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Art --- Decoration and ornament --- Arts décoratifs --- Art. --- Decoration and ornament. --- Beeldende kunsten. --- Arts visuals. --- Decoració.
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Interior decoration. --- Decoración de interiores. --- Color in architecture. --- Color en la arquitectura.
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Art --- Decoration and ornament --- Arts décoratifs --- Art. --- Decoration and ornament. --- Beeldende kunsten. --- Arts visuals. --- Decoració.
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Noblesa obliga. L'art de la casa a Barcelona (1730-1760) analitza l'univers simbòlic, particular i únic de determinats llinatges i families de la Barcelona de mitjan segle XVIII, prenent com a referent la configuració interna de la casa i l'àmbit domèstic. Através d'una mirada àmplia i polièdrica, l'autora ens ensenya l'agençament i la distribució de la llar, entenent-la com un ens viu en la qual hi tenen cabuda des dels ritus de passatge - néixer, casar-se, entrar al convent, morir, etc. - fins als actes més quotidians dels àpats, la diversió o "el rebre". El resultat és un retaule esplèndid de la vida, del gust i de la moda d'un estament social que es deixa copsar i comprendre a través del seu espai més íntim.
Arts & Humanities --- décoration --- architecture domestique --- XVIIIe siècle --- univers symbolique --- tableau de vie --- goût --- arquitectura domèstica --- decoració --- gust --- taula de vida --- univers simbòlic --- segle XVIII
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The body against the wall is a reading of the representations of the human body in the graffiti image with the lenses of the history of art, aesthetics, sociology and literature; Explored with the purpose of trying to understand something of the contemporary social and cultural universe. Within the wide spectrum of the graffiti image stands a prolific slope in which the motive of primordial representation is the human body. Painted, stenciled, adhered on the walls, these images are ephemeral tattoos in urban skin; In them the body becomes a form of language through which they range from advertising messages to diatribes on the status quo, and from individual opinions and desires to collective imaginaries.
Street art. --- Arte callejero. --- Pintura y decoración mural --- Figura humana en el arte. --- Mural painting and decoration --- Graffiti. --- Human figure in art.
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This book outlines the underlying principles on which interior lighting should be based, provides detailed information on the lighting hardware available today and gives guidance for the design of interior lighting installations resulting in good visual performance and comfort, alertness and health. The book is divided into three parts. Part One discusses the fundamentals of the visual and non-visual mechanisms and the practical consequences for visual performance and comfort, for sleep, daytime alertness and performance, and includes chapters on age effects, therapeutic effects and hazardous effects of lighting. Part Two deals with the lighting hardware: lamps (with emphasis on LEDs), gear, drivers and luminaires including chapters about lighting controls and LEDs beyond lighting. Part Three is the application part, providing the link between theory and practice and supplying the reader with the knowledge needed for lighting design. It describes the relevant lighting criteria for good and efficient interior lighting and discusses the International, European and North American standards and recommendations for interior lighting. A particular focus is on solid state light sources (LEDs) and the possibility to design innovative, truly-sustainable lighting installations that are adaptable to changing circumstances. The design of such installations is difficult and the book offers details of the typical characteristics of the many different solid state light sources, and of the aspects determining the final quality of interior lighting. Essential reading for interior lighting designers, lighting engineers and architects, the book will also be a useful reference for researchers and students. Reviews of Road Lighting by the same author: "If you are going to design streetlighting, you must read this book....a solid, comprehensive textbook written by an acknowledged expert in the field – if you have a query about any aspect of streetlighting design, you will find the answer here.” – LUX, August 2015 “…a realy comprehensive book dealing with every aspect of the subject well…essential text for reference on this subject” – Lighting Journal, March 2015.
Interior lighting. --- Renewable energy sources. --- Quality of Life --- Engineering design. --- Microwaves. --- Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices. --- Building Physics, HVAC. --- Renewable and Green Energy. --- Quality of Life Research. --- Engineering Design. --- Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering. --- Research. --- Design, Engineering --- Engineering --- Industrial design --- Strains and stresses --- Life, Quality of --- Economic history --- Human ecology --- Life --- Social history --- Basic needs --- Human comfort --- Social accounting --- Work-life balance --- Alternate energy sources --- Alternative energy sources --- Energy sources, Renewable --- Sustainable energy sources --- Power resources --- Renewable natural resources --- Agriculture and energy --- Hertzian waves --- Electric waves --- Electromagnetic waves --- Geomagnetic micropulsations --- Radio waves --- Shortwave radio --- Design --- Lasers. --- Photonics. --- Building construction. --- Renewable energy resources. --- Medical research. --- Optical engineering. --- Mechanical engineering --- Biomedical research --- Medical research --- New optics --- Optics --- Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation --- Masers, Optical --- Optical masers --- Light amplifiers --- Light sources --- Optoelectronic devices --- Nonlinear optics --- Optical parametric oscillators --- Enllumenat d'interior --- Llum --- Enllumenat --- Enllumenat arquitectònic --- Interiorisme --- Ones electromagnètiques --- Absorció de la llum --- Color --- Difracció --- Efecte de Doppler --- Fotobiologia --- Fotons --- Interferència (Llum) --- Làsers --- Luminotècnia --- Òptica --- Reflexió (Òptica) --- Refracció --- Espectroscòpia --- Radiació --- Decoració d'espais interiors --- Decoració d'habitatges --- Decoració d'interiors --- Decoració interior --- Disseny d'espais interiors --- Disseny d'interiors --- Decoració --- Economia domèstica --- Enginyeria ambiental (Edificis) --- Color en l'arquitectura --- Aparadorisme --- Decoradors --- Escales --- Paravents --- Pintura mural --- Tapissos --- Arquitectura interior --- Mòbils (Art) --- Mobles --- Enllumenat decoratiu --- Il·luminació arquitectònica i decorativa --- Il·luminació decorativa --- Arquitectura --- Il·luminació --- Enllumenat de gas --- Enllumenat públic --- Llums --- Candeles --- Contaminació lumínica --- Fotometria --- Enllumenat interior --- Medicine
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Coffeehouses --- Decoration and ornament. --- Cafés --- Decoración y ornamento. --- Social aspects. --- Aspectos sociales. --- Art, Decorative --- Decoration and ornament, Primitive --- Decorative art --- Decorative design --- Design, Decorative --- Nature in ornament --- Ornament --- Painting, Decorative --- Art --- Decorative arts --- Arts and crafts movement --- Coffee bars --- Coffee-houses --- Restaurants
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Art --- Decoration and ornament --- Art. --- Decoration and ornament. --- Prices --- Prices. --- England. --- Art, Occidental --- Art, Visual --- Art, Western (Western countries) --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Visual --- Fine arts --- Iconography --- Occidental art --- Visual arts --- Western art (Western countries) --- Arts --- Aesthetics --- Art, Decorative --- Decorative art --- Decorative design --- Design, Decorative --- Nature in ornament --- Ornament --- Painting, Decorative --- Decorative arts --- Arts and crafts movement --- Art, Daghestan --- Angleterre --- Anglii͡ --- Anglija --- Engeland --- Inghilterra --- Inglaterra --- Art, Primitive --- Arts visuals. --- Decoració.
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Geometria --- Arquitectura --- Arts visuals --- Enginyeria --- Amfiteatres --- Arcs (Arquitectura) --- Arquitectura civil --- Arquitectura de museus --- Arquitectura domèstica --- Arquitectura fantàstica --- Arquitectura militar --- Arquitectura naval --- Arquitectura religiosa --- Arquitectura sostenible --- Arquitectura subterrània --- Campanars --- Color en l'arquitectura --- Decoració i ornamentació arquitectòniques --- Detalls arquitectònics --- Eclecticisme en l'arquitectura --- Edificis històrics --- Enllumenat arquitectònic --- Materials de construcció --- Obeliscs --- Palaus --- Resistència de materials --- Semiòtica de l'arquitectura --- Supressió de barreres arquitectòniques --- Teoria de l'arquitectura --- Torres --- Voltes (Arquitectura) --- Arquitectes --- Construcció --- Edificis --- Matemàtica --- Congruències (Geometria) --- Dibuix lineal --- Envolupants (Geometria) --- Esfera --- Geometria algebraica --- Geometria computacional --- Geometria conforme --- Geometria convexa --- Geometria de l'espai --- Geometria diferencial --- Geometria euclidiana --- Porismes --- Programació geomètrica --- Ràtio i proporció --- Similitud (Geometria) --- Teorema de Pitàgores --- Transformacions (Matemàtica) --- Trigonometria --- Geometria en l'art --- Geometry in architecture. --- Architecture --- Composition, proportion, etc.
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