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Panorama de las Pensiones : Sistemas de ingreso al retiro en 53 paises
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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La presentacion adecuada del sistema pensional de un pais y la comparacion de los sistemas pensionales entre paises son partes cruciales del analisis y reforma de las politicas sobre el tema. Esto es valido tanto para paises de alto ingreso de la Organizacion para la Cooperacion y el Desarrollo Economicos, como para paises de medio o bajo ingreso. Panorama de las pensiones: Sistemas de ingreso al retiro en 53 paises ofrece un compendio de hechos y analisis que deben informar la formulacion de politicas y el debate publico sobre los sistemas de ingreso al retiro alrededor del mundo. La reforma pensional es un aspecto clave de politica para todos los paises; es desafiante y controversial porque involucra planeacion a largo plazo por parte de gobiernos que enfrentan presiones de corto plazo. En Panorama de las pensiones, Edward Whitehouse combina un analisis esmerado y riguroso con una presentacion de resultados empiricos clara y facil de entender. Mientras el autor no recomienda ningun tipo particular de sistema o de reforma pensional, el analisis presentado puede servir de informacion para los debates sobre los sistemas de ingreso al retiro. Una preocupacion central es la sostenibilidad social, la cual involucra la adecuacion futura de los beneficios y el impacto de las reformas pensionales sobre la distribucion de ingresos de la tercera edad, y los medios para combatir la pobreza de dicha poblacion. Panorama de las pensiones es un recurso util para disenadores de politicas, funcionarios gubernamentales y otros agentes involucrados en la reforma pensional.

Compulsory Social Security Participation Revealed Preferences
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The study starts with a classification of the enterprises depending on their participation to the Vietnam social security. Among the enterprises that contribute, one striking feature is that on average the share in the wage bill of the contributions paid to the Vietnam social security is much lower than the contribution rate established in the law. Even if the enterprises that do not register their employees are excluded from the calculation, the average ratio is of 7.6 percent while the legal rate was in 2006 equal to 23 percent. The study, consequently, examine this issue before investigating the characteristics of the enterprises that do not register their employees. The paper shows that this low ratio is due to a wide practice by enterprises of paying contributions on lower wages than current wages. The paper investigates, furthermore, who benefit from the practice of avoiding registration and from the practice of under-reporting wages to social security. The results indicate strong evidence that employees in enterprises that are not registered to social security and in enterprises that under report wage receive higher net wages.

Voluntary Pension System : Challenge of Expanding Coverage.
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Since 1947, the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has provided social insurance to public servants and armed forces personnel in Vietnam. In 1995, the Government merged the social insurance unit of the Ministry of labour, invalids and social affairs with that of the Vietnam General Confederation of labor. At the same time the system became mandatory to the employees of the newly developing private sector. The consolidated system is publicly managed by the VSS administration. VSS collects contributions and pay social insurance benefits (in case of sickness and sick leaves, maternity and family planning related leaves, work injury and professional disease, survivorship and to people that reached pension ages). This paper investigates this issue by reviewing the characteristics of employment in Vietnam. It concludes that the risk that social coverage remains limited for many years is high and, presents accordingly some policy options to augment VSS's chances to reach universal coverage in the future.

Republic of the Philippines Review of the Social Security System : Considerations for Strengthening Sustainability and Coverage.
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report was prepared at the request of the Philippines Social Security System (SSS) to analyze key challenges and propose reform options to improve the sustainability and expand the coverage of old age income protection for private sector workers. A simulation employing the Pension Reform Options Simulation Toolkit (PROST) found that the SSS scheme will face outflows greater than inflows in about 20 years and depletion of its assets in about 28 years. Fortunately, its medium-term financing issues can be addressed through the gradual introduction of parametric reforms that shield workers and retirees from abrupt changes in contributions and benefits. At the same time, the Philippines faces a challenge to improve the defacto coverage of workers by Social Security, and to increase the income protection coverage of the elderly. Options suggested include SSS measures to leverage its identification system and introduce a special instrument for informal workers. Rather than introducing matching contribution subsidies to expand coverage, it was suggested to broaden the scope of beneficiaries eligible for social pensions. Beyond the scope of the SSS, additional measures were suggested including those to improve the access and efficiency of contributions and payments systems, strengthening mobile-money platforms and efforts to improve access to savings instruments, particularly for small and isolated savers. The report points out that the key means of improving coverage lies beyond the scope of social security or pensions, namely, to improve the quantity and quality of wage-based employment.

The Greek Pension Reform Strategy 2010-2015
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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In 2010, Greece, under the pressure of an increasing public debt, was forced to resort to the Troika, which is the designation of the triumvirate which comprises the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Troika agreed to provide Greece with financial help, on special terms recorded in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Greek Government and the Troika. One of the most important reforms that are recorded in the MoU is the Pension Reform since the Greek Social Security System had long showed signs of unsustainability and insolvency. The recession also caused further impoverishment of old-age people followed by the rest of the population and this became one of the main reasons that the reforms could not be fully implemented for fear of further impoverishment of pensioners and social exclusion in general, as well as political cost which is always a key factor. This paper aims to further analyze and present the impact of the reforms on the Greek Pension System and the people who rely on it, through an actuarial, statistical analysis and point out the changes in the main factors mentioned above and how they correlate.

Reducing Elderly Poverty in Thailand : The Role of Thailand's Pension and Social Assistance Programs.
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This policy note examines Thailand's programs for preventing poverty among the elderly, and suggests options for improving the effectiveness of these programs. The number of elderly people in Thailand will increase dramatically over the next 30 years, and the elderly already have a higher poverty rate than the population as a whole. Although Thailand currently has a total of eight pension programs, the majority of the benefits go to those who are not poor. In addition, unlike most countries, Thailand lacks a pension and provident fund supervision agency or a consolidated financial institution regulator, and does not appear to have a well-articulated national pension policy. This has led to the development of two major sets of pension programs, with one group sponsored by the ministry of labor and the social security office, and the other by the ministry of finance and the securities commission. These are also supplemented by an assortment of social assistance and community programs sponsored by the ministry of social development and human security and the ministry of interior. This policy note will examine the above issues in more detail and recommend policy options to simplify and coordinate the various pension and social assistance programs aimed at preventing poverty among the elderly, target more spending at the elderly poor, and assure long-term fiscal sustainability.

Portability of Pension, Health, and Other Social Benefits : Facts, Concepts, Issues.
Authors: ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Portability of social benefits across professions and countries is an increasing concern for individuals and policy makers. Lacking or incomplete transfers of acquired social rights are feared to negatively impact individual labor market decisions as well as capacity to address social risks with consequences for economic and social outcomes. The paper gives a fresh and provocative look on the international perspective of the topic that has so far been dominated by social policy lawyers working within the framework of bilateral agreements; the input by economists has been very limited. It offers an analytical framework for portability analysis that suggests separating the risk pooling, (implicit or actual) pre-funding and redistributive elements in the benefit design and explores the proposed alternative approach for pensions and health care benefits. This promising approach may serve both as a substitute and complement to bi- and multilateral agreements.

International Portability of Health-Cost Coverage : Concepts and Experience.
Authors: ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Social insurance and other arrangements for funding health-care benefits often establish long-term relationships, effectively providing insurance against lasting changes in an individual's health status, engaging in burden-smoothing over the life cycle, and entailing additional elements of redistribution. International portability regarding this type of cover is, therefore, difficult to establish, but at the same time rather important both for the individuals affected and for the health funds involved in any instance of an international change in work place or residence. In this paper, full portability of health-cost cover is taken to mean that mobile individuals can, at a minimum, find comparable continuation of coverage under a different system and that this does not impose external costs or benefits on other members of the systems in the source and destination countries. Both of these aspects needs to be addressed in a meaningful portability framework for health systems, as lacking or incomplete portability may not only lead to significant losses in coverage for an individual who considers becoming mobile which may impede mobility that is otherwise likely to be beneficial. It may also lead to financial losses, or windfall gains, for sources of health-cost funding which can ultimately lead to a detrimental process of risk segmentation across national health systems. Against this background, even the most advanced sets of existing portability rules, such as those agreed upon multilaterally at the EU-level or laid down in bilateral agreements on social protection, appear to be untargeted, inconsistent and therefore potentially harmful, either for migrants or for health funds operated at both ends of the migration process, and hence for other individuals who are covered there.

Vietnam : Developing a Modern Pension System--Current Challenges and Options for Future Reform.
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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With declining fertility and rising life expectancy, the Vietnamese population is expected to age rapidly, making the development of a modern social security system a pressing priority for Vietnam. The current system faces a number of major challenges, including low coverage rates in both the formal and informal sectors, inequities between different participant groups, lack of financial sustainability, and weak capacity for management and implementation of social insurance programs. Reforms are needed urgently to expand coverage, promote fairness, improve financial sustainability, and modernize the social security administration in order to help ensure income security for Vietnam's aging population in the coming decades. This note aims to contribute to the policy discussions around possible revisions to the social insurance code foreseen for 2013 by reviewing some of these challenges and possible reform options.

Malawi Financial Sector Assessment Program : Contractual Savings - Insurance and Pensions.
Authors: ---
Year: 2008 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The penetration level of the insurance and pension sectors in Malawi is low, but it seems adequate as compared with other countries in similar stages of development. Concentration and costs are high, the regulatory framework is outdated or inexistent and supervision is weak. An innovative pilot experience of weather micro-insurance is a good example of private-public partnership to reduce vulnerability and extend benefits, but the coverage is still low. The project faces several challenges, one of them being the need to invest in weather technology. Cost benefit analysis of public projects in this area should take into consideration the possible positive social benefits of income security for vulnerable rural population. The analysis needs to take into account that possibilities to increase micro-insurance penetration may be affected by the level of education of farmers, as well as their specific knowledge of insurance products and their confidence in insurance companies. Life insurance and private pension plans have an acceptable level of development as substitute of the non-existing mandatory pensions for private sector workers, but they need a stronger supervision and regulation to enhance their benefits. Rules should seek to promote portfolio diversification, higher portability of pensions and old age income security through well defined benefit rules.

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