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Heritable variation for aggression as a reflection of individual coping strategies.

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Coping strategies in quail following divergent selection for adrenocortical responsiveness to immobilization.
Authors: ---
Year: 1996

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Coping strategies and cardiovascular risk : a study of rats and mice.
Authors: ---
Year: 1986

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How useful are the concepts of alternative strategy and coping strategy in applied studies of social behaviour?
Authors: ---
Year: 1995

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La qualité de vie chez les enfants cœliaques âgés de 8 à 12 ans : Elaboration d'un questionnaire spécifique à cette problématique et analyse de leurs stratégies de coping
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Ce mémoire comporte trois objectifs de recherche : la création dans le questionnaire ISQV-E de six items spécifiques à la maladie cœliaque pouvant compléter l’évaluation globale de la qualité de vie chez les enfants, l'valuation précise de la qualité de vie des enfants cœliaques âgés de 8 à 12 ans, à l’aide du module générique et du module spécifique à la maladie cœliaque de l’ISQV-E et l'observation des stratégies de coping que les enfants cœliaques mettent en place lorsqu’ils rencontrent un problème lié à leur maladie et de constater l’effet sur leur qualité de vie. Méthodologie : sept enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans ont été rencontré à leur domicile. Ils ont complété des questionnaires relatifs à la qualité de vie (Inventaire Systémique de Qualité de Vie pour Enfants et le Celiac disease DUX) ainsi qu'un questionnaire évaluant les stratégies de coping (Self Report Coping Scale). Ensuite, un entretien semi structuré avait pour but d'identifier les impacts de la maladie cœliaque dans le quotidien de chaque enfant. Résultats : Certains items spécifiques à la maladie cœliaque semblent évaluer adéquatement la problématique. De plus, les enfants présentent des bonnes, moyennes ou mauvaises qualités de vie par rapport à une population d'enfants "tout venant". Enfin, certains éléments semblent influencer positivement la qualité de vie : l’ancienneté du diagnostic, la présence d’un autre membre cœliaque dans la famille, le vécu positif de la différence, l’attitude bienveillante de la part des autres, les alternatives sans gluten prévues par l’entourage ou les infrastructures, la satisfaction du RSG et les stratégies de coping de distanciation. D'autres éléments semblent, au contraire, influencer négativement la qualité de vie des enfants cœliaques : la récence du diagnostic, les moqueries, le peu d’attention accordée par les autres au respect du RSG, le vécu négatif de la différence, l’insatisfaction alimentaire, l’absence d’alternatives lors d’événements sociaux, l’attitude malveillante des autres et enfin, la mise en place de stratégies d'intériorisation et d’extériorisation. Conclusion : Il n’est pas démontré par le questionnaire que les enfants cœliaques aient une moins bonne qualité de vie que les autres enfants. Le questionnaire a néanmoins permis de mettre en évidence des difficultés dans des domaines relatifs ou non à la maladie cœliaque.

Energy Subsidy Reform Assessment Framework : Incidence of Price Subsidies on Households and Distributional Impact of Reform - Qualitative Methods
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This is the fourth in the series of ten good practice notes under the Energy Sector Reform Assessment Framework (ESRAF), an initiative of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) of the World Bank. ESRAF proposes a guide to analyzing energy subsidies, the impacts of subsidies and their reforms, and the political context for reform in developing countries. This good practice note provides those working on consumer price subsidy reforms, in particular social scientists, with hands-on, practical guidance for using certain qualitative research tools to help fully understand the distributional impacts of higher prices on households. It focuses primarily on the direct effects of energy price subsidies (that is, higher energy prices), which are especially pronounced in middle-income countries. The good practice note aims to illustrate how qualitative research tools-focus group discussions and in-depth interviews-can be utilized in the context of energy subsidy reforms. By using such tools, this note aims to guide researchers and policy advisers to better understand the energy use behavior of households, the impacts of higher energy prices on their lives, the ways households may adjust their energy use behavior in response, and the consequences of such coping strategies.

Literatur und Todesangst : Strategien poetischer Bewältigung
ISBN: 3957437067 3957432081 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | mentis

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Das sichere Wissen um die eigene Sterblichkeit ist ein schwerer Schlag für die evolutionär tief verankerten Selbsterhaltungsinstinkte des Menschen. Todesangst verlangt Bewusstsein und wir sind vermutlich - mit einem Wort Friedrich Dürrenmatts - "das einzige Lebewesen, das weiß, dass es sterben wird." Dieses Wissen hat von Anfang an in der Geschichte der Spezies Mensch zahlreiche Verteidigungsmechanismen und kulturelle Bewältigungsstrategien generiert. Dem psychischen und physischen Skandalon des Sterbens sollen - in unserem 21. Jahrhundert mehr denn je - Zügel angelegt werden. Die aktuell einflussreichste sozialpsychologische Theorie zur Auseinandersetzung mit unserer Sterblichkeit, die so genannte Terror-Management-Theorie, sieht im "schöpferischen Unsterblichkeitsmodus" (Robert Lifton) von Literatur und Kunst ein probates Mittel, unserer Todesangst zu begegnen. Dieses Buch überprüft diese und weitere Thesen aktueller Forschungen zur Todesangst am Beispiel der Verwobenheit von Biographie und literarischer Produktion unter anderem bei Annette von Droste-Hülshoff , Franz Kafka, Hermann Hesse, Wolfgang Herrndorf und Sigmund Freud.

Animal welfare aspects of rodeo events.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2005

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Rodeo events have been criticised by animal welfare organisations as being adverse to animal protection, for years. This was the motive for TVT to put several of these criticised disciplines to evaluation in terms of animal protection aspects. For that purpose, various rodeo events were visited, and videotaped material of almost all events, which had taken place in Germany in 2003 and 2004, was evaluated. Rodeo events are subject to ss 11, sec.1, No. 3d, German Animal Protection Act, which implies compulsory accreditation. In the scope of such events, causing any sort of pain and suffering ( 3 No. 6 German Animal Protection Act) is prohibited. A proof of the severity of the pain caused, is therefore no necessity. For the "critical" disciplines "Bare Back Riding" and "Saddle Bronc Riding" a so called "flank" is used. A flank is a leather strap, fastened to the sensitive parts of the horse skin, (around the flanks,) which is tightened to a maximum as soon as the horse is released from the starting box. Analysis show, that the strap has to be seen as the trigger for the wanted kow-tow. The different coping strategies shown by the animals prove that the leather strap is an apt instrument to cause pain and/or suffering (anxiety/fear/stress) in horses. Bull riding, instead, showed that the rider has to be seen primarily as the trigger for defence behaviour, here. In consideration of the current legal position and taking ethic principles into account, it seems appropriate to only authorise rodeo events under the condition of a flank strap ban. Bull riding should be banned in general

How COVID-19 Continues to Affect Livelihoods in Kenya : Rapid Response Phone Survey Rounds 1 to 5
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Understanding the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is important to inform policy responses. The arrival of COVID-19 disrupted lives across all countries and communities, creating unprecedented challenges. As of August 2021, there have been more than 200 million cases globally, with more than 4 million deaths. Throughout the pandemic, governments have adopted measures to curb the spread of the virus, which inadvertently resulted in socioeconomic impacts. To shape and accelerate the recovery, it is important to better understand the implications of the pandemic and its associated restrictions. The strict containment measures that were put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya had negative socioeconomic impacts. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya in March 2020, a range of containment measures were introduced by the Government of Kenya (GoK). These included the promotion of social distancing practices, restrictions on public gatherings, night curfews, shutting down learning institutions, and limits on public transport passenger capacities. Despite this, the number of cases reached 200,000 in August 2021, with more than 4,000 deaths. People were facing job losses, rising food insecurity, and worsening health and education outcomes. Understanding and quantifying the repercussions of the pandemic, particularly on different sub-groups of the population, can help to inform policies and improve targeting.

Cults Inside Out.How People Get In and Can Get Out
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781497316607 Year: 2014 Publisher: S.L. Rick Alan Ross

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