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Hate in the homeland : the new global far right
ISBN: 9780691203836 9780691205892 0691203830 Year: 2020 Publisher: Princeton, New Jersey Princeton University Press

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"Hate in the Homeland shows how tomorrow’s far-right nationalists are being recruited in surprising places, from college campuses and mixed martial arts gyms to clothing stores, online gaming chat rooms, and YouTube cooking channels. Instead of focusing on the how and why of far-right radicalization, Miller-Idriss seeks answers in the physical and virtual spaces where hate is cultivated. Where does the far right do its recruiting? When do young people encounter extremist messaging in their everyday lives? Miller-Idriss shows how far-right groups are swelling their ranks and developing their cultural, intellectual, and financial capacities in a variety of mainstream settings. She demonstrates how young people on the margins of our communities are targeted in these settings, and how the path to radicalization is a nuanced process of moving in and out of far-right scenes throughout adolescence and adulthood."-- "Placing space and place at the center of its analysis enables Hate in the Homeland to focus on hate groups and far right extremism not only as static, organized movements but also as flows of youth who move in and out of the periphery and interstitial spaces of far right scenes, rather than only studying youth at the definable or fixed core of far right extremist movements. For many-perhaps even most-far right youth, Miller-Idriss argues that extremist engagement is characterized by a process of moving in and out of far right scenes throughout their adolescence and adulthood in ways that scholars and policymakers have yet to understand. Hate in the Homeland will make a critical intervention into the literature on extremism by showing how youth on the margins are mobilized through flexible engagements in mainstream-style physical and virtual spaces which the far right has actively targeted for this purpose. This approach to far right extremism and radicalization significantly broadens what we know about the far right, and how people engage with it"--

Totalitarian movements & political religions

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Sociology of religion --- Politics --- Totalitarianism --- Fascism --- Communism --- Religion and politics --- Totalitarisme --- Fascisme --- Communisme --- Religion et politique --- Periodicals. --- History --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Histoire --- Communism. --- Fascism. --- Totalitarianism. --- Social Sciences --- General and Others --- Political Science --- Totalitarian state --- Neo-fascism --- Bolshevism --- Communist movements --- Leninism --- Maoism --- Marxism --- Trotskyism --- Authoritarianism --- Collectivism --- Despotism --- Dictatorship --- National socialism --- Corporate state --- Synarchism --- Post-communism --- Socialism --- Village communities --- Totalitarianism & Authoritarianism. --- Political Theory of the State --- religion --- religion and state --- politics --- violence --- oppression --- ideology --- religion and politics --- totalitarian politics --- totalitarianism --- book reviews --- religious freedom --- political violence --- Slobodan Milosevic --- Giorgio Agamben --- political philosophy --- Jozef Stalin (1878-1953) --- Stalinism --- Russia --- Soviet Union --- Totalitarian sport --- sport policy --- war --- Europe --- war crimes --- war criminals --- Serbia --- Kosovo --- court cases --- Nazism --- homosexuality --- Holocaust --- Jews --- Jewish culture --- India --- Canada --- sport --- religious diversity --- National Socialism --- George Mosse (1918-1999) --- sport history --- political religion --- political religion theory --- Romania --- palingenesis --- neo‐fascism --- Christianity --- Christianism --- Christian identity --- totalitarianism theory --- British Union of Fascists (BUF) --- Iron Guard --- antisemitism --- political movements --- extreme right --- National Alliance --- Romanian fascism --- British Fascism --- communism --- Emilio Gentile --- Totalitarian movements --- extremism --- secularisation --- Marxism‐Leninism --- Fascist aesthetics --- art history --- despotism --- dictatorship --- Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) --- Germany --- North Korea --- Familism --- Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) --- military-first ideology --- World War I --- First World War --- Oswald Mosley (1896-1980) --- Charisma --- Charismatisation --- Interwar European Fascism --- Charismatic Domination --- Young Bosnia Movement --- terrorism --- nationalist terrorism --- Turkey --- Islamism --- Kemalism --- Albania --- Bektashism --- Islamic revivalism --- Interwar Europe --- Charismatic Leadership --- Historical Methodology --- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) --- Spain --- Falangism --- Spanish Facism --- Francisco Franco (1892-1975) --- Portugal --- Portugese Fascism --- France --- Philippe Pétain (1856-1951) --- Vichy regime --- Croatia --- Ante Pavelic --- Norway --- Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945) --- wartime collaboration --- Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (1899-1938) --- Italian Fascism --- leader cult --- Symbolism --- Basque nationalism --- radical nationalism --- extreme nationalism --- Hungary --- Eugenics --- Racial Scientism --- Personality cult --- Taiwan --- Denmark --- Jyllands-Posten (newspaper) --- Muhammad cartoons --- Nezavisna Država Hrvatska (NDH) --- Independent State of Croatia --- World War II --- Second World War --- Ustashism --- Balkan Fascism --- Ustasa government --- Catholic Church --- Croat Nationalism --- Italy --- Japan --- gender politics --- propaganda --- Jihadist Islamism --- Jihadism --- Radical Islamism --- National Socialist Pulp Fiction --- Millenarianism --- Nuremberg --- Islam --- New Totalitarianism --- Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966) --- Karl Marx (1818-1883) --- Peru --- Sendero Luminoso --- Shining Path --- Clerical Fascism --- Christianity and Fascism --- Catholicism and Fascism --- Religion and Fascism --- Fascism and Religion --- Greece --- Ioannis Metaxas (1871-1941) --- nationalism --- Serbian nationalism --- Romanian Legionary Movement --- Ukraine --- Ukrainian Fascism --- Christian Faith Fascism --- Sweden --- ultra-nationalism --- Swedish Fascism --- Belgium --- Catholicism and Fascism in Belgium --- Political Catholicism --- António de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) --- Austria --- Ireland --- clerico-fascism --- Mass Dictatorship --- China --- Cultural Revolution --- Anti‐Fascism --- Spanish Civil War --- Burma --- historiography --- Mao Zedong (1893-1976) --- Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949) --- Muslim Brotherhood --- Islam and politics --- American Far Right --- Michael Collins Piper (1960-2015) --- conspiracy theories --- American Extreme Right --- United States (US) --- Aryan Nations --- Saffron Revolution --- Che Guevara (1928-1967) --- gender --- Czechoslovakia --- Cambodia --- Mongolia --- history --- post-fascist --- post-communist --- Japanese war memory --- collective memory --- Shoah --- Postwar --- cultural modernism --- Argentina --- Catholic Right --- Neo‐classicism --- Neo‐Eurasianism --- Israel --- political theology --- democracy --- Jewish identity --- authoritarianism --- Juan Donoso Cortés (1809-1853) --- Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) --- Nazi art --- Aleksandr Dugin --- Mercaz HaRav --- Vigilantism --- David Lane (1938-2007) --- White Supremacy --- The Order --- Caliphate --- witch-hunts --- Political Conversion --- Horst Wessel (1907-1930) --- religious identity --- spirituality --- Religious Fundamentalism --- Muslim Women --- Political Islam --- Egypt --- Zionism --- Zionist Movement --- Hinduism --- Iran --- Pakistan --- Jordan --- Palestina --- South Asia --- Radical Religious Movements --- Kurdistan --- Hindutva --- women --- gender policy --- Jamaat‐e‐Islami --- islam and gender --- feminism --- Yezidi

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