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Datering --- Fossielen --- Fossils --- Paleontology
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Archaeological dating --- Archaeology--Dating --- Archeologie--Datering --- Archeologische datering --- Archéologie--Datation --- Datation archéologique --- Datation en archéologie --- Datering [Archeologische ] --- Datering in de archeologie --- Dating in archaeology --- Human beings --- Mammals --- Age determination --- Archaeological dating. --- Age determination. --- Man - Age determination. --- Mammals - Age determination. --- Human beings - Age determination --- Mammals - Age determination
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Datation de traces de fission --- Datering van splitsingsporen --- Fission track dating --- Splitsingsporen [Datering van ] --- Traces de fission [Datation de ] --- Fission track dating. --- Geology. --- Particles. --- Size of particles --- Clay --- Colloids --- Sand --- Soils --- Radioactive dating --- Geognosy --- Geoscience --- Earth sciences --- Natural history --- Monograph
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Conferences - Meetings --- dating [measuring] --- textile materials --- anno 1-99 --- Egypt --- Coptic textile fabrics --- Datering. --- Kopten. --- Textielkunst. --- Textile fabrics --- Dating --- Egypt. --- Egypte. --- Middle East. --- dating [measuring process]
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Calendrier juif. --- Calendrier liturgique. --- Datering. --- Datierung. --- Dernière cène. --- Eucharistie. --- Kirchenfest. --- Laatste Avondmaal. --- Lord's Supper. --- Passion of Jesus Christ. --- Jesus Christ --- Jesus Christ. --- Jésus-Christ --- Jesus Christus / Das letzte Abendmahl. --- Chronology. --- Passion.
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Pouvoir dater les maçonneries d'une cathédrale, d'une abbatiale, d'une église paroissiale, voire d'un château fort ou d'une maison d'époque médiévale restera toujours une des préoccupations majeures de l'archéologue du bâti. Il existe des méthodes bien connues comme l'analyse des comptes de construction (s'ils subsistent), les études comparatives architecturales et stylistiques (si elles sont suffisamment fiables), la dendrochronologie (si le bois est contemporain des maçonneries), mais rien ne vaut évidemment une chronologie relative ou absolue livrée par les pierres mêmes et par les techniques de taille en particulier. Cet ouvrage, qui couvre la Belgique, le nord et le centre de la France, ainsi que la Bourgogne, présente l'évolution des techniques de taille de différents types de pierres entre le Xe et le XVIe siècle. Cette analyse est basée sur 370 édifices dont chaque élément chronologiquement distinctif est listé dans neuf bases de données, dont sont tirés des tableaux de synthèse, instruments de travail spécialement conçus pour l'archéologue et indispensables pour lui apprendre à proposer des datations pour ses maçonneries en cours d'étude.
Constructions --- Archéologie --- Moyen âge --- Stone-cutting --- Stonemasonry --- Architecture, Medieval --- Archaeological dating --- Technique --- History --- Archaeology --- Dating in archaeology --- Middle Ages --- Masonry --- Building stones --- Machining --- Stereotomy --- Stone --- Banker marks --- Dating --- Methodology --- dating [measuring] --- dendrochronology --- dimension stone --- absolute dating --- buildings archaeology --- Archeology --- France --- Belgium --- Archeologie --- datering --- dendrochronologie --- maatsteen --- absolute datering --- bovengrondse archeologie --- Frankrijk --- België --- Moyen âge. --- dating [measuring process] --- 716.1 --- Bouwkunde--middeleeuwen --- Stone-cutting - Belgium - Technique - History - To 1500 --- Stone-cutting - France - Technique - History - To 1500 --- Stonemasonry - Belgium - History - To 1500 --- Stonemasonry - France - History - To 1500 --- Architecture, Medieval - Belgium --- Architecture, Medieval - France --- Moyen Âge --- Academic collection
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Quaternary Dating Methods
Issue --- Radioactieve datering. (Versch. onderwerpen) --- Geologische tijd. (Versch. onderwerpen) --- Géologie stratigraphique. Quaternaire. (Mélanges) --- Datation radioactive. (Mélanges) --- Temps géologique. (Mélanges) --- Geologie (Stratigrafische). Kwartair. (Versch. onderwerpen) --- Geological time. --- Geology, Stratigraphic --- Radioactive dating. --- Age determination, Radiometric --- Dating, Radioactive --- Dating, Radiometric --- Fission dating methods --- Radiometric age determination --- Radiometric dating --- Geochronometry --- Radioactivity --- Quaternary Period --- Age of rocks --- Geochronology --- Geochrony --- Rocks --- Time, Geological --- Chronology --- Historical geology --- Sequence stratigraphy --- Measurement --- Age
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Classical Latin language --- Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- Documentation and information --- anno 1500-1599 --- Switzerland --- Datation de manuscrit --- Dating of manuscripts --- Handschrift datering --- Manuscript dating --- Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- Manuscripts, Renaissance --- Paleography, Latin --- Union catalogs --- 091.14:003.344 --- 091 <494> --- 091 "..." --- 091.14:003.344 Codices--Latijns schrift --- Codices--Latijns schrift --- 091 <494> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland --- 091 "..." Handschriften--"tijd" --- Handschriften--"tijd" --- Manuscripts --- Bibliography --- Catalogs, Union --- Library catalogs --- Union lists --- Renaissance manuscripts --- Medieval manuscripts --- Medieval and modern Latin manuscripts --- 091 <494 AARAU> --- 091 <494 APPENZELL> --- 091 <494 BASEL> --- 091 <494 BASEL> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland--BASEL --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland--BASEL --- 091 <494 APPENZELL> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland--APPENZELL --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland--APPENZELL --- 091 <494 AARAU> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland--AARAU --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Zwitserland--AARAU --- Manuscript dating. --- Paleography, Latin. --- Catalogues collectifs --- Manuscrits latins médiévaux et modernes --- Facsimiles --- Fac-similés --- Manuscrits suisses --- Moyen age --- Catalogues --- Appenzell --- Basel --- Aarau --- Mss Suisse --- Mss datés --- Mss latins --- Catalogue de manuscrits
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Are the Synoptic Gospels at odds with Early Christian art and archaeology? Art and archaeology cannot provide the material basis 'to secure the irrefutable inner continuity' of the Christian beginnings (Erich Dinkler); can the Synoptic Gospels step in? Their narratives, however, are as absent from the first hundred and fourty years of early Christianity as are their visual imageries. 'Many of the dates confidently assigned by modern experts to the New Testament documents', especially the Gospels, rest 'on presuppositions rather than facts' (J.A.T. Robinson, 1976). The present volume is the first systematic study of all available early evidence that we have about the first witness to our Gospel narratives, Marcion of Sinope. It evaluates our commonly known arguments for dating the Synoptic Gospels, elaborates on Marcion's crucial role in the Gospel making and argues for a re-dating of the Gospels to the years between 138 and 144 AD.
Datation de manuscrit --- Dating of manuscripts --- Handschrift datering --- Manuscript dating --- Synoptic problem --- Marcion of Sinope --- Bible. N.T. Gospels --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Bible. New Testament --- Authorship --- Date of authorship --- Manuscripts --- Marcion, --- Markion, --- מרקיון --- Bible. --- Ba-yon Tipan --- Bagong Tipan --- Jaji ma Hungi --- Kainē Diathēkē --- New Testament --- Nouveau Testament --- Novo Testamento --- Novum Testamentum --- Novyĭ Zavet --- Novyĭ Zavi︠e︡t Gospoda nashego Īisusa Khrista --- Novyĭ Zavit --- Nuevo Testamento --- Nuovo Testamento --- Nye Testamente --- Perjanjian Baru --- Dhamma sacʻ kyamʻʺ --- Injīl --- Evangelie (Book of the New Testament) --- Fukuinsho (Books of the New Testament) --- Gospels (Books of the New Testament) --- Gospels, Synoptic (Books of the New Testament) --- Synoptic Gospels (Books of the New Testament) --- Date of authorship. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Marcion
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Animal remains (Archaeology) --- -Plant remains (Archaeology) --- -Prehistoric peoples --- -Cavemen (Prehistoric peoples) --- Early man --- Man, Prehistoric --- Prehistoric archaeology --- Prehistoric human beings --- Prehistoric humans --- Prehistory --- Human beings --- Antiquities, Prehistoric --- Archaeobotanical assemblages --- Archaeobotanical material --- Archaeobotanical remains --- Archaeobotany --- Archaeological plant remains --- Archaeology, Botanical --- Assemblages, Archaeobotanical --- Botanical archaeology --- Botany in archaeology --- Material, Archaeobotanical --- Phytoarchaeology --- Remains, Archaeobotanical --- Remains, Plant (Archaeology) --- Remains, Vegetal (Archaeology) --- Vegetal remains (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Paleobotany --- Anthracology --- Archaeozoology --- Zooarchaeology --- Zoology in archaeology --- Bones --- Animal paleopathology --- Methodology --- Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) --- -South Africa --- Antiquities --- Antiquities. --- Plant remains (Archaeology) --- Prehistoric peoples --- Food --- -Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) --- -Archaeobotanical assemblages --- Cavemen (Prehistoric peoples) --- South Africa --- Kaapland (South Africa) --- Cape Province (South Africa) --- Kapland (South Africa) --- Cap de Bonne-Espérance (South Africa) --- Kaap die Goeie Hoop (South Africa) --- Kapprovinz (South Africa) --- Kaapprovinsie (South Africa) --- Cape of Good Hope (Colony) --- Eastern Cape (South Africa) --- Northern Cape (South Africa) --- Western Cape (South Africa) --- Voeding. Prehistorie. Kaapprovincie. --- Kaapprovincie. Prehistorie. --- Prehistorische mens. Kaapprovincie. --- Homme préhistorique. Cap (Province du). --- Cap (Province du). Préhistoire. --- Alimentation. Préhistoire. Cap (Province du). --- Datation au carbone radioactif. --- Koolstof (Radio-actief)-datering. --- Primitive societies
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