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British? Young? Invisible? Attitude?
Year: 1992

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Critical Decor

Archéologie du poêle en céramique du haut Moyen Âge à l’époque moderne : technologie, décors, aspects culturels

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Cette table ronde, tenue à Montbéliard (Doubs) les 23 et 24 mars 1995, clôt les travaux du Projet collectif de recherche sur la céramique médiévale et moderne en Franche-Comté, coordonné par Jean-Olivier Guilhot, durant les années 1992-1994. En complément de l’exposition avec catalogue intitulée « Ex Pots, céramiques médiévales et modernes en Franche-Comté », la table ronde aborde pour la première fois, dans une réunion scientifique internationale, le thème du chauffage au poêle en réunissant les meilleurs spécialistes archéologues, historiens et historiens de l’art allemands, français, suisses, polonais et tchèques. Elle a été conçue à la fois comme un bilan des connaissances et une réflexion sur les investigations encore à mener. La céramique de poêle est, en effet, à l’archéologie médiévale des régions impliquées ce que le silex est aux fouilles préhistoriques : un objet complexe qui sert de traceur chronologique, technique, socio-économique et artistique. C’est ainsi qu’ont été principalement abordées les questions des origines, des techniques de montage, du fonctionnement, de l’extrême diversité des décors et de leurs sources d’inspiration de l’époque médiévale aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles. Ce volume, abondamment illustré, complété par la transcription des débats suscités par chacun des thèmes et par une proposition de programme de recherche international, fera date dans son domaine, en dépassant pour la première fois le catalogue des sources pour aborder les questions majeures qui animent les chercheurs à l’heure actuelle.

Woningstofferen en wat er zoal bij te pas komt
Year: 1949 Publisher: Haarlem Antwerpen Batavia De Technische Uitgeverij H. Stam

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›Instrumenta domestica‹ aus Pompeji und ihr Design : Eine Untersuchung zur decorativen Gestaltung der Kleinfunde aus Insula I 10
ISBN: 3110788071 3110785382 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Dieses Buch zu römischen Haushaltsobjekten (instrumenta domestica) widmet sich der Komplexität und Gestaltung der vermeintlich kleinen Dinge des Alltags. Es rückt die Frage in den Fokus, wie verschiedene Gefäße, Geräte, Instrumente und Werkzeuge im Wohnkontext der pompeianischen Insula del Menandro bestimmte funktionale, semantische und ästhetische Bedürfnisse befriedigten. Die Erscheinung der Gegenstände ist das Resultat zahlreicher gestalterischer Entscheidungen, die als antikes Objektdesign verstanden werden: Wie förderten oder behinderten Objektformen eine reibungslose Verwendung? Welche Rolle spielte das Material? Wo an einem Gegenstand wurden Ornamente und Bilder angebracht und mit welcher Intention? Welche Ornamente und Bilder wurden gewählt und welche Bedeutungen konnten sie am Objekt entfalten? Das antike Objektdesign steht hier im Mittelpunkt und damit die materielle Befriedigung praktischer, ästhetischer und kommunikativer Bedürfnisse einer antiken Gesellschaft. In this book everyday household objects (instrumenta domestica) from the Pompeian Insula del Menandro were used to examine decorative principles, their correlation and interaction. Against a design-theoretical and perception-psychological background, various questions are discussed: How does form support/prevent an easy use? What role plays the material? Where are ornaments and images detectable? Which ornaments and images has been chosen and what is their semantics? Consequently, the focus lies on ancient object design as an expression and part of visual culture. These objects of Roman everyday life reflect cultural knowledge, social norms, values and lifestyles.

Neighbourhoods and City Quarters in Antiquity : Design and Experience
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3111248097 3111238024 9783111248097 Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Studies on ancient urbanity either concerns individual buildings or the city as a whole. This volume, instead, addresses a meso-scale of urbanity: the socio-spatial organisation of ancient cities. Its temporal focus is on Late Republican and Imperial Italy, and more specifically the cities of Pompeii and Ostia. Referring to a praxeological and phenomenological perspective, it looks at neighbourhoods and city quarters as basic categories of design and experience. With the terms ‘neighbourhood and ‘city quarter’ the volume proposes two different methodological approaches: Neighbourhood here refers to the face-to-face relation between people living next to each other – thus the small-scale environment centred around a house and an individual. Neighbourhoods thus do not constitute a (collectively defined) urban territory with clear borders, but are rather constituted by individual experiences. In contrast, city quarters are understood as areas that share certain characteristics.

Le Décor de théâtre dans le monde depuis 1935. Textes et illustrations rassemblés par les centres nationaux de l'Institut international du théâtre
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1956 Publisher: Bruxelles Elsevier

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Architectuur als decor : filosoferen over de gebouwde omgeving
ISBN: 9068680684 Publisher: Amsterdam : Thoth,

Materiality in Roman Art and Architecture : Aesthetics, Semantics and Function

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The focus of this volume is on the aesthetics, semantics and function of materials in Roman antiquity between the 2nd century B.C. and the 2nd century A.D. It includes contributions on both architectural spaces (and their material design) and objects - types of 'artefacts' that differ greatly in the way they were used, perceived and loaded with cultural significance. With respect to architecture, the analysis of material aesthetics leads to a new understanding of the performance, imitation and transformation of surfaces, including the social meaning of such strategies. In the case of objects, surface treatments are equally important. However, object form (a specific design category), which can enter into tension with materiality, comes into particular focus. Only when materials are shaped do their various qualities emerge, and these qualities are, to a greater or lesser extent, transferred to objects. With a focus primarily on Roman Italy, the papers in this volume underscore the importance of material design and highlight the awareness of this matter in the ancient world.

Minky Manky. : Mat Collishaw - gilbert and George - Sarah Lucas - Steven Pippin - Critical Decor - Gary Hume - Tracey Emin - Damien Hirst
Year: 1995 Publisher: London : South London Gallery,

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Designing Behaviours For Well-Being Spaces : How disruptive approaches can improve living conditions
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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Spaces and their views are changing. The perception of physical and mental well-being is also shifting, especially because of the pandemic. We are experiencing a transitional time where new needs and requirements emerge, affecting human behaviour and the space definition at macro and micro level. New dynamics and perceptions are recognized, leading architects and designers to focus on studying and applying innovative methods. The book explores the radical transformation of living and working spaces, in which the hybridization of interior and exterior requires a new vision able to interpreter renewed people’s behaviours and needs, a challenging issue for the design discipline that has a multidisciplinary nature as well as a multiscale approach for both research and practice. Many examples today demonstrate the importance of the therapeutic contribution of architecture and design, to redevelop places of hospitality and care, and create environments in which there is a deep harmony of space, light, and beauty. The interest in research concerning the quality of life has also increased a lot of studies on the complex question of the environmental perception and the importance of natural stimuli for health in interiors, in which the physiological effects of light and colour are fundamental to balance the of human beings’ equilibrium. In the book we present testimonies of international researchers and designers who propose disruptive scenarios and methodologies to improve wellbeing and mental health conditions overall life quality at urban and personal living level through several examples: the city and the relations with the environment, commercial and hospitality areas, personal spaces, as well as outer space, in microgravity and confined environment, where the astronauts’ experience living in confined environments can be compared to the domestic space and office interiors. Our ambition is to re-launch an aesthetic, sustainable, design-based approach to improve dwelling conditions, trying to implement care into different well-being dimensions – mental, physical, social, and global – looking at the new people’s behaviours, or even, generating new behaviours, through design.

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