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Diritto penale contemporaneo - Rivista trimestrale
ISSN: 22407618

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Combatting illicit trade on the EU border : a comparative perspective
ISBN: 9783030510190 9783030510206 9783030510213 9783030510183 3030510190 3030510182 Year: 2021 Publisher: Springer Nature

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This open access book provides the first-ever comparative study on criminal policy concerning the illicit trade of tobacco, conducted among four comparatively new EU Member States (Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Romania) and two “old” EU countries (Germany and Italy). The book addresses the national legal frameworks, current criminological situation regarding illicit trade of tobacco, and the practical challenges faced by national law enforcement authorities in the countries examined. It also considers the international framework, and concludes with a horizontal report. The objective of the book is to highlight legislative and practical challenges in the fight against illegal tobacco products at the national and transnational level, and to formulate recommendations for overcoming them more effectively in Europe.

The legal foundations of INTERPOL
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781849468046 1509901116 1509901108 1849468044 9781509901104 9781509901111 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford, UK ; New York, NY : Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing,

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"Since the publication of the extremely well regarded first edition of this title, the legal regime which forms the basis for INTERPOL has changed significantly due to increasing criticism and calls for reform. This timely new edition provides a complete update to reflect the significant developments within the Organization since 2010. This new edition also examines INTERPOL's internal and external law and situates INTERPOL's assistance to its members in the legal regime of responsibility. It is the first text to undertake this task. It draws on the jurisprudence of the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files and the authors' extensive experience before this body to discuss in great detail how an individual can challenge INTERPOL's interventions (including the issuance of notices) on the basis of the Organization's internal rules. It also meticulously describes the procedures under which INTERPOL members might challenge INTERPOL's interventions and how an individual can hold INTERPOL responsible for breaches of its external law. Retaining the clarity of expression and expert analysis that were hallmarks of the first edition, this book is required reading for practitioners and academics alike. It provides academics with a valuable case study on the creation of an international organisation and the responsibility of international organisations, and it offers practitioners a forensic analysis of how to challenge INTERPOL and its actions"--


Law enforcement --- Lois --- International cooperation. --- Application. --- International Criminal Police Organization. --- Organisation internationale de police criminelle. --- International crimes. --- Droit international pénal. --- Law --- International and Comparative Criminal Law (Law) --- Interpol. --- criminal law. --- international law. --- application of the law. --- törvénytől való eltérés --- iværksættelse af lov --- mise en œuvre de la loi --- lovs gyldighed --- teisės aktų taikymas --- vlefshmëri e ligjit --- verkställighet av lag --- имплементација на закони --- presadzovanie zákona --- Durchführungsbestimmung --- fuldbyrdelse --- afvigelse fra lov --- inbreuk op de wet --- deroga alla legge --- nærmere regler for gennemførelse af lov --- modalità d'applicazione delle leggi --- seaduse kehtivus --- dérogation à la loi --- vymezení zákona --- uskutečňování zákona --- uplatnění zákona --- implementace zákona --- törvény hatálybaléptetése --- valjanost zakona --- afwijking van de wet --- attuazione della legge --- mise en oeuvre de la loi --- törvény végrehajtása --- wijze van toepassing van de wet --- entrata in vigore della legge --- validità della legge --- įstatymo vykdymas --- jogalkalmazás --- platnost zákona --- jogszabályok érvényesülése --- voorwaarde voor toepassing --- vigencia de la ley --- validitatea legii --- laista poikkeaminen --- εκτέλεση του νόμου --- execução da lei --- geldigheid van de wet --- törvénynek való megfelelés --- извршување закони --- primjena zakona --- lainsäädännön täytäntöönpano --- derogácia zo zákona --- esecuzione della legge --- įstatymo įgyvendinimas --- validity of the law --- törvény betartása --- implementarea legii --- törvény kikényszerítése --- lain pätevyys --- exécution de la loi --- törvény be nem tartása --- desarrollo de la ley --- aplicarea legislației --- tiesību aktu spēkā esamība --- likumdošanas piemērošana --- ekzekutim i ligjit --- seaduse jõustamine --- Gültigkeit des Gesetzes --- gennemførelsesbetingelse --- efficacia immediata della legge --- įstatymo taikymas --- derogation from the law --- cumplimiento de la ley --- seaduse täitmine --- lagens giltighet --- implementation of the law --- ejecución de la ley --- avvikelse från lagen --- спроведување закони --- derogare de la lege --- seadusest kõrvalekaldumine --- įstatymo išlyga --- validité de la loi --- derogación de la ley --- platnosť zákona --- derrogação à lei --- дерогација на закони --- įstatymo galiojimas --- έναρξη ισχύος του νόμου --- enforcement of the law --- intrarea în vigoare a legii --- tiesību aktu izpilde --- lain täytöntöönpano --- schending van de wet --- jogszabályok alkalmazása --- отстапување од закони --- izvršenje zakona --- termijn voor toepassing van de wet --- validade da lei --- účinnost zákona --- implementacija zakona --- Durchführung des Gesetzes --- tenuitvoerlegging van de wet --- παρέκκλιση από το νόμο --- uplatňovanie zákona --- shmangie nga ligji --- ισχύς του νόμου --- stosowanie ustawy --- примена закона --- приложение на правото --- tillämpning av lagen --- törvények alkalmazása --- aplicación de la ley --- cur i bhfeidhm an dlí --- applicazione della legge --- tiesību aktu piemērošana --- vykonávanie zákona --- applikazzjoni tal-leġiżlazzjoni --- gennemførelse af lov --- application de la loi --- aplikace zákona --- примена на закони --- provedba zakona --- lain soveltaminen --- εφαρμογή του νόμου --- teisės akto taikymas --- aplicação da lei --- toepassing van de wet --- zbatim i ligjit --- aplicarea legii --- seaduse rakendamine --- uporaba zakona --- Anwendung des Gesetzes --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- droit international --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- кривичен закон --- казнено право --- krimināltiesības --- kriminaalkoodeks --- trestní právo hmotné --- criminal code --- trestný kódex --- diritto criminale --- direito criminal --- kriminalret --- droit criminel --- crimineel recht --- karistusõigus --- Derecho criminal --- trestné právo --- prawo karne --- baudžiamoji teisė --- diritto penale --- наказателно право --- büntetőjog --- dlí coiriúil --- kriminaalõigus --- droit pénal --- kazensko pravo --- Strafrecht --- drept penal --- strafrecht --- Derecho penal --- strafferet --- krimināllikums --- dritt kriminali --- straffrätt --- kazneno pravo --- ποινικό δίκαιο --- direito penal --- кривично право --- e drejtë penale --- trestní právo --- rikosoikeus --- Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na bPóilíní Coirpeachta --- Starptautiskā kriminālpolicijas organizācija --- Internationale Kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation --- Меѓународна организација на криминална полиција --- Међународна криминалистичка полицијска организација --- Organisation internationale de police criminelle --- ΔΟΕΑ --- Međunarodna organizacija kriminalističke policije --- Medzinárodná organizácia kriminálnej polície --- Internationella kriminalpolisorganisationen --- Organização Internacional de Polícia Criminal --- Den Internationale Kriminalpolitiorganisation --- Organización Internacional de Policía Criminal --- Organizzazione internazionale di polizia criminale --- ICPO --- Internationale Criminele Politie Organisatie --- IKPO --- Mednarodna organizacija kriminalistične policije --- Международна организация на криминалната полиция (Интерпол) --- Mezinárodní organizace kriminální policie --- Tarptautinė kriminalinės policijos organizacija --- Rahvusvaheline Kriminaalpolitseiorganisatsioon --- ONPK --- kansainvälinen rikospoliisijärjestö --- Organizația Internațională de Poliție Criminală --- International Criminal Police Organisation --- Międzynarodowa Organizacja Policji Kryminalnej --- Interpola Nacionālais centrālais birojs --- Organizata Ndërkombëtare e Policisë Kriminale --- OIPC --- Nemzetközi Bűnügyi Rendőrségi Szervezet --- Διεθνής Οργανισμός Εγκληματολογικής Αστυνομίας --- International Criminal Police Organization --- Интерпол --- Interpol --- Interpols --- Interpolas --- Ιντερπόλ --- International criminal police organization --- international cooperation. --- police cooperation. --- policajná spolupráca --- полицейско сътрудничество --- comhar póilíneachta --- poliție cooperare --- αστυνομική συνεργασία --- politisamarbejde --- polisiärt samarbete --- policijska suradnja --- полицијска сарадња --- cooperación policial --- policijas sadarbība --- policijų bendradarbiavimas --- cooperazione di polizia --- polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit --- współpraca policyjna --- bashkëpunim policor --- полициска соработка --- coopération policière --- poliisiasiain yhteistyö --- politiële samenwerking --- cooperação policial --- policejní spolupráce --- kooperazzjoni tal-pulizija --- politseikoostöö --- rendőrségi együttműködés --- policijsko sodelovanje --- součinnost policejních orgánů --- součinnost orgánů činných v trestním řízení --- policejní kooperace --- rendőri együttműködés --- rahvusvaheline koostöö --- меѓународна соработка --- nemzetközi együttműködés --- współpraca międzynarodowa --- cooperazione internazionale --- coopération internationale --- internationale Zusammenarbeit --- cooperare internațională --- internationale samenwerking --- medzinárodná spolupráca --- tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas --- kansainvälinen yhteistyö --- cooperação internacional --- международно сътрудничество --- internationellt samarbete --- bashkëpunim ndërkombëtar --- међународна сарадња --- mezinárodní spolupráce --- mednarodno sodelovanje --- internationalt samarbejde --- διεθνής συνεργασία --- međunarodna suradnja --- kooperazzjoni internazzjonali --- starptautiskā sadarbība --- cooperación internacional --- comhar idirnáisiúnta --- mezinárodní kooperace --- интернационална соработка --- internacionální kooperace --- spolupráce na mezinárodní úrovni --- internacionální spolupráce --- kaimiņvalstu sadarbība --- Droit international pénal.

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