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Digitale Revolution. --- Sprache. --- Sprachwandel. --- Allemand (langue) --- Société numérique. --- Variation linguistique. --- Sociolinguistique.
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Digitale Revolution --- Wertorientierung --- Moraltheologie --- Informationsgesellschaft --- Gutes Leben --- Neue Medien --- Religion --- Ethik
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This book explores the multiple challenges that the global technology shift is posing to the EU. It raises the question of how European societies will mobilize the positive effects of the rapid technological advancement in digitalization, robotization, and artificial intelligence, while mitigating the negative consequences in terms of job losses, cybercrime, and social and political polarization. From the vantage point of experts from economics, law, and political science, this book provides insights into the role that the EU is and ought to be playing in regulating global platform companies, addressing taxation in the digital economy, mitigating job displacements on the labour market, and tackling ethical concerns of artificial intelligence and the prospect of digital democracy. All chapters are based on up-to-date research findings, succinct assessment of the current state of affairs and ongoing debates. They conclude with policy recommendations for policy makers on European and national levels.'This volume has a solid foundation in the highly topical question of technological change. More importantly, the individual chapters are written by qualified scholars whose analytically advanced contributions are likely to interest a wide audience. I can strongly recommend this book for scholars and students in political science, law, and economics.'-Carl Fredrik Bergstroem, Professor of European Law, Uppsala University, Sweden'When the Commission took office in 2019, it put forward its vision as to how Europe's digital future could be 'shaped' in a way that makes the digital transition enrich people's lives and make sure that European businesses fully benefit from the opportunities offered by digital technologies. Then COVID drastically accelerated the take up of digital solutions. As the digital transformation affects every single one of us it is important that we have the widest possible debate on its inherent risks and opportunities. This is why I warmly recommend this book. It brings together an inter-disciplinary set of scholars able to analyse the multifaceted implications of the technological shift. And I could not agree more with the book's main takeaway, i.e. that we need to create an adaptive regulatory framework capable of harnessing the positive effects of technological changes while buttressing the negative impact on European society and citizens.'-Ambassador Kim Jorgensen, Head of Cabinet to Commissioner and Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, European Commission.
Politics --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Economics --- European law --- economie --- politiek --- Europees recht --- Europese politiek --- Europe --- Digitale Revolution --- Digitalisierung --- Technologiepolitik --- Technology and state --- Technological innovations
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An archive is a collection of documents and records that is preserved for historical purposes. As such, an archive is considered a site of the past, a place that contains traces of a collective memory of a nation, a people or a group. Digital archives have changed from stable entities into flexible systems, referred to with the term 'Living Archives'. But in which ways has this change affected our relationship to the past, present and future? Will the erased, forgotten and neglected be redeemed, and new memories be allowed? Will the fictional versus factual mode of archiving offer the democracy that the public domain implies, or is it another way for public instruments of power to operate? 'Lost and Living (in) Archives' shows that an archive is not simply a recording, a reflection, or an image of an event, but that it shapes the event itself and thus influences both present and past.
kunst --- 02 --- 7.01 --- 130.2 --- Jorn Asger --- databases --- databanken --- digitale archieven --- archivering --- archieven --- eenenwintigste eeuw --- nieuwe media --- kunst en technologie --- fonds [collections] --- archiving --- new media art --- art [fine art] --- digitizing --- memory --- oral histories [document genres] --- Art --- Archivistics --- Archives --- Digital media --- Documentation. --- Memory --- Digitale Revolution. --- Dokumentation. --- Kollektives Gedächtnis. --- Social aspects. --- Archiv. --- art [discipline] --- oral histories [literary works] --- memory [psychological concept]
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Company leaders feel the urgency to transform their organizations in the face of digital disruption. New rivals are digitizing whatever can be digitized to attack incumbents' value chains, gaining market share, eroding margins, and wreaking havoc to the competitive landscape in virtually every industry. For large and midsized companies, the imperative to transform is clear. How to transform is another matter. The hard truth is that despite leaders' best efforts, and billions spent in pursuit of digital transformation, the vast majority of organizational change programs fizzle, falling well short of their expected impacts. Because failed transformation programs put incumbents behind the eight ball in dealing with disruptive competition, organizations can ill-afford for their transformation programs to flop.With this important new book, Orchestrating Transformation: How to Deliver Winning Performance with a Connected Approach to Change, the team at the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation, an IMD and Cisco initiative, set out a new prescription for getting transformation right. The piecemeal strategies and pilot projects that are hallmarks of conventional transformation programs are hopelessly inadequate for the intricate, sprawling organizational environments found in most companies. Transformation practitioners need a different mindset and a new approach to executing change that can handle the complexity and scale of today's market leaders. Orchestration paves the way for a new, more holistic view of organizational resources and how they work together to drive change synergistically. The follow-up to 2016's award-winning Digital Vortex, Orchestrating Transformation is packed with quantitative and qualitative insights from years of applied research and engagement with executives around the world. A unique and indispensable guide for practitioners, the book moves past traditional change management doctrine to show how a connected approach to change can change everything.
Organizational behavior --- Digital communications --- Industrial management --- Management --- E-books --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Communications, Digital --- Digital transmission --- Pulse communication --- Digital electronics --- Pulse techniques (Electronics) --- Telecommunication --- Digital media --- Signal processing --- Behavior in organizations --- Organization --- Psychology, Industrial --- Social psychology --- Digital techniques --- Digitale Revolution --- BUSINESS --- BUSINESS & ECONOMICS --- Business & Economics
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"In the digital age, technology has shrunk the physical world into a "global village," where we all seem to be connected as an online community as information travels to the farthest reaches of the planet with the click of a mouse. Yet while we think of platforms such as Twitter and Facebook as open and accessible to all, in reality, these are commercial entities developed primarily by and for the Western world. Considering how new technologies increasingly shape labor, economics, and politics, these tools often reinforce the inequalities of globalization, rarely reflecting the perspectives of those at the bottom of the digital divide. This book asks us to re-consider 'whose global village' we are shaping with the digital technology revolution today. Sharing stories of collaboration with Native Americans in California and New Mexico, revolutionaries in Egypt, communities in rural India, and others across the world, Ramesh Srinivasan urges us to re-imagine what the Internet, mobile phones, or social media platforms may look like when considered from the perspective of diverse cultures. Such collaborations can pave the way for a people-first approach toward designing and working with new technology worldwide. Whose Global Village seeks to inspire professionals, activists, and scholars alike to think about technology in a way that embraces the realities of communities too often relegated to the margins. We can then start to visualize a world where technologies serve diverse communities rather than just the Western consumer"--Publisher's website.
Technology --- History. --- History --- 50.10 technology: general. --- Unterprivilegierung --- Teilhabe --- Neue Medien --- Informationsgesellschaft --- Globalisierung --- Digitale Spaltung --- Digitale Revolution --- Technological innovations --- Globalization. --- Digital divide. --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- International relations --- Anti-globalization movement --- Divide, Digital --- GDD (Global digital divide) --- Global digital divide --- Information society --- Social aspects.
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Die digitale Revolution ist nicht nur ein Angriff auf die Grundlagen von Aufmerksamkeit und Intellektualität - ihre Auswirkungen sind zugleich eine Herausforderung für die Intellektuellen, die hierauf allzu oft nur mit Ratlosigkeit oder Gedankenakrobatik zu reagieren wissen. Hans-Willi Weis lädt zu einer Tour d'Horizon durch intellektuelle Zeitgeistdiskurse ein. Er schlägt den Bogen von der Kritik in sich leer laufender Diskurse zu einer das Denken und das Diskursive revitalisierenden neuen Aufmerksamkeitspraxis und zeigt, wie man der digitalen Aufmerksamkeitsdiffusion und den Zwängen entgrenzter Netzaktivität je individuell mit der yogischen Übung methodischer Unterbrechung zu begegnen vermag. »Ein Gewinn für die, die fragen, ob es alternative oder ergänzende Wege der Selbstverständigung oder Selbststeuerung in existenziellen Fragen gibt. Viel geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinn gepaart mit bester Unterhaltung [...]. Das Anliegen kann man teilen oder nicht, ein intellektueller Mehrwert wird nach der Lektüre bleiben.« amazon, 09.11.2015 Besprochen in:, 26.11.2015, Jos Schnurer
Aufmerksamkeit; Intellektuelle; Diskurs; Digitale Revolution; Meditation; Deutung; Ethik; Kultur; Lebenskunst; Kulturphilosophie; Philosophie; Mindfulness; Intellectuals; Discourse; Digital Revolution; Interpretation; Ethics; Culture; Art of Living; Philosophy of Culture; Philosophy --- Art of Living. --- Culture. --- Digital Revolution. --- Discourse. --- Ethics. --- Intellectuals. --- Interpretation. --- Meditation. --- Philosophy of Culture. --- Philosophy.
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Die Arbeitswelt wird sich in den kommenden Jahrzehnten fundamental verändern. Welche Kräfte wirken auf dem Arbeitsmarkt? Mit welchen Veränderungen ist zu rechnen? Und was bedeutet dies für die arbeitsmarktpolitischen Akteure? Dieser Abschlussbericht der Kommission »Arbeit der Zukunft« - mit Mitgliedern aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, Wirtschaft und Gewerkschaften - liefert eine Diagnose der aktuellen Lage und gibt einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Arbeit. Vor allem aber liefert die Kommission Denkanstöße dafür, wie die Gesellschaft den rasanten Wandel so meistern kann, dass Arbeit in der digitalen Ökonomie soziale Teilhabe und mehr als die bloße Existenzsicherung garantiert. »Der Kommissionsbericht [bietet] sowohl in den Problembeschreibungen wie in den diskutierten Handlungsansätzen eine sinnvolle Agenda für eine breite Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Herausforderung überwiegend im Rahmen bewährter tripartistischer Verfahren.« Thomas Mirbach, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 09.10.2018 »Dem Bericht ist eine breite Diskussion zu wünschen, die auch aus einer feministischen Perspektive aufgegriffen werden sollte.« Barbara Stiegler, Femina Politica, 1 (2018)/GENDER, 2 (2018) »Packen wir es an! Der Kommissionsbericht gibt viele Anhaltspunkte.« Jutta Blankau, Arbeit und Recht, 3 (2018) »Eine pointierte Bestandsaufnahme der gegenwärtigen (deutschen) Arbeitswelt, gut lesbar, immer wieder internationale Bezüge einwebend, mit Querverweisen und kurzen Erläuterungen ausgestattet. [D]ieser Band ist als Lehrbuch zu empfehlen.« Stefanie Hürtgens, Soziologische Revue, 41/1 (2018) »Dieser Band kann allen an Arbeitspolitik und der gesellschaftlichen Zukunft Interessierten als Standardwerk rundheraus empfohlen werden.« Thomas Elkeles,, 07.12.2017 »Das Buch ist äußerst lesenswert, denn es geht weit über eine rein wissenschaftliche Analyse hinaus. Ein in sich schlüssiges und hinreichend konkretes Kompendium politischer Ableitungen.« Aart de Geus, Magazin Mitbestimmung, 11 (2017) Besprochen in: rbb inforadio, 28.06.2017, 28.06.2017, 28.06.2017, 28.06.2017, 28.06.2017, 28.06.2017 junge Welt, 29.06.2017, 29.06.2017 junge welt, 03.07.2017 Computer und Arbeit, 9 (2017) Fundraiser-Magazin, 1 (2018) Arbeit und Recht, 3 (2018), Jutta Blankau Contraste, 5 (2018), Herbert Klemisch Controller, 4 (2018), Alfred Biel
Quality of work life. --- Labor market. --- Labor policy. --- Work environment. --- Climate, Workplace --- Environment, Work --- Places of work --- Work places --- Working conditions, Physical --- Working environment --- Workplace --- Workplace climate --- Workplace environment --- Worksite environment --- Environmental engineering --- Industrial engineering --- Labor --- State and labor --- Economic policy --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Humanization of work life --- Quality of working life --- Work life, Quality of --- Working life, Quality of --- Quality of life --- Work --- Government policy --- Supply and demand --- Hours of labor. --- Arbeit der Zukunft. --- Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie. --- Arbeitsbeziehungen. --- Arbeitsökonomie. --- Digitalisierung. --- Digitalization. --- Future of Work. --- Future. --- Gewerkschaften. --- Labour Economics. --- Political Science. --- Politics. --- Politik. --- Politikwissenschaft. --- Social Policy. --- Sociology of Work and Industry. --- Sociology. --- Sozialpolitik. --- Soziologie. --- Trade Unions. --- Transformation Agreement. --- Transformation. --- Transformationspakt. --- Work Relations. --- Zukunft. --- Arbeitswelt --- Arbeitszeit --- Digitalisierung --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General. --- Digitale Revolution --- Technischer Fortschritt --- Zeit --- Arbeitsleben --- Berufsleben --- Alternative work schedules --- Children --- Labor, Hours of --- Work hours --- Work schedules --- Working-day --- Working hours --- Labor productivity --- Labor time --- Timekeeping --- Weekly rest-day --- Hours of labor --- Arbeit; Digitalisierung; Transformation; Gewerkschaften; Arbeitsbeziehungen; Zukunft; Arbeit der Zukunft; Transformationspakt; Politik; Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie; Sozialpolitik; Arbeitsökonomie; Politikwissenschaft; Soziologie; Work; Digitalization; Trade Unions; Work Relations; Future; Future of Work; Transformation Agreement; Politics; Sociology of Work and Industry; Social Policy; Labour Economics; Political Science; Sociology
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Hochfrequenzhandel, Google-Ranking, Filterbubble - nur drei aktuelle Beispiele der Wirkmacht von Algorithmen. Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich mit dem historischen Auftauchen und der mittlerweile allgegenwärtigen Verbreitung von Algorithmen in verschiedenen Bereichen des sozialen Lebens beschäftigen. Sie nehmen die Wechselbeziehungen algorithmischer und nicht-algorithmischer Akteure und deren Bedeutungen für unseren Alltag und unsere Sozialbeziehungen in den Blick und gehen den Mechanismen nach, mit denen Algorithmen - selbst Produkte eines spezifischen Weltzugangs - die Wirklichkeit rahmen, während sie zugleich die Art und Weise organisieren, wie Menschen über Gesellschaft denken. Die Beiträge beinhalten Fallstudien zu Sozialen Medien, Werbung und Bewertung, aber auch zu mobilen Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen wie z.B. Drohnen. »Die Bereicherung des Bandes entsteht durch die Sensibilisierung für die Breite des Zugangs zur Thematik.« Lucas Curstädt, MEDIENwissenschaft, 1 (2018) Besprochen in:, 7 (2017), Dieter Bach iX, 10 (2017), Jürgen Diercks tv diskurs, 22/4 (2018), Lothar Mikos
Algorithms --- Big data --- Technological innovations --- Social aspectsSocial aspects --- Social aspects --- Data sets, Large --- Large data sets --- Data sets --- Algorithmuskulturen. --- Culture. --- Digital Cultures. --- Digitale Kulturen. --- Kultur. --- Kultursoziologie. --- Media Studies. --- Media. --- Medien. --- Mediensoziologie. --- Medienwissenschaft. --- Neue Technologien. --- New Technologies. --- Social Media. --- Sociology of Culture. --- Sociology of Media. --- Sociology of Technology. --- Sociology. --- Soziale Medien. --- Soziologie. --- Technik. --- Techniksoziologie. --- Technology. --- Soziologie --- Kultur --- Neue Technologie --- Medienwissenschaft --- Digitalisierung --- Informationstechnik --- Alltag --- Algorithmus --- Social Media --- Performativität --- Digital Humanities --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Popular Culture. --- Performanz --- Kulturtheorie --- Soziale Medien --- Soziale Software --- Neue Medien --- Algorithmen --- Alltagsphänomen --- Alltagsleben --- Alltagswelt --- Lebensweise --- Tägliches Leben --- Daily Life --- Privatleben --- Lebenswelt --- Alltagskultur --- Informationstechnologie --- IT --- IuK-Technik --- Kommunikationstechnik --- Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik --- Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik --- Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie --- IuK-Technologie --- ICT --- Medientechnik --- Digitale Geisteswissenschaften --- Digitale Kulturwissenschaften --- Computerphilologie --- Geisteswissenschaften --- Kulturwissenschaften --- Computerunterstütztes Verfahren --- Massenmedien --- Mediologie --- Kommunikationswissenschaft --- Neue Technologien --- Neue Technik --- Technologie --- Technischer Fortschritt --- Spitzentechnologie --- Technische Innovation --- Digitale Revolution --- Kulturphilosophie --- Zivilisation --- Allgemeine Soziologie --- Gesellschaftslehre --- Gesellschaft --- Gesellschaftstheorie --- Sozialtheorie --- Soziallehre --- Wirklichkeitswissenschaft --- Forschung --- Theorie --- Computerunterstütztes Verfahren --- Algorithmen; Algorithmuskulturen; Digitale Kulturen; Neue Technologien; Soziale Medien; Kultur; Technik; Medien; Kultursoziologie; Techniksoziologie; Mediensoziologie; Medienwissenschaft; Soziologie; Algorithms; Digital Cultures; New Technologies; Social Media; Culture; Technology; Media; Sociology of Culture; Sociology of Technology; Sociology of Media; Media Studies; Sociology
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Le classement et la conservation des sources patrimoniales sont le fruit d’une histoire, faite de hasards et de choix politiques. L’activité de gestion des fonds implique un travail continuel de renouvellement : de leur interprétation, des techniques de recherche, de leurs modes d’accès, de leurs usages. Les méthodes d’analyse sont réactualisées : quelles relations intellectuelles, sensorielles, entretient-on avec les collections patrimoniales ? Comment les utilise-t-on ? Qu’en retire-t-on ? Cet ouvrage est issu d’une journée d‘étude organisée à la BnF ; Anne Monjaret et Mélanie Roustan sont ethnologues.
Patrimoine écrit --- Documentation de bibliothèque -- Numérisation --- Sciences sociales -- Recherche --- Numérisation --- Recherche --- Estates (Law) --- Library materials --- Social sciences --- Information retrieval --- Patrimoine --- Documentation de bibliothèque --- Sciences sociales --- Recherche de l'information --- Management --- Digitization --- Research --- Gestion --- Recherche documentaire --- Bibliothèques --- Publics --- Effets des innovations technologiques --- Documentation de bibliothèque --- Numérisation --- Effets des innovations technologiques. --- Numérisation. --- Numérisation. --- Electronic public records. --- Cultural property. --- Humanities --- Bibliothek --- Archiv --- Digitalisierung --- Forschung --- Kulturerbe --- Museum --- Chercheurs. --- Dématérialisation. --- Patrimoine écrit. --- Sciences humaines --- Digitization. --- Conservation and restoration. --- Research. --- Recherche. --- Frankreich --- Recherche sociale --- Études sur le genre --- Maisons des sciences de l'homme --- Enquêtes par téléphone --- Enquêtes sociologiques --- Information sociale --- Méthode longitudinale --- Recherche-action --- Recherche évaluative (programmes d'action sociale) --- Service social --- Sociologie --- Aménagement du territoire --- Économie politique --- Géographie --- Black studies --- Culturologie --- Cultural studies --- Archéologie --- Ethnologie --- Linguistique --- Histoire --- Collections patrimoniales --- Documents patrimoniaux --- Fonds documentaires --- Publications --- Communication écrite --- Livres --- Patrimoine culturel --- Bibliothèques numériques --- Multimédias culturels --- Enseignants-chercheurs --- Personnel de recherche --- Scientifiques --- Chercheurs étrangers --- Femmes chercheurs --- Personnel hautement qualifié --- Öffentliche Sammlung --- Museen --- Kulturelle Einrichtung --- Museumskunde --- Musealisierung --- Sammlung --- Kulturelles Erbe --- Wissenschaftliche Forschung --- Forschungen --- Wissenschaft --- Digitale Revolution --- Technischer Fortschritt --- Archivwesen --- Archive --- Archivkunde --- Archivalien --- Archivar --- Bibliotheken --- Allgemeinbibliothek --- Bibliothekswesen --- Bücherei --- Universalbibliothek --- Gebrauchsbibliothek --- Bibliothekswissenschaft --- Digitalization of library materials --- Digitization of library materials --- Conservation of library materials --- Preservation of library materials --- Public records --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Learning and scholarship --- Classical education --- Méthodologie --- Fonds patrimoniaux --- Travail de groupe --- Preservation --- Computer network resources --- France --- La France --- République Française --- Francija --- Französische Republik --- Empire Français --- Royaume Français --- Fränkische Republik --- Ṣārfat --- Repubblica Francese --- Franzosen --- Digitaler Wandel --- Digitale Transformation --- Öffentliche Sammlung --- Bibliothèques --- Patrimoine écrit --- ressource numérique --- archive --- patrimoine --- source matérielle --- Bücherei --- Humanities research
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