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Rivers are the “blood vessels” of all living organisms on earth – they live in the water, drink the water or use it to spread into new regions in order to avoid overcrowding in specific locations. Since the early beginnings of human life on earth, riverbanks have been used as settlement sites, to provide food and for transport. However, since the oldest human cultures many agents of diseases have also spread along these rivers. Written by leading international parasitologists and physicians, this book discusses the involvement of rivers in the spread of diseases, but also their contributions to the development and destruction of human cultures. Examining past and current data, it shows how important and vulnerable river regions are and how they are increasingly endangered by pollution.
Parasitology. --- Infectious diseases. --- Veterinary medicine. --- Aquatic ecology . --- Microbiology. --- Epidemiology. --- Infectious Diseases. --- Veterinary Microbiology, Parasitology and Infectious Diseases. --- Freshwater & Marine Ecology. --- Waterborne infection. --- Water-borne infection --- Communicable diseases --- Infection --- Water --- Transmission --- Microbiology --- Diseases --- Public health --- Microbial biology --- Biology --- Microorganisms --- Aquatic biology --- Ecology --- Farriery --- Large animal medicine --- Large animal veterinary medicine --- Livestock medicine --- Veterinary science --- Medicine --- Animal health --- Animals --- Domestic animals --- Livestock --- Losses --- Parasitologia --- Cursos d'aigua --- Afluents --- Corrents d'aigua --- Rierols --- Rius --- Aigües superficials --- Espais naturals --- Cabal dels rius --- Cascades --- Deltes --- Energia hidràulica --- Estuaris --- Fonts (Hidrografia) --- Rius d'al·luvió --- Enginyeria hidràulica --- Geomorfologia fluvial --- Sediments fluvials --- Biologia --- Parasitisme --- Paràsits de les plantes --- Parasitologia mèdica --- Parasitologia veterinària --- Aquatic ecology.
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Stream ecology. --- Ecology. --- Fresh water. --- Fresh waters --- Freshwater --- Freshwaters --- Inland water --- Inland waters --- Water --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- River ecology --- Freshwater ecology --- Hyporheic zones --- Ecology --- Cursos d'aigua --- Ecologia fluvial --- Ecologia dels cursos d'aigua --- Ecologia dels rius --- Ecologia d'aigua dolça --- Ecologia ripícola --- Fauna d'aigua dolça --- Flora d'aigua dolça --- Afluents --- Corrents d'aigua --- Rierols --- Rius --- Aigües superficials --- Espais naturals --- Cabal dels rius --- Cascades --- Deltes --- Energia hidràulica --- Estuaris --- Fonts (Hidrografia) --- Rius d'al·luvió --- Enginyeria hidràulica --- Geomorfologia fluvial --- Sediments fluvials
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Water --- Pollution. --- Aquatic pollution --- Fresh water --- Fresh water pollution --- Freshwater pollution --- Inland water pollution --- Lake pollution --- Lakes --- Reservoirs --- River pollution --- Rivers --- Stream pollution --- Water contamination --- Water pollutants --- Water pollution --- Pollution --- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Organismes aquàtics --- Contaminació del mar --- Aigua de mar --- Vessaments de petroli --- Biologia aquàtica --- Fauna aquàtica --- Bentos --- Plantes aquàtiques --- Aigua contaminada --- Contaminació d'aigües --- Contaminació dels corrents d'aigua --- Contaminació dels cursos d'aigua --- Contaminació dels rius --- Contaminació --- Salut pública --- Contaminants emergents en l'aigua --- Abastament d'aigua --- Contaminants orgànics de l'aigua
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Microplastics --- Water --- Environmental aspects. --- Pollution. --- Aquatic pollution --- Fresh water --- Fresh water pollution --- Freshwater pollution --- Inland water pollution --- Lake pollution --- Lakes --- Reservoirs --- River pollution --- Rivers --- Stream pollution --- Water contamination --- Water pollutants --- Water pollution --- Pollution --- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. --- Microbeads --- Plastic particles --- Plastic marine debris --- Plastics --- Microplàstics --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Aigua contaminada --- Contaminació d'aigües --- Contaminació dels corrents d'aigua --- Contaminació dels cursos d'aigua --- Contaminació dels rius --- Contaminació --- Salut pública --- Contaminació del mar --- Contaminants emergents en l'aigua --- Abastament d'aigua --- Contaminants orgànics de l'aigua --- Partícules de plàstic --- Plàstics
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The Pearl River Estuary (PRE) is the Western name for a very large estuary in southern China that is currently home to an industrial metropolis of staggering size, and one that is rapidly evolving. The Chinese name for the Pearl River is Zhujiang. Guangzhou lies at the head of the estuary, and Macau and Hong Kong are on the western and eastern sides, respectively, of the wide opening of the estuary to the South China Sea. The new cities of Zhuhai and Shenzhen lie immediately north of Macau and Hong Kong, respectively. The recent establishment of the Greater Bay Area (GBA), which covers the majority of the Pearl River Delta area, with a total population of over 70 million, will certainly put the PRE under strict environmental scrutiny. The PRE system itself will provide a model system for environmental scientists owing to its major anthropogenic perturbation and influences, as well as the highly dynamic nature of the estuary. This book addresses the major environmental concerns regarding this estuary, contaminants and other pollutants, e.g. toxic metals, organic contaminants and emerging compounds. Questions addressed here include: What are the sources of the contaminants? What have the environmental consequences of these contaminants been for the estuary? What will the future bring? The research presented here on the Pearl River Estuary offers a wealth of insights for other major contaminated estuaries around the world.
Aquatic ecology . --- Ecotoxicology. --- Environmental sciences. --- Environmental monitoring. --- Freshwater & Marine Ecology. --- Environmental Science and Engineering. --- Monitoring/Environmental Analysis. --- Biomonitoring (Ecology) --- Ecological monitoring --- Environmental quality --- Monitoring, Environmental --- Applied ecology --- Environmental engineering --- Pollution --- Environmental science --- Science --- Ecotoxicology --- Pollutants --- Environmental health --- Toxicology --- Aquatic biology --- Ecology --- Measurement --- Monitoring --- Chemical pollution --- Chemicals --- Contamination of environment --- Environmental pollution --- Contamination (Technology) --- Asbestos abatement --- Bioremediation --- Factory and trade waste --- Hazardous waste site remediation --- Hazardous wastes --- In situ remediation --- Lead abatement --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Environmental aspects --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Deltes --- Canton (Xina) --- Cursos d'aigua --- Aigua contaminada --- Contaminació d'aigües --- Contaminació dels corrents d'aigua --- Contaminació dels cursos d'aigua --- Contaminació dels rius --- Contaminació --- Salut pública --- Contaminació del mar --- Contaminants emergents en l'aigua --- Abastament d'aigua --- Contaminants orgànics de l'aigua --- Cantón (Xina) --- Guangzhou (Xina) --- Kouang-tcheou (Xina) --- Xina --- Aquatic ecology. --- Environmental toxicology.
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This book addresses a broad range of issues concerning microplastic pollution, including microplastic pollution in various environments (freshwater, marine, air and soil); the sources, fate and effects of microplastics; detection systems for microplastic pollution monitoring; green approaches for the synthesis of environmentally friendly polymers; recovery and recycling of marine plastics; wastewater treatment plants as a microplastic entrance route; nanoplastics as emerging pollutants; degradation of plastics in the marine environment; impacts of microplastics on marine life; microplastics: from marine pollution to the human food chain; mitigation of microplastic impacts and innovative solutions; sampling, extraction, purification and identification approaches for microplastics; adsorption and transport of pollutants on and in microplastics; and lastly, the socio-economic and environmental impacts: assessment and risk analysis. In addition to presenting cutting-edge information and highlighting current trends and issues, the book proposes concrete solutions to help face this significant environmental threat. It is chiefly intended for researchers and industry decision-makers; international, national and local institutions; and NGOs, providing them with comprehensive information on the origin of the problem; its effects on marine environments, with a particular focus on the Mediterranean Sea and coasts; and recent and ongoing research activities and projects aimed at finding technical solutions to mitigate the phenomenon. .
Environmental sciences. --- Environmental chemistry. --- Water pollution. --- Polymers . --- Engineering—Materials. --- Environmental Science and Engineering. --- Environmental Chemistry. --- Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution. --- Polymer Sciences. --- Materials Engineering. --- Polymere --- Polymeride --- Polymers and polymerization --- Macromolecules --- Aquatic pollution --- Fresh water --- Fresh water pollution --- Freshwater pollution --- Inland water pollution --- Lake pollution --- Lakes --- Reservoirs --- River pollution --- Rivers --- Stream pollution --- Water contamination --- Water pollutants --- Water pollution --- Pollution --- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. --- Chemistry, Environmental --- Chemistry --- Ecology --- Environmental science --- Science --- Marine pollution --- Marine environment pollution --- Marine water pollution --- Ocean pollution --- Offshore water pollution --- Sea pollution --- Seawater --- Coastal zone management --- Oceanography --- Water --- Marine resources conservation --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Microplàstics --- Polímers --- Compostos macromoleculars --- Polímers orgànics --- Polímers sintètics --- Macromolècules --- Biopolímers --- Copolímers --- Elastòmers --- Fluoropolímers --- Làtex sintètic --- Oligòmers --- Poliestirè --- Polímers conductors --- Polímers hidrosolubles --- Polímers ignífugs --- Polímers inorgànics --- Poliuretans --- Partícules de plàstic --- Plàstics --- Aigua contaminada --- Contaminació d'aigües --- Contaminació dels corrents d'aigua --- Contaminació dels cursos d'aigua --- Contaminació dels rius --- Contaminació --- Salut pública --- Contaminació del mar --- Contaminants emergents en l'aigua --- Abastament d'aigua --- Contaminants orgànics de l'aigua --- Polymers. --- Pollution.
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The abundance of organic pollutants found in wastewater affect urban surface waters. Traditional wastewater management technologies focus on the removal of suspended solids, nutrients and bacteria, however, new pollutants such as synthetic or naturally occurring chemicals are often not monitored in the environment despite having the potential to enter the environment and cause adverse ecological and human health effects. Collectively referred to as "emerging contaminants," they are mostly derived from domestic activities and occur in trace concentrations ranging from pico to micrograms per liter. Environmental contaminants are resistant to conventional wastewater treatment processes and most of them remain unaffected, causing contamination of receiving water. This in turn leads to the need for advanced wastewater treatment processes capable of removing environmental contaminants to ensure safe fresh water sources. This book provides an up-to-date overview of the current bioremediation strategies, including their limitations, challenges and their potential application to remove environmental pollutants. It also introduces the latest trends and advances in environmental bioremediation, and presents the state-of-the-art in biological and chemical wastewater treatment processes. As such, it will appeal to researchers and policy-makers, as well as undergraduate and graduate environmental sciences students.
Microbiology. --- Waste management. --- Water pollution. --- Pollution prevention. --- Environmental chemistry. --- Microbial ecology. --- Waste Management/Waste Technology. --- Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution. --- Industrial Pollution Prevention. --- Environmental Chemistry. --- Microbial Ecology. --- Environmental microbiology --- Microorganisms --- Ecology --- Microbiology --- Chemistry, Environmental --- Chemistry --- Pollution --- Prevention of pollution --- Environmental protection --- Aquatic pollution --- Fresh water --- Fresh water pollution --- Freshwater pollution --- Inland water pollution --- Lake pollution --- Lakes --- Reservoirs --- River pollution --- Rivers --- Stream pollution --- Water contamination --- Water pollutants --- Water pollution --- Waste disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. --- Microbial biology --- Biology --- Control --- Prevention and control --- Refuse and refuse disposal. --- Water --- Salvage (Waste, etc.) --- Pollution. --- Conversion of waste products --- Industrial salvage --- Recovery of waste products --- Solid waste management --- Utilization of waste products --- Waste management --- Waste reclamation --- Waste products --- Recycling (Waste, etc.) --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Discarded materials --- Disposal of refuse --- Garbage --- Household waste --- Household wastes --- Rubbish --- Trash --- Waste disposal --- Wastes, Household --- Sanitation --- Factory and trade waste --- Pollution control industry --- Street cleaning --- Environmental aspects --- Ecologia microbiana --- Biodegradació --- Contaminants --- Contaminació de l'aigua --- Control de la contaminació --- Química ambiental --- Química del medi ambient --- Ciències ambientals --- Química --- Geoquímica ambiental --- Prevenció de la contaminació --- Protecció ambiental --- Descontaminació de dipòsits de residus perillosos --- Minimització de residus --- Seguiment ambiental --- Aigua contaminada --- Contaminació d'aigües --- Contaminació dels corrents d'aigua --- Contaminació dels cursos d'aigua --- Contaminació dels rius --- Contaminació --- Salut pública --- Contaminació del mar --- Contaminants emergents en l'aigua --- Abastament d'aigua --- Contaminants orgànics de l'aigua --- Agents contaminants --- Contaminants ambientals --- Contaminants químics --- Productes contaminants --- Substàncies contaminants --- Productes químics --- Contaminants persistents --- Lixiviats --- Biocorrosió --- Biodeterioració --- Corrosió biològica --- Degradació biològica --- Descomposició (Biologia) --- Bioquímica --- Descomposició (Química) --- Bioremediació --- Enzims microbians --- Tractament biològic de depuració d'aigües residuals --- Ecologia dels microorganismes --- Microbiologia ambiental --- Microbiologia del medi ambient --- Ecologia --- Microbiologia --- Biofilms --- Relacions planta-microbi --- Reducció del diòxid de carboni
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