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Long description: GitHub – praktisch und anschaulich erklärt Das typische GitHub-Vokabular wie Pull-Request und Co. und grundlegende Arbeitsschritte verständlich beschrieben Von ersten Commits bis zu eigenen GitHub Actions GitHub und Git im Zusammenspiel GitHub ist derzeit die größte Internetplattform für Open-Source-Entwicklungsprojekte und bietet ein grafisches Webinterface mit vielen Funktionen für die gemeinsame Arbeit sowie interessante Community-Features. Technisch setzt es auf der bekannten Versionsverwaltung Git auf.Aber was ist ein Repository, Branch, Commit, Pull-Request oder Fork? Wie lege ich ein eigenes Projekt an? Was muss ich beim Mergen beachten und wann sind etwas Git oder Actions und Apps ein guter nächster Schritt?Einsteiger*innen lernen alle wichtigen Werkzeuge und Begriffe kennen, spielen typische Arbeitsschritte durch und erhalten über die Funktionalität der Plattform hinaus viele Infos und Praxistipps. Mit diesem verständlichen und humorvollen Leitfaden gelingt der unfallfreie Einstieg in die Open-Source-Welt – garantiert. Biographical note: Anke Lederer ist Fachinformatikerin Systemintegration, Diplom-Informatikerin und zertifizierte Project Management Professional (PMP®). Wenn sie nicht gerade überlegt, wie man ein Holz-Projekt mit dem Arduino oder Raspberry Pi noch besser machen könnte, schreibt sie Artikel für die Online-Zeitung Infotechnica (
Softwareentwicklung --- Open Source --- Git --- Repository --- Branch --- Commit --- Pull-Request --- Fork --- Merge --- GitHub Marketplace
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English literature --- Attempted murder --- Brothers --- Fiction --- London (England) --- Londres (Angleterre) --- Romans, nouvelles, etc. --- -Brothers --- -Brothers and sisters --- Men --- Attempt to commit murder --- Murder attempts --- Criminal attempt --- Murder --- -Fiction --- Fiction.
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Preparation (Criminal law) --- 347.65 <492> --- Erfrecht. Erfopvolging. Nalatenschap--Nederland --- 347.65 <492> Erfrecht. Erfopvolging. Nalatenschap--Nederland --- Preparation to commit a crime --- Criminal act --- Criminal attempt --- Criminal law --- Preparation (Criminal law) - Netherlands
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A study of how asceticism was promoted through Biblical interpretation, Reading Renunciation uses contemporary literary theory to unravel the writing strategies of the early Christian authors. Not a general discussion of early Christian teachings on celibacy and marriage, the book is a close examination, in the author's words, of how "the Fathers' axiology of abstinence informed their interpretation of Scriptural texts and incited the production of ascetic meaning." Elizabeth Clark begins with a survey of scholarship concerning early Christian asceticism that is designed to orient the nonspecialist. Section Two is organized around potentially troubling issues posed by Old Testament texts that demanded skillful handling by ascetically inclined Christian exegetes. The third section, "Reading Paul," focuses on the hermeneutical problems raised by I Corinthians 7, and the Deutero-Pauline and Pastoral Epistles. Elizabeth Clark's remarkable work will be of interest to scholars of late antiquity, religion, literary theory, and history.
248 "00/04" --- Asceticism --- -Ascetical theology --- Contempt of the world --- Theology, Ascetical --- Christian life --- Ethics --- Spiritualiteit. Ascese. Mystiek. Vroomheid--?"00/04" --- History --- -Asceticism --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Biblia --- Asceticism - History - Early church, ca 30-600 --- Acts of Paul and Thecla. --- Acts of Thomas. --- Adultery. --- Allegory. --- Ambrosiaster. --- Anchorite. --- Apologetics. --- Apostasy. --- Arianism. --- Asceticism. --- Basil of Ancyra. --- Basil of Caesarea. --- Bible. --- Body of Christ. --- Book of Judges. --- Book of Wisdom. --- Celibacy. --- Chastity. --- Christian Order. --- Christianity. --- Church Fathers. --- Clement of Alexandria. --- Clerical celibacy. --- Concupiscence. --- Consummation. --- Contra Celsum. --- Conversion to Christianity. --- Criticism of marriage. --- De fide. --- Dialogue with Trypho. --- Dispensation (canon law). --- Docetism. --- Donatism. --- Elijah. --- Epistle to the Ephesians. --- Evagrius Ponticus. --- Exegesis. --- Ezekiel. --- Fear of God. --- First Epistle to the Corinthians. --- Fornication. --- Gluttony. --- God. --- Helvidius. --- Heresy. --- Heterodoxy. --- Holiness code. --- Idolatry. --- Incest. --- Incorruptibility. --- Indulgence. --- Infidel. --- Jews. --- John Cassian. --- John Chrysostom. --- Jovinian. --- Judaizers. --- Justification (theology). --- Justin Martyr. --- Lactantius. --- Manichaeism. --- Marcion of Sinope. --- Marcionism. --- Matthew 25. --- Melania the Elder. --- Midrash. --- Monasticism. --- Montanism. --- New Testament. --- Old Testament. --- Origen. --- Paganism. --- Parable of the Great Banquet. --- Parable of the Ten Virgins. --- Paulinus of Nola. --- Pelagianism. --- Progressive revelation (Bahá'í). --- Rebuke. --- Religion. --- Religious text. --- Renunciation. --- Rule of Faith. --- Sacramentum (oath). --- Self-denial. --- Sexual Desire (book). --- Sexual abstinence. --- Sirach. --- Sola fide. --- Spiritual marriage. --- Spirituality. --- Spouse. --- Superiority (short story). --- Susanna (Book of Daniel). --- Tertullian. --- The City of God (book). --- Theodore of Mopsuestia. --- Theology. --- Thomas the Apostle. --- Thou shalt not commit adultery. --- Virginity.
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Most anyone interested in such topics as creation mythology, Jungian theory, or the idea of "secret teachings" in ancient Judaism and Christianity has found "gnosticism" compelling. Yet the term "gnosticism," which often connotes a single rebellious movement against the prevailing religions of late antiquity, gives the false impression of a monolithic religious phenomenon. Here Michael Williams challenges the validity of the widely invoked category of ancient "gnosticism" and the ways it has been described. Presenting such famous writings and movements as the Apocryphon of John and Valentinian Christianity, Williams uncovers the similarities and differences among some major traditions widely categorized as gnostic. He provides an eloquent, systematic argument for a more accurate way to discuss these interpretive approaches. The modern construct "gnosticism" is not justified by any ancient self-definition, and many of the most commonly cited religious features that supposedly define gnosticism phenomenologically turn out to be questionable. Exploring the sample sets of "gnostic" teachings, Williams refutes generalizations concerning asceticism and libertinism, attitudes toward the body and the created world, and alleged features of protest, parasitism, and elitism. He sketches a fresh model for understanding ancient innovations on more "mainstream" Judaism and Christianity, a model that is informed by modern research on dynamics in new religious movements and is freed from the false stereotypes from which the category "gnosticism" has been constructed.
Gnosticism. --- Rome --- Religion. --- Gnosticism --- 273.1 --- 273.1 Gnosis. Gnosticisme --- Gnosis. Gnosticisme --- Religion --- Cults --- Rome - Religion --- Against the Galilaeans. --- Agrippa Castor. --- Anchorite. --- Anthropomorphism. --- Anti-Judaism. --- Antinomianism. --- Antipope. --- Apocalypse. --- Apocrypha. --- Apocryphon. --- Apostasy. --- Asceticism. --- Blasphemy. --- Borborites. --- Cainites. --- Catharism. --- Celibacy. --- Cerdo (gnostic). --- Cerinthus. --- Christian Identity. --- Christian fundamentalism. --- Christianity. --- Church Fathers. --- Clement of Alexandria. --- Consubstantiality. --- Contra Celsum. --- Creation myth. --- Demiurge. --- Demonization. --- Dialogue with Trypho. --- Divine Spark. --- Doctrine. --- Elohim. --- Epiphanes (gnostic). --- Epistle to the Laodiceans. --- Ernst Troeltsch. --- Exegesis. --- Exorcism. --- False prophet. --- God. --- Good and evil. --- Gospel of Eve. --- Gospel of Philip. --- Heresy of the Free Spirit. --- Heresy. --- Heterodoxy. --- Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit. --- Ideal type. --- Incorruptibility. --- Infidel. --- Irenaeus. --- Jews. --- Judaism. --- Judas Iscariot. --- Justification (theology). --- Justin Martyr. --- Manichaeism. --- Marcion of Sinope. --- Marcionism. --- Martyr. --- Metempsychosis. --- New religious movement. --- Nicolaism. --- Orthodox Judaism. --- Plotinus. --- Predestination. --- Problem of evil. --- Pseudo-Philo. --- Puritans. --- Pythagoreanism. --- Reform Judaism. --- Religious text. --- Renunciation. --- Sacred prostitution. --- Satan. --- Sect. --- Secularization. --- Self-denial. --- Sethianism. --- Sexual Desire (book). --- Sexual abstinence. --- Simon Magus. --- Skepticism. --- Sophia (Gnosticism). --- Spiritual marriage. --- Spirituality. --- Superiority (short story). --- Tertullian. --- The Other Hand. --- Theodicy. --- Theodotus of Byzantium. --- Theology. --- Thou shalt not commit adultery. --- Thou shalt not covet. --- Tractate. --- Wickedness. --- Writing. --- Zostrianos.
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Euthanasie geeft een arts pas als voldaan is aan de wettelijke eisen en zijn persoonlijk geweten. Bij 'zelfeuthanasie' ligt de regie over een waardig sterfbed bij de persoon zelf. Dat lijkt onmogelijk, maar deze veelomvattende handleiding voor een waardig levenseinde laat zien dat het niet onmogelijk hoeft zijn en blaast daarom ook een frisse wind in het euthanasiedebat.Dit eerste publieksboek beschrijft twee manieren: de ene is om de juiste hoeveelheid van een dodelijk medicijn, de pil van Drion, te verzamelen en - als het niet anders kan - die in te nemen. De andere is bewust versterven: stoppen met eten en drinken. 'Bewust versterven' staat als gruwelijk te boek. Weinig mensen weten dat je honger en dorst met hulp van verzachtende zorg kunt verlichten.
Professional ethics. Deontology --- BPB1004 --- Avortement --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- 603.2 --- end-of-life --- euthanasie --- stervensbegeleiding --- terminale zorgen --- versterven --- voedselweigering --- zelfbeschikking --- zelfdoding (suïcide, zelfmoord) --- Abortus --- Vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- (zie ook: terminale zorgen) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- (zie ook: euthanasie) --- Euthanasie --- Stervensbegeleiding --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- apsisprendimo teisė --- právo na sebeurčení --- liria për vetëvendosje --- vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- itsemääräämisoikeus --- pravica do samoodločbe --- Recht auf Selbstbestimmung --- enesemääramisõigus --- sloboda samoodređenja --- önrendelkezési jog --- fri rådighed over egen person --- freedom of self-determination --- pašnoteikšanās tiesības --- свобода на самоопределение --- liberdade de autodeterminação --- prawo do śmierci --- libre disposición de la propia persona --- право на самоопредељење --- libertatea de autodeterminare --- awtodispożizzjoni libera --- libertà di disporre di se stessi --- слобода на самоопределување --- ελευθερία αυτοδιάθεσης --- sloboda sebaurčenia --- rätt till självbestämmande --- dignidade da pessoa --- recht op zelfdoding --- akt eutanázie --- Menschenwürde --- tiesības izdarīt pašnāvību --- Recht auf Freitod --- e drejtë për të kryer vetëvrasje --- dignidad de la persona --- rätt att begå självmord --- човеково достоинство --- waardigheid van de persoon --- ljudsko dostojanstvo --- människans värdighet --- dignità della persona --- demnitate umană --- emberi méltóság --- svoboda rozhodnout o sobě samém --- δικαίωμα αυτοκτονίας --- oikeus tehdä itsemurha --- ľudská dôstojnosť --- lidská důstojnost --- cilvēka cieņa --- droit au suicide --- inimväärikus --- diritto al suicidio --- pravo na samoubojstvo --- right to commit suicide --- právo na eutanáziu --- derecho al suicidio --- právo spáchať samovraždu --- ret til selvmord --- direito ao suicídio --- teisė nusižudyti --- human dignity --- liberdade de dispor de si mesmo --- dinjiteti njerëzor --- õigus enesetappu sooritada --- öngyilkosság elkövetéséhez való jog --- ihmisarvo --- αξιοπρέπεια του ανθρώπινου προσώπου --- individens värdighet --- dignité de la personne --- eitanāzijas tiesības --- žmogaus orumas --- abortus --- abort --- аборт --- abortas --- ndërprerje e shtatzanisë --- abortion --- aborts --- interrupcia --- абортус --- raskauden keskeyttäminen --- aborto --- avort --- abortusz --- aborcja --- přerušení těhotenství --- umetna prekinitev nosečnosti --- прекид трудноће --- άμβλωση --- Abtreibung --- pobačaj --- voluntary termination of pregnancy --- dobrovoljni prekid trudnoće --- savanoriškas nėštumo nutraukimas --- umělý potrat --- míra potratovosti --- aborto provocato --- aborto spontaneo --- önkéntes terhességmegszakítás --- legale Abtreibung --- legal abort --- aborto legale --- prerušenie tehotenstva --- interruzione di gravidanza --- Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung --- Schwangerschaftsabbruch --- ndërprerje e ligjshme e shtatzënisë --- aborto natural --- IVG --- întrerupere de sarcină --- interrupce --- interrupção voluntária de gravidez --- abortti --- legális abortusz --- legální potrat --- interrupción voluntaria del embarazo --- dobrovoľné prerušenie tehotenstva --- νόμιμη άμβλωση --- avortement légal --- terhességmegszakítás --- interupce --- nėštumo nutraukimas --- dobrovolné přerušení těhotenství --- предвремен прекин на бременоста --- zwangerschapsonderbreking --- termination of pregnancy --- engedélyezett abortusz --- interrupção de gravidez --- vabatahtlik raseduse katkestamine --- művi abortusz --- seaduslik abort --- potratovost --- interruzione volontaria di gravidanza --- umělé přerušení těhotenství --- aborto legal --- ndërprerje e shtatzënisë --- interrupción del embarazo --- interruption volontaire de grossesse --- laillinen raskauden keskeyttäminen --- εθελουσία διακοπή της κύησης --- legal abortion --- aborto espontâneo --- spontánní potrat --- έκτρωση --- frivillig svangerskabsafbrydelse --- teisėtas abortas --- ndërprerje me dashje e shtatzënisë --- legálna interrupcia --- samovolný potrat --- brīvprātīga grūtniecības pārtraukšana --- raseduse katkestamine --- svangerskabsafbrydelse --- ukončení těhotenství --- διακοπή της κύησης --- legalni pobačaj --- prekid trudnoće --- legale abortus --- vapaaehtoinen raskauden keskeyttäminen --- legāls aborts --- atļauts aborts --- törvényes művi abortusz --- frivilligt avbrytande av graviditet --- saoirse féinchinntiúcháin --- ginmhilleadh --- Libre disposition de soi-même
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Emprunté au domaine de la philosophie morale, la dignité a fait l’objet d’une inscription dans les textes juridiques, notamment internationaux, à la suite de la Shoah. Ainsi, aujourd’hui, le principe de dignité humaine préoccupe aussi bien les juristes que de nombreux publics allant des représentants de multiples disciplines aux simples citoyens en passant par les politiques. En effet, le contenu de ce concept reste indéterminé. Mais peut-il en être autrement sachant que la dignité humaine pose une question centrale : qu’est-ce qui fait la valeur de l’existence humaine ?Dans ce contexte, cet ouvrage tente de relever un défi : analyser les applications du principe de dignité dans vingt pays représentatifs de cultures différentes pour tenter de cerner son contenu et surtout d’apprécier son utilité en droit. Ainsi, à partir de l’examen des lois, des avis de commissions nationales d’éthique ou relatives aux droit de l’homme, mais aussi et surtout des décisions judiciaires, les usages de la dignité sont analysés en vue de faire émerger les lignes de convergence et de divergence. L’ouvrage fait aussi une place à la perception de la dignité par les Cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme ainsi qu’aux regards du philosophe, du sociologue et de l’anthropologue sur les réalités de la dignité.À défaut de progresser sur la définition de la dignité, cette étude permet d’identifier la finalité des usages de la dignité, de montrer l’ambivalence de ce concept et devrait ainsi inciter tous ceux qui s’y réfèrent en pratique, notamment les juges, les politiques, les médecins ou les citoyens, à agir en conséquence afin d’éviter que cet outil de défense des droits de la personne se transforme en censeur de libertés ou en instrument d’injustice sociale.
Human rights --- Medical law --- Dignité de la personne (droit) --- Dignité humaine. --- Respect for persons --- Dignity. --- Bioethics --- Respect de la personne --- Dignité --- Bioéthique --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- EPUB-ALPHA-D EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- E-books --- STRADALEX --- BPB1703 --- Bioéthique --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- apsisprendimo teisė --- právo na sebeurčení --- liria për vetëvendosje --- vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- itsemääräämisoikeus --- pravica do samoodločbe --- Recht auf Selbstbestimmung --- enesemääramisõigus --- sloboda samoodređenja --- önrendelkezési jog --- fri rådighed over egen person --- freedom of self-determination --- pašnoteikšanās tiesības --- свобода на самоопределение --- liberdade de autodeterminação --- prawo do śmierci --- libre disposición de la propia persona --- право на самоопредељење --- libertatea de autodeterminare --- awtodispożizzjoni libera --- libertà di disporre di se stessi --- слобода на самоопределување --- ελευθερία αυτοδιάθεσης --- sloboda sebaurčenia --- rätt till självbestämmande --- dignidade da pessoa --- recht op zelfdoding --- akt eutanázie --- Menschenwürde --- tiesības izdarīt pašnāvību --- Recht auf Freitod --- e drejtë për të kryer vetëvrasje --- dignidad de la persona --- rätt att begå självmord --- човеково достоинство --- waardigheid van de persoon --- ljudsko dostojanstvo --- människans värdighet --- dignità della persona --- demnitate umană --- emberi méltóság --- svoboda rozhodnout o sobě samém --- δικαίωμα αυτοκτονίας --- oikeus tehdä itsemurha --- ľudská dôstojnosť --- lidská důstojnost --- cilvēka cieņa --- droit au suicide --- inimväärikus --- diritto al suicidio --- pravo na samoubojstvo --- right to commit suicide --- právo na eutanáziu --- derecho al suicidio --- právo spáchať samovraždu --- ret til selvmord --- direito ao suicídio --- teisė nusižudyti --- human dignity --- liberdade de dispor de si mesmo --- dinjiteti njerëzor --- õigus enesetappu sooritada --- öngyilkosság elkövetéséhez való jog --- ihmisarvo --- αξιοπρέπεια του ανθρώπινου προσώπου --- individens värdighet --- dignité de la personne --- eitanāzijas tiesības --- žmogaus orumas --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bio-ethiek --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- medische ethiek --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- saoirse féinchinntiúcháin --- bitheitic --- Droit médical --- Allemagne --- Belgique --- Espagne --- France --- Turquie --- Taïwan --- Grèce --- Hongrie --- Italie --- Royaume-Uni --- Suisse --- Brésil --- Chine --- Egypte --- Sénégal --- Tunisie --- Canada --- Etats-Unis --- Chili --- Japon --- Dignité de la personne (droit) --- Dignité humaine. --- Libre disposition de soi-même
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"En ouvrant les yeux sur le monde, un seul constat semble s'imposer : l'apocalypse nous menace, dans toutes les directions. Mais l'apocalypse, au sens premier du terme, est d'abord une révélation. Ce que ces crises multiples nous révèlent, c'est qu'un autre monde est possible. Nous sommes à l'heure d'une nouvelle et indispensable Renaissance. De par le monde, une multitude de révolutions silencieuses, discrètes, sont initiées par des citoyens, par des entreprises, par des responsables locaux. Les enjeux? Une planète plus juste, pérenne et inventive. Sans plus attendre! propose une nouvelle vision de l'humanité fondée sur le respect : celui de la dignité humaine et celui des écosystèmes."--Editeur.
Développement personnel --- Groei (Psychologie) --- Growth (Psychology) --- Maturatie (Psychologie) --- Maturation (Psychologie) --- Maturation (Psychology) --- Maturité (Psychologie) --- Maturité psychologique --- Ontwikkeling (individueel) --- Personal development --- Personal growth --- Personalité--Développement --- Personne--Développement --- Persoon--Ontwikkeling --- Persoonlijke groei (Psychologie) --- Persoonlijke ontwikkeling --- Persoonlijkheid--Groei --- Persoonlijkheid--Ontwikkeling --- Psychologische rijpheid --- Rijpheid (Psychologie) --- Politique alimentaire --- Dignité humaine --- Écosystèmes --- Énergies renouvelables --- Autonomie --- Innovations --- Créativité en technologie --- Créativité (éducation) --- Économie sociale et solidaire --- Crise de l'énergie --- Écosystème --- Développement économique --- BPB1502 --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- Energiecrisis --- Ecosysteem --- Economische ontwikkeling --- Vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- Sustainable development --- Environmental aspects --- Politique alimentaire. --- Dignité humaine. --- Écosystèmes. --- Énergies renouvelables. --- Autonomie. --- Innovations technologiques. --- Créativité en technologie. --- Économie sociale et solidaire. --- apsisprendimo teisė --- právo na sebeurčení --- liria për vetëvendosje --- vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- itsemääräämisoikeus --- pravica do samoodločbe --- Recht auf Selbstbestimmung --- enesemääramisõigus --- sloboda samoodređenja --- önrendelkezési jog --- fri rådighed over egen person --- freedom of self-determination --- pašnoteikšanās tiesības --- свобода на самоопределение --- liberdade de autodeterminação --- prawo do śmierci --- libre disposición de la propia persona --- право на самоопредељење --- libertatea de autodeterminare --- awtodispożizzjoni libera --- libertà di disporre di se stessi --- слобода на самоопределување --- ελευθερία αυτοδιάθεσης --- sloboda sebaurčenia --- rätt till självbestämmande --- dignidade da pessoa --- recht op zelfdoding --- akt eutanázie --- Menschenwürde --- tiesības izdarīt pašnāvību --- Recht auf Freitod --- e drejtë për të kryer vetëvrasje --- dignidad de la persona --- rätt att begå självmord --- човеково достоинство --- waardigheid van de persoon --- ljudsko dostojanstvo --- människans värdighet --- dignità della persona --- demnitate umană --- emberi méltóság --- svoboda rozhodnout o sobě samém --- δικαίωμα αυτοκτονίας --- oikeus tehdä itsemurha --- ľudská dôstojnosť --- lidská důstojnost --- cilvēka cieņa --- droit au suicide --- inimväärikus --- diritto al suicidio --- pravo na samoubojstvo --- right to commit suicide --- právo na eutanáziu --- derecho al suicidio --- právo spáchať samovraždu --- ret til selvmord --- direito ao suicídio --- teisė nusižudyti --- human dignity --- liberdade de dispor de si mesmo --- dinjiteti njerëzor --- õigus enesetappu sooritada --- öngyilkosság elkövetéséhez való jog --- ihmisarvo --- αξιοπρέπεια του ανθρώπινου προσώπου --- individens värdighet --- dignité de la personne --- eitanāzijas tiesības --- žmogaus orumas --- taloudellinen kehitys --- wirtschaftliche Entwicklung --- majandusareng --- sviluppo economico --- economische ontwikkeling --- икономическо развитие --- economic development --- ekonomski razvoj --- økonomisk udvikling --- hospodársky rozvoj --- żvilupp ekonomiku --- desarrollo económico --- dezvoltare economică --- zhvillim ekonomik --- rozwój gospodarczy --- gospodarski razvoj --- hospodářský rozvoj --- привредни развој --- desenvolvimento económico --- ūkio plėtra --- економски развој --- οικονομική ανάπτυξη --- ekonomikas attīstība --- gazdasági fejlődés --- ekonomisk utveckling --- οικονομική άνθηση --- auge económico --- wirtschaftliche Erholung --- hospodářský rozmach --- Verbesserung der Wirtschaftslage --- noususuhdanne --- hospodářský vzestup --- zlepšení hospodářské situace --- economic upswing --- Wirtschaftsaufschwung --- risanamento dell'economia --- milagre económico --- ekonomiskt uppsving --- ekonomikos pakilimas --- slancio economico --- ekonomický rozvoj --- vlucht van de economie --- раст на економијата --- majanduse kasv --- економски пораст --- økonomisk fremgang --- progres economic --- hospodársky rozmach --- tautsaimniecības attīstība --- ρυθμός οικονομικής ανάπτυξης --- tautsaimniecības uzplaukums --- sviluppo del mercato --- consolidamento dell'economia --- alza económica --- ekonomikos plėtra --- a gazdasági helyzet javulása --- ngritje ekonomike --- økonomisk opgang --- раст на економската активност --- hospodářská konjunktura --- ekonomiskais uzplaukums --- essor économique --- ekosystém --- ekosistēma --- ecosystem --- ekosustav --- ecosistema --- οικοσύστημα --- ecosistem --- ekosysteemi --- ökosüsteem --- ökoszisztéma --- екосистема --- ekosystem --- ecosysteem --- økosystem --- екосистем --- Ökosystem --- ekosistem --- ekosistema --- ecossistema --- éiceachóras --- sistema ecologico --- ekološki sustav --- еколошки систем --- ökológiai rendszer --- crise energética --- energiakriisi --- kriżi tal-enerġija --- енергийна криза --- енергетска криза --- Energiekrise --- crisis de energía --- energikris --- energiecrisis --- ενεργειακή κρίση --- crisi energetica --- energetinė krizė --- energikrise --- energiakriis --- enerģētikas krīze --- criză energetică --- kryzys energetyczny --- energetska kriza --- energiaválság --- energy crisis --- energetická krize --- energetická kríza --- krizë energjetike --- choque energético --- krizë energjie --- elektros energijos krizė --- kríza elektrickej energie --- crise énergétique --- ограничување енергија --- energiapula --- crisis energética --- power crisis --- Energieschock --- crisis in de energievoorziening --- choc énergétique --- crise de energia --- saoirse féinchinntiúcháin --- forbairt eacnamaíoch --- géarchéim fuinnimh --- Innovation. --- Autonomy --- Economic development --- Dignité humaine. --- Écosystèmes. --- Énergies renouvelables. --- Créativité en technologie. --- Créativité (éducation) --- Économie sociale et solidaire. --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- Crise de l'énergie --- Écosystème --- Développement économique
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Examining the evidence from Belgium – one of only five countries where euthanasia is practised legally – an international panel of experts considers the implications of legalised euthanasia and assisted suicide. Looking at the issue from an international perspective, the authors have written an invaluable in-depth analysis of the ethical aspects of this complex area. The discussion forms a solid foundation for informed debate about assisted dying. With contributors from a broad range of disciplines, this book is ideal for students, academics, legislators and anyone interested in legal, medical, social and philosophical ethics. A vital and timely examination of a growing phenomenon and one of the most challenging ethical questions of our time.
Medical law --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Belgium --- #SBIB:17H10 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M30 --- Ethiek en moraalfilosofie: algemeen. --- Medische sociologie: gezondheidsgedrag. --- Euthanasia --- Right to die --- Assisted suicide --- Law and legislation --- Law and legislation. --- Euthanasie --- Droit à la mort --- Aide au suicide --- Droit --- BPB9999 --- Ethiek en moraalfilosofie: algemeen --- Medische sociologie: gezondheidsgedrag --- euthanasie --- BPB1803 --- begeleide zelfmoord --- Suicide --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- Bioéthique --- Belgique --- 241.63*4 --- 241.63*4 Theologische ethiek: euthanasie --- Theologische ethiek: euthanasie --- Zelfmoord --- Vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- Bio-ethiek --- België --- Droit. --- 061 Ethische problemen --- apsisprendimo teisė --- právo na sebeurčení --- liria për vetëvendosje --- vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- itsemääräämisoikeus --- pravica do samoodločbe --- Recht auf Selbstbestimmung --- enesemääramisõigus --- sloboda samoodređenja --- önrendelkezési jog --- fri rådighed over egen person --- freedom of self-determination --- pašnoteikšanās tiesības --- свобода на самоопределение --- liberdade de autodeterminação --- prawo do śmierci --- libre disposición de la propia persona --- право на самоопредељење --- libertatea de autodeterminare --- awtodispożizzjoni libera --- libertà di disporre di se stessi --- слобода на самоопределување --- ελευθερία αυτοδιάθεσης --- sloboda sebaurčenia --- rätt till självbestämmande --- dignidade da pessoa --- recht op zelfdoding --- akt eutanázie --- Menschenwürde --- tiesības izdarīt pašnāvību --- Recht auf Freitod --- e drejtë për të kryer vetëvrasje --- dignidad de la persona --- rätt att begå självmord --- човеково достоинство --- waardigheid van de persoon --- ljudsko dostojanstvo --- människans värdighet --- dignità della persona --- demnitate umană --- emberi méltóság --- svoboda rozhodnout o sobě samém --- δικαίωμα αυτοκτονίας --- oikeus tehdä itsemurha --- ľudská dôstojnosť --- lidská důstojnost --- cilvēka cieņa --- droit au suicide --- inimväärikus --- diritto al suicidio --- pravo na samoubojstvo --- right to commit suicide --- právo na eutanáziu --- derecho al suicidio --- právo spáchať samovraždu --- ret til selvmord --- direito ao suicídio --- teisė nusižudyti --- human dignity --- liberdade de dispor de si mesmo --- dinjiteti njerëzor --- õigus enesetappu sooritada --- öngyilkosság elkövetéséhez való jog --- ihmisarvo --- αξιοπρέπεια του ανθρώπινου προσώπου --- individens värdighet --- dignité de la personne --- eitanāzijas tiesības --- žmogaus orumas --- eutanasi --- eutanázia --- eutanaasia --- euthanasia --- eutanazia --- ευθανασία --- eutanasia --- eutanazija --- еутаназија --- evtanazija --- eutanazie --- eutanazja --- eutanásia --- ewtanażja --- eutanasie --- евтаназия --- евтаназија --- eitanāzija --- e drejtë për eutanazi --- убиство од милосрдие --- droit à l'euthanasie --- rätt till dödshjälp --- ret til dødshjælp --- asistovaná sebevražda --- právo na milosrdnou smrt --- diritto all'eutanasia --- dödshjälp --- eutanáziához való jog --- убиство од благородни побуди --- milosrdná smrt --- dødshjælp --- direito à eutanásia --- derecho a la eutanasia --- aktív eutanázia --- kegyes halál --- dreptul la eutanasie --- recht op euthanasie --- tiesības uz eitanāziju --- teisė į eutanaziją --- õigus eutanaasiale --- kegyes halálhoz való jog --- δικαίωμα ευθανασίας --- oikeus eutanasiaan --- right to euthanasia --- pravo na eutanaziju --- Recht auf Euthanasie --- právo na eutanazii --- passzív eutanázia --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bio-ethiek --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- medische ethiek --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- sinucidere --- zelfmoord --- vetëvrasje --- itsemurha --- suicide --- pašnāvība --- öngyilkosság --- savižudybė --- suicidio --- Freitod --- samovražda --- samobójstwo --- enesetapp --- självmord --- suicídio --- selvmord --- самоубийство --- самоубиство --- αυτοκτονία --- samoubojstvo --- sebevražda --- samomor --- suwiċidju --- Suizid --- zelfdoding --- Selbstmord --- Selbsttötung --- suicida --- обид за самоубиство --- одземање живот --- Bioética --- Derecho de los pacientes --- Eutanasia --- Death, Right to --- Death with dignity --- Natural death (Right to die) --- Death --- Life and death, Power over --- Advance directives (Medical care) --- Do-not-resuscitate orders --- Assisted death (Euthanasia) --- Assisted dying (Euthanasia) --- Death, Assisted (Euthanasia) --- Death, Mercy --- Dying, Assisted (Euthanasia) --- Killing, Mercy --- Mercy death --- Mercy killing --- Homicide --- Medical ethics --- Assisted death (Assisted suicide) --- Assisted dying (Assisted suicide) --- Death, Assisted (Assisted suicide) --- Doctor-assisted suicide --- Dying, Assisted (Assisted suicide) --- Patient-directed death --- Patient-directed dying --- Physician-assisted suicide --- Medical laws and legislation --- saoirse féinchinntiúcháin --- eotanáis --- bitheitic --- féinmharú --- Bioéthique --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- Droit médical
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Professor en dokter Wim Distelmans staat vooral bekend om zijn inzet voor de euthanasiewet uit 2002. Een verenging die hem geen recht aandoet. Want Distelmans is ook een voorvechter voor een volwaardige palliatieve zorg. En vanuit zijn humanisme is hij vooral ook een wijs man. Die wijsheid heeft hij onder meer verworven door om te gaan met zoveel mensen die willen sterven omdat ze ondraaglijk lijden en met mensen die naar hun einde gaan maar daarbij geen pijn willen lijden. Uit die zovele gesprekken en ervaringen heeft Distelmans een unieke visie gekregen op leven en dood. Over hoe verschillende mensen hun sterven tegemoet zien, over welk beeld mensen hebben over de dood, over hoe wreed het lot kan zijn, maar vooral over hoe grààg mensen leven en hoe kostbaar het leven is.(
Dood --- BPB9999 --- filosofie --- sterven en dood --- 612.67 --- BPB1805 --- Euthanasie --- Belgique --- Philosophie --- Libre disposition de soi-même --- België --- Filosofie --- Vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- Sociology of health --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Philosophical anthropology --- Stervensbegeleiding --- Sterven --- apsisprendimo teisė --- právo na sebeurčení --- liria për vetëvendosje --- vrijheid van zelfbeschikking --- itsemääräämisoikeus --- pravica do samoodločbe --- Recht auf Selbstbestimmung --- enesemääramisõigus --- sloboda samoodređenja --- önrendelkezési jog --- fri rådighed over egen person --- freedom of self-determination --- pašnoteikšanās tiesības --- свобода на самоопределение --- liberdade de autodeterminação --- prawo do śmierci --- libre disposición de la propia persona --- право на самоопредељење --- libertatea de autodeterminare --- awtodispożizzjoni libera --- libertà di disporre di se stessi --- слобода на самоопределување --- ελευθερία αυτοδιάθεσης --- sloboda sebaurčenia --- rätt till självbestämmande --- dignidade da pessoa --- recht op zelfdoding --- akt eutanázie --- Menschenwürde --- tiesības izdarīt pašnāvību --- Recht auf Freitod --- e drejtë për të kryer vetëvrasje --- dignidad de la persona --- rätt att begå självmord --- човеково достоинство --- waardigheid van de persoon --- ljudsko dostojanstvo --- människans värdighet --- dignità della persona --- demnitate umană --- emberi méltóság --- svoboda rozhodnout o sobě samém --- δικαίωμα αυτοκτονίας --- oikeus tehdä itsemurha --- ľudská dôstojnosť --- lidská důstojnost --- cilvēka cieņa --- droit au suicide --- inimväärikus --- diritto al suicidio --- pravo na samoubojstvo --- right to commit suicide --- právo na eutanáziu --- derecho al suicidio --- právo spáchať samovraždu --- ret til selvmord --- direito ao suicídio --- teisė nusižudyti --- human dignity --- liberdade de dispor de si mesmo --- dinjiteti njerëzor --- õigus enesetappu sooritada --- öngyilkosság elkövetéséhez való jog --- ihmisarvo --- αξιοπρέπεια του ανθρώπινου προσώπου --- individens värdighet --- dignité de la personne --- eitanāzijas tiesības --- žmogaus orumas --- filosofija --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- filozófia --- философия --- filosofi --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- eutanasi --- eutanázia --- eutanaasia --- euthanasia --- eutanazia --- ευθανασία --- eutanasia --- eutanazija --- еутаназија --- evtanazija --- euthanasie --- eutanazie --- eutanazja --- eutanásia --- ewtanażja --- eutanasie --- евтаназия --- евтаназија --- eitanāzija --- e drejtë për eutanazi --- убиство од милосрдие --- droit à l'euthanasie --- rätt till dödshjälp --- ret til dødshjælp --- asistovaná sebevražda --- právo na milosrdnou smrt --- diritto all'eutanasia --- dödshjälp --- eutanáziához való jog --- убиство од благородни побуди --- milosrdná smrt --- dødshjælp --- direito à eutanásia --- derecho a la eutanasia --- aktív eutanázia --- kegyes halál --- dreptul la eutanasie --- recht op euthanasie --- tiesības uz eitanāziju --- teisė į eutanaziją --- õigus eutanaasiale --- kegyes halálhoz való jog --- δικαίωμα ευθανασίας --- oikeus eutanasiaan --- right to euthanasia --- pravo na eutanaziju --- Recht auf Euthanasie --- právo na eutanazii --- passzív eutanázia --- PXL-Healthcare 2020 --- ethiek --- palliatieve zorgen --- stervensbegeleiding --- levenscyclus --- dood --- levenskunst --- Oudheid --- China --- Kunst --- Romeinse Rijk --- Hellenisme --- Griekenland --- Hellas --- Autisme --- Cultuur --- Kind --- Samenleving --- Technologie --- Wetenschap --- Historische kritiek --- Film --- Literatuur --- Muziek --- Schilderkunst --- Tekenkunst --- Maatschappij --- Vlaanderen --- Vlaams --- Emigratie --- Vrouw --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- saoirse féinchinntiúcháin --- fealsúnacht --- eotanáis --- 110 --- wijsbegeerte overige werken --- philosophie autres ouvrages --- Libre disposition de soi-même
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