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This paper traces the evolution of deliberative institutions in India to understand the role of deliberation in democratic life, as well as the ways in which deliberative bodies influence, and are influenced by, entrenched social inequality. The paper first unpacks the historical roots of Indian deliberation in the pre-colonial and colonial periods, emphasizing the ways in which religious traditions fostered a culture of debate and dialogue. The paper then explores the interplay between Western liberal philosophers, most notably Henry Maine, and Indian political thinkers, including Gandhi and Ambedkar, on participatory democracy in India. The discussion then highlights the continued dialogue between Indian and Western ideas in the push for greater participatory development. Finally, the paper probes the current incarnation of state-sponsored deliberation in India - namely, village assemblies known as
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Die Begegnung zwischen Bürgern und Mitarbeitenden der öffentlichen Verwaltung kann nicht lediglich als bürokratische Implementation von Normen verstanden werden und folgt nicht dem Muster einer "lebenden Maschine" (Max Weber), sondern Interaktionen auf Ämtern enthalten Praktiken des Austauschs von Argumenten und Gegenargumenten. Die Dialoge zwischen Bürgern und Mitarbeitenden der öffentlichen Verwaltung bleiben auf Entscheidungen bezogen, die getroffen werden müssen: Wieviel Steuern sollen bezahlt werden? Kann eine Eheschließung angemeldet werden? Können Passdokumente ausgestellt werden? Darin zeigen sie Anteile von Deliberationen. Die soziologische Studie untersucht Interaktionen auf Finanz-, Standes- und Bürgerämtern und arbeitet heraus, wie sich in solchen deliberativen Anteilen Staatlichkeit auf der Mikroebene realisiert. Die übliche Beschränkung des Begriffs der Deliberation auf die Legislative kann überwunden und eine Perspektive begründet werden, die auch administratives Handeln in der staatlichen Exekutive als Teil der deliberativen Demokratie begreift. Methodisch werden Prinzipien der Konversationsanalyse mit solchen der Objektiven Hermeneutik verbunden.
Verwaltung --- Ämter --- Deliberation
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Le débat public est à la fois nécessaire pour la démocratie et souvent inefficace dans ses mises en œuvre. Ainsi, les débats politiques télévisés sont, la plupart du temps, détournés en opérations de communication, et les NTIC nous proposent des forums qui se contentent de juxtaposer des opinions. L'efficacité du débat public résiderait donc, plutôt, dans la légitimité conférée au citoyen et dans l'impact de sa parole sur les processus décisionnels. Se pose ainsi le besoin d'une réflexion sur la situation délibérative dans le débat public. Motivé par les questions de la vulgarisation scientifique, le CEDP s'est positionné sur une problématique de l'usage qui renverse le schéma traditionnel de la communication. D'une démarche d'interrogation sur le public, il est passé à un positionnement théorique qui interroge le questionnement de ce même public. De nouvelles méthodes de débat public sont recherchées. Celui-ci apparaît alors comme la technique générique de production d'une « efficacité sociale » des usages de la science. À partir de trois acteurs qui, dans l'interrelation nouvelle proposée, sont légitimés (le public, le politique, l'expert), le laboratoire s'est attaché à mettre au point un protocole – les Rencontres Délibératives® – visant à rendre le grand public plus apte au débat sur la science. Le CEDP a décliné le modèle « Rencontres Délibératives » dans des champs diversifiés. Un répertoire de méthodologies employées, en fonction du champ social considéré, a été constitué. Nous avons alors abordé le problème de la propagation des savoirs et de leur appropriation par le public. Se pose aujourd'hui la question du débat public comme « apprentissage social » permettant aux publics le passage de la participation à la délibération. Ce questionnement appelle, de nos jours, une approche pluridisciplinaire. Les contributions nombreuses de ce colloque participent, en théorie et en pratique, à la constitution de cet objet scientifique.
Political Science --- débat public --- citoyens --- démocratie --- délibération
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Deliberative institutions have gained popularity in the developing world as a means by which to make governance more inclusive and responsive to local needs. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that persistent gender inequality may limit women's ability to participate actively and influence outcomes in these forums. In response, policy makers have tried to induce women's participation by leveraging the group-based format of self-help groups, which can build women's social capital and develop their sense of political efficacy and identity. This paper evaluates the impact of one such intervention, known as the Pudhu Vaazhvu Project, on women's civic participation in rural Tamil Nadu. Using text-as-data methods on a matched sample of transcripts from village assembly meetings, the analysis finds that the Pudhu Vaazhvu Project significantly increases women's participation in the gram sabha along several dimensions-meeting attendance, propensity to speak, and the length of floor time they enjoy. Although women in the Pudhu Vaazhvu Project villages enjoy greater voice, the study finds no evidence that they are more likely than women in control villages to drive the broader conversational agenda or elicit a relevant response from government officials.
Deliberation --- Gender --- Participation --- Text-As-Data --- Village Democracy
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The resurgence of deliberative institutions in the developing world has prompted a renewed interest in the dynamics of citizen engagement. Using text-as-data methods on an original corpus of village assembly transcripts from rural Tamil Nadu, India, this paper opens the "black box" of deliberation to examine the gendered and status-based patterns of influence. Drawing on normative theories of deliberation, this analysis identifies a set of clear empirical standards for "good" deliberation, based on an individual's ability both to speak and be heard, and uses natural language processing methods to generate these measures. The study first shows that these assemblies are not mere "talking shop" for state officials to bluster and read banal announcements, but rather, provide opportunities for citizens to challenge their elected officials, demand transparency, and provide information about authentic local development needs. Second, the study finds that across multiple measures of deliberative influence, women are at a disadvantage relative to men; women are less likely to speak, set the agenda, and receive a relevant response from state officials. Finally, the paper shows that although quotas for women on village councils have little impact on the likelihood that they speak, they do improve the likelihood that female citizens are heard.
Deliberation --- Gender --- Participation --- Text-As-Data --- Village Democracy
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Münchner Forscher*innen ist es gelungen, Schweineherzen in Pavianen schlagen zu lassen. Sollen tierische Organe auch auf den Menschen übertragen werden? Die Münchner Bürgerkonferenz ist dieser gesellschaftlich brisanten Frage nachgegangen und brachte zu diesem Zweck Wissenschaftler*innen mit medizinischen Laien zusammen. Dürfen wir Tiere als Ersatzteillager für menschliche Organe nutzen? Können wir als potenzielle Patient*innen mit Organversagen nicht alle von der Xenotransplantation profitieren? Sind die Risiken einer Übertragung von Erkrankungen vom Tier auf den Menschen vertretbar? Die Teilnehmenden der Bürgerkonferenz haben sich intensiv mit der Xenotransplantation auseinandergesetzt und festgestellt: Die Xenotransplantation geht uns alle an. Das Ergebnis der gemeinsamen Deliberation haben die Teilnehmenden in einem Bürgervotum festgehalten. Es soll als Anstoß für die öffentliche Diskussion und für Entscheidungsträger*innen in Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft dienen. Der vorliegende Band erläutert Hintergründe und Ablauf der Bürgerkonferenz und diskutiert die Ergebnisse aus verschiedenen Perspektiven.
Transplantationsmedizin --- Gesundheitsversorgung --- Organmangel --- Bürgerbeteiligung --- Partizipation --- Deliberation --- Transplantation medicine --- health care --- organ shortage --- citizen participation --- citizen council --- deliberation
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Transnational civil society networks have become increasingly important democratizing actors in global politics. Still, the exploration of democracy in such networks remains conceptually and methodologically challenging. Practice theory provides a framework to study democracy as routinized performances even in contexts of fluid boundaries, temporal relations and a diffuse constituency. The author attempts to understand how new forms of democratic practice emerge in the interaction between political actors and their structural environments.
deliberation --- democracy --- transnationalism --- democracy --- transnationalism --- deliberation --- Civil society --- Decision-making --- Friends of the Earth --- Participatory democracy --- Representative democracy --- democracy --- transnationalism --- deliberation --- Civil society --- Decision-making --- Friends of the Earth --- Participatory democracy --- Representative democracy
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Transnational civil society networks have become increasingly important democratizing actors in global politics. Still, the exploration of democracy in such networks remains conceptually and methodologically challenging. Practice theory provides a framework to study democracy as routinized performances even in contexts of fluid boundaries, temporal relations and a diffuse constituency. The author attempts to understand how new forms of democratic practice emerge in the interaction between political actors and their structural environments.
deliberation --- democracy --- transnationalism --- Civil society --- Decision-making --- Friends of the Earth --- Participatory democracy --- Representative democracy
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Transnational civil society networks have become increasingly important democratizing actors in global politics. Still, the exploration of democracy in such networks remains conceptually and methodologically challenging. Practice theory provides a framework to study democracy as routinized performances even in contexts of fluid boundaries, temporal relations and a diffuse constituency. The author attempts to understand how new forms of democratic practice emerge in the interaction between political actors and their structural environments.
deliberation --- democracy --- transnationalism --- Civil society --- Decision-making --- Friends of the Earth --- Participatory democracy --- Representative democracy
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"Examines key moments in the early history of the blogosphere to understand how bloggers use digital media technology to engage in public argument. Explores blogging from a rhetorical perspective, asking how the digital medium of communication changes the conditions for persuasion"--Provided by publisher.
Deliberative democracy. --- Blogs --- Rhetoric --- Political aspects. --- Atrios Salam. --- Digital rhetorics. --- Instapundit. --- Pax. --- RealClimate. --- Talking Points Memo. --- cultural technologies. --- democratic deliberation. --- digital media. --- emotion. --- expertise. --- invention. --- metarhetoric. --- networked media. --- networked rhetorics. --- public deliberation. --- rhetorical canon. --- rhetorical imaginaries.
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