweight persons --- Discrimination against overweight women. --- Discrimination against overweight persons. --- Obesity --- Psychology. --- Psychology. --- Psychological aspects.
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Body image --- Discrimination against overweight persons --- Physical-appearance-based bias --- Image du corps --- Discrimination à l'égard des obèses --- Discrimination fondée sur l'apparence physique --- Social aspects --- Aspect social --- Body image. --- Discrimination against overweight persons. --- Physical-appearance-based bias. --- Klinische psychologie --- Social aspects. --- specifieke problemen --- specifieke problemen. --- Discrimination à l'égard des obèses --- Discrimination fondée sur l'apparence physique
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Fighting Fat is a comprehensive study of approaches to obesity from 1920 to 1980 in Canada. It examines the health professions use of the word 'obesity', how it was measured, its causes, and treatments. It examines popular cultures view of the obese and its effect on those who were fat.
Discrimination against overweight persons --- Obesity --- Overweight persons --- History --- Psychological aspects --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- history. --- 1900-1999 --- Canada. --- 20th. --- century. --- culture. --- fat. --- female. --- gender. --- male. --- medicine. --- obesity. --- overweight. --- twentieth.
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Fighting Fat is a comprehensive study of approaches to obesity from 1920 to 1980 in Canada. It examines the health professions use of the word 'obesity', how it was measured, its causes, and treatments. It examines popular cultures view of the obese and its effect on those who were fat.
Discrimination against overweight persons --- Obesity --- Overweight persons --- History --- Psychological aspects --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- history. --- 1900-1999 --- Canada. --- 20th. --- century. --- culture. --- fat. --- female. --- gender. --- male. --- medicine. --- obesity. --- overweight. --- twentieth.
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