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Le signe de la croix au dix-neuvième siècle
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Foure sermons, lately preached, by Martin Fotherby Doctor in Diuinity, and chaplain vnto the Kings Maiestie. The first at Cambridge, at the Masters Commencement. Iuly 7. anno 1607. The second at Canterbury, at the Lord Archbishops visitation. Septemb. 14. anno 1607. The third at Paules Crosse, vpon the day of our deliuerance from the gun-powder treason. Nouemb. 5. anno 1607. The fourth at the court, before the Kings Maiestie. Nouemb. 15. anno 1607. Whereunto is added, an answere vnto certaine obiections of one vnresolued, as concerning the vse of the Crosse in baptisme: written by him in anno 1604. and now commanded to be published by authoritie
Fotherby, Martin
Year: 1608
Publisher: At London : Printed by Henry Ballard, for C. K[night] and W. C[otton],
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Foure sermons, lately preached, by Martin Fotherby Doctor in Diuinity, and chaplain vnto the Kings Maiestie. The first at Cambridge, at the Masters Commencement. Iuly 7. anno 1607. The second at Canterbury, at the Lord Archbishops visitation. Septemb. 14. anno 1607. The third at Paules Crosse, vpon the day of our deliuerance from the gun-powder treason. Nouemb. 5. anno 1607. The fourth at the court, before the Kings Maiestie. Nouemb. 15. anno 1607. Whereunto is added, an answere vnto certaine obiections of one vnresolued, as concerning the vse of the Crosse in baptisme: written by him in anno 1604. and now commanded to be published by authoritie.
Fotherby, Martin
Year: 1608
Publisher: At London : Printed by Henry Ballard, for C. K[night]. and W. C[otton].,
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Dissertationem theologico-polemicam, de signo crucis, e templis nostris non eliminando, praeside Dn. Christoph. Henrico Zeibichio ... die August. MDCCXXXV. ... ventilandam publice proponit auctor responsurus Christianus Gothofr. Richterus ...
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An ansvvere to a certaine treatise of the crosse in baptisme. Intituled A short treatise of the crosse in baptisme : contracted into this syllogisme. No humane ordinance becomming an idoll may lawfully be vsed in the service of God. But the signe of the crosse, being an humane ordinance is become an idoll. Ergo: the signe of the crosse, may not lawfully bee vsed in the service of God. VVherein not only the weaknesse of the syllogisme it selfe, but also of the grounds and proofes thereof, are plainely discovered. By L.H. Doct. of Divinitie.
Hutton, Leonard.
Year: 1605
Publisher: Printed at Oxford : By Ioseph Barnes, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard [London] at the signe of the Crowne, by Simon Waterson,
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A shorte treatise, of the crosse in baptisme : contracted into this syllogisme. No humane ordinance becomming an idoll, may lawfully be vsed in the seruice of God. But the signe of the crosse being a humane ordinance is become an idoll: ergo· The signe of the crosse may not lawfully be vsed in the seruice of God.
Bradshaw, William
Year: 1604
Publisher: Amsterdam [i.e. London] : Printed by I.H. [i.e. William Jones' secret press],
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De signis sanctissimae crvcis quae diuersis olim orbis regionibus, & nuper hoc anno 1591 in Gallia & Anglia diuinitus ostenta sunt, & eorum explicatione, tractatus
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A scholasticall discourse against symbolizing with Antichrist in ceremonies: especially in the signe of the crosse
Parker, Robert
Year: 1607
Publisher: [Middelburg : Printed by Richard Schilders],
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The case of the cross in baptism considered : wherein is shewed that there is nothing in it as it is used in the Church of England that can be any just reason of separation from it.
Resbury, Nathanael
Year: 1684
Publisher: London : Printed for Fincham Gardiner ...,
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A defence of church gouernment : Dedicated to the high Court of Parliament. Wherein, the church gouernment established in England, is directly proued to be consonant to the word of God, and that subiects ought of dutie to conforme themselues to the state ecclesiasticall. Together with, a defence of the crosse in baptisme; as it is vsed in our Church, being not repugnant to the word: and by a consequent, the brethren which are silenced, ought to subscribe vnto it, rather then to burie their talents in the ground. By Iohn Doue, Doctour of Diuinity.
Dove, John
Year: 1606
Publisher: At London : Printed by T[homas] C[reede] for Henry Rockit, and are to be sold by Iohn Hodgets in Paules Churchyeard,
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