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Violence --- Terrorisme --- Lutte armée --- djihadisme --- al-qaida --- daech --- radicalisation --- internet --- réseaux sociaux --- terrorisme religieux --- femmes --- médias
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radicalisme musulman --- djihad --- djihadisme --- Belgique --- psychologie sociale --- politique --- sciences politiques --- islam --- radicalisation --- famille --- violence --- mécanismes de transmission de violence --- radicalisation violente --- fondamentalisme --- conservatisme religieux --- Syrie --- transmission intergénérationnelle --- djihadistes femmes --- daech --- Daesh --- djihad par mariage --- femmes de Daech --- genre --- djihadisme en Belgique
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Cet ouvrage présente les cadres cognitifs (idéologies, doctrines, visions du monde, valeurs) développés par des acteurs islamistes djihadistes. Ceux qui opèrent en France au nom d'Al-Qaida ou de l'« État » islamique. Alors que beaucoup a été dit sur les trajectoires de ces militants islamistes, sur leurs fêlures ou leurs réseaux, on sait finalement peu de choses des discours qui les animent, des haines qui les habitent et de leur rapport à la France, à la démocratie, à la politique, au monde qui les entoure, mais aussi à la violence qu'ils défendent et justifient, ou à la religion qu'ils disent adorer. Sans aucune complaisance, mais en prenant au sérieux les propos et les références qui légitiment leurs actes les plus violents, ce livre donne à voir l'état d'esprit d'un islamiste.
islam --- science --- Dieu --- rite --- salafisme --- engagement politique --- terrorisme et djihad --- la France --- la démocratie --- discriminations --- chocs moraux --- géopolitique --- virilisme et sexualité --- laïcité et sécularisme --- art --- littérature --- cinéma --- Al-Qaida et Daech
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Cette étude propose des éclaircissements sur Daech, autoproclamé Etat islamique en juin 2014. Il fait le point sur l'origine et le projet politique de ces djihadistes qui sèment la terreur dans le monde entier et conquièrent de nouveaux territoires au Moyen-Orient, et sur les réactions de la communauté internationale. Ce phénomène est replacé dans le contexte géopolitique du monde arabo-musulman. ©Electre 2015
Islam and politics --- Islam and international relations --- Islam et politique --- Islam et relations internationales --- IS (Organization) --- Middle East --- Moyen-Orient --- History --- Politics and government --- Histoire --- Politique et gouvernement --- World politics --- Terrorism --- Islamic fundamentalism --- Religious aspects --- Islam --- Arab countries --- History, Military --- World politics - 21st century --- Terrorism - Religious aspects - Islam --- Islamic fundamentalism - Arab countries --- Arab countries - History, Military - 21st century --- Arab countries - Politics and government - 21st century --- Daech --- l'Etat islamique --- organisation terroriste --- guerre entre groupes terroristes --- califat --- Al-Qaïda --- idéologie --- le salafisme --- la terreur --- la terreur en Irak --- la terreur en Syrie --- exécutions d'otages --- communication --- la théorie du complot --- victimes de Daech --- djihadistes --- opérations militaires --- enfants embrigadés --- mercenaires étrangers --- Europe --- l'Union européenne --- terroristes contre l'Occident --- des djihadistes français --- profilages des djihadistes français --- convertis --- le conditionnement du web djihadiste --- France --- loups solitaires --- la longue bataille d'Ain Al-Arab-Kobané --- minorités persécutées --- les chrétiens d'Irak --- chrétiens de Syrie --- les chrétiens d'Orient --- le Pape --- les yézidis --- la libération du mont Sinjar --- épuration ethnique des Kurdes syriens --- les Turkmènes chiites irakiens --- Israël --- les juifs --- état-nation --- ressources financières --- exploitations pétrolières --- ventes en contrebande --- pétrole djihadiste --- patrimoine culturel et archéologique --- soldes militaires --- coalition internationale militaire contre Daech --- mobilisation de la communauté internationale --- les Etats-Unis --- légalité internationale --- l'ONU --- la Turquie --- l'Iran --- l'Arabie saoudite --- la Russie --- la Chine --- guerre sur internet --- monde arabo-musulman --- le Liban --- Libye --- la Jordanie --- le Yémen --- les pays arabo-musulmans --- le Qatar --- les pays du Golfe --- le Maghreb --- l'Egypte --- Al Assad --- PKK --- islamisme --- le tabligh --- la démocratie --- l'islam minoritaire --- la Nahda --- islam démocrate --- les Droits de l'homme --- le relativisme culturel et religieux --- diffamation des religions à l'ONU --- la répression du terrorisme --- protéger les populations civiles --- la souveraineté des Etats --- les Nations unies --- choc de civilisations --- guerre mondiale religieuse --- tensions religieuses locales --- Jérusalem --- le Sinaï --- blasphème --- droit international --- les religions abrahamiques --- la religion musulmane --- la religion chrétienne --- la religion juive
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La montée du radicalisme, religieux et politique, a nettement marqué l'Europe ces derniers mois. Engagement djihadiste, vote d'extrême-droite... La séduction croissante qu'exercent "les extrêmes" sur une fraction de la jeunesse en colère, en proie à l'inquiétude ou désabusée, interroge. Cette jeunesse serait-elle sacrifiée ? Et le serait-elle, seule ? C'est la société tout entière qui est remise en cause dans ses fondements. Michel Fize, sociologue reconnu et spécialiste de la jeunesse, dresse un portrait scientifique extrêmement rigoureux des jeunes tentés par le radicalisme. Il fait ressortir leurs convergences, leurs divergences et les raisons de leur malaise. Ainsi, en creux, fait-il apparaître les urgences d'aujourd'hui et les besoins de l'Europe de demain.
Youth --- Radicalism --- Right-wing extremists --- radicalités --- Front National --- Marine Le Pen --- la jeunesse --- le FN --- la séduction --- Etienne de Francqueville --- Marie-Amélie Dutheil de la Rochère --- l'islamisme radical --- djihadisme --- islam --- fondamentalisme --- intégrisme --- l'Occident --- domination musulmane du monde --- Daech --- califat --- les jeunes djihadistes français --- les frères Kouachi --- les lieux et les outils de la radicalisation --- Amedy Coulibaly --- la colère radicale --- l'Etat --- intégration et communautarisme --- la morale --- l'esprit critique --- discriminations --- réseaux internet --- l'univers carcéral --- culture musicale --- rap --- le prosélytisme islamiste --- incarcération des djihadistes de retour de Syrie --- la dé-radicalisation islamiste --- la stigmatisation politique du FN --- la mixité sociale --- terrorisme djihadiste --- radicalisation
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"Foundations of the Islamic State: Management, Money, and Terror in Iraq, 2005 to 2010 draws from more than 140 recently declassified documents to present a comprehensive examination of the organization, territorial designs, management, personnel policies, and finances of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) and al Qaida in Iraq (AQI), both predecessors of the Islamic State. These records paint a clear picture of ISI practices and standard operating procedures. Leadership consciously designed the organization not just to fight but also to build an Islamic state governed by the laws dictated by its strict Islamist ideology. ISI was a vertically integrated organization with a central management structure and functional bureaus. It sought to replicate these structures at multiple lower geographic levels across territory. Each geographic unit had substantial autonomy to pursue the group's strategic objectives but was required to send frequent reports to the group's leadership; the central organization used these reports to inform decisions and provide strategic guidance. ISI paid its personnel a wage that would draw true believers rather than opportunists; trained and allocated its membership with an eye toward group effectiveness; raised revenues locally through diversified sources; and was able to maintain itself, albeit at much reduced strength, in the face of a withering counterterrorism and counterinsurgency strategy put in place by its opponents, starting in late 2006. An analysis of the Islamic State predecessor groups is more than a historical recounting. The lessons from examining the group's history are useful for setting expectations about the strengths and vulnerabilities of the Islamic State and its ability to combat its opponents, designing a coordinated and effective campaign against it, and understanding why it might be able to survive such an effort and sustain itself in the future, albeit perhaps at a lower level of threat. Defeating the Islamic State will require persistence. The record of counter-ISI operations from 2006 through 2010 shows that military action and political accommodation can work together to degrade the group substantially, if not defeat it" --Publisher's website.
IS (Organization) --- History. --- ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) --- ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) --- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria --- Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham --- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant --- Dawlah al-Islāmīyah --- Daech --- Dāʻish --- Daesh --- Daeş --- IŞİD --- دولة الإسلامية --- داعش --- IGIL --- ИГИЛ --- Islamskoe gosudarstvo Iraka i Levanta --- Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта --- Dâʼisy al-ʻIrāq wa-asy-Syâm --- Daisy --- Daulah Islamiyah Iraq dan Syam --- Estado Islâmico --- ES --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e da Síria --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e Síria --- Daʻiş --- Islamic State --- Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fi al-'Irāq wa-al-Shām --- دولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام --- דאעש --- État islamique
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The Islamic State is a transnational Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group that has expanded its control over areas of northwestern Iraq and northeastern Syria since 2013, threatening the security of both countries and drawing increased attention from the international community. There is debate over the degree to which the Islamic State organization might represent a direct terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland or to U.S. facilities and personnel in the region. This book addresses select legal questions raised by the use of military force against IS. Questions addressed in this book in
Terrorism --- Prevention --- Government policy --- IS (Organization) --- ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) --- ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) --- Daech --- Daeş --- Daesh --- Daʻiş --- Dāʻish --- Daisy --- Dâʼisy al-ʻIrāq wa-asy-Syâm --- Daulah Islamiyah Iraq dan Syam --- Dawlah al-Islāmīyah --- Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fi al-'Irāq wa-al-Shām --- ES --- Estado Islâmico --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e da Síria --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e Síria --- IGIL --- IŞİD --- Islamic State --- Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham --- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria --- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant --- Islamskoe gosudarstvo Iraka i Levanta --- ИГИЛ --- Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта --- داعش --- دولة الإسلامية --- دولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام --- דאעש --- État islamique
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On September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden declared "global jihad" on the West. In response to the day's attacks, the United States has waged its own global war on terrorism, which the Pentagon has described as a generational conflict similar to the Cold War. In The Islamic Challenge and the United States, Ehsan Ahrari takes a close look at this ideological conflict, focusing on the Middle East, Africa, and South and Central Asia. Arguing that the war on terrorism is founded on secular fundamentalism (an ideology that envisions Islam as dangerous and volatile because it mixes religion and politics) and the Enlightenment narrative, Ahrari suggests that the United States sees global jihadists as absolutist, irrational, obscurantist, and anti-modern. While violence on behalf of the Muslim community – ummah – is thus framed as reprehensible, violence on behalf of the Western nation-state is seen as sometimes necessary and often praiseworthy. Unsettlingly, this framework does not encourage careful scrutiny of America's historical dealings with the Muslim world. The belief that religion causes violence, Ahrari argues, may blind the West to its own forms of fanaticism. A timely analysis of one of the most contested issues of our times, The Islamic Challenge and the United States is a must-read for global security practitioners, policymakers, and general readers.
Islamic fundamentalism. --- Islam --- Fundamentalism, Islamic --- Islamism --- Religious fundamentalism --- IS (Organization) --- ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) --- ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) --- Daech --- Daeş --- Daesh --- Daʻiş --- Dāʻish --- Daisy --- Dâʼisy al-ʻIrāq wa-asy-Syâm --- Daulah Islamiyah Iraq dan Syam --- Dawlah al-Islāmīyah --- Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fi al-'Irāq wa-al-Shām --- ES --- Estado Islâmico --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e da Síria --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e Síria --- IGIL --- IŞİD --- Islamic State --- Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham --- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria --- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant --- Islamskoe gosudarstvo Iraka i Levanta --- ИГИЛ --- Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта --- داعش --- دولة الإسلامية --- دولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام --- Islamic fundamentalism --- 21st century --- Terrorism --- Religious aspects --- War --- Security [International ] --- United States --- Foreign relations --- Middle East --- דאעש --- État islamique
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Religious faith has been gaining in reach and influence throughout global politics over the last three decades, most prominently in the Middle East, and theologies of this nature are based on the understanding that faith in God is to be based, primarily and predominantly, on the realness of God's presence. The West, accustomed to its own discussion on religion and politics emphasising democracy and individual freedoms, has been at a loss to explain and engage these rising religious polities. Through an innovative approach to the role of faith in politics, Faith and Politics in Iran, Israel, and the Islamic State considers political theologies of the real formulated during the twentieth century and proposes that, while religion in the West has been committed to absolutist vision, these theologies have drawn their strength from a commitment to their concrete, divinely infused reality.
Religion and politics --- Political science --- Politics, Practical --- Politics and religion --- Religion --- Religions --- Religious aspects --- Political aspects --- IS (Organization) --- ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) --- ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) --- Daech --- Daeş --- Daesh --- Daʻiş --- Dāʻish --- Daisy --- Dâʼisy al-ʻIrāq wa-asy-Syâm --- Daulah Islamiyah Iraq dan Syam --- Dawlah al-Islāmīyah --- Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fi al-'Irāq wa-al-Shām --- ES --- Estado Islâmico --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e da Síria --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e Síria --- IGIL --- IŞİD --- Islamic State --- Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham --- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria --- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant --- Islamskoe gosudarstvo Iraka i Levanta --- ИГИЛ --- Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта --- داعش --- دولة الإسلامية --- دولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام --- דאעש --- État islamique
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Assuming a central place in Muslim life, the Qur'an speaks of one community of the faith, the umma. This unity of the faithful is recognised as the default aspiration of the believer, and in the modern era, intellectuals and political leaders have often vied both to define, and to lead it. Based on case studies of actors such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and ISIS, James Piscatori and Amin Saikal consider how some appeals to pan-Islam prove useful, yet other attempts at cross-border institutionalisation including the Sunni Caliphate or the modern Shi'i-inspired Islamic Revolution, founder on political self-interest and sectarian affiliations. Accompanied by a range of scriptural references to examine different interpretations of the umma, Piscatori and Saikal explore why, despite it meaning such widely different things, and its failure to be realised as a concrete project, neither the umma's popular symbolic appeal nor its influence on a politics of identity has diminished.
Ummah (Islam) --- Islam and politics. --- Islam --- Politics and Islam --- Political science --- Umma (Islam) --- Islam and state --- Political aspects --- IS (Organization) --- ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) --- ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) --- Daech --- Daeş --- Daesh --- Daʻiş --- Dāʻish --- Daisy --- Dâʼisy al-ʻIrāq wa-asy-Syâm --- Daulah Islamiyah Iraq dan Syam --- Dawlah al-Islāmīyah --- Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fi al-'Irāq wa-al-Shām --- ES --- Estado Islâmico --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e da Síria --- Estado Islâmico do Iraque e Síria --- IGIL --- IŞİD --- Islamic State --- Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham --- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria --- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant --- Islamskoe gosudarstvo Iraka i Levanta --- ИГИЛ --- Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта --- داعش --- دولة الإسلامية --- دولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام --- דאעש --- État islamique
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