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With the proliferation of digital information and communication technologies new, plural ways of mass distribution of verbal, textual and/or visual messages arose. Recipient's are required to find a position within the conflict of different sources of information (e.g., Twitter, blogger scene established media institutions) and with their wealth of different statements, information and representations. The result is often a field of tension between chance and excessive demands. Also the information brokers are aware of the possibility, "Mouse click" to reach large populations in a very short period of time. Social Media platforms enable campaigns of all types. A wide range of views and opinions of countless groups publicly represented without great effort and disseminated. In addition to new themes such as the role of authenticity and the dimensions of "Infotainment" and "edutainment", there are questions about the limits of this situation of the new diversity of opinion, according to reliable sources, and according to the criteria for high-quality journalism. The contributions of this volume provide an insight into the relationship between media and credibility in the age of fake news and information overload and offer information, such as the formation of a mature online public opinion of the media can be supported.
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All “media-tion” stages and distributes real, embodied – that is, immediate, events. The concept of immediation entails that cultural, technical, aesthetic objects, subjects, and events can no longer be abstracted from the ways in which they contribute to and are changed by broader ecologies. Immediation I and II seek to engage the entwined questions of relation, event and ecology from outside already claimed territories, nomenclature and calls to action.
The arts --- Digital lifestyle --- Mediation --- immediation
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Interacting with Computers: the interdisciplinary journal of Human-Computer Interaction, is an official publication of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT and the Interaction Specialist Group. Interacting with Computers (IwC) was launched in 1987 by interaction to provide access to the results of research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) - an increasingly crucial discipline within the Computer, Information, and Design Sciences. Now one of the most highly rated journals in the field, IwC has a strong and growing Impact Factor, and a high ranking and excellent indices (h-index, SNIP, SJR).
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Det norske forskningsprosjektet Digitization and Diversity – Potentials and Challenges for Diversity in the Culture and Media Sector (DnD) spør: Hvordan påvirker digitaliseringen ulike mangfoldsdimensjoner i kultur- og mediesektoren? Kapitlene i denne boken belyser digitalisering og mangfoldsproblematikk både kritisk, empirisk, teoretisk, historisk og politisk. De har det til felles at de presenterer perspektiver og resultater som viser at mangfold har blitt en mye mer heterogen og sammensatt utfordring etter digitaliseringen. Det har oppstått nye spenninger mellom homogenisering og mangfold. Vi har konsentrert oss om digitaliseringen i fire bransjer: bok og bibliotek, museum, film og kino samt pressen med vekt på lokalavisene. Grunnen til at akkurat disse bransjene ble valgt, er at Norge var spesielt tidlig ute med digitalisering her – de fremstår som eksemplariske case. Å opprettholde og å styrke et mangfold av stemmer, innhold og uttrykksformer samt å sørge for tilgjengelighet og et mangfoldig forbruk demografisk sett, er en av hovedgrunnene til at vi har offentlige støtteordninger for kultur- og mediesektoren. Spørsmålet om hvordan mangfoldet «oppfører seg» i en digitalisert kultur- og mediesektor, befinner seg derfor midt i denne politikkens kjernevirksomhet. Digitalisering forfølges av sin dobbeltgjenger – eldre praksiser, forretningsmodeller og forestillinger – på godt og vondt. Digitalisering er ikke en ren foreteelse, men en uren legering av praksiser. De som bidrar i denne boken er: Tor Bang, Peter Booth, Taina Bucher, Irina Eidsvold-Tøien, Terje Gaustad, Anne-Britt Gran, Linn-Birgit Kampen Kristensen, Anne Ogundipe, Ragnhild Kristine Olsen, Eivind Røssaak og Nina Lager Vestberg.
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This volume captures the status of digital humanities within the Arts in South Africa. The primary research methodology falls within the broader tradition of phenomenological hermeneutics, with a specific emphasis on visual hermeneutics. Some of the tools utilised as part of the visual hermeneutic methods are geographic information system (GIS) mapping, sensory ethnography and narrative pathways. Digital humanities is positioned here as the necessary engagement of the humanities with the pervasive digital culture of the 21st century. It is posited that the humanities and arts, in particular, have an essential role to play in unlocking meaning from scientific, technological and data-driven research. The critical engagement with digital humanities is foregrounded throughout the volume, as this crucial engagement works through images. Images (as understood within image studies) are not merely another form of text but always more than text. As such, this book is the first of its kind in the South African scholarly landscape, and notably also a first on the African continent. Its targeted audience include both scholars within the humanities, particularly in the arts and social sciences. Researchers pursuing the new field of digital humanities may also find the ideas presented in this book significant. Several of the chapters analyse the question of dealing with digital humanities through representations of the self as viewed from the Global South. However, it should be noted that self-representation is not the only area covered in this volume. The latter chapters of the book discuss innovative ways of implementing digital humanities strategies and methodologies for teaching and researching in South Africa.
Art forms --- Humanities --- Digital lifestyle --- Digital Humanities --- Leadership persona --- social media --- art museums --- Bloomsday --- images --- SmartCity --- Google Trends
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"Recent developments in the field of archaeology are not only progressing archaeological fieldwork but also changing the way we practise and present archaeology today. As these digital technologies are being used more and more every day on excavations or in museums, this also means that we must change the way we approach teaching and communicating archaeology as a discipline. This volume presents the outcome of a two-day international symposium on digital methods in teaching and learning in archaeology held at the University of Cologne in October 2018. Specialists from around the world share their views on the newest developments in the field of archaeology and the way we teach these with the help of archaeogaming, augmented and virtual reality, 3D reconstruction and many more."
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In recent years, new forms of public self-documentation have become popular on social media platforms and especially through so-called influencers, forming their own media cultural microcosm. Even though YouTube has become emblematic of this cultural technique, media self-documentations are also formative for other services such as Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat. Robert Dörre understands the emergence of these self-designs as an aesthetic practice and traces the media-historical shifts that public self-documentation has experienced on the Internet. In order to make these specific aesthetics, rituals, motifs, and economies accessible to media cultural studies, the work approaches the phenomenon from five perspectives: The reception as authentic self, the self as part of social media, the self as brand, the serial self, and the self as amateur and artist.
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YouTube has afforded new ways of documenting, performing and circulating musical creativity. This first sustained exploration of YouTube and music shows how record companies, musicians and amateur users have embraced YouTube's potential to promote artists, stage performances, build artistic (cyber)identity, initiate interactive composition, refresh music pedagogy, perform fandom, influence musical tourism and soundtrack our everyday lives. Speaking from a variety of perspectives, musicologists, film scholars, philosophers, new media theorists, cultural geographers and psychologists use case studies to situate YouTube as a vital component of contemporary musical culture. This book works together with its companion text Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music..
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Against the grain of the growing literature on screens, "Screen Genealogies" argues that the present excess of screens cannot be understood as an expansion and multiplication of the movie screen nor of the video display. Rather, screens continually exceed the optical histories in which they are most commonly inscribed. As contemporary screens become increasingly decomposed into a distributed field of technologically interconnected surfaces and interfaces, we more readily recognize the deeper spatial and environmental interventions that have long been a property of screens. For most of its history, a screen was a filter, a divide, a shelter, or a camouflage. A genealogy stressing transformation and descent rather than origins and roots emphasizes a deeper set of intersecting and competing definitions of the screen, enabling new thinking about what the screen might yet become.
Media studies --- Digital lifestyle --- Mass media. --- Information technology --- Social aspects. --- Mass communication --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Communication --- Screens, Media Archeology, Environmental Media, Visual Studies,.
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Digitalisation, digital networks, and artificial intelligence are fundamentally changing our lives! We must understand the various developments and assess how they interact and how they affect our regular, analogue lives. What are the consequences of such changes for me personally and for our society? Digital networks and artificial intelligence are seminal innovations that are going to permeate all areas of society and trigger a comprehensive, disruptive structural change that will evoke numerous new advances in research and development in the coming years. Even though there are numerous books on this subject matter, most of them cover only specific aspects of the profound and multifaceted effects of the digital transformation. An overarching assessment is missing. In 2016, the Federation of German Scientists (VDW) has founded a study group to assess the technological impacts of digitalisation holistically. Now we present this compendium to you. We address the interrelations and feedbacks of digital innovation on policy, law, economics, science, and society from various scientific perspectives. Please consider this book as an invitation to contemplate with other people and with us, what kind of world we want to live in!
Media studies --- Digital lifestyle --- Business ethics & social responsibility --- Industry & industrial studies --- Technology: general issues --- Computer hardware --- Digitalisation --- Digital Networks --- Artificial Intelligence --- Transhumanism --- Industry 4.0
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