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ISBN: 9783825367954 3825367959 Year: 2017 Publisher: Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter,

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Derivation gilt neben Komposition als ein wesentliches Verfahren zur Bildung neuer Wörter. Derivation geschieht durch die Verbindung (zumeist) selbstständiger Elemente (Stämme) mit solchen Elementen, die selbst nicht wortfähig sind. Im vorliegenden Buch werden die drei zentralen Muster der Derivation, die Suffigierung, Präfigierung und Zirkumfigierung, ausführlich beschrieben. Neu abgeleitete Wörter (Derivate) erscheinen jedoch nicht isoliert, sie haben besondere Berührungspunkte mit anderen Bereichen der Grammatik. Es wird daher einerseits auf Wechselbeziehungen zur Phonologie und Syntax verwiesen. Andererseits werden die Grenzen der Derivation zu ähnlichen Mustern wie etwa Zusammenbildungen, Kürzungen oder Phrasenkomposita erläutert. Abschließend wird exemplarisch gezeigt, wie Derivation in der lexikalistischen Theorie behandelt wird. Integrierte Übungsaufgaben dienen dazu, die Analysefähigkeit der Studierenden zu schulen.

Foisonnements morphologiques : études en hommage à Françoise Kerleroux
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782840162018 2840162016 Year: 2014 Publisher: Nanterre : Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest,

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Cri d'un franc liégeois contre le projet de dérivation de la Meuse, et contre les travaux que l'on a exécutés et qui s'exécutent dans les vallées d'Angleur et de Longdoz
Year: 1850 Publisher: Liége : Imprimerie de N. Redouté,

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Monsieur, j'ai l'honneur de soumettre à votre appréciation la lettre ci-jointe adressée à Monsieur le Ministre des travaux publics, concernant quelques modifications qui me semblent devoir être apportées aux travaux de la dérivation de la Meuse, à Liége, et produire une économie notable au Trésor public...
Year: 1853 Publisher: Liége : Aug. Denoel, imprimeur de l'Administration provinciale,

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Usines de dérivation
Year: 1958 Publisher: Paris : Eyrolles,

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La dérivation suffixale (théorisation et enseignement au XIXe siècle) : tome II
ISBN: 2729501045 9782729501044 Year: 1980 Publisher: Paris : Lille : Editions Honoré Champion, Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, université de Lille III,

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Morphologically complex words in the mind/brain
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The question of how morphologically complex words (assign-ment, listen-ed) are represented and processed in the brain has been one of the most hotly debated topics in the cognitive neuroscience of language. Do complex words engage cortical representations and processes equivalent to single lexical objects or are they processed as sequences of separate morpheme-like units? Research on morphological processing has suggested that adults make efficient use of both lexical (i.e., whole word) storage and retrieval, as well as combinatorial computation in processing morphologically complex words. Psycholinguistic studies have demonstrated that processing of complex words can be affected both by properties of the morphemes and the whole words, such as their frequency, transparency, and regularity. Furthermore, this research has been informative about the time-course of complex word recognition and production, and the role of morphological structure in these processes. At the neural level, left-hemisphere inferior frontal and superior temporal areas, and negative-going event-related potentials, have been consistently associated with morphological processing. While most previous research has been done on the recognition of morphologically complex words in adult native speakers, much less is known about neurocognitive processes involved in the on-line production of morphologically complex words, and even less on morphological processing in children and non-native speakers. Moreover, we have limited understanding of how linguistically distinct morphological processes, e.g. inflectional (listen-ed) versus derivational (assign-ment), are handled by the cortical language networks. This e-book gives an up-to-date overview of the questions currently addressed in the field of morphological processing. It highlights the significance of morphological information in language processing, both written and spoken, as assessed by a variety of methods and approaches. It also points to a number of unresolved issues, and provides future directions for research in this key area of cognitive neuroscience of language.


ERP --- morphology --- L2 --- Dyslexia --- derivation --- Compound --- decomposition --- semantics --- MEG --- inflection

Morphologically complex words in the mind/brain
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The question of how morphologically complex words (assign-ment, listen-ed) are represented and processed in the brain has been one of the most hotly debated topics in the cognitive neuroscience of language. Do complex words engage cortical representations and processes equivalent to single lexical objects or are they processed as sequences of separate morpheme-like units? Research on morphological processing has suggested that adults make efficient use of both lexical (i.e., whole word) storage and retrieval, as well as combinatorial computation in processing morphologically complex words. Psycholinguistic studies have demonstrated that processing of complex words can be affected both by properties of the morphemes and the whole words, such as their frequency, transparency, and regularity. Furthermore, this research has been informative about the time-course of complex word recognition and production, and the role of morphological structure in these processes. At the neural level, left-hemisphere inferior frontal and superior temporal areas, and negative-going event-related potentials, have been consistently associated with morphological processing. While most previous research has been done on the recognition of morphologically complex words in adult native speakers, much less is known about neurocognitive processes involved in the on-line production of morphologically complex words, and even less on morphological processing in children and non-native speakers. Moreover, we have limited understanding of how linguistically distinct morphological processes, e.g. inflectional (listen-ed) versus derivational (assign-ment), are handled by the cortical language networks. This e-book gives an up-to-date overview of the questions currently addressed in the field of morphological processing. It highlights the significance of morphological information in language processing, both written and spoken, as assessed by a variety of methods and approaches. It also points to a number of unresolved issues, and provides future directions for research in this key area of cognitive neuroscience of language.


ERP --- morphology --- L2 --- Dyslexia --- derivation --- Compound --- decomposition --- semantics --- MEG --- inflection

Boîtes de dérivation et accessoires. Rapport du Comité électrotechnique belge
Year: 1941 Publisher: Bruxelles

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Exposé de l'ancien état du lit de la Meuse dans la ville de Liége lors de l'inondation de 1784 et de son état actuel : projet de dérivation directe de la Meuse à Liége, en amont du pont de la Boverie, pour garantir la ville des dangers dont elle est menacée par cette rivière, et pour améliorer la navigation et préserver MM. les bateliers des sinistres qu'ils éprouvent chaque année dans la commune de Liége
Authors: ---
Year: 1842 Publisher: Liége : imprimerie de Grandmont-Donders,

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