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Dual diagnoses. : substance use disorder and severe mental illness
Year: 2007 Publisher: Oslo, Norway : Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH),

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This review aims to summarise the evidence of diagnostic accuracy for screening and diagnostic tests to be used in populations with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Severe Mental Illness (SMI). The review includes studies which use a reference standard and research methods enabling the calculation of diagnostic accuracy. The evidence base is mainly single studies. This approach delivers a high level of accuracy and considerable precision in results, however it should be noted that some measurement tools which may be clinically relevant, may not be included in the review due to the research methodology employed. Patients receiving treatment for SUD often have SMI, and patients recieving treatment for SMI often have SUD. Comorbidity between the two diagnoses presents a challenge to both diagnostic procedures and treatment. We appraised 121 studies in full text and 19 with high or moderate methodological quality were included. Screening tests for SUD for patients with SMI: According to the evidence, CAGE (Chemical Use, Abuse and Dependence Scale) is able to identify alcohol disorder (LR+ 13), both current and lifetime. The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) reports an area under the curve ROC-kurven of 0.95. This means that the tests' ability to identify patients with alcohol disorder and not identify those without, is high. The rest of the studies did not report likelihood ratio, or the likelihood was reported as low. Screening tests for SMI for patients with SUD: The evidence base suggests that PDSQ (Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire) could identify mania well (SaR+ 21). For depression, psychotic disorders and personality disorders the evidence base did not report figures which could decide diagnostic accuracy. Diagnostic tests The two tests C-DIS (Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule) and MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) identified both showed low diagnostic accuracy (LR+ below 10) when compared to reference standard (CIDI, LEAD, MINI, SCID or thorough clinical evaluation). PRISM (Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders) shows good concordance with reference standard, reporting a kappa between 0.63 and 0.90 (usually considered good) for borderline personality disorders, alcohol dependence, heroin dependence and severe depression.

Dual diagnoses. : substance use disorder and severe mental illness
Year: 2007 Publisher: Oslo, Norway : Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH),

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This review aims to summarise the evidence of diagnostic accuracy for screening and diagnostic tests to be used in populations with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Severe Mental Illness (SMI). The review includes studies which use a reference standard and research methods enabling the calculation of diagnostic accuracy. The evidence base is mainly single studies. This approach delivers a high level of accuracy and considerable precision in results, however it should be noted that some measurement tools which may be clinically relevant, may not be included in the review due to the research methodology employed. Patients receiving treatment for SUD often have SMI, and patients recieving treatment for SMI often have SUD. Comorbidity between the two diagnoses presents a challenge to both diagnostic procedures and treatment. We appraised 121 studies in full text and 19 with high or moderate methodological quality were included. Screening tests for SUD for patients with SMI: According to the evidence, CAGE (Chemical Use, Abuse and Dependence Scale) is able to identify alcohol disorder (LR+ 13), both current and lifetime. The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) reports an area under the curve ROC-kurven of 0.95. This means that the tests' ability to identify patients with alcohol disorder and not identify those without, is high. The rest of the studies did not report likelihood ratio, or the likelihood was reported as low. Screening tests for SMI for patients with SUD: The evidence base suggests that PDSQ (Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire) could identify mania well (SaR+ 21). For depression, psychotic disorders and personality disorders the evidence base did not report figures which could decide diagnostic accuracy. Diagnostic tests The two tests C-DIS (Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule) and MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) identified both showed low diagnostic accuracy (LR+ below 10) when compared to reference standard (CIDI, LEAD, MINI, SCID or thorough clinical evaluation). PRISM (Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders) shows good concordance with reference standard, reporting a kappa between 0.63 and 0.90 (usually considered good) for borderline personality disorders, alcohol dependence, heroin dependence and severe depression.

Addictions et comorbidités
ISBN: 2100714856 Year: 2014 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] Dunod

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L'usage de substances est fréquent chez les patients souffrant de troubles mentaux et ces comorbidités peuvent avoir des conséquences graves sur leur santé doublées d'un impact défavorable sur leur fonctionnement social. Pourtant, ces troubles associés font l'objet de très peu de considération dans la pratique clinique quotidienne, où les troubles sont majoritairement traités de manière indépendante. Après avoir fait un tableau clinique des troubles liés aux addictions, l'ouvrage propose une prise en charge globale des pathologies addictives et psychiatriques.

Dual Diagnosis : Filling the gap
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782742005000 Publisher: Montrouge John Libey Eurotext

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Cet ouvrage est un ensemble de réflexions diverses résultant des travaux de certains des chercheurs européens et américains les plus éminents dans le domaine du double diagnostic, qui ont participé à la Conférence nationale SIP.Dip. qui s’est tenue à Milan en juillet 2002.Ces chercheurs ont partagé leurs connaissances sur des questions telles que l’importance du diagnostic psychiatrique dans le plan de traitement de la toxicomanie, avec des expériences réalisées en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas, en Grèce, en Espagne, en Angleterre, et les recherches spécifiques de Thomas Mc Lellan sur les instruments d’évaluation effectuées au cours des 30 dernières années aux Etats-Unis.

Trainingsmodule omgaan met verslaving : vaardigheidstraining voor een zelfstandig leven : werkboek van de deelnemer
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9044111116 9044111124 9789044111116 Year: 2001 Volume: 4 Publisher: Leuven/Apeldoorn Garant

Guide à l'intention des familles sur les troubles concomitants
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0888686323 0888689179 9780888689177 9780888686329 9780888686312 0888686315 9780888686336 0888686331 Year: 2008 Publisher: [Toronto, Ont.] Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale

Dubbeldiagnose, als verslaving en psychische problemen samengaan
ISBN: 9064451559 Year: 2000 Publisher: Berchem EPO

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Een ongeluk komt nooit alleen. Dit boek gaat over (en is voor) mensen die gelijktijdig kampen met een ernstig psychisch probleem én een verslavingsprobleem. Iedereen ervaart hoe de druk op prestatie en tempo almaar stijgt. Op diverse levensterreinen, professioneel, sociaal, familiaal, enz. moet men meer en meer flexibiliteit aan de dag leggen, wordt er méér gevraagd. Bij veel mensen groeien de moeilijkheden om zich te handhaven. Dit uit zich in allerhande klachten op psychisch, lichamelijk en sociaal-maatschappelijk vlak. Het ene probleem brengt vaak het andere mee tot men in een als hopeloos aangevoelde situatie belandt. Het betreft hier een groeiende en vaak jonge groep patiënten waarvoor de huidige zorgvoorzieningen nog geen adequaat antwoord hebben omdat zij zo specialistisch zijn opgesplitst. Mensen met een psychisch probleem, zoals depressie of psychose, kunnen terecht in het circuit van de geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Mensen met een verslavingsprobleem kunnen terecht in het circuit van de verslavingszorg. Als men evenwel kampt met beide problemen wordt het moeilijk. In beide zorgencircuits dreigt men omwille van de andere problematiek uit de boot te vallen. Er is nood aan een goed gecoördineerde, multidisciplinaire benadering, die zich over de grenzen van de verschillende zorgsectoren en echelons ontwikkelt. De inhoud van dit boek is met opzet breed en niet-specialistisch gehouden. De bedoeling is dat een brede waaier van lezers ervan gebruik kan maken: de patiënt, zijn familie en naaste omgeving, huisartsen, psychiaters, therapeuten, maatschappelijk werkers, verpleegkundigen enzovoort. (Bron: covertekst)


psychische syndromen --- verslaving --- Comorbidity. --- Mental Disorders --- Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry) --- Substance-Related Disorders --- 178 --- #GBIB:IDGP --- #KVHB:Psychiatrie --- #KVHB:Verslaving --- persoonlijkheidsstoornissen --- psychiatrie --- psychose --- toxicomanie --- Alcohol --- Drugs --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- Psychiatrie --- 606.3 --- angststoornissen --- drugs --- forensische psychiatrie --- gezondheidszorg --- psychopathologie --- schizofrenie --- stemmingsstoornissen --- Alcoholisme --- Angst --- Forensische psychiatrie --- Geneesmiddelengebruik --- Medicamenteuze verslaving (geneesmiddelenverslaving) --- Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen (dissociatieve stoornissen) --- Posttraumatische stresssyndroom (traumatische neurose) --- Schizofrenie --- Stemmingsstoornissen --- Toxicomanie (verslaving) --- Behandelingen --- Diagnostiek --- Geneesmiddelen --- Psychische stoornissen --- Dual Diagnosis --- Psychiatric Diagnosis, Dual --- Psychiatric Dual Diagnosis --- Dual Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Diagnoses, Dual --- Diagnoses, Dual (Psychiatry) --- Diagnoses, Dual Psychiatric --- Diagnoses, Psychiatric Dual --- Diagnosis, Dual --- Diagnosis, Dual Psychiatric --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric Dual --- Dual Diagnoses --- Dual Diagnoses (Psychiatry) --- Dual Diagnoses, Psychiatric --- Dual Diagnosis (Psychiatry) --- Dual Psychiatric Diagnoses --- Dual Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Psychiatric Diagnoses, Dual --- Psychiatric Dual Diagnoses --- 616.2 --- 613.8 --- complications. --- Toxicomanie --- Alcool --- Drogue --- Soins de santé mentale --- Psychopathologie - Psychiatrische ziektekunde --- Psychische stoornissen. --- Verslaving. --- Verslaving --- Psychosociale problemen --- Comorbiditeit --- Comorbidity --- complications --- Psychosociaal probleem --- Gokken --- Internet

Le double diagnostic
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1771140348 9781771140348 9781771140331 Year: 2014 Publisher: [Toronto, Ontario]

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La publication Double diagnostic : Guide d'information a été conçue à l'ntention des familles dont un membre est atteint de déficience intellectuelle. Les lecteurs trouveront des renseignements de base sur le double diagnostic et sur les divers services et formes de soutien existants ainsi que sur la meilleure façon d'y accéder. Le guide contient une partie destinée aux aidants naturels, qui leur suggère des façons de prendre soin d'eux-mêmes.


Toxicomanie et maladies mentales. --- Toxicomanie et maladies mentales --- Double diagnostic (psychiatrie) --- Santé mentale. --- Troubles mentaux. --- Dual diagnosis. --- Dual diagnosis --- Diagnosis, Dual (Psychiatry) --- Mental Health. --- Mental Disorders. --- Behavior Disorders --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Mental Disorders, Severe --- Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Mental Illness --- Psychiatric Diseases --- Psychiatric Disorders --- Psychiatric Illness --- Illness, Mental --- Mental Disorder --- Mental Disorder, Severe --- Mental Illnesses --- Psychiatric Disease --- Psychiatric Disorder --- Psychiatric Illnesses --- Severe Mental Disorder --- Severe Mental Disorders --- Mentally Ill Persons --- Mental Hygiene --- Health, Mental --- Hygiene, Mental --- Orthopsychiatry --- Dual Diagnosis --- Psychiatric Diagnosis, Dual --- Psychiatric Dual Diagnosis --- Dual Diagnosis, Psychiatric --- Diagnoses, Dual --- Diagnoses, Dual (Psychiatry) --- Diagnoses, Dual Psychiatric --- Diagnoses, Psychiatric Dual --- Diagnosis, Dual --- Diagnosis, Dual Psychiatric --- Diagnosis, Psychiatric Dual --- Dual Diagnoses --- Dual Diagnoses (Psychiatry) --- Dual Diagnoses, Psychiatric --- Dual Diagnosis (Psychiatry) --- Dual Psychiatric Diagnoses --- Dual Psychiatric Diagnosis --- Psychiatric Diagnoses, Dual --- Psychiatric Dual Diagnoses --- Alcoholism and mental illness --- Dual disorders --- Mental illness and alcoholism --- Mental illness and substance abuse --- Comorbidity --- Mental illness --- Substance abuse --- Patients --- Soins. --- Care.

Substance abuse treatment for criminal offenders : an evidence-based guide for practitioners
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1557989907 Year: 2003 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] American Psychological Association

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