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Mémoire, y compris stage professionnalisant[BR]- Séminaires méthodologiques intégratifs[BR]- Mémoire :"Mesure de l'impact du visionnement de contenus numériques sur le langage oral chez les enfants de 3 à 5 ans de la province de Liège"
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Introduction : Ces dernières années, l’utilisation des écrans numériques par les enfants a considérablement augmenté. Celle-ci peut avoir de nombreux impacts sur le développement des enfants et notamment sur le développement du langage. Différents facteurs sont à prendre en considération, tels que : le moment et la durée d’exposition, les interactions à propos du contenu, le contenu visionné ainsi que le niveau socio-économique. Cette étude vise à déterminer si le lien entre ces différents facteurs et le développement du langage mis en évidence dans la littérature scientifique internationale, peut également être mis en évidence en Belgique. &#13;Méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude quantitative transversale, fondée sur un raisonnement déductif. Une méthode quantitative a été utilisée afin de pouvoir inférer l’ensemble des résultats observés, pour un échantillon représentatif, à la population étudiée. L’échantillon est composé de 164 enfants, âgés entre trois et cinq ans, scolarisés en Province de Liège. Les données socio-démographiques, socio-économiques et les habitudes de vie ont été recueillies sur base d’un questionnaire auto-administré. Le développement du langage oral a été évalué grâce à une échelle validée ; « Inventaire du Développement de l’Enfant » (IDE). &#13;Résultat : Sur base de l’échelle IDE, 24.39% des enfants de l’échantillon présentent un langage réceptif et 27.44% un langage expressif, plus développé que le niveau moyen pour leur âge. En revanche, concernant le développement du langage réceptif, 40.85% des enfants et 45.11% pour le langage expressif, présentent un retard qualifié de léger à sévère. En outre, cette étude met en évidence une association entre le développement du langage réceptif et l’utilisation de la télévision, la durée d’exposition, le type de contenu et les interactions. Concernant le développement du langage expressif, il est associé à la durée et le moment d’exposition aux écrans et le type de contenu visionné.&#13;Discussion : Une association significative entre la durée et le moment d’exposition, le type de contenu, les interactions et le développement du langage a été mise en évidence dans le cadre de cette étude. Étant donné l’augmentation actuelle des troubles du langage dans notre société, il serait nécessaire de mettre en place des politiques d’information et de prévention à propos des effets de l’utilisation des écrans et des facteurs adjacents. Introduction: In recent years, the use of digital screens by children has increased. However, this can have many effects on children's development, such as the language development. Several factors must be considered, such as the time and the moment of exposure, interactions, content viewed, and socioeconomic level. The aim of this study is to determine whether the relationship between these different factors and the language development highlighted in the international scientific literature can also be confirmed in Belgium.&#13;Method: This is a quantitative cross-sectional study based on deductive reasoning. A quantitative method was used to deduce all observed results for a representative sample on the studied population. The sample consisted of 164 children between three and five years old in registered school in province de Liège. Sociodemographic, socioeconomic, and lifestyle data were collected using a self-completed questionnaire. Oral language development was making use of a validated scale: "Child Development Inventory” (CDI).&#13;Results: Based on the scale CDI, this study shows that 24.39% of the children in the sample have advanced receptive language and 27.44% have advanced expressive language compared to chronological ages. On the other hand, 40.85% of children have receptive language delay and 45.11% have expressive language delay, ranging from mild to delayed to high risk. Besides, this study shows a relationship between receptive language development and television use, exposure time, type of content, and interactions. As for expressive language, there is a relationship with the duration and the moment of exposure to screens, and the type of content viewed.&#13;Discussion: This study demonstrated a significant in the results between time and moment of exposure, type of content viewed, interactions, and language development. Given the current increase in language disorders in our society, it would be necessary to take informational and preventive measures about the positive and negative effects of screen use and related factors.

The Routledge companion to media anthropology
ISBN: 1003175600 100064314X 1000643158 1032007761 Year: 2023 Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

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At the heart of many studies in media anthropology is an interest in media practices. While practice-oriented approaches have gained momentum as of late, there has been little discussion about how they can include particular “media texts” or “media content” into their research designs. This is especially true for digital content on social media platforms, such as digital images, captions, emojis, hashtags, and so on, which have become popular objects of ethnographic investigation. Though digital content has clear empirical value for ethnographic studies, researchers are unclear about how to approach it conceptually and methodologically. In the following chapter, I argue that digital content itself can be analysed as practice. Using my ethnographic study of digital practices at the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe as an example, I show that digital content can be studied as routines in the interplay of human bodies, social and cultural conventions, and the affordances of digital media technologies. My practice approach does not read content as text; rather, it asks how the practices of its creators live on through digital content. This perspective offers a new way of conducting content analysis from an ethnographic perspective and expands the toolbox available for media anthropological research.

Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy : Converting the Virtual Economy into Development Potential.
Authors: ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The report is structured as follows. The next section introduces the theoretical notion of a 'virtual economy' and explains how it is distinct from other Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-related economic activities. The following sections describe in detail the main areas of the virtual economy, their economic impact, business models and value chains. The two major areas of the existing virtual economy are identified as: 1) third party gaming services and 2) microwork. This report will focus largely on these two distinct but conceptually related areas. Gaming services is an established industry that provides a rich set of evidence for analysis, while microwork is an emerging industry with apparently significant development potential. Other existing activities within the virtual economy are categorized as: 3) marketing related paid-for connections in social media ('cherry blossoming') and 4) user-created virtual goods in virtual environments. These are not covered in detail due to their limited development potential, at least at present. The sixth section analyzes the development potential of the virtual economy. Development potential is here understood as the ability to provide income to local economies through employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. Both short-run opportunities and long-run income development are considered. Development potential also includes the ability to support the development of local ICT infrastructure. In the final section, the report summarizes the key findings, identifies important gaps in current knowledge, and sketches out the scope for possible donor or Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)-led interventions towards maximizing the development potential of the virtual economy.

Transforming East African ICT Sector by Creating a Business Engine for SMEs : SMEs and the East Africa ICT Sector.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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For the purposes of this project, the East African countries included in the study were Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. The focus for this project was Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as for-profit or nonprofit organizations with less than 50 employees and not exceeding USD 1,000,000 in annual revenues/turnover. The main output of this project was a proposed program of interventions to drive transformational change. To succeed in this ambitious endeavor, the project articulated clear objectives and designed a blueprint for implementation including levels of resourcing, budget and monitoring metrics. Over the course of the project the team conducted brief surveys with over 90 entrepreneurs, over 50 percent of who had 3-10 years of experience in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector and primarily worked at companies with 5 employees or less.

BPO Sector Growth and Inclusive Development in the Philippines
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This presentation proposes that BPO and other ICT development have a potential to be a major catalysts for economic growth and socio-economic transformation. It claims that IT-BPO sectors development represents major promises that potentially can transform the Philippine economy and also foster inclusive growth. The presentation postulates that the importance of IT-BPO industry development goes beyond the debate of picking industry winners. It argues that the BPO industry is poised to have a substantive impact on the country and that especially so if there simultaneously is major growth in other ICT sectors and the scale and scope local usage of ICTs. It claims that expanded scale and scope of BPO industry in conjunction with further development of IT services, Telecom and other ICTs industries coupled with the advancement in education, science and technology can be principal factors that can transform the Philippine economy and its interface with the rest of the world.

The Impact of Mobile Technology in the Battle against COVID-19 : Successes and Failures
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Mobile technology has undergone rapid development in the last decade and immediately found fertile ground for use in digital healthcare applications. The advantages both for citizens and the health domain are many and interconnected. During the pandemic, mobile technology was also useful for minimizing social distancing, epidemiological monitoring through contact tracing, psychological support, and maintaining social relationships. There is a particular need for scholars to focus both on the innovations in this field during the pandemic and on the problems hampering the use of mobile technology to facilitate the correct and effective introduction of this technology into routine clinical programs in stable health care models. All professionals working in this sector were encouraged to contribute with their experiences. This reprint contains contributions from various experts and different fields. Aspects relating to the success and failures of employment, the medical experience, and acceptance are addressed. Particular space was also given to the role of social media, the use of apps (also presenting critical issues), and innovative apps for contact tracing. The digital divide and the infodemic were also investigated along with their impacts on citizens during the pandemic, for example, in following government directives relating to prevention and vaccination. We dedicate the book to all those involved with different roles in digital health.

Tunisia : From Revolutions to Institutions.
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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In the wake of the revolution, Tunisian society is currently undergoing a significant transformation. In late 2011, the country's first representative government in more than three decades was formed, as the Constituent Assembly was seated. Hundreds of legitimate candidates ran in an election that was free, fair, and enjoyed nearly 90 percent participation by eligible voters. 'Tunisia: from revolutions to institutions,' published one year after the exile of Ben Ali, seeks to describe the factors driving this transformation, examining how specific elements of society have changed, or not changed, in the post-revolutionary period. Information and communication technologies (ICTs), which played a central role in the lead-up to the revolution as well as the revolution itself, have continued to influence rapid changes in the past year. This report charts the application of these technologies by citizens, civil society, entrepreneurs, and government stakeholders. It also identifies openings to capitalize on technology's ability to improve governance, expand economic opportunity, and encourage social cohesion.

The Impact of Mobile Technology in the Battle against COVID-19 : Successes and Failures
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Mobile technology has undergone rapid development in the last decade and immediately found fertile ground for use in digital healthcare applications. The advantages both for citizens and the health domain are many and interconnected. During the pandemic, mobile technology was also useful for minimizing social distancing, epidemiological monitoring through contact tracing, psychological support, and maintaining social relationships. There is a particular need for scholars to focus both on the innovations in this field during the pandemic and on the problems hampering the use of mobile technology to facilitate the correct and effective introduction of this technology into routine clinical programs in stable health care models. All professionals working in this sector were encouraged to contribute with their experiences. This reprint contains contributions from various experts and different fields. Aspects relating to the success and failures of employment, the medical experience, and acceptance are addressed. Particular space was also given to the role of social media, the use of apps (also presenting critical issues), and innovative apps for contact tracing. The digital divide and the infodemic were also investigated along with their impacts on citizens during the pandemic, for example, in following government directives relating to prevention and vaccination. We dedicate the book to all those involved with different roles in digital health.


Medical equipment & techniques --- COVID-19 --- medical devices --- mHealth --- electronic surveys --- digital health --- digital divide --- telehealth --- telemedicine --- Twitter --- NLP --- healthcare professionals --- public health --- vaccines --- social media --- opioid use disorder treatment --- telehealth services --- qualitative --- needs assessment --- SARS-CoV2 --- mobile technology --- heuristic evaluation --- usability --- Saudi Arabia --- SARS-CoV-2 --- frail people --- rare diseases --- remote assistance --- remote rehabilitation --- survey --- technology --- eHealth --- telemonitoring --- telerehabilitation --- mobile health app --- digital content value chain --- infodemic --- pandemic --- infodemiology --- infoveillance --- Mawid app --- COVID-19 pandemic --- mobile application --- primary healthcare centers --- Al Hassa --- post-lockdown --- sedentary behavior --- physical activity --- food choice --- positive emotions --- desire to eat --- adult --- smartphone --- COVID-19 --- medical devices --- mHealth --- electronic surveys --- digital health --- digital divide --- telehealth --- telemedicine --- Twitter --- NLP --- healthcare professionals --- public health --- vaccines --- social media --- opioid use disorder treatment --- telehealth services --- qualitative --- needs assessment --- SARS-CoV2 --- mobile technology --- heuristic evaluation --- usability --- Saudi Arabia --- SARS-CoV-2 --- frail people --- rare diseases --- remote assistance --- remote rehabilitation --- survey --- technology --- eHealth --- telemonitoring --- telerehabilitation --- mobile health app --- digital content value chain --- infodemic --- pandemic --- infodemiology --- infoveillance --- Mawid app --- COVID-19 pandemic --- mobile application --- primary healthcare centers --- Al Hassa --- post-lockdown --- sedentary behavior --- physical activity --- food choice --- positive emotions --- desire to eat --- adult --- smartphone

The European Union digital single market : Europe's digital transformation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1000588289 9781032201597 9781000588286 1032201592 1003262538 Year: 2022 Publisher: Milton : Taylor & Francis Group,

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According to the European Commission, two recent policies: the Digital Service Act and the Digital Market Act will allow for the regulation of a significant part of the EU Digital Single Market (DSM), to an extent similar to the creation of the traditional internal market in the early 1990s. The provisions are intended to improve conditions in the EU DSM to ensure that the market is as free and fair as it is safe for users of the digital economy. This interdisciplinary book analyses the impact of digital technologies on specific markets and, more broadly, the society and the economy. It identifies and assesses the different features, challenges, trends and dimensions of the EU DSM, from a legal and economic viewpoint, and also from a Polish perspective. Poland is presented as one of the EU countries participating in the creation of the EU DSM and is analysed alongside the average, as well as the best and the worst performing EU member states and compared with other non-EU members. The book addresses several broad areas in which the implications of digitalisation are particularly visible, and which are important to the "average" person: giant online platforms, freedom of speech, e-commerce, digital levy, energy infrastructure, and the labour market. The authors have presented opportunities and threats related to the functioning of the digital market. These opportunities and threats are typical of highly developed countries while reflecting the specific features of the EU DSM. The starting point of the considerations are the diverse experiences of the EU member states.


digital single market --- digital economy --- single market --- Poland --- European Union --- UE/CE Marché unique --- Economie numérique --- Pologne --- EU/EC European Union --- UE/CE Union européenne --- Poľsko --- Lenkija --- Πολωνία --- Polónia --- Lengyelország --- Puola --- il-Polonja --- Polska --- Polonia --- Poola --- An Pholainn --- Полша --- Poljska --- Polen --- Полска --- Пољска --- Polija --- Polsko --- Polijas Republika --- Repubblica di Polonia --- Republica Polonă --- Δημοκρατία της Πολωνίας --- Republiek Polen --- Lenkijos Respublika --- Puolan tasavalta --- Република Пољска --- Lengyel Köztársaság --- Republikken Polen --- Rzeczpospolita Polska --- Poľská republika --- República de Polonia --- Република Полска --- Republiken Polen --- Република Полша --- República da Polónia --- Republic of Poland --- Republika Poljska --- Republika e Polonisë --- die Republik Polen --- Polská republika --- Poola Vabariik --- République de Pologne --- ir-Repubblika tal-Polonja --- ühtne turg --- mercado único --- egységes piac --- indre marked --- mercato unico --- vnútorný trh --- jednotný trh --- margadh aonair --- rynek jednolity --- bendroji rinka --- treg i vetëm --- suq uniku --- единствен пазар --- marché unique --- Binnenmarkt --- единен пазар --- ενιαία αγορά --- јединствено тржиште --- enotni trg --- vienotais tirgus --- sisämarkkinat --- inre marknad --- piață unică --- interne markt --- jedinstveno tržište --- EU single market --- ενιαία αγορά ΕΕ --- EU:n sisämarkkinat --- ES vienotais tirgus --- unutrašnje tržište EZ-a --- Bendrijos vidaus rinka --- Binnenmarkt EU --- внатрешен пазар --- marché intérieur CE --- vnitřní trh ES --- EB vidaus rinka --- EK-belső piac --- margadh inmheánach --- einheitlicher Markt --- EU-Binnenmarkt --- treg i brendshëm i KE-së --- marché unique de l'UE --- piață internă comunitară --- eengemaakte markt van de EU --- vnútorný trh Spoločenstva --- EC internal market --- εσωτερική αγορά της Κοινότητας --- внатрешен пазар на ЕУ --- vnútorný trh EÚ --- mercado interior comunitario --- gemenskapens inre marknad --- vnitřní trh Společenství --- внатрешен пазар на Унијата --- EG:s inre marknad --- yhtenäismarkkinat --- Kopienas iekšējais tirgus --- enotni trg EU --- εσωτερική αγορά ΕΚ --- enhedsmarked --- communautaire interne markt --- Community internal market --- внатрешен пазар на Заедницата --- внатрешен пазар на ЕЗ --- ühenduse siseturg --- EU's indre marked --- marché intérieur communautaire --- treg i brendshëm i Komunitetit --- Единен пазар на ЕС --- vnútorný trh Únie --- mercado interno comunitário --- yhteisön sisämarkkinat --- mercato interno CE --- ELi ühtne turg --- jednotný trh EU --- EF's indre marked --- interne markt van de EU --- egységes uniós piac --- mercato unico dell'UE --- közösségi belső piac --- ES bendroji rinka --- mercado interno CE --- binnenmarkt --- interne markt EG --- jednotný trh EÚ --- EU:s inre marknad --- mercato interno comunitario --- piața unică UE --- mercado único da UE --- mercado único de la UE --- suq uniku tal-UE --- digitale economie --- digital ekonomi --- economía digital --- digitālā ekonomika --- digitaalmajandus --- digitálne hospodárstvo --- économie numérique --- digitale Wirtschaft --- skaitmeninė ekonomika --- digitalno gospodarstvo --- economia digital --- дигитална економија --- economie digitală --- ψηφιακή οικονομία --- цифрова икономика --- ekonomija diġitali --- digitaalitalous --- digitális gazdaság --- digital økonomi --- economia digitale --- digitální ekonomika --- geilleagar digiteach --- gospodarka cyfrowa --- e-economia --- sähköinen talous --- digitálna ekonomika --- internetgazdaság --- online-economie --- digitální hospodářství --- e-ekonomija --- internet-talous --- internetekonomi --- internetøkonomi --- interneteconomie --- marché unique numérique --- цифров единен пазар --- jednolity rynek cyfrowy --- mercato unico digitale --- digitális egységes piac --- jednotný digitální trh --- digitálny jednotný trh --- margadh aonair digiteach --- Piața unică digitală --- jedinstveno digitalno tržište --- digitalt indre marked --- digitale eengemaakte markt --- digitaaliset sisämarkkinat --- digitālais vienotais tirgus --- bendroji skaitmeninė rinka --- digitaler Binnenmarkt --- digitaalne ühtne turg --- suq uniku diġitali --- е-јединствено тржиште --- mercado único digital --- digital inre marknad --- enotni digitalni trg --- Ψηφιακή ενιαία αγορά --- marché unique des contenus numériques --- ríomh-mhargadh aonair --- MUD --- digitální agenda --- Програма в областта на цифровите технологии --- digital dagsorden --- Jednolity rynek internetowy --- marché unique électronique --- digitalna agenda za Europu --- digitale agenda --- jednotný trh s digitálnym obsahom --- mercado único de contenidos digitales --- digitale Agenda --- agenda digital --- ЦЕП --- det indre onlinemarked --- inre e-marknad --- επιγραμμική ενιαία αγορά --- електронен единен пазар --- jednolity rynek treści cyfrowych --- verkkokaupan yhtenäismarkkinat --- inre marknad för digitalt innehåll --- jednotný trh s digitálním obsahem --- пазар на цифрово съдържание --- mercato unico elettronico --- margadh aonair le haghaidh inneachar digiteach --- digitalna agenda --- mercado único electrónico --- BSR --- eengemaakte markt voor e-diensten --- elektronický jednotný trh --- digital agenda --- tiešsaistes vienotais tirgus --- agenda digitale --- piața unică online --- дигитална агенда ЕУ --- marché unique du numérique --- estratégia digital --- digitalni program za Europu --- mercado único online --- ψηφιακό θεματολόγιο --- enotni spletni trg --- e. bendroji rinka --- eengemaakte digitale markt --- marché unique en ligne --- a digitális tartalmak egységes piaca --- онлайн единен пазар --- JDT --- indre marked for digitalt indhold --- digitaalistrategia --- mercado único eletrónico --- eengemaakte markt voor digitale inhoud --- DJT --- mercado único de conteúdos digitais --- mercato unico online --- bendroji internetinė rinka --- elektronischer Binnenmarkt --- DAE --- jedinstveno e-tržište --- jedinstveno tržište na internetu --- agenda cyfrowa --- mercado único en línea --- digitalizācijas programma --- single market for digital content --- jednolity rynek online --- an clár oibre digiteach --- elektroniskais vienotais tirgus --- piața unică electronică --- mercado único em linha --- ενιαία ηλεκτρονική αγορά --- jednotný trh online --- e-single market --- ενιαία ψηφιακή αγορά --- aġenda diġitali --- digitaalisten sisältöjen sisämarkkinat --- suq uniku online --- agenda digitală --- suq uniku elettroniku --- DSM --- enotni trg digitalnih vsebin --- margadh aonair ar líne --- det indre marked for elektroniske tjenester --- skaitmeninė darbotvarkė --- stratégie numérique --- online single market --- digitálna agenda --- európai digitális menetrend --- sähköiset sisämarkkinat --- Union européenne --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- economía electrónica --- e-economía --- an tAontas Eorpach

La politique européenne du numérique
ISBN: 9782802769873 2802769871 Year: 2022 Publisher: bruylant

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Les ambitions politiques et les projets législatifs se multiplient pour dessiner une Europe du numérique. Après des retards évidents, notamment sur le plan industriel, l'Europe du numérique est aujourd'hui omniprésente, dans les discours et dans les textes. Pour autant, peut-on parler de la construction d'une véritable politique européenne du numérique ? Une telle politique européenne du numérique, si elle existe, est-elle aussi disruptive qu'elle n'y parait, dans les formes institutionnelles et normatives qu'elle emprunte, ou s'inscrit-elle dans des cadres institutionnels plus classiques du droit de l'Union européenne ? La politique européenne du numérique est longtemps restée dissimulée par l'objectif du marché unique numérique, qui banalisait l'enjeu numérique à travers son inscription dans une logique ordinaire d'adaptation du marché intérieur. Cette stratégie initiale d'adaptation semble avoir évolué pour devenir une véritable politique à part entière. Cette politique est fondamentalement transversale, de sorte qu'elle prend appui sur une redéfinition de presque toutes les politiques européennes à l'aune des enjeux du numérique : réinvention des chaînes de valeurs numériques, redéploiement d'une stratégie politique européenne arrimée sur une économie de la donnée qui impose de repenser la régulation des plateformes, des services et des marchés numériques, développement d'une politique industrielle, par la connectivité, l'interopérabilité des infrastructures et des réseaux de communications, attention nouvelle portée aux enjeux cyber, à travers une redéfinition de la cyberdéfense et de la cybersécurité. Derrière l'émergence d'une politique spontanée, c'est bien l'identité de l'Union européenne qui se construit - ou se reconstruit -, à travers les enjeux de souveraineté numérique européenne.


marché unique numérique --- économie numérique --- politique économique --- nouvelle technologie --- numérisation --- digitalização --- digitiú --- digitalisointi --- дигитализација --- digitalisering --- skaitmeninimas --- digitaliziranje --- ciparošana --- digitalizácia --- digitalizace dokumentů --- digitalizacja --- diġitalizzazzjoni --- дигитализация --- numerizzazione --- digitalizare --- digitisation --- ψηφιοποίηση --- digjitalizim --- Digitalisierung --- digitalización --- digitalizálás --- digiteerimine --- digitalizacija --- skaitmeninis keitimas --- digitalisation --- numerizzazzjoni --- digitalizzazione --- transformace dat --- digitalizace dat --- new technology --- nieuwe technologie --- ny teknik --- új technológia --- нова технология --- nowe technologie --- jauna tehnoloģija --- nuova tecnologia --- nova tecnologia --- nová technológia --- nueva tecnología --- teknologji e re --- nová technologie --- uus tehnoloogia --- uusi teknologia --- tehnologie avansată --- neue Technologie --- teknoloġija ġdida --- нова технологија --- nuatheicneolaíocht --- νέες τεχνολογίες --- nova tehnologija --- ny teknologi --- naujoji technologija --- moderná technológia --- alta tecnologia --- Spitzentechnologie --- neuartige Technologie --- tecnología avanzada --- technique de pointe --- fejlett technológia --- advanced technology --- Hightech --- advanced technique --- kõrgtehnoloogia --- avanceret teknik --- alta tecnología --- progresivní technologie --- high-tech --- korszerű technika --- forkantteknologi --- teknikë e përparuar --- arenenud tehnoloogia --- spetsteknik --- špičková technika --- högt utvecklad teknik --- hoch entwickelte Technik --- arenenud tehnika --- high technology --- technologie avancée --- tecnologia de ponta --- висока технологија --- tecnologia di punta --- tecnica d'avanguardia --- avancerad teknik --- tecnologia nova --- geavanceerde technologie --- tecnología punta --- csúcstechnológia --- napredna tehnologija --- hoogontwikkelde technologie --- tecnica di punta --- speerpunttechnologie --- kehittynyt teknologia --- högteknologi --- teknologji e lartë --- τεχνολογία αιχμής --- pažangioji technika --- напредна технологија --- attīstīta tehnoloģija --- korkea teknologia --- højteknologi --- προηγμένη τεχνολογία --- technologie nouvelle --- augstās tehnoloģijas --- модерна технологија --- tehnică avansată --- haute technologie --- spitstechnologie --- tecnologia avanzata --- high tech --- aukštoji technologija --- attīstīta metode --- înaltă trhnologie --- spjutspetsteknik --- špičková technologie --- visoka tehnologija --- korszerű technológia --- moderná technika --- pažangioji technologija --- kehittynyt tekniikka --- fortgeschrittene Technologie --- tecnologia avançada --- hightech --- υψηλή τεχνολογία --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- economisch beleid --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- economic policy --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice --- digitale economie --- digital ekonomi --- economía digital --- digitālā ekonomika --- digitaalmajandus --- digitálne hospodárstvo --- digital economy --- digitale Wirtschaft --- skaitmeninė ekonomika --- digitalno gospodarstvo --- economia digital --- дигитална економија --- economie digitală --- ψηφιακή οικονομία --- цифрова икономика --- ekonomija diġitali --- digitaalitalous --- digitális gazdaság --- digital økonomi --- economia digitale --- digitální ekonomika --- geilleagar digiteach --- gospodarka cyfrowa --- e-economia --- sähköinen talous --- economía electrónica --- e-economía --- digitálna ekonomika --- internetgazdaság --- online-economie --- digitální hospodářství --- e-ekonomija --- internet-talous --- internetekonomi --- internetøkonomi --- interneteconomie --- цифров единен пазар --- jednolity rynek cyfrowy --- digital single market --- mercato unico digitale --- digitális egységes piac --- jednotný digitální trh --- digitálny jednotný trh --- margadh aonair digiteach --- Piața unică digitală --- jedinstveno digitalno tržište --- digitalt indre marked --- digitale eengemaakte markt --- digitaaliset sisämarkkinat --- digitālais vienotais tirgus --- bendroji skaitmeninė rinka --- digitaler Binnenmarkt --- digitaalne ühtne turg --- suq uniku diġitali --- е-јединствено тржиште --- mercado único digital --- digital inre marknad --- enotni digitalni trg --- Ψηφιακή ενιαία αγορά --- marché unique des contenus numériques --- ríomh-mhargadh aonair --- MUD --- digitální agenda --- Програма в областта на цифровите технологии --- digital dagsorden --- Jednolity rynek internetowy --- marché unique électronique --- digitalna agenda za Europu --- digitale agenda --- дигитална агенда ЕУ --- jednotný trh s digitálnym obsahom --- mercado único de contenidos digitales --- digitale Agenda --- agenda digital --- ЦЕП --- det indre onlinemarked --- inre e-marknad --- επιγραμμική ενιαία αγορά --- електронен единен пазар --- jednolity rynek treści cyfrowych --- verkkokaupan yhtenäismarkkinat --- inre marknad för digitalt innehåll --- jednotný trh s digitálním obsahem --- пазар на цифрово съдържание --- mercato unico elettronico --- margadh aonair le haghaidh inneachar digiteach --- digitalna agenda --- mercado único electrónico --- BSR --- eengemaakte markt voor e-diensten --- elektronický jednotný trh --- digital agenda --- tiešsaistes vienotais tirgus --- agenda digitale --- piața unică online --- marché unique du numérique --- estratégia digital --- digitalni program za Europu --- mercado único online --- ψηφιακό θεματολόγιο --- enotni spletni trg --- e. bendroji rinka --- eengemaakte digitale markt --- marché unique en ligne --- a digitális tartalmak egységes piaca --- онлайн единен пазар --- JDT --- indre marked for digitalt indhold --- digitaalistrategia --- mercado único eletrónico --- eengemaakte markt voor digitale inhoud --- DJT --- mercado único de conteúdos digitais --- mercato unico online --- bendroji internetinė rinka --- elektronischer Binnenmarkt --- DAE --- jedinstveno e-tržište --- jedinstveno tržište na internetu --- agenda cyfrowa --- mercado único en línea --- digitalizācijas programma --- single market for digital content --- jednolity rynek online --- an clár oibre digiteach --- elektroniskais vienotais tirgus --- piața unică electronică --- mercado único em linha --- ενιαία ηλεκτρονική αγορά --- jednotný trh online --- e-single market --- ενιαία ψηφιακή αγορά --- aġenda diġitali --- digitaalisten sisältöjen sisämarkkinat --- suq uniku online --- agenda digitală --- suq uniku elettroniku --- DSM --- enotni trg digitalnih vsebin --- margadh aonair ar líne --- det indre marked for elektroniske tjenester --- skaitmeninė darbotvarkė --- stratégie numérique --- online single market --- digitálna agenda --- európai digitális menetrend --- sähköiset sisämarkkinat --- BPB9999 --- Droit européen. --- Politique publique --- Droit des technologies de l'information et de la communication --- Informatique --- Protection de l'information (informatique) --- Algorithmes. --- Systèmes d'information. --- Droit. --- STRADALEX --- BPB2304 --- Communication --- Information technology --- Electronic data processing --- Economie numérique --- Data protection --- Computer algorithms --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- Technologies de l'information et de la communication --- Protection de l'information (Informatique) --- Algorithmes --- Systèmes d'information --- Technological innovations --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- European Union --- European Union countries --- Government policy. --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Droit des technologies de l'information et de la communication -- Europe

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