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History --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Third World: agricultural and food problems --- Burundi --- Basic Sciences. Agriculture --- Agricultural Systems --- Agricultural Systems. --- Economische politiek en planning (algemeen) --- Derde Wereld: landbouw- en voedselproblemen --- Geschiedenis --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Agriculture --- Ethnie --- Développement --- Hutu --- Tutsi --- Révolution --- Politique agricole
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Third World: economic development problems --- Africa --- Cocoa trade --- (66/67) SUB SAHARIAN STATES --- Cocoa industry --- Plant products industry --- Industriële economie --- Derde Wereld: landbouw- en voedselproblemen --- Sub-Sahara Afrika --- Industrial economics --- Third World: agricultural and food problems --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Cocoa trade - Cameroon --- AFRIQUE TROPICALE --- GEOGRAPHIE AGRICOLE --- CULTURES DU TIERS MONDE
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Agriculture and state --- Food supply --- Produce trade --- --- 339.963 --- 339.9 --- Afrika --- Food control --- Agriculture --- Food security --- Single cell proteins --- Agricultural marketing --- Agricultural products --- Food trade --- Food industry and trade --- Commodity exchanges --- Farm produce --- Government policy --- Derde Wereld: landbouw- en voedselproblemen --- Internationale economie --- Economic aspects --- #A9209E --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Africa
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International movements --- Economic law --- Food science and technology --- International law --- Nutritionary hygiene. Diet --- Third World: agricultural and food problems --- Food law and legislation --- 327.3 --- 351.82 --- 664 --- 341 --- 613.2 --- 339.963 --- Internationale bewegingen --- Economisch recht --- Voedingstechnologie --- Internationaal recht --- Voedingshygiëne. Dieet --- Derde Wereld: landbouw- en voedselproblemen --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Food supply --- Food --- Food, Pure --- Food industry and trade --- Pure food --- Commercial law --- Consumer protection --- Produce trade --- Law and legislation
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Development aid. Development cooperation --- Third World: agricultural and food problems --- Rural poor --- Non-governmental organizations --- Case studies --- 339.91 --- 338.2 --- 339.963 --- Ontwikkelingshulp. Ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- Economische politiek en planning (alg.) --- Derde Wereld: landbouw- en voedselproblemen --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Rural poverty --- Poor --- INGOs (International agencies) --- International non-governmental organizations --- NGOs (International agencies) --- Nongovernmental organizations --- Organizations, Non-governmental (International agencies) --- Private and voluntary organizations (International agencies) --- PVOs (International agencies) --- International agencies --- Nonprofit organizations --- Economic conditions --- Rural poor - Developing countries --- Rural poor - Developing countries - Case studies --- Non-governmental organizations - Developing countries
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De landbouw verkeert in een ernstige crisis. Het ene deel van de wereld verhongert, het andere is overvoed. En de producenten krijgen geen loon naar werken.De heersende landbouwpolitiek wordt gedicteerd door de rijke landen. Zij proberen met steeds lagere prijzen de wereldvoedselmarkten in handen te krijgen. Er is een wereldvoedseloorlog gaande, waarin de agro-business de meedogenloze winnaar is. De verliezers zijn de hongerenden, de boeren en boerinnen en het milieu.Ondertussen zijn de 'wetten' van de markt, ook van de wereldvoedselmarkten, geen natuurverschijnsel en geen noodlot. Ze komen voort uit belangen en besluiten van mensen. Een andere, een rechtvaardige en verantwoorde landbouw- en wereldvoedselpolitiek behoort zeker tot de mogelijkheden. Er moet een brede voedselbeweging komen om de fatale landbouwpolitiek te keren.
Third World: agricultural and food problems --- #GGSB: Sociale wet. essays --- #gsdb5 --- #SBIB:316.334.5U32 --- 63 --- 17 --- 338.439(100) --- 338.439.02 --- 504 --- $?$89/4 --- 631.147 --- 63EU --- landbouw --- voedselproblemen --- 631 --- Landbouw --- 630.5 --- Landbouw (lt) --- politiek (lt) --- Europese Unie --- armoede --- globalisering --- landbouweconomie --- landbouwproductie --- Agriculture --- -Agriculture --- -Agriculture and state --- -Agricultural industries --- Agricultural industries --- -Agribusiness --- Industries --- Agrarian question --- Agricultural policy --- State and agriculture --- Economic policy --- Land reform --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Food supply --- Land use, Rural --- Sociologie van de landbouw --- land- en akkerbouw --- Economic aspects --- -Economic aspects --- -Government policy --- Agricultural industries. --- Agriculture and state --- Basic Sciences. Agriculture --- Economic aspects. --- Alternative Farming --- Organic Farming --- Intentions for Organic Farming --- -Sociologie van de landbouw --- Intentions for Organic Farming. --- Agribusiness --- Agricultural economics --- Agricultural production economics --- Production economics, Agricultural --- Government policy --- Derde Wereld: landbouw- en voedselproblemen --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- Sociale wet. essays
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National wealth --- Food science and technology --- Nutritionary hygiene. Diet --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Third World: agricultural and food problems --- Food supply --- Food Supply --- Aliments --- Periodicals --- periodicals. --- Approvisionnement --- Périodiques --- Alimentation --- Périodiques. --- -338.1905 --- Food control --- Produce trade --- Agriculture --- Food security --- Single cell proteins --- Electronic information resources --- E-journals --- 338.439.02 --- 63 --- Food policies. Including : targets, programmes --- Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation --- Agriculture Sciences --- Agro Business, Economics and Policies --- Economics. --- Business, Economy and Management --- Business Management --- Economics --- Agriculture Sciences. --- Business, Economy and Management. --- 63 Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation --- Food Insecurity --- Food Security --- Food Insecurities --- Food Supplies --- Insecurities, Food --- Insecurity, Food --- Security, Food --- Supplies, Food --- Supply, Food --- Food --- supply & distribution --- Food Storage --- Nationaal vermogen --- Economische politiek en planning (algemeen) --- Derde Wereld: landbouw- en voedselproblemen --- Voedingshygiëne. Dieet --- Voedingstechnologie --- Developing countries: agricultural and food problems --- 63 Landbouw, veeteelt en verwante wetenschappen en technieken. Bosbouw. Landbouw. Exploitatie van dieren in het wild. --- Landbouw, veeteelt en verwante wetenschappen en technieken. Bosbouw. Landbouw. Exploitatie van dieren in het wild. --- Food Supply Chain --- Chain, Food Supply --- Food Supply Chains --- Supply Chain, Food --- Supply Chains, Food
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