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Pedagogy of Space and The Global South : A Machine-Generated Literature Overview
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789819787685 9819787688 Year: 2024 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This book presents a machine-generated review on various works related to pedagogy and space, especially relevant to the context of the Global South, from selected papers published by Springer Nature, then organized with an editor-written introduction to each chapter. It maps conceptual engagements on space across disciplines, synthesizing emerging pedagogies, cultural movements, and spatial politics. By foregrounding spatial questions in pedagogy, it approaches pedagogy as a social and cultural practice, beyond the confines of institutionalized spaces, attempting to blur the boundaries between scholarship and activism. It is a reference point for understanding curriculum designs and developments, sustainable, multicultural, inclusive, and eco-conscious educational practices, and community engagement models in education. It initiates deliberations on various ways in which academicians, practitioners, geographers, cartographers, students, community actors, and activists as a collective can rethink pedagogical practices in distinct ways to make contemporary education inclusive and relevant for the context and time. The auto-summaries have been generated by a recursive clustering algorithm via the Dimensions Auto-summarizer by Digital Science. The editors of this book selected which SN content should be auto-summarized and decided its order of appearance. Please be aware that these are extractive auto-summaries, which consist of original sentences, but are not representative of its original paper, since we do not show the full length of the publication. Please note that only published SN content is represented here, and that machine-generated books are still at an experimental stage. Dishari Chattaraj is Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India, where she leads the Education and Critical Food Studies lab. She completed her PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, and has been hosted as a Fulbright Fellow at Indiana University Bloomington, USA. Arya Parakkate Vijayaraghavan is Assistant Professor at T. A. Pai Management Institute in Bengaluru, part of Manipal Institute of Higher Education, India. She earned her PhD from The English and Foreign Languages University, India. Her research and publications span Critical Food Studies, Education, Gender and Intersectionality Studies, and Cultural Studies.

An Education in 'Evil' : Implications for Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Beyond
ISBN: 9783030166052 3030166058 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book asserts that engaging with divergent understandings about the nature of evil and how it functions can help those interested in education think through issues in curriculum, pedagogy, and beyond. The author provokes thinking about and through the concept of evil in the spirit of thoughtful education (as opposed to thoughtless schooling) toward how we might live together in less harmful ways. Although thinking about evil can be uncomfortable and troubling, such inquiries help us explore what sort of relations we want to have with others. Analyzing our role in evil as humans, as well as our responsibilities to counter the processes of evil present in our everyday lives, opens up a potential to foster radical thought in and out of the classroom.

The Reformation in Economics : A Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Economic Theory
ISBN: 9783319407562 9783319407579 3319407570 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book carves the beginnings of a new path in the arguably weary discipline of economics. It combines a variety of perspectives - from the history of ideas to epistemology - in order to try to understand what has gone so wrong with economics and articulate a coherent way forward. This is undertaken through a dual path of deconstruction and reconstruction. Mainstream economics is broken down into many of its key component parts and the history of each of these parts is scrutinized closely. When the flaws are thoroughly understood the author then begins the task of reconstruction. What emerges is not a 'Grand Unified Theory of Everything', but rather a provisional map outlining a new terrain for economists to explore. The Reformation in Economics is written in a lively and engaging style that aims less at the formalization of dogma and more at the exploration of ideas. This truly groundbreaking work invites readers to rethink their current understanding of economics as a discipline and is particularly relevant for those interested in economic pluralism and alternative economics.

Designing Technology-Mediated Case Learning in Higher Education : A Global Perspective
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789811951350 9789811951336 9789811951343 9789811951527 9811951357 Year: 2022 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This book collects case studies in design and application of technology-mediated case-based learning models in higher education. It provides a much-needed, updated synthesis of recent research and application of technology-mediated case-based learning across disciplines within higher education. The book does not only provide a broad perspective and deep understanding on the designs and instructional applications of technology-mediated case-based learning models, but also inspire more interest in adopting or inventing new situated case-based learning models in the context of higher education.

Der physiotherapeutische Direktzugang in Deutschland : Internationaler Vergleich ausbildungsinhaltlicher und struktureller Bedingungen
ISBN: 3658167688 Year: 2017 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer,

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Sina Juliette Weeber befasst sich mit dem Direktzugang zur Physiotherapie und dessen ausbildungsinhaltlichen und strukturell-organisatorischen Bedingungen. In Bezug auf die Zulassung eines Direktzuganges in Deutschland untersucht die Autorin in einem internationalen Vergleich die strukturellen und gesetzlichen Gegebenheiten der Länder, die diesen Weg zur Physiotherapie in ihrem Gesundheitssystem etabliert haben. Dafür untersucht sie die Curricula der internationalen und nationalen Hochschulen sowie die Inhalte des deutschen Ausbildungsgesetzes. Es werden ebenfalls hemmende und fördernde Faktoren für die Einführung eines Direktzuganges genannt sowie die Möglichkeiten einer Einführung in Deutschland bewertet. Der Inhalt  Theoretischer Hintergrund des Direktzugangs Physiotherapie und Kursinhalte der Bachelorstudiengänge in Deutschland  Vergleich der internationalen Studiengänge in Australien, Neuseeland, Schweden und Finnland mit dem deutschen Ausbildungssystem Die Zielgruppen  Dozierende, Studierende und Auszubildende der Fachbereiche Logopädie, Ergotherapie und Physiotherapie Logopädinnen und Logopäden, Physiotherapeutinnen und -therapeuten, Ergotherapeutinnen und -therapeuten, Ärztinnen und Ärzte Die Autorin Sina Juliette Weeber arbeitet nach Beendigung des Masterstudienganges im Fachbereich der Physiotherapie an der EufH med (Rostock) aktuell im Klinikum Itzehoe und ist dort unter anderem für die praktische Ausbildung von Physiotherapieschülern und -studenten zuständig.

Pädagogische Hochschulentwicklung : Von der Programmatik zur Implementierung
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3658120673 Year: 2016 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer VS,

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Der Sammelband befasst sich mit einem umfassenden Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Qualität von Lehre und Studium. Mit dem Konzept der pädagogischen Hochschulentwicklung plädieren die AutorInnen dafür, bei der Umsetzung von Veränderungsprojekten die verschiedenen Ebenen der Hochschule zu verschränken. Zum Beispiel sollten Initiativen, die eine Lehrveranstaltung betreffen, idealerweise die (Aus )Wirkungen auf den Ebenen der Studienprogramme und der Organisation berücksichtigen und aktiv gestalten. Die einzelnen Beiträge stellen beispielhafte Initiativen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen und Hochschulformen dar und illustrieren, wie die genannten Ebenen in der praktischen Umsetzung verzahnt werden können. Der Inhalt Modell der pädagogischen Hochschulentwicklung Hochschulentwicklung auf den Ebenen der Lernumgebung, Studienprogramme und Organisation Change Management und Leadership Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen mit Interesse an der Weiterentwicklung von Lehre und Studium HochschuldidaktikerInnen, HochschulentwicklerInnen, in Hochschulleitungen Tätige Die HerausgeberInnen Prof. Dr. Taiga Brahm ist Assistenzprofessorin für Hochschulentwicklung an der Universität St. Gallen. Dr. Tobias Jenert ist Projektleiter am Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik (IWP) der Universität St. Gallen. Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler ist Direktor des Instituts für Wirtschaftspädagogik (IWP) der Universität St. Gallen und Professor für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Bildungsmanagement.

International Perspectives on Engineering Education : Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This inclusive cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering education and context. In so doing the book offers a reflection on contextual boundaries with an overall boundary crossing ambition and juxtaposes important cases of critical participation within engineering education with sophisticated scholarly reflection on both opportunities and discontents. Whether, and in what way engineering education is or ought to be contextualized or de-contextualized is an object of heated debate among engineering educators. The uniqueness of this study is that this debate is given comprehensive coverage – presenting both instrumentally inclined as well as radical positions on transforming engineering education. In contextualizing engineering education, this book offers diverse commentary from a range of disciplinary, meta- and interdisciplinary perspectives on how cultural, professional, institutional, and educational systems contexts shape histories, structural dynamics, ideologies and challenges as well as new pathways in engineering education. Topics addressed include examining engineering education in countries ranging from India to America, to racial and gender equity in engineering education and incorporating social awareness into the area. Using context as “bridge” this book confronts engineering education head on. Contending engineering ideologies and corresponding views on context are juxtaposed with contending discourses of reform. The uniqueness of the book is that it brings together scholars from the humanities, the social sciences and engineering from Europe – both East and West – with the United States, China, Brazil, India and Australia.

International Perspectives on Engineering Education : Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This inclusive cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering education and context. In so doing the book offers a reflection on contextual boundaries with an overall boundary crossing ambition and juxtaposes important cases of critical participation within engineering education with sophisticated scholarly reflection on both opportunities and discontents. Whether, and in what way engineering education is or ought to be contextualized or de-contextualized is an object of heated debate among engineering educators. The uniqueness of this study is that this debate is given comprehensive coverage – presenting both instrumentally inclined as well as radical positions on transforming engineering education. In contextualizing engineering education, this book offers diverse commentary from a range of disciplinary, meta- and interdisciplinary perspectives on how cultural, professional, institutional, and educational systems contexts shape histories, structural dynamics, ideologies and challenges as well as new pathways in engineering education. Topics addressed include examining engineering education in countries ranging from India to America, to racial and gender equity in engineering education and incorporating social awareness into the area. Using context as “bridge” this book confronts engineering education head on. Contending engineering ideologies and corresponding views on context are juxtaposed with contending discourses of reform. The uniqueness of the book is that it brings together scholars from the humanities, the social sciences and engineering from Europe – both East and West – with the United States, China, Brazil, India and Australia.

International Perspectives on Engineering Education : Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This inclusive cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering education and context. In so doing the book offers a reflection on contextual boundaries with an overall boundary crossing ambition and juxtaposes important cases of critical participation within engineering education with sophisticated scholarly reflection on both opportunities and discontents. Whether, and in what way engineering education is or ought to be contextualized or de-contextualized is an object of heated debate among engineering educators. The uniqueness of this study is that this debate is given comprehensive coverage – presenting both instrumentally inclined as well as radical positions on transforming engineering education. In contextualizing engineering education, this book offers diverse commentary from a range of disciplinary, meta- and interdisciplinary perspectives on how cultural, professional, institutional, and educational systems contexts shape histories, structural dynamics, ideologies and challenges as well as new pathways in engineering education. Topics addressed include examining engineering education in countries ranging from India to America, to racial and gender equity in engineering education and incorporating social awareness into the area. Using context as “bridge” this book confronts engineering education head on. Contending engineering ideologies and corresponding views on context are juxtaposed with contending discourses of reform. The uniqueness of the book is that it brings together scholars from the humanities, the social sciences and engineering from Europe – both East and West – with the United States, China, Brazil, India and Australia.

Critical Reflections on Teacher Education in South Africa
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783031580901 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This edited volume focuses on Curriculum scholars' critical reflections on teacher education (TE) within South Africa to offer insights into critical considerations for the socio-economic, transformational, social and environmental justice and decolonization challenges that the country faces. Much of the literature on teacher education takes on a policy and practice focus to the exclusion of deep and fundamental curriculum questions on what is teacher education for, for whom, where and who decides. Within South Africa, the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualification (MRTEQ) forms the official policy that informs teacher education curriculum and certification to become a teacher. This volume raises critical and complicated questions for teacher educators and curriculum scholars to inspire a deeper understanding of teacher education beyond a set of parochial policy prescribed modules/courses that one needs to take to become a professional teacher. Labby Ramrathan is Professor in the School of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He is an NRF rated researcher and the editor of the Journal of Education, co-editor of the Springer series on Key Thinkers in Education and general editor of the Alternation African Scholarship Book series. His areas of scholarship include curriculum studies, teacher development and higher education. Suriamurthee Maistry is Professor in the School of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He is a Curriculum Scholar and currently leads a project titled “Higher Education Curriculum and Pedagogic Responsiveness in the context of Innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI).” Sylvan Blignaut is Professor in the Department of Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Education at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. His research interests centre on curriculum policy and theory, educational change, teacher epistemologies and decolonisation of higher education. .

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