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Collocation (Linguistique). --- Collocation (linguistique). --- Linguistique appliquée. --- Mots et locutions. --- Phraséologie.
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Die Produktion zielsprachenkonformer Kollokationen stellt auch fuer fortgeschrittene Lerner des Englischen ein grosses Problem dar. Wie koennen Lerner dahingehend gefoerdert werden, das Phaenomen Kollokation zunehmend selbststaendig zu beherrschen? In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz zum Erwerb von Kollokationskompetenz vorgestellt, der nicht auf den sukzessiven Erwerb von Einzel-Kollokationen zielt, sondern auf die Entwicklung eines Bewusstseins (awareness) fuer die Problematik von Kollokationen, auf die Entwicklung von Strategien zur Loesung von Kollokationsproblemen und insgesamt auf eine veraenderte Sprachlern- und Sprachproduktionshaltung. Eine entsprechende, vom Autor konzipierte Lehrintervention zum Erwerb von Kollokationskompetenz und die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Ueberpruefung ihrer Effekte unter realistischen Unterrichtsbedingungen werden ausfuehrlich dargestellt.
Anglais (langue) --- Collocation (linguistique) --- Conscience linguistique --- Étude et enseignement --- Allophones
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Les relations entre la signification de la phrase et l'intention du locuteur sont ici interrogées. Les stéréotypes linguistiques sont présentés comme vecteurs de l'action illocutoire et perlocutoire, permettant d'identifier la valeur des actes de langage indirects.
Speech acts (Linguistics) --- Collocation (Linguistics) --- Actes de parole --- Collocation (Linguistique) --- Actes de langage --- Intentionnalité (philosophie) --- Pragmatics --- Actes de langage.
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Collocations are combinations of words which frequently appear together. This book contains explanations and practice of English collocations for advanced-level (C1 to C2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Learn collocations in context, with lots of different topics, including 'Writing essays, assignments and reports'. Be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how English is really spoken and written, and get better at studying by yourself, with study tips and follow-up activities. This book is also perfect for preparing for Cambridge exams and IELTS, which often test knowledge of collocations.
Collocation (linguistique) --- Anglais (langue) --- Anglicismes (idiotismes) --- Mots et locutions --- Manuels pour allophones --- Manuels pour allophones. --- Collocation (Linguistics) --- English language
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This volume, which has textbook character, is intended to provide an in-depth introduction to different theoretical and methodological research frameworks concerned with the role of item-specific grammatical and lexical behaviour.
Grammar --- Analyse linguistique. --- Collocation (Linguistics). --- Collocation (linguistique). --- Construction grammar. --- Grammaire de construction. --- Grammaticality (Linguistics). --- Grammaticalité. --- Linguistic analysis (Linguistics). --- Grammaire de construction --- Collocation (Linguistique) --- Grammaticalité --- Analyse linguistique (Linguistique) --- #KVHA:Taalkunde --- #KVHA:Constructiegrammatica --- #KVHA:Collocaties --- Collocation (Linguistics) --- Grammaticality (Linguistics) --- Linguistic analysis (Linguistics) --- Analysis, Linguistic (Linguistics) --- Analysis (Philosophy) --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Grammaticalness (Linguistics) --- Acceptability (Linguistics) --- Linguistics --- Semantics --- Semantic prosody --- Collocation. --- Constructions. --- Patterns.
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The Oxford Collocations Dictionary shows which words work together. It helps students express their ideas naturally and convincingly and is particularly useful for academic and report writing.
Collocation (Linguistics) --- English language --- Collocation (Linguistique) --- Anglais (Langue) --- Dictionaries --- Idioms --- Dictionaries. --- Dictionnaires --- Idiotismes --- Engelse taal --- collocaties --- woordenboeken --- idioom --- uitdrukkingen --- -English language --- -423.1 --- Aa3 --- Germanic languages --- Semantics --- Semantic prosody --- -Dictionaries --- #KVHA:Verbindingswoorden. Woordenboeken. Engels --- #KVHA:Taalzuivering. Woordenboeken. Engels --- #KVHA:Woordgroepen. Woordenboeken. Engels --- 802.0 <03> --- Engels. Engelse taalkunde--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- Contains audio-visual material --- 802.0 <03> Engels. Engelse taalkunde--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- woordenboeken. --- Anglicismes (idiotismes) --- Anglais (langue) --- Collocation (linguistique) --- Dictionnaires. --- Contexte (linguistique) --- Lexicology. Semantics --- collocatie --- Engels --- Collocaties --- Woordenboeken. --- Idioom --- Uitdrukkingen --- Collocation (Linguistics) - Dictionaries --- English language - Idioms - Dictionaries
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Des de la primera publicació, el 1593, la bellesa dels versos del poeta valencià Ausiàs March ha representat un repte per als lectors. En aquest estudi hem dut a terme una anàlisi del llenguatge del poeta mitjançant una metodologia innovadora pel que fa a la literatura: l'anàlisi de les combinacions de paraules -col·locacions- amb l'ajuda de les TIC. A partir d'un corpus marcat estructuralment, morfosintàcticament i lematitzat, hem fet una extracció automàtica de les col·locacions de l'obra de March amb l'ajuda d'un motor de cerca optimitzat per a treballar en català antic. Així, tenint en compte les combinacions de categories més freqüents en aquesta llengua, hem obtingut llistats complets de col·locacions -en sentit ampli, com les definia Sinclair en els seus primers treballs-. Posteriorment, hem fet servir un corpus de control per a contextualitzar-les i descriure'n l'ús, cosa que ens ha permés determinar si les combinacions freqüents detectades pertanyien específicament a l'autor -eren part del seu estil-, o a la llengua general de la seua època -com a part de la fraseologia. El nostre estudi ens ha permés constatar les dificultats de l'estudi de la fraseologia en la llengua antiga, així com la productivitat de l'anàlisi col·locacional del llenguatge d'un autor. Since their first publication in 1593, the complexity and beauty of the verses by Valencian poet Ausiàs March have constituted a challenge for his readers. In this study we present an analysis of the poet's language using an innovative methodology in the field of literary studies: the analysis of word combinations - collocations - with the support of ICT. Based on a structurally/morphosyntactically-tagged, lemmatized corpus, we carried out an automatic extraction of the collocations in March's work by means of a search engine optimized to work with the Old Catalan language. Thus, on the basis of the more frequent characteristic patterns of this language, we were able to obtain complete lists of collocations - in a broad sense, as defined by Sinclair in his first research studies. Subsequently, we used a control corpus in order to contextualize them and describe their usage, which allowed us to establish whether the frequent combinations found belong specifically to the author - as an intrinsic part of his style -, or to the general linguistic usage of his age - as part of established Old Catalan phraseology. Our research showed us the difficulties of studying the phraseology of old languages, as well as the productivity of the collocational analysis of an author's language.
Collocation (Linguistics) --- Collocation (Linguistique) --- March, Ausiàs, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- March, Ausiàs, --- Criticism and interpretation --- Languages & Literatures --- Romance Languages --- Collocation (Linguistics). --- March, Auzias, --- Marc, Ausiàs, --- Semantics --- Semantic prosody --- March, Ausiàs, - 1397?-1459 - Criticism and interpretation --- Catalan Literature, Poetry of the Middle Ages. --- Corpus Linguistics. --- Phraseology. --- March, Ausiàs, - 1397?-1459
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Indo-European languages --- Collocation (Linguistics) --- Langues indo-européennes --- Collocation (Linguistique) --- Syntax. --- Syntaxe --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Apposition --- Syntax --- Apposition. --- Collocation (Linguistics). --- Langues indo-européennes --- Semantics --- Semantic prosody --- Grammar, Comparative and general - Apposition --- Indo-European languages - Apposition --- Indo-European languages - Syntax
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French language --- Lexicography --- Semantics --- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Semantics. --- Collocation (Linguistics) --- Lexicology. --- Word formation --- Communication (langue française) Communicatie (Franse taal) --- Vocabulaire (français) Woordenschat (Frans) --- Lexiques linguistiques Taalkundige lexica --- 801.3 =40 --- 804.0-3 --- Lexicografie. Woordenboeken--Frans --- Frans: lexicografie --- 804.0-3 Frans: lexicografie --- 801.3 =40 Lexicografie. Woordenboeken--Frans --- Collocation (Linguistics). --- Formal semantics --- Semasiology --- Semiology (Semantics) --- Comparative linguistics --- Information theory --- Language and languages --- Lexicology --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Langue d'oïl --- Romance languages --- Semantic prosody --- Franse taalkunde --- Français (Langue) --- Sémantique --- Collocation (Linguistique) --- Dictionaries. --- Lexicologie --- Formation des mots --- Dictionnaires
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