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The demographic dividend is the name given by Harvard economists David Bloom and David Canning to the boost in economic growth that can result from changes in a country's population age structure. As fertility rates decrease, a country's working-age population grows larger relative to the young dependent population. With more people in the labor force and fewer children to support, a country has a window of opportunity for rapid economic growth if the right social and economic investments and policies are made in health, education, governance, and the economy. Conversely, research shows that resource requirements to support a large population of children and youth can depress the pace of economic growth and prevent needed investments in human capital. The discourse on responding to this population growth frequently excludes the youth. The result can be an apathetic community of young people who withdraw from participation in political and democratic processes.
These articles address the issue and highlight solutions from different parts of the world, from members of the Global Diplomacy Lab to external contributors: how they see their work promoting, enhancing and contributing to harvesting the demographic dividend.
What stories can they tell that can educate and inspire readers? The essays in the book are couched in language that is accessible, engaging, informative, entertaining, illuminating and inspiring. The book highlights, in particular, exceptional and inspiring stories that share unique perspectives on how work in one's field seeks to, can or has promoted, provided and preserved human dignity.
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How has demography shaped the Arab Spring, migrant flights from Africa to Europe, budget negotiations in the USA, immigration debates in Japan and economic growth in India and Brazil, among others? John Rennie Short explores the wide-ranging economic, social and public policy implications of population changes using contemporary case studies.
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Il presente volume intende affrontare le relazioni tra la demografia e la globalizzazione descrivendo - in una prospettiva storica - alcune delle molte tessere di questo complesso mosaico. La descrizione spazia dalle vicende economiche a quelle mediche, da quelle sociali a quelle demografiche, con l'obiettivo di ricostruire un quadro che colloca la demografia nello scenario delle relazioni internazionali. Il testo affronta tematiche strettamente attuali - come per esempio l'impatto e le conseguenze delle epidemie sulle società -, guardando allo scenario mondiale e a regioni e paesi scelti su motivate ragioni di differenzialità. Silvana Salvini, già professore ordinario di Demografia presso l'Università di Firenze, si interessa principalmente di famiglia e fecondità dei paesi in via di sviluppo e sviluppati. Tra le sue pubblicazioni recenti: Popolazione mondiale e sviluppo sostenibile (il Mulino, 2018), con Aurora Angeli, e Il caleidoscopio africano (Aracne editrice, 2020). lobalization is a huge topic and here we have chosen to describe only a few pieces of a complex mosaic. Its description has a historical perspective and ranges from economic to medical, from social to demographic issues. It aims to reconstruct a background picture that places demographics in the scenario of international relations. It is possible to distinguish some themes: 1. The population is aging and enriching itself. Convergence often collides with delayed demographic transition. 2. The economic weight and political power are shifting towards Asia. 3. The technological revolution affects almost all aspects of society. 4. The increase in energy consumption and new production models make it difficult to manage the scarcity of resources. 5. Interdependence between countries does not go hand in hand with strengthening global governance. Silvana Salvini, already full professor of Demography at the University of Florence, will hold a course of Population and History. Her research interests have mainly concerned the family and fertility, of developing and developed countries. Her most recent books are Popolazione mondiale e sviluppo sostenibile (Il Mulino, 2018) with Aurora Angeli e Il caleidoscopio africano (Aracne editrice, 2020).
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Il presente volume intende affrontare le relazioni tra la demografia e la globalizzazione descrivendo - in una prospettiva storica - alcune delle molte tessere di questo complesso mosaico. La descrizione spazia dalle vicende economiche a quelle mediche, da quelle sociali a quelle demografiche, con l'obiettivo di ricostruire un quadro che colloca la demografia nello scenario delle relazioni internazionali. Il testo affronta tematiche strettamente attuali - come per esempio l'impatto e le conseguenze delle epidemie sulle società -, guardando allo scenario mondiale e a regioni e paesi scelti su motivate ragioni di differenzialità. Silvana Salvini, già professore ordinario di Demografia presso l'Università di Firenze, si interessa principalmente di famiglia e fecondità dei paesi in via di sviluppo e sviluppati. Tra le sue pubblicazioni recenti: Popolazione mondiale e sviluppo sostenibile (il Mulino, 2018), con Aurora Angeli, e Il caleidoscopio africano (Aracne editrice, 2020). lobalization is a huge topic and here we have chosen to describe only a few pieces of a complex mosaic. Its description has a historical perspective and ranges from economic to medical, from social to demographic issues. It aims to reconstruct a background picture that places demographics in the scenario of international relations. It is possible to distinguish some themes: 1. The population is aging and enriching itself. Convergence often collides with delayed demographic transition. 2. The economic weight and political power are shifting towards Asia. 3. The technological revolution affects almost all aspects of society. 4. The increase in energy consumption and new production models make it difficult to manage the scarcity of resources. 5. Interdependence between countries does not go hand in hand with strengthening global governance. Silvana Salvini, already full professor of Demography at the University of Florence, will hold a course of Population and History. Her research interests have mainly concerned the family and fertility, of developing and developed countries. Her most recent books are Popolazione mondiale e sviluppo sostenibile (Il Mulino, 2018) with Aurora Angeli e Il caleidoscopio africano (Aracne editrice, 2020).
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Cet ouvrage propose un changement paradigmatique, apres que les nombreuses politiques de developpement ont manque a la promesse de la prosperite partagee dans les pays en developpement. Son ambition est d'accompagner efficacement les gouvernants par une simplification des methodes, en leur proposant des outils adaptes a l'elaboration de politiques multisectorielles.
Senegal. --- Demographic transition. --- Demographic transition
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Demographic transition --- Sweden --- History
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