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Rogues and vagabonds --- Curfew --- England --- Proclamations --- Curfews
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Curfew --- Weapons --- Armor --- Alcoholism --- Police regulations
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Broadsides --- Curfew --- Arms and armor --- Alcoholism --- Police regulations --- Weapons --- Curfews
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La prison ne répondant plus aux normes fixées par le législateur, notamment en ce qui concerne la surpopulation, celui-ci s’est tourné vers d’autres alternatives dont la peine de surveillance électronique autonome. Celle-ci a fait l’objet d’une loi le 7 février 2014 qui n’est entrée en vigueur qu’en mai 2016. Nous sommes donc face à un système très récent dont on ne connait encore que très peu les effets. Le but de notre travail consiste à analyser si les quatre objectifs principaux de la loi du 7 février 2014, à savoir la diminution de la récidive, de la surpopulation carcérale et des coûts budgétaire ainsi que l’amélioration de la réinsertion, seront atteints. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons comparé ces objectifs avec ceux du système anglais. Notre choix pour le droit anglais s’explique par le fait qu’il fut le premier Etat de l’Union Européenne à avoir mis en place le placement sous surveillance électronique et que son système de curfew order with electronic monitoring se rapproche, tant au niveau de son principe que de ses objectifs, à la surveillance électronique autonome belge. La confrontation de ces éléments a permis d’aboutir aux conclusions suivantes : L’objectif de réinsertion pourrait être atteint si la Belgique engage le budget nécessaire en termes de personnel suffisant dans le cadre des guidances et enquêtes sociales. Un horaire plus flexible serait aussi à prévoir lors de l’exécution de la peine. L’objectif de diminution de la récidive pourrait également être atteint si l’Etat belge y met les moyens en termes de personnel et de technologie. L’objectif de diminution des coûts serait partiellement atteint ; la peine de surveillance électronique autonome aurait un coût moindre que la peine de prison mais il faudrait consacrer un budget conséquent pour répondre à la mise en œuvre de cette mesure. L’objectif de diminution de la surpopulation carcérale, quant à lui, ne peut être correctement évalué car nous ne disposons pas de statistiques suffisamment poussées et récentes pour donner une réponse claire. Avec deux objectifs sur quatre totalement atteint et un objectif partiellement atteint, nous en concluons que la peine de surveillance électronique autonome ne sera pas la panacée mais pourrait être une alternative relativement bonne.
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A Dominican-born academic tells the story of how the Great Books transformed his life—and why they have the power to speak to people of all backgrounds. What is the value of a liberal education? Traditionally characterized by a rigorous engagement with the classics of Western thought and literature, this approach to education is all but extinct in American universities, replaced by flexible distribution requirements and ever-narrower academic specialization. Many academics attack the very idea of a Western canon as chauvinistic, while the general public increasingly doubts the value of the humanities. In Rescuing Socrates, Dominican-born American academic Roosevelt Montás tells the story of how a liberal education transformed his life, and offers an intimate account of the relevance of the Great Books today, especially to members of historically marginalized communities.Montás emigrated from the Dominican Republic to Queens, New York, when he was twelve and encountered the Western classics as an undergraduate in Columbia University’s renowned Core Curriculum, one of America’s last remaining Great Books programs. The experience changed his life and determined his career—he went on to earn a PhD in English and comparative literature, serve as director of Columbia’s Center for the Core Curriculum, and start a Great Books program for low-income high school students who aspire to be the first in their families to attend college.Weaving together memoir and literary reflection, Rescuing Socrates describes how four authors—Plato, Augustine, Freud, and Gandhi—had a profound impact on Montás’s life. In doing so, the book drives home what it’s like to experience a liberal education—and why it can still remake lives.
Yachting. --- Sailing. --- Pilot guides. --- Nautical charts. --- Pilot guides --- Nautical charts --- Sailing --- Yachting --- South Australia. --- Books and reading --- Education, Humanistic --- United States --- Intellectual life. --- Canon (Literature) --- Learning and scholarship. --- Sociological aspects.. --- History and criticism. --- Montás, Roosevelt --- Books and reading. --- Appraisal of books --- Books --- Choice of books --- Evaluation of literature --- Literature --- Reading, Choice of --- Reading and books --- Reading habits --- Reading public --- Reading --- Reading interests --- Reading promotion --- Appraisal --- Evaluation --- Adoption. --- Africa. --- Analogy. --- Archival research. --- Aristotle. --- British subject. --- Bullshit. --- Celibacy. --- Censure. --- Charles Darwin. --- Circular reasoning. --- Civil disobedience. --- Classroom. --- Concept. --- Connotation. --- Conscience. --- Consciousness. --- Consent of the governed. --- Conspiracy theory. --- Core Curriculum (Columbia College). --- Criticism. --- Crito. --- Curfew. --- Curriculum. --- Disgust. --- Doomsday cult. --- Economics. --- Education. --- Emma Goldman. --- Ethnic group. --- Eudaimonia. --- Far-right politics. --- Free association (psychology). --- Friedrich Nietzsche. --- Graduate school. --- Great books. --- Health insurance. --- Hostos Community College. --- Humanities. --- Ignorance. --- Individual psychology. --- Institution. --- Intellect. --- Intelligentsia. --- International student. --- Irony. --- Jacques Barzun. --- Jean-Martin Charcot. --- Justification (theology). --- Lecture. --- Liberal arts education. --- Liberal democracy. --- Liberal education. --- Literature. --- Macbeth. --- Mahadev Desai. --- Mahatma Gandhi. --- Masculinity. --- Motivation. --- New Space (Uruguay). --- Nonviolence. --- Of Education. --- Originality. --- Philosophy. --- Physicist. --- Piety. --- Pontius Pilate. --- Popularity. --- Privilege (social inequality). --- Proselytism. --- Psychoanalysis. --- Psychologist. --- Psychology. --- Radicalization. --- Religion in South Africa. --- Religion. --- Religious experience. --- Renunciation. --- Resentment. --- Scholarship. --- Secondary education. --- Secular humanism. --- Self-concept. --- Self-denial. --- Self-knowledge (psychology). --- Social contract. --- Spiritual autobiography. --- Spirituality. --- Symptom. --- The Islamist. --- The Wealth of Nations. --- Thought. --- Thucydides. --- To This Day. --- Towel. --- Transcendentalism. --- Universalism. --- Untouchability. --- Wakefulness. --- Yale Law School.
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La lutte contre le terrorisme a entraîné de nombreuses réformes que ce soit en : droit pénal avec, notamment, l’introduction de nouvelles infractions ; droit de la procédure pénale avec des modifications touchant à l’infiltration, aux perquisitions, au mandat d’arrêt ou encore à la consultation des données des passagers….Cet ouvrage, issu d’une thèse de doctorat, analyse les conséquences de ces réformes sur le respect de trois principes fondamentaux de la procédure pénale que sont la légalité, la proportionnalité et la loyauté. L’auteur étudie également le statut de la lutte contre le terrorisme en Belgique – sommes-nous face à un régime dérogatoire, d’urgence ou d’exception ? – ainsi que toutes les principales questions pratiques qui en découlent. L’ouvrage a vocation à être applicable à toute situation de circonstances exceptionnelles. L’auteur propose des clés de lecture originales et formule des propositions pour pallier les lacunes observées. Le lecteur appréciera aussi les tableaux récapitulatifs à l’issue des différents chapitres, qui donnent une vision claire et didactique des notions examinées.Cette publication constitue ainsi un outil très utile aux praticiens pour manier les règles de procédure complexes actuellement en vigueur.
Criminal procedure --- Terrorism --- Procédure pénale --- Terrorisme --- Prevention --- Law and legislation --- Prévention --- Droit --- BPB9999 --- Belgique --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- BPB2310 --- procédure pénale --- terrorisme --- état d'urgence --- stat ta' emerġenza --- staid éigeandála --- noodtoestand --- estado de emergência --- výnimočný stav --- stan wyjątkowy --- erakorraline seisukord --- ārkārtas stāvoklis --- stato d'emergenza --- stare de necesitate --- izvanredno stanje --- state of emergency --- výjimečný stav --- κατάσταση εκτάκτου ανάγκης --- ndalimqarkullimi --- rendkívüli állapot --- бедствено положение --- estado de emergencia --- nepaprastoji padėtis --- nødstilstand --- ванредно стање --- Notstand --- hätätila --- вонредна состојба --- nödläge --- izredne razmere --- stav ohrožení --- stare de urgență --- estado de alerta --- estado de urgencia --- ostromállapot --- utegångsförbud --- opsadno stanje --- απαγόρευση κυκλοφορίας --- hadiállapot --- liiklemiskeeld --- ulkonaliikkumiskielto --- avondklok --- estado de alarma --- couvre-feu --- ārkārtējs stāvoklis --- под опсада --- stare de asediu --- estado de sítio --- stav obležení --- udgangsforbud --- coprifuoco --- stato di calamità --- state of siege --- belägringstillstånd --- shtetrrethim --- curfew --- spærretid --- stare de război --- zákaz vychádzania --- état de siège --- belejringstilstand --- staat van beleg --- komandanta stunda --- leggi speciali --- komendanto valanda --- stanné právo --- kijárási tilalom --- neposredna ugroženost --- aplenkuma stāvoklis --- stato d'assedio --- zákaz vycházení --- piiramisolukord --- ordem de recolher --- policijski sat --- apsiausties padėtis --- szükségállapot --- stare de alertă --- toque de queda --- Belagerungszustand --- полициски час --- vláda ve výjimečném stavu --- stato di guerra --- Ausgangssperre --- κατάσταση πολιορκίας --- опсадна состојба --- piiritystila --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- τρομοκρατία --- terroriżmu --- sceimhlitheoireacht --- terorisms --- terrorismo --- terrorism --- terrorizmus --- terorizam --- terorismus --- terorizem --- тероризам --- Terrorismus --- terorism --- terorizmus --- terrorizëm --- тероризъм --- terorizmas --- terroryzm --- terrorismi --- καταστολή της τρομοκρατίας --- terrorismo nero --- Bekämpfung des Terrorismus --- terrorista szervezet --- lucha contra el terrorismo --- терористичка група --- répression du terrorisme --- eliminim i terrorizmit --- lucha antiterrorista --- terorizmo išnaikinimas --- bekæmpelse af terrorisme --- grupo terrorista --- terrorszervezet --- potlačování terorismu --- elimination of terrorism --- brigate rosse --- bekämpande av terrorism --- combate contra o terrorismo --- antiterorizam --- kamp mot terrorism --- lupta împotriva terorismului --- terroristacsoport --- terrorismo di Stato --- πάταξη της τρομοκρατίας --- bestrijding van het terrorisme --- repressão do terrorismo --- борба против тероризам --- boj proti terorismu --- terrorizmus elleni küzdelem --- lotta al terrorismo --- terrorismo rosso --- zničenie terorizmu --- strage di Stato --- represión del terrorismo --- borba protiv terorizma --- repressione del terrorismo --- euroterrorismo --- terrorismin torjunta --- lutte contre le terrorisme --- антитероризам --- terorisma apkarošana --- terrorismivastane võitlus --- banda armada --- кривични поступак --- kazneni postupak --- kriminālprocess --- strafprocedure --- baudžiamasis procesas --- nós imeachta coiriúil --- criminal procedure --- kazenski postopek --- brottmålsförfarande --- procedură penală --- rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettely --- büntetőeljárás --- procedura penale --- procedurë penale --- trestní řízení --- proċedura kriminali --- кривична постапка --- Strafverfahren --- наказателна процедура --- postępowanie karne --- strafferetspleje --- kriminaalkohtumenetlus --- ποινική διαδικασία --- trestnoprávny postup --- processo penal --- procedimiento penal --- skrátené trestné konanie --- trestní řád --- büntetőeljárási jog --- Kriminalrecht --- pojednostavljeni postupak --- law of criminal procedure --- saīsinātais process --- ligj i procedurës penale --- kriminaalasja erimenetlus --- strafrechtliches Sonderverfahren --- strafvordering --- procedura criminale --- procedura semplificata --- direito processual penal --- trestní právo procesní --- procedimiento penal especial --- special criminal procedure --- rikosasioiden erikoisprosessi --- procedura penale speciale --- Strafprozess --- ειδική ποινική διαδικασία --- egyszerűsített eljárás --- processo criminal --- zvláštne trestné konanie --- procedurë e thjeshtuar --- vereenvoudigde procedure --- laki rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettelystä --- strafferetlig procedure --- ποινική δικονομία --- forenklet procedure --- procedurë e posaçme penale --- Strafverfahrensrecht --- baudžiamojo proceso teisė --- закон за кривична постапка --- straffrättsligt förfarande --- procédure pénale spéciale --- trestní oznámení --- procédure criminelle --- lihtsustatud menetlus --- különleges eljárások --- särskilt brottmålsförfarande --- förenklat rättegångsförfarande --- zakon o kaznenom postupku --- procedură penală specială --- enjuiciamiento criminal --- specialioji baudžiamoji teisena --- kriminaalmenetlusõigus --- απλουστευμένη διαδικασία --- zkrácené trestní řízení --- zákon o trestnoprávnom postupe --- Derecho procesal penal --- droit de la procédure pénale --- kriminalproces --- cod de procedură penală --- procédure simplifiée --- кривичен предмет --- posebni kazneni postupak --- vereinfachtes Verfahren --- diritto processuale penale --- speciale strafrechtspleging --- straffeproces --- procedimiento simplificado --- kriminalrättsligt förfarande --- simplified procedure --- trestní proces --- yksinkertaistettu menettely --- Procès équitable. --- Pouvoirs exceptionnels.
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GWOT, 2001-2009 (War on Terrorism) --- Global War on Terror, 2001-2009 --- Guerre contre le terrorisme, 2001-2009 --- Oorlog tegen het terrorisme, 2001-2009 --- War against Terrorism, 2001-2009 --- War on Terror, 2001-2009 --- War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 --- War and emergency powers --- Executive power --- #KVHA: American Studies --- #KVHA: Cultuurgeschiedenis; Verenigde Staten --- #KVHA: Politiek; Verenigde Staten --- History. --- War on Terrorism, 2001-2009. --- Law - U.S. --- Government - U.S. --- Law, Politics & Government --- Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., Executive Branch --- Constitutional Law - U.S. --- History --- Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism, 2001-2009 --- Terror War, 2001-2009 --- Terrorism War, 2001-2009 --- Presidents --- Powers --- Military history, Modern --- Terrorism --- World politics --- Afghan War, 2001 --- -Iraq War, 2003-2011 --- Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001 --- -Presidents --- Prevention --- United States --- head of State --- executive competence --- war --- rule under emergency powers --- state of emergency --- den udøvende magts kompetence --- izvršilna pristojnost --- täideviimispädevus --- pravomoc výkonné moci --- Zuständigkeit der Exekutive --- компетенции на изпълнителната власт --- izpildinstitūciju kompetence --- izvršna nadležnost --- kormányzati jogkör --- compétence de l'exécutif --- täytäntöönpanotoimivalta --- competência do executivo --- competența executivului --- kompetenza eżekuttiva --- výkonná právomoc --- competenza dell'esecutivo --- kompetencë ekzekutive --- vykdomosios valdžios kompetencija --- kompetencje władzy wykonawczej --- извршна надлежност --- den verkställande maktens behörighet --- αρμοδιότητες της εκτελεστικής εξουσίας --- competencias del Ejecutivo --- bevoegdheid van de uitvoerende macht --- výkonné kompetence --- pravomoc vlády --- atribuţia executivului --- надлежност на владата --- kompetence výkonné moci --- kormányzati hatáskör --- kompetence vlády --- působnost výkonné moci --- pravomoc exekutivy --- надлежност на извршната власт --- jefe de Estado --- hlava štátu --- valsts vadītājs --- riigipea --- valtionpäämies --- vodja države --- hlava státu --- głowa państwa --- statschef --- državni poglavar --- αρχηγός κράτους --- chef d'État --- Capo di Stato --- staatshoofd --- шеф државе --- kreu i Shtetit --- valstybės vadovas --- kap ta' Stat --- Staatschef --- államfő --- șef de stat --- chefe de Estado --- държавен глава --- шеф на држава --- tasavallan presidentti --- drottning --- prezident republiky --- emír --- predsjednik republike --- šejk --- kníže --- államelnök --- király --- spolkový prezident --- president i republikës --- kuningas --- Presidente da República --- König --- koning --- mbret --- karalius --- šef države --- köztársasági elnök --- king --- vabariigi president --- presidente de la República --- Pontefice --- prezident --- Staatsoberhaupt --- panovník --- koningin --- rege --- Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας --- поглавар --- ρυθμιστής του πολιτεύματος --- kráľ --- Staatspräsident --- federální prezident --- претседател на република --- císař --- president of the republic --- претседател на држава --- монарх --- kung --- republikas prezidents --- président de la République --- konge --- karalis --- re --- president van de republiek --- rey --- vládce --- ανώτατος άρχων --- roi --- capitano reggente --- præsident --- predsjednik države --- rei --- βασιλιάς --- valsts prezidents --- претседател --- Bundespräsident --- respublikos prezidentas --- presidente della Repubblica --- velkovévoda --- král --- dronning --- president --- stat ta' emerġenza --- staid éigeandála --- noodtoestand --- estado de emergência --- výnimočný stav --- stan wyjątkowy --- erakorraline seisukord --- ārkārtas stāvoklis --- stato d'emergenza --- stare de necesitate --- izvanredno stanje --- výjimečný stav --- κατάσταση εκτάκτου ανάγκης --- ndalimqarkullimi --- rendkívüli állapot --- état d'urgence --- бедствено положение --- estado de emergencia --- nepaprastoji padėtis --- nødstilstand --- ванредно стање --- Notstand --- hätätila --- вонредна состојба --- nödläge --- izredne razmere --- stav ohrožení --- stare de urgență --- estado de alerta --- estado de urgencia --- ostromállapot --- utegångsförbud --- opsadno stanje --- απαγόρευση κυκλοφορίας --- hadiállapot --- liiklemiskeeld --- ulkonaliikkumiskielto --- avondklok --- estado de alarma --- couvre-feu --- ārkārtējs stāvoklis --- под опсада --- stare de asediu --- estado de sítio --- stav obležení --- udgangsforbud --- coprifuoco --- stato di calamità --- state of siege --- belägringstillstånd --- shtetrrethim --- curfew --- spærretid --- stare de război --- zákaz vychádzania --- état de siège --- belejringstilstand --- staat van beleg --- komandanta stunda --- leggi speciali --- komendanto valanda --- stanné právo --- kijárási tilalom --- neposredna ugroženost --- aplenkuma stāvoklis --- stato d'assedio --- zákaz vycházení --- piiramisolukord --- ordem de recolher --- policijski sat --- apsiausties padėtis --- szükségállapot --- stare de alertă --- toque de queda --- Belagerungszustand --- полициски час --- vláda ve výjimečném stavu --- stato di guerra --- Ausgangssperre --- κατάσταση πολιορκίας --- опсадна состојба --- piiritystila --- извънредно положение --- poikkeustila --- estado de exceção --- kormányzás rendkívüli állapot esetén --- undantagstillstånd --- pristojnosti v izrednih razmerah --- état d'exception --- stan nadzwyczajny --- izņēmuma stāvoklis --- uitzonderingstoestand --- ypatingoji padėtis --- управљање у ванредном стању --- vladanje u izvanrednim prilikama --- προσωρινή αναστολή συνταγματικών δικαιωμάτων --- tmexija b'setgħat ta' emerġenza --- estado de excepción --- управување при вонредни околности --- pravidlá počas mimoriadneho stavu --- gjendje e jashtëzakonshme --- stare de excepție --- hädaolukord --- zvláštní stav --- stato d'eccezione --- Ausnahmezustand --- undtagelsestilstand --- ārkārtējas pilnvaras --- κατάσταση εκτάκτων εξουσιών --- estado de sitio --- kormányzás szükségállapot esetén --- estado de excepção --- владеење во услови на војна --- управување при вонредна состојба --- управување при воена состојба --- die Vereinigte Staaten --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Združene države --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες --- l-Istati Uniti --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- Stati Uniti --- Shtetet e Bashkuara --- Estados Unidos --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Spojené státy --- États-Unis --- Egyesült Államok --- Statele Unite --- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis --- Förenta staterna --- Verenigde Staten --- Сједињене Америчке Државе --- Jungtinės Valstijos --- Yhdysvallat --- Съединени щати --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Spojené štáty --- Соединети Американски Држави --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- САД --- VS --- USA --- EE.UU. --- JAV --- Amerikas förenta stater --- l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika --- los Estados Unidos de América --- ΗΠΑ --- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës --- SAD --- Verenigde Staten van Amerika --- Соединетите Држави --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Statele Unite ale Americii --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- SHBA --- United States of America --- Ühendriigid --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής --- EUA --- ASV --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Združene države Amerike --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki --- САЩ --- Съединени американски щати --- SUA --- Yhdysvallat, USA --- Spojené státy americké --- U.S.A. --- Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos --- Sjedinjene Države --- Estados Unidos da América --- De Forenede Stater --- Spojené státy severoamerické --- Amerikan yhdysvallat --- Spojené štáty americké --- die Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- US --- háború --- karas --- guerre --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- Afghan War, 2001-2021 --- Iraq War, 2003-2011
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In dit boek wordt onderzocht wat de blijvende (positieve?) impact is van de Covid-19 crisis op een aantal rechtsgebieden.: Inzake het gerechtelijk recht wordt de virtuele terechtzitting als blijver onderzocht Voor het straf- en strafprocesrecht wordt de impact op het vooronderzoek, de rechtspleging en de strafuitvoering en de internering in kaart gebracht. In het arbeidsrecht lijkt telethuiswerk definitief doorgebroken. Ten slotte wordt voor het bestuursrecht de fel gecontesteerde avondklok kritisch onderzocht
Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Administrative law --- Social law. Labour law --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- Belgium --- COVID-19 (Disease) --- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 --- -COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 --- -Quarantine --- Epidemics --- Telecommuting --- Curfews --- Procedure (Law) --- Criminal procedure --- COVID-19 --- Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020 --- -Pandémie de COVID-19, 2020 --- -Quarantaine --- Epidémies --- Télétravail --- Couvre-feu --- Procédure (Droit) --- Procédure pénale --- Law and legislation --- Influence. --- Social aspects --- Droit --- Influence --- Aspect social --- BPB2022 --- 34 --- 351.83 --- 654.1 --- coronavirus disease --- rechten van de mens --- noodtoestand --- arbeidsrecht --- thuiswerk --- strafprocedure --- strafrecht --- België --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- trestné právo --- prawo karne --- baudžiamoji teisė --- diritto penale --- наказателно право --- büntetőjog --- dlí coiriúil --- kriminaalõigus --- droit pénal --- kazensko pravo --- Strafrecht --- drept penal --- Derecho penal --- strafferet --- krimināllikums --- dritt kriminali --- straffrätt --- kazneno pravo --- ποινικό δίκαιο --- direito penal --- кривично право --- criminal law --- e drejtë penale --- trestní právo --- rikosoikeus --- кривичен закон --- казнено право --- krimināltiesības --- kriminaalkoodeks --- trestní právo hmotné --- criminal code --- trestný kódex --- diritto criminale --- direito criminal --- kriminalret --- droit criminel --- crimineel recht --- karistusõigus --- Derecho criminal --- кривични поступак --- kazneni postupak --- kriminālprocess --- baudžiamasis procesas --- nós imeachta coiriúil --- criminal procedure --- procédure pénale --- kazenski postopek --- brottmålsförfarande --- procedură penală --- rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettely --- büntetőeljárás --- procedura penale --- procedurë penale --- trestní řízení --- proċedura kriminali --- кривична постапка --- Strafverfahren --- наказателна процедура --- postępowanie karne --- strafferetspleje --- kriminaalkohtumenetlus --- ποινική διαδικασία --- trestnoprávny postup --- processo penal --- procedimiento penal --- skrátené trestné konanie --- trestní řád --- büntetőeljárási jog --- Kriminalrecht --- pojednostavljeni postupak --- law of criminal procedure --- saīsinātais process --- ligj i procedurës penale --- kriminaalasja erimenetlus --- strafrechtliches Sonderverfahren --- strafvordering --- procedura criminale --- procedura semplificata --- direito processual penal --- trestní právo procesní --- procedimiento penal especial --- special criminal procedure --- rikosasioiden erikoisprosessi --- procedura penale speciale --- Strafprozess --- ειδική ποινική διαδικασία --- egyszerűsített eljárás --- processo criminal --- zvláštne trestné konanie --- procedurë e thjeshtuar --- vereenvoudigde procedure --- laki rikosasioiden oikeudenkäyntimenettelystä --- strafferetlig procedure --- ποινική δικονομία --- forenklet procedure --- procedurë e posaçme penale --- Strafverfahrensrecht --- baudžiamojo proceso teisė --- закон за кривична постапка --- straffrättsligt förfarande --- procédure pénale spéciale --- trestní oznámení --- procédure criminelle --- lihtsustatud menetlus --- különleges eljárások --- särskilt brottmålsförfarande --- förenklat rättegångsförfarande --- zakon o kaznenom postupku --- procedură penală specială --- enjuiciamiento criminal --- specialioji baudžiamoji teisena --- kriminaalmenetlusõigus --- απλουστευμένη διαδικασία --- zkrácené trestní řízení --- zákon o trestnoprávnom postupe --- Derecho procesal penal --- droit de la procédure pénale --- kriminalproces --- cod de procedură penală --- procédure simplifiée --- кривичен предмет --- posebni kazneni postupak --- vereinfachtes Verfahren --- diritto processuale penale --- speciale strafrechtspleging --- straffeproces --- procedimiento simplificado --- kriminalrättsligt förfarande --- simplified procedure --- trestní proces --- yksinkertaistettu menettely --- kodutöö --- работа од дома --- lavoro a domicilio --- trabajo a domicilio --- trabalho no domicílio --- εργασία κατ' οίκον --- delo na domu --- práce doma --- home working --- рад код куће --- práca doma --- të punuarit nga shtëpia --- travail à domicile --- darbs mājās --- hjemmearbejde --- rad kod kuće --- muncă la domiciliu --- домашна работа --- hemarbete --- obair ón mbaile --- praca w domu --- xogħol mid-dar --- darbas namie --- otthoni munka --- Heimarbeit --- kotona työskentely --- hemarbetare --- kotona työskentelevä --- darbas namuose --- trabajador a domicilio --- работење дома --- mājstrādnieks --- dirbantis namuose --- home worker --- kodutöötaja --- otthon végzett munka --- lucrător la domiciliu --- namudinis darbas --- háztartási munka --- travailleur à domicile --- pracujúci doma --- punonjës shtëpie --- lavoratore a domicilio --- namudininkas --- εργαζόμενος κατ' οίκον --- working from home --- mājās strādājošais --- trabalhador no domicílio --- thuiswerker --- mājražotājs --- Heimarbeiter --- εργατικό δίκαιο --- Arbeitsrecht --- munkajog --- radno pravo --- arbejdsret --- prawo pracy --- pracovní právo --- трудово право --- радно право --- labour law --- työoikeus --- dlí an tsaothair --- droit du travail --- direito do trabalho --- Derecho del trabajo --- diritto del lavoro --- darbo teisė --- arbetsrätt --- delovno pravo --- liġi tax-xogħol --- e drejta e punës --- tööõigus --- darba tiesības --- pracovné právo --- dreptul muncii --- arbetslagstiftning --- employment law --- засновање работен однос --- disciplina giuridica del lavoro --- droits du travailleur --- трудово законодавство --- εργατική νομοθεσία --- statuto dei lavoratori --- legislazione del lavoro --- munkavállalók joga --- munkaügyi jogszabályok --- tutela dei lavoratori --- pracovní legislativa --- nodarbināto tiesības --- kolektivní pracovní právo --- direitos do trabalhador --- legislación laboral --- radno zakonodavstvo --- δικαιώματα των εργαζομένων --- työlainsäädäntö --- arbetstagarens rättigheter --- të drejtat e punonjësve --- diritti del lavoratore --- legislação do trabalho --- darbo įstatymai --- Derecho laboral --- estatuto de los trabajadores --- derechos del trabajador --- individuální pracovní právo --- tööseadusandlus --- legislación del trabajo --- darbininkų teisės --- drepturile salariaților --- darbinieka tiesības --- norme sul lavoro --- zákon o zaměstnanosti --- työntekijän oikeudet --- labour legislation --- darba tiesību akti --- workers' rights --- pracovnoprávna legislatíva --- arbejdstageres rettigheder --- práva pracujúcich --- legislația muncii --- munkaügyi jogalkotás --- Recht der Berufsausübung --- rechten van de arbeider --- pracovní zákon --- darba likumdošana --- arbejdslovgivning --- législation du travail --- arbeidswetgeving --- radnička prava --- töötaja õigused --- e drejta e punësimit --- права од работен однос --- laisvė dirbti --- legjislacion i punës --- Recht des Arbeitnehmers --- Arbeitsgesetzgebung --- stat ta' emerġenza --- staid éigeandála --- estado de emergência --- výnimočný stav --- stan wyjątkowy --- erakorraline seisukord --- ārkārtas stāvoklis --- stato d'emergenza --- stare de necesitate --- izvanredno stanje --- state of emergency --- výjimečný stav --- κατάσταση εκτάκτου ανάγκης --- ndalimqarkullimi --- rendkívüli állapot --- état d'urgence --- бедствено положение --- estado de emergencia --- nepaprastoji padėtis --- nødstilstand --- ванредно стање --- Notstand --- hätätila --- вонредна состојба --- nödläge --- izredne razmere --- stav ohrožení --- stare de urgență --- estado de alerta --- estado de urgencia --- ostromállapot --- utegångsförbud --- opsadno stanje --- απαγόρευση κυκλοφορίας --- hadiállapot --- liiklemiskeeld --- ulkonaliikkumiskielto --- avondklok --- estado de alarma --- couvre-feu --- ārkārtējs stāvoklis --- под опсада --- stare de asediu --- estado de sítio --- stav obležení --- udgangsforbud --- coprifuoco --- stato di calamità --- state of siege --- belägringstillstånd --- shtetrrethim --- curfew --- spærretid --- stare de război --- zákaz vychádzania --- état de siège --- belejringstilstand --- staat van beleg --- komandanta stunda --- leggi speciali --- komendanto valanda --- stanné právo --- kijárási tilalom --- neposredna ugroženost --- aplenkuma stāvoklis --- stato d'assedio --- zákaz vycházení --- piiramisolukord --- ordem de recolher --- policijski sat --- apsiausties padėtis --- szükségállapot --- stare de alertă --- toque de queda --- Belagerungszustand --- полициски час --- vláda ve výjimečném stavu --- stato di guerra --- Ausgangssperre --- κατάσταση πολιορκίας --- опсадна состојба --- piiritystila --- človekove pravice --- droits de l'homme --- derechos humanos --- ľudské práva --- prawa człowieka --- ljudska prava --- δικαιώματα του ανθρώπου --- човешки права --- human rights --- inimõigused --- cilvēktiesības --- lidská práva --- cearta an duine --- ihmisoikeudet --- direitos humanos --- људска права --- emberi jogok --- menneskerettigheder --- човекови права --- drittijiet tal-bniedem --- mänskliga rättigheter --- žmogaus teisės --- të drejtat e njeriut --- diritti umani --- drepturile omului --- Menschenrechte --- kršenje ljudskih prava --- Verletzung der Menschenrechte --- diritti fondamentali dell'uomo --- Verteidigung der Menschenrechte --- nezadatelná práva --- ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα --- nepromlčitelná práva --- pasikėsinimas į žmogaus teises --- фундаментални слободи и права на човекот и граѓанинот --- zaštita ljudskih prava --- porušování lidských práv --- atentado a los derechos humanos --- Schutz der Menschenrechte --- mbrojtje e të drejtave të njeriut --- krænkelse af menneskerettighederne --- cilvēktiesību apdraudējums --- παραβίαση των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- violarea drepturilor omului --- aantasting van de rechten van de mens --- porušenie ľudských práv --- Beeinträchtigung der Menschenrechte --- mensenrechten --- emberi jogok védelme --- emberi jogok megsértése --- kränkning av mänskliga rättigheter --- atteinte aux droits de l'homme --- útok na ľudské práva --- ihmisoikeusloukkaus --- προσβολή των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- attack on human rights --- protección de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību aizsardzība --- bescherming van de rechten van de mens --- salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo --- proteção dos direitos humanos --- tilsidesættelse af menneskerettighederne --- ihmisoikeuksien suojelu --- protezione dei diritti umani --- Конвенција за заштита на човековите права и основните слободи --- skydd av mänskliga rättigheter --- violación de los derechos humanos --- cilvēktiesību pārkāpums --- ochrana ľudských práv --- žmogaus teisių apsauga --- ihmisoikeuksien uhkaaminen --- prava čovjeka --- derechos del hombre --- rispetto dei diritti dell'uomo --- schending van de rechten van de mens --- inimõiguste kaitse --- protecția drepturilor omului --- shkelje e të drejtave të njeriut --- violação dos direitos humanos --- brott mot mänskliga rättigheter --- beskyttelse af menneskerettigheder --- ochrana lidských práv --- inimõiguste ohustamine --- violation des droits de l'homme --- повреда на граѓанските права --- cenim i të drejtave të njeriut --- žmogaus teisių pažeidimas --- cilvēka pamattiesības --- граѓански слободи и права --- προστασία των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου --- ofensa aos direitos humanos --- заштита на правата и слободите на граѓаните --- кршење на човековите права --- human rights violation --- violazione dei diritti umani --- protection of human rights --- inimõiguste rikkumine --- reato contro i diritti dell'uomo --- protection des droits de l'homme --- Coronavirus-Erkrankung --- boala provocată de coronavirus --- marda tal-coronavirus --- koronaviruso sukeliama liga --- koroonaviirushaigus --- coronavirusziekte --- koronavīrusa slimība --- malattia da coronavirus --- doença por coronavírus --- bolest uzrokovana koronavirusom --- ochorenie spôsobené koronavírusom --- koronavirusna bolezen --- koronavírus-betegség --- koronavirustauti --- coronavirusinfektion --- коронавирусна болест --- choroba koronawirusowa --- enfermedad por coronavirus --- νόσος από κορονοϊό --- coronavirussygdom --- galar coróinvíris --- maladie à coronavirus --- onemocnění koronavirem --- Artimųjų Rytų respiracinis sindromas --- αναπνευστικό σύνδρομο της Μέσης Ανατολής --- Sindromu Respiratorju tal-Lvant Nofsani --- Nahost-Atemwegssyndrom --- közel-keleti légzőszervi szindróma --- koronavirové onemocnění --- SARS --- coronavirus pandemic 2019-2020 --- syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient --- közel-keleti légzőszervi tünetegyüttes --- respirační syndrom z Blízkého východu --- sars-cov-1 --- mers --- Lähis-Ida respiratoorne sündroom --- covid-19-tauti --- bliskoistočni akutni respiratorni sindrom --- SARS-CoV-1 --- Middle East respiratory syndrome --- COVID --- близкоизточен респираторен синдром --- Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome --- közel-keleti respiratorikus szindróma --- blízkovýchodný respiračný syndróm --- заболяване от коронавирус --- síndrome respiratorio de Oriente Próximo --- SARS-CoV-2 --- síndrome respiratória do Médio Oriente --- Tuvo Austrumu respiratorais sindroms --- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome --- MERS-CoV --- bliskowschodni zespół niewydolności oddechowej --- Middle-East respiratory syndrome --- MERS --- sindrome respiratoria medio-orientale --- közel-keleti légúti szindróma --- Lähi-idän hengitystieoireyhtymä --- coronavirus disease 2019 --- recht - wetgeving --- arbeidswetgeving - arbeidsrecht - sociaal recht (zie ook 331.16) --- thuiswerk - telewerk --- E-books --- BPB9999. --- Droit médical --- België --- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2023 --- Quarantine
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