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Human Security and Empowerment in Asia : Beyond the Pandemic.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781003430742 1003430740 1003812732 1003812740 1032554428 Year: 2023 Publisher: Milton : Taylor & Francis Group,

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"Against the backdrop of global COVID-19 pandemic setbacks, this edited volume is a timely contribution to revisit the comprehensive framing of human security and development by examining the protection-empowerment nexus applied to different vulnerable groups and populations affected by the pandemic. While much of today's human security literature focuses on the concept of protection from states, this book provides new perspectives on the human security concept by exploring empowerment from theoretical and practical perspectives. It also encourages readers to reconsider the agency of vulnerable populations in dealing with the challenges posed by the pandemic. Examining eight case studies from Southeast Asia and Japan, the contributors to this book concentrate on demonstrating the importance of empowerment in enriching our understanding of human security. They focus on vulnerable groups' and communities' responses to diverse threats to their lives, livelihoods and dignity. These cases include key human security concerns, such as an ageing society, poverty, environment, food security, forced migration, gender, health, peace and justice - all compounded and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. An essential resource for students and scholars of human security in the aftermath of COVID-19 and its wider impacts. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license"-- Provided by publisher.

Resilient life : the art of living dangerously
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780745671529 9780745671536 0745671535 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cambridge: Polity press,

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What does it mean to live dangerously? This is not just a philosophical question or an ethical call to reflect upon our own individual recklessness. It is a deeply political issue, fundamental to the new doctrine of ‘resilience’ that is becoming a key term of art for governing planetary life in the 21st Century. No longer should we think in terms of evading the possibility of traumatic experiences. Catastrophic events, we are told, are not just inevitable but learning experiences from which we have to grow and prosper, collectively and individually. Vulnerability to threat, injury and loss has to be accepted as a reality of human existence. In this original and compelling text, Brad Evans and Julian Reid explore the political and philosophical stakes of the resilience turn in security and governmental thinking. Resilience, they argue, is a neo-liberal deceit that works by disempowering endangered populations of autonomous agency. Its consequences represent a profound assault on the human subject whose meaning and sole purpose is reduced to survivability. Not only does this reveal the nihilistic qualities of a liberal project that is coming to terms with its political demise. All life now enters into lasting crises that are catastrophic unto the end.

Development evaluation in times of turbulence : dealing with crises that endanger our future
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 0821398792 0821398911 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : World Bank,

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The presence of turbulence in multiple areas of our society--food, fuel, and finances-being but three critical areas presently being impacted means that long-held assumptions are no longer true, that the past is not prologue, and that the future is not clear. And enter into this unstable present the discipline of evaluation-a discipline formed and shaped in the past fifty years of stability, little turbulence, and strong assumptions that everything will go according to plan. If things do not go well, it is because of either a poor theory of change on how to bring about positive outcomes, or we

La dette souveraine : économie politique et État
Authors: ---
ISSN: 11501367 ISBN: 9782713227301 2713227305 2713231043 Year: 2018 Volume: 26 Publisher: Paris: École des hautes études en sciences sociales,

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Depuis la crise de 2008, la question de la dette publique s'est imposée sur le devant de la scène politique. Loin d'être réductible à une question de bonne gestion financière, la dette, dans sa forme contemporaine, reconfigure profondément les rapports entre l'État et ses citoyens et va jusqu'à mettre en question la souveraineté de l'État-nation. À partir de l'analyse de la crise de la démocratie engendrée par l'explosion de la dette publique proposée par le sociologue allemand Wolfgang Streeck dans Du temps acheté, qui publie dans ce volume un essai inédit en langue française, C. Crouch, J. Habermas, R. Boyer, B.Karsenti, M.Cuillerai, J.-M. Rey et Y. Duroux ordonnent leurs réflexions autour de trois questions : est-il possible de réguler un capitalisme financier qui s'est largement émancipé du cadre étatique au sein duquel s'était construit le compromis d'après-guerre entre capital et travail ? L'intégration européenne est-elle un obstacle ou un atout pour remettre une économie globalisée sous contrôle démocratique ? Comment le néolibéralisme, en faisant pénétrer les logiques marchandes jusque dans la subjectivation des citoyens, altère-t-il le principe de cohésion des sociétés démocratiques contemporaines et, partant, le type de réflexivité et d'action politique qui peuvent avoir prise sur leur devenir ? L'enjeu de ce dossier est de remettre au premier plan du questionnement des sciences sociales le lien que l'économie entretient avec la politique, les dangers qu'un capitalisme livré à lui-même représente pour les démocraties modernes, mais aussi la capacité des États à le mettre à contribution pour la construction d'une société politique juste.

Crises de gouvernementalité en Afrique post Guerre Froide : une perspective pluridisciplinaire
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782806103949 2806103940 Year: 2018 Publisher: Louvain-La-Neuve: Academia-L'Harmattan,

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Cet ouvrage traite de façon pluridisciplinaire les crises majeures des États en Afrique post Guerre froide. Il tente de proposer des solutions endogènes à ces crises. Il fait ensuite le lien entre la faillite de certains États et les crises liées aux tensions religieuses, aux mouvements migratoires, aux changements climatiques et au positionnement de l'Afrique face aux questions géopolitiques en lien avec la reconfiguration de la notion de puissance depuis la fin de la Guerre froide.

Les conséquences stratégiques de la crise
ISBN: 9782738124678 2738124674 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris: Odile Jacob,

Aftershocks: Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9089641920 9786612453946 1282453947 9048511852 9789089641922 9789048511853 9781282453944 661245394X Year: 2009 Publisher: Amsterdam University Press

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A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the economic crisis and its aftermath


Economic history --20th century. --- Economic history --21st century. --- Financial crises --Political aspects. --- Financial crises. --- Financial crises --- Economic history --- Economic Theory --- Business & Economics --- Political aspects --- -Financial crises --- -Economic history --- -338.542 --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Economics --- Crashes, Financial --- Crises, Financial --- Financial crashes --- Financial panics --- Panics (Finance) --- Stock exchange crashes --- Stock market panics --- Crises --- Business cycles --- Electronic information resources --- -Electronic information resources --- E-books --- #SBIB:33H13 --- #SBIB:33H041 --- 462 Economisch beleid --- AA / International- internationaal --- 331.01 --- 331.31 --- BPB1004 --- Politique économique --- Crise économique --- Economische politiek --- Economische ontwikkelingen en bewegingen --- Evolutie van de economische cycli. --- Economisch beleid. --- Economisch beleid --- Economische crisis --- Political aspects. --- Evolutie van de economische cycli --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- economisch beleid --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- economic policy --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice --- Politique économique --- economics --- economie --- Europe --- European Union --- Globalization

Europe's crisis of legitimacy : governing by rules and ruling by numbers in the Eurozone
ISBN: 0191838640 0192517449 0192517457 9780192517457 9780192517456 0198797060 0198797052 9780198797050 9780198797067 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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This volume examines the interrelationship between democratic legitimacy at the European level and the ongoing Eurozone crisis that began in 2010.Europe's crisis of legitimacy stems from 'governing by rules and ruling by numbers' in the sovereign debt crisis, which played havoc with the eurozone economy while fueling political discontent. Using the lens of democratic theory, the book assesses the legitimacy of EU governing activities first in terms of their procedural quality ('throughput),' by charting EU actors' different pathways to legitimacy, and then evaluates their policy effectiveness ('output') and political responsiveness('input'). In addition to an engaging and distinctive analysis of Eurozone crisis governance and its impact on democratic legitimacy, the book offers a number of theoretical insights into the broader question of the functioning of the EU and supranational governance more generally. It concludes with proposals for how to remedy the EU's problems of legitimacy, reinvigorate its national democracies, and rethink its future.


Democracy --- Legitimacy of governments --- Financial crises --- Crashes, Financial --- Crises, Financial --- Financial crashes --- Financial panics --- Panics (Finance) --- Stock exchange crashes --- Stock market panics --- Crises --- Governments, Legitimacy of --- Legitimacy (Constitutional law) --- Consensus (Social sciences) --- Revolutions --- Sovereignty --- State, The --- General will --- Political stability --- Regime change --- Self-government --- Political science --- Equality --- Representative government and representation --- Republics --- crisis management --- economic recession --- EU Member State --- legitimacy --- euro area --- Unión Europea --- Política y gobierno --- Países de la Unión Europea --- Politica económica --- zona e euros --- ζώνη ευρώ --- eurozone --- еврозона --- евро зона --- zone euro --- eurozóna --- an limistéar euro --- żona tal-euro --- eurozona --- strefa euro --- euroområdet --- euroala --- Euro-Währungsgebiet --- еврообласт --- euroövezet --- euro zona --- zonă euro --- zona euro --- euroalue --- euroobmočje --- europodručje --- Euroland --- euroland --- euro-područje --- eurózóna --- eursko područje --- euro-zona --- Euro-Raum --- obszar euro --- područje eura --- żona euro --- evroobmočje --- Euro-Gebiet --- euro-zóna --- Eurolandë --- zona eura --- eurogebied --- área do euro --- euro zóna --- zona del euro --- Euro-Währungsraum --- eurotsoon --- euróövezet --- evrsko območje --- Euro-Zone --- eurótérség --- Euro tėvynė --- leģitimitāte --- legitiimsus --- legitimnost --- teisėtumas --- легитимност --- legitimitate --- legittimità --- legitimitás --- leġittimità --- legitimiteetti --- νομιμότητα εξουσίας --- Legitimität --- legitimita --- prawowitość --- legitimitet --- légitimité --- legitimiteit --- legitimidade --- legitimidad --- legjitimitet --- Unrechtmäßigkeit --- неосновано --- oprávněnost --- illegitimitás --- Rechtmäßigkeit --- vizio di legittimità --- conformità alle norme --- neoprávněnost --- основано --- legittimismo --- неоправдано --- legittimazione --- оправдано --- нелегитимно --- ilegitimita --- illegittimità --- nelegitimnost --- Illegitimität --- členský stát EU --- države članice EU-a --- țări ale UE --- Stat Membru tal-UE --- Shtetet Anëtare të BE-së --- EU-tagállam --- państwo członkowskie UE --- État membre UE --- Stato membro UE --- EU-medlemsstat --- štáty EÚ --- Mitgliedstaat der EU --- država članica EU --- земља ЕУ --- Estado-Membro UE --- κράτος μέλος ΕΕ --- ES dalībvalsts --- medlemsstat i EU --- ELi riigid --- EU:n jäsenvaltio --- държави от Европейския съюз --- ES valstybė narė --- EU-lidstaat --- Estado miembro UE --- земји членки на ЕУ --- krajiny EÚ --- EG-land --- EK valsts --- země ES --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Union --- paese dell'Unione europea --- pays CE --- κράτος μέλος της ΕΕ --- země Evropské unie --- krajiny Európskej únie --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- EG-Land --- χώρα ΕΕ --- países CE --- kraje UE --- Euroopan unionin maat --- земји членки на Европската Заедница --- ELi liikmesriik --- država EU --- pays de l'Union européenne --- země Evropských společenství --- EU-Staat --- EK-tagország --- земји од ЕУ --- vend i KE-së --- land i Det Europæiske Fællesskab --- χώρα ΕΚ --- Estado miembro de la UE --- EÜ riik --- paese CE --- EU country --- país UE --- Europos Bendrijos šalis --- ES šalis --- European Community country --- земји од ЕЗ --- ES valsts --- Estado-Membro da União Europeia --- štáty Európskej únie --- ELi riik --- państwo UE --- EG-medlemsstat --- EC country --- Euroopa Liidu riik --- European Union country --- Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union --- paese della Comunità europea --- pays UE --- vend i Bashkimit Europian --- země EU --- EU-maat --- EU-ország --- EU-tagország --- land i Europeiska gemenskapen --- zemlje članice EU-a --- país de la UE --- países da União Europeia --- vend i BE-së --- vend i Komunitetit Europian --- land i Europeiska unionen --- EU-stat --- stat membru al Comunității Europene --- EF-land --- stat membru al Uniunii Europene --- EG-stat --- países de la Unión Europea --- az Európai Unió tagállama --- landen van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- krajiny Európskych spoločenstiev --- Europos Sąjungos šalis --- EU:n jäsenmaat --- Euroopa Ühenduse riik --- Eiropas Savienības valsts --- EU-land --- Stato membro dell'UE --- lidstaten van de Europese Unie --- paese UE --- landen van de EG --- EU-Land --- pays de la Communauté européenne --- țări membre ale Comunității Europene --- países de la Comunidad Europea --- EK-tagállam --- land i Den Europæiske Union --- Eiropas Kopienas valstis --- az Európai Közösségek tagállama --- EB šalis --- економска рецесија --- rënie ekonomike --- ekonomikas lejupslīde --- recesiune economică --- Rezession --- икономическа рецесия --- ekonomikos nuosmukis --- ekonomska recesija --- economische recessie --- hospodářská recese --- gospodarska recesija --- økonomisk recession --- gazdasági recesszió --- recessione economica --- talouden taantuma --- récession économique --- reċessjoni ekonomika --- recession --- οικονομική ύφεση --- привредна рецесија --- recesión económica --- majanduslangus --- recesja gospodarcza --- recessão económica --- cúlú eacnamaíochta --- hospodárska recesia --- decelerazione della crescita economica --- økonomisk afmatning --- bankovna kriza --- criză economică --- hospodářská deprese --- krizë ekonomike --- ekonominės padėties blogėjimas --- deterioramento dell'economia --- desaceleración de la economía --- zhoršení hospodářství --- deterioração da economia --- détérioration de l'économie --- talouden laskusuhdanne --- crisi economica --- економска криза --- majanduse madalseis --- ekonomisk recession --- forringelse af økonomien --- wirtschaftliche Depression --- lågkonjunktur --- majanduse halvenemine --- gazdasági depresszió --- økonomisk depression --- depresion ekonomik --- hospodářská krize --- lama --- økonomisk krise --- hospodárska kríza --- economische crisis --- verval van de economie --- Verschlechterung der Wirtschaft --- konjunkturální krize --- crise économique --- përkeqësim i ekonomisë --- zastavení hospodářského růstu --- economic crisis --- Konjunkturkrise --- οικονομική καταστροφή --- depresión económica --- ekonominė krizė --- глобална финансиска криза --- deterioration of the economy --- hospodársky pokles --- økonomisk tilbagegang --- economische depressie --- ekonomska depresija --- κατάρρευση της οικονομίας --- majanduskriis --- crise económica --- gazdasági válság --- contracción económica --- lavkonjunktur --- ekonomisk kris --- οικονομική κρίση --- depressão económica --- financijska kriza --- dépression économique --- економска депресија --- ekonomický útlum --- depression --- a gazdaság hanyatlása --- depressione economica --- úpadok hospodárstva --- stagnace --- ekonominis nuosmukis --- talouskriisi --- pokles konjunktury --- crisis económica --- ekonomiskā krīze --- Rückgang der Konjunktur --- economic depression --- försämring av ekonomin --- ekonomisk depression --- Wirtschaftskrise --- επιδείνωση της οικονομίας --- ekonomska kriza --- hanyatló gazdaság --- konjunkturnedgång --- ekonomiskās situācijas pasliktināšanās --- válságkezelés --- krízové riadenie --- krisestyring --- gestion de crise --- gestione delle crisi --- управљање кризама --- crisisbeheersing --- krizové řízení --- gestão de crises --- bainistíocht géarchéime --- krīzes pārvarēšana --- kriisinhallinta --- Krisenmanagement --- upravljanje krizom --- zarządzanie kryzysowe --- справяне с кризи --- maniġġar tal-kriżijiet --- kriisiohjamine --- gestionarea crizelor --- krizno upravljanje --- διαχείριση κρίσεων --- krishantering --- gestión de crisis --- krizių valdymas --- gestione delle emergenze --- hädaolukordade ohjamine --- ārkārtas situācijas pārvaldība --- crisisbeheer --- справяне с извънредни ситуации --- krisehåndtering --- beredskabsstyring --- riadenie núdzových situácií --- emergency management --- krīžu pārvarēšana --- avarijų valdymas --- beheer van noodsituaties --- katasztrófaelhárítás --- gestion des crises --- gestão de emergências --- poikkeustilanteiden hallinta --- válságmenedzsment --- upravljanje u hitnim situacijama --- gestion de situation de crise --- ġestjoni tal-kriżijiet --- zvládání mimořádných událostí --- управљање кризним ситуацијама --- Katastrophen- und Krisenmanagement --- ġestjoni tal-emerġenzi --- ekstremaliųjų situacijų valdymas --- gestion de situation d'urgence --- gestión de emergencias --- hätätilanteiden hallinta --- katastrofehåndtering --- διαχείριση καταστάσεων έκτακτης ανάγκης --- maniġġar tal-emerġenzi --- veszélyhelyzet-kezelés --- upravljanje u kriznim situacijama --- zarządzanie sytuacjami wyjątkowymi --- obvladovanje izrednih razmer --- ārkārtas situāciju pārvaldība --- gestionarea situațiilor de urgență --- cúlú eacnamaíoch --- beredskabsindsats --- реагиране при извънредни ситуации --- odzivanje na izredne razmere --- Sofortmaßnahmen --- beredskab --- emergency response --- hätäapu --- działanie w sytuacji wyjątkowej --- rispons f'każ ta' emerġenza --- katastrofeindsats --- reakce na mimořádné události --- räddningsinsats --- réaction d’urgence --- odgovor na izvanredan događaj --- reaģēšana ārkārtas situācijās --- resposta a emergências --- kriseberedskab --- αντιμετώπιση καταστάσεων έκτακτης ανάγκης --- respons in noodsituaties --- intervenție de urgență --- katastrofberedskap --- reakcia na núdzové situácie --- vészhelyzet-elhárítás --- risposta all'emergenza --- hädaolukordadele reageerimine --- nødberedskab --- respuesta de emergencia --- skubus reagavimas --- dlisteanacht --- bainistiú géarchéime --- Ballstát den Aontas Eorpach --- Financial crises - Political aspects - European Union countries. --- crisis management.

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